Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Woah. I don't know whether to hope or to not hope that it gives credit to my hypothesis.

Sorry to hear that you got dragged in to this kind of situation just by doing your job. Mustn't be a nice feeling *hugs*

I'm guessing they were checking to see if he bought anything she could have been druged with.:eek:
Are you thinking St Hilda's? Sometimes it isn't the denomination that's important, but the quality of education. I was sent to a Presbyterian Methodist school when my mother was Anglican and father catholic turned athiest! Not that it's here nor there in relation to this issue. The idea is lovely and goes beyond this terrible tragedy to create alternative options for families in similar situations (if of course it is deemed that dv was a precursor) and attempt to prevent further dv tragedies occurring. If anything positive has come from this (for me anyway) is how much people do empathize and band together in an effort to make you feel that you are NEVER ALONE and that there is always help at hand. The hard part in making this work is breaking down the pride that limits ones ability to ask for help. I can relate strongly to that.
I've felt very close to this case knowing both Gerard and Allison for a brief time in my life when i was quite young (22) and find it SO difficult to comprehend the many insinuations and speculations. I don't mean to disrespect what many consider to be intuition or interpretations of body language and the actions of particular people relating to this case, as these special skills that some have can be spot on. However I also feel that i have sufficient wisdom (for my age and experience) to not presume anything and to rely upon the facts and evidence. I understand this forum is to throw around ideas and use one another as sounding boards and I have remained quiet since thread #2 to get a good feel for those here and find that most of you having a difficult time dealing with your own personal feelings and the VERY LIMITED facts available. I am too! But you are all very empathetic, intelligent people and if anything, this is a therapeutic way to deal with our frustrations! I know my partner is about to bring up the subject of my obsession ( he'd prefer it was him, as do i!). However he does understand my connection hence my intense interest. I hope we have some answers soon. Some thought i was part of the GBC defence team initially but as much as it sounded i was defending him i was only relating my personal experiences and my inherent dedication to a sometimes questionable judicial process (it's all we have and its better than in most countries). My respect goes out to all and most of all to a sweet girl I knew called Allison who never deserved any of this.

Mimi2456 - do you happen to work at the Century 21 Westside office?
from the Australian, as linked above by Amee...

'Detectives believe one of the Baden-Clays' cars was taken from their Brookfield home on the night of her disappearance'

And somehow the vehicle ended up back at the house..hmmm.. I have thought when I heard this all along..well they must not think she drove it home, as she was not there. Then again, I guess she could have and then something happened to her afterwards.
That's understandable re: flight centre and travel etc. Youre right.

Re: Pathways, that is still a career tho - maybe not as demanding as FC, but still.. It involved all day conferences...and she had been involved for at least 2 years. It's not a recent job. Seems to suggest she didn't stay home for the littlest one? The media have portrayed this stay at home school mum image - and it doesn't seem right. Just wondering what else is distorted if u look into it type thing. It's hard to see facts when we are given misleading info, which we are all using to profile these ppl albeit in an amateur way lol

Just editing for Karo - this program involves going to different schools, I dont think the conference was specifically involving one child

I don't know their routine but I don't know of anything pointing to her not staying home for the littlest one. She may have worked school hours as well as part-time, as many Mums with young children do. Nevertheless I don't see this as a big issue, and I don't think that its hard to see facts because of the way it's being reported. Whether Allison is a full or part-time Mum and whether that makes her a somehow better or worse Mum is not crucial. And whether Allison was perect or not is certainly not going to change anything in relation to my perception of the murderer.
Lol, poor Willough

Giving you a little cyber head-pat

Don't worry. The vast majority out there and here in this forum understand how you're feeling and what you've written. That's why there's such interest in this case - the very 'unusual' behaviours of the husband and his extended family, particularly when compared to the genuine worry and sense of urgency displayed by Allison's family and friends (which, to my mind, is the 'normal' [favoured word of the in-laws, it seems] reaction and behaviour of those who've lost a loved one and are desperate for that person to be found safe and well)

AS long as it isn't A SNEAKY 'LOVE TAP' gift instead laserdisc lol
Jumped, dumped, shwished away or rolled down from from previous resting place?

The kiss is key.

Keeping options open at this point, thanks

Nothing's simple when you have only a handful of possibly misreported data with which to work
yes I get that.. And you are right with the kids..I thought maybe the family was trying to keep it 'normal' as possible for the kids, and not alarm them too much that mummy was missing..I am just coming up with some alternative trains of thought. I know what you are saying you and most think they would do and thats totally understandable. I just wondered if he was told to stay completely away from any searching (and perhaps the kids were sheltered from what was actually going on out there) and maybe if Police have told him that and in anyway that was going to affect the case, it might be near impossible to stop yourself from getting out there too, I know, but..

You might have missed it but we've discussed a number of times that it was being said that GBC was not allowed to do any searching, and Detective Ainsworth was asked on camera by a reporter something like "Why is GBC not allowed to be part of the search" or something along those lines, and Detective Ainsworth shook his head and responded "That's news to me". I saw the report myself, as did others, not sure if it's on one of the links. So that excuse is right out the window.
Soooo just wondering, is there anything that one could purchase at a pharmacy - over the counter - that could be used to overdose someone. Obviously there's paracetamol, but that takes days, something quicker? I have NFI if this is possible? But I'm just speculating along with other theories...

Nah he would have bought 5 masks so poor Allison couldn't recognise them doing her in JMO
I don't know their routine but I don't know of anything pointing to her not staying home for the littlest one. She may have worked school hours as well as part-time, as many Mums with young children do. Nevertheless I don't see this as a big issue, and I don't think that its hard to see facts because of the way it's being reported. Whether Allison is a full or part-time Mum and whether that makes her a somehow better or worse Mum is not crucial. And whether Allison was perect or not is certainly not going to change anything in relation to my perception of the murderer.

I do agree.. The fact is she was still murdered(as it seems- suicide- doubt very much as do the police). Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however I'm not sure that its relevant is it whether the media portray as full time stay at home mum or part time or whatever. Does it have a bearing on whether she was murdered or not? I am not sure. I guess if there was something relevant in her life that she was engaged in then yes it might point to some clue as to why and who did this. But if we are just discussing the technicalities of career v's Job, Classing what is stay at home mum or not..I'm not so sure.
You might have missed it but we've discussed a number of times that it was being said that GBC was not allowed to do any searching, and Detective Ainsworth was asked on camera by a reporter something like "Why is GBC not allowed to be part of the search" or something along those lines, and Detective Ainsworth shook his head and responded "That's news to me". I saw the report myself, as did others, not sure if it's on one of the links. So that excuse is right out the window.

That is a recorded FACT.
Known one is allowed to assist in a search if the same DNA.
Have to lawyer up because some police get things very, very wrong....or just are careless and time constraints.

What do you mean 'if the same DNA'? The same DNA as who? Anyway, as i mentioned in an ealrier post Detective Ainsworth indicated in an interview that GBC hadn't been asked not to participate in the search.
Or maybe he was right when he said he saw her for the last time watching the footy show and went to bed. Allison fell asleep ( maybe drugged or poisoned) and someone else came and picked her up and killed and/ or disposed of her body. So when he did not see her again in the morning he could say 'she must have gone for a walk, she was there last night when I went to bed and not here this morning, she always goes for a walk in the morning'. Only my speculation of course.

Nah Rational, with respect I cannot 'fit' in the timeline the loud argument reported at 10pm...(and she was screaming at HOME I heard, not in the bush....that was a teenage party).

Neighbour has been interviewed 3 times by police over that was loud.
'Detectives believe one of the Baden-Clays' cars was taken from their Brookfield home on the night of her disappearance'

It was said somewhere along in this thread or previous a neighbour reported seing one of the family cars in the driveway with all the doors open on that thursday night or friday morning. i cannot remember.

If the car was used to dispose of her body, cant forensics study the cars tyres and test the wheels to see if its the same soil or ground around the area of where she was found?
AS long as it isn't A SNEAKY 'LOVE TAP' gift instead laserdisc lol definitely take a head pat, over a love tap gift. She can keep the latter.......(rubbing my own head)
You might have missed it but we've discussed a number of times that it was being said that GBC was not allowed to do any searching, and Detective Ainsworth was asked on camera by a reporter something like "Why is GBC not allowed to be part of the search" or something along those lines, and Detective Ainsworth shook his head and responded "That's news to me". I saw the report myself, as did others, not sure if it's on one of the links. So that excuse is right out the window.

I didn't miss it. I was referring to the search. I believe when detective ainsworth was questioned about GBC being told to keep away it was in reference to him keeping away from the command post. D. Ainsworth said 'its news to me'. So yes he was not told to keep away from the command post- and I said that. What I was saying was he may have been told and I would think it likely that he was not allowed to participate in the official search. Not that he was not allowed at the command post- 2 different things. I was trying to point out.
You might have missed it but we've discussed a number of times that it was being said that GBC was not allowed to do any searching, and Detective Ainsworth was asked on camera by a reporter something like "Why is GBC not allowed to be part of the search" or something along those lines, and Detective Ainsworth shook his head and responded "That's news to me". I saw the report myself, as did others, not sure if it's on one of the links. So that excuse is right out the window.

GBC was more interested in someone else. Perhaps himself?
'Detectives believe one of the Baden-Clays' cars was taken from their Brookfield home on the night of her disappearance'

It was said somewhere along in this thread or previous a neighbour reported seing one of the family cars in the driveway with all the doors open on that thursday night or friday morning. i cannot remember.

If the car was used to dispose of her body, cant forensics study the cars tyres and test the wheels to see if its the same soil or ground around the area of where she was found?

The police did impound the cars for testing and they were later released.
What do you mean 'if the same DNA'? The same DNA as who? Anyway, as i mentioned in an ealrier post Detective Ainsworth indicated in an interview that GBC hadn't been asked not to participate in the search.

I will try to find the quote/link. But he said 'its news to me' in regards to BC saying he was told(or his sister saying) he was told to stay away from the command post.

I can't find it off hand, sorry.

I had a thought though, I wonder if there is a possibility of a Police officer- less senior has told him to stay clear and D. Ainsworth was unaware of that.. so yes 'its news to me'.. (I am not defending the actions of not being there I am just looking for possibilities.)
We are all holding our breath for the results of the toxicology and forensic tests that have been done and due around now-ish. But can't you just imagine that these are going to be an even more closely guarded secret than the snippets of information we have already had. There is no mandate that the public must know the results and I have a feeling we are going to be sorely dissappointed by the information we actually receive. Gosh we can't be sure of time of death it varis within a 12 hour time frame. We know she got back from the hairdressers after 8pm and was reported missing at 7am???? What happened between 11 and 4:30 am ?????

I wanted to see what angles the police would be looking through and the way they would approach the crime and the site below is very novice but gives us some insight about committing a crime and what gives a guilty person away in a crime scene. Apparently the body and the murder weapon are the top pieces of evidence in revealing the perperator as well as how the victim was killed, (if ABC was strangled the hand prints left on the body will match the offender) the site where the murder was committed and then the transport of the body to the dump site- and apparently it is very hard to be clever enough to cover the forensic the evidence trail. (

It is not the most amazingly informative site - but I wanted to know how the police would do after receiving the forensic info.
I don't know their routine but I don't know of anything pointing to her not staying home for the littlest one. She may have worked school hours as well as part-time, as many Mums with young children do. Nevertheless I don't see this as a big issue, and I don't think that its hard to see facts because of the way it's being reported. Whether Allison is a full or part-time Mum and whether that makes her a somehow better or worse Mum is not crucial. And whether Allison was perect or not is certainly not going to change anything in relation to my perception of the murderer.

One of the articles about Allison said she cared so much for her children that she gave up work and then they said she worked outside school hours as a ballet teacher. This didn't quite add up. Unless she only taught her daughters' classes. Otherwise she'd be better off working inside school hours.
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