Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #9

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Yeah, I don't go for the whole 'child *advertiser censored*' side of it either. Bit out there. I don't go for the theory that she may have been pregnant either... but you never know. Even the part about her having a lover... not sure, but if she did I hope he was nice.

I will also say that I haven't based my opinion solely on one interview I saw him give, nor have I got over excited about what people are posting and decided to go that way. I have given it alot of thought, and the reason I have my opinion is based on what I think is more plausible. I think most of us on here have done the same. A few have had out there theories, but who knows... in the end it could be something way out there.

I forget who it was now, but to the poster who said we base our opinions on how guilty he looks in the video... well, really it's not the only thing we have to make those assumptions, is it?
its not even a hit and run theory its a hit, run, go home, tell friend or partner, go back, pick up body drive 15ks out of way while drunk or maybe on way to work and dump body..... but maybe crash tackled on side of road by stalker ......

and fool useless cops who are too stupid and arrogant not to jump out of their chairs and act upon said theory

Smilies not working but Rolf Rolf Rolf!!!
Limaes- I agree, I think he was trying to 'keep low' so nobody would notice the advertising on the back of the Prado- I suppose some people struggle to think logically after they have caused the death of another human being and are in a rush to 'get rid of the evidence. It would have brought more attention for sure. Can't think of a reason for towing-but I am more Inspector Clouseau than Sherlock Holmes! But yeah, Dumbarse is a word that comes to mind....
its not even a hit and run theory its a hit, run, go home, tell friend or partner, go back, pick up body drive 15ks out of way while drunk or maybe on way to work and dump body ..... but maybe crash tackled on side of road by stalker ......

and fool useless cops who are too stupid and arrogant not to jump out of their chairs and act upon said theory


You are losing your touch hon.....What happened to you Mr Detective?...You forgot, that throw the phone out of the car, whilst still on part.

Transporting body in blue car to avoid leaving evidence in white car

OK well if we run with that... why would you take both cars? why drive together in the most suss way possible?

(not picking on you, just trying to run each scenario thru til it breaks) :)

And also why would you want evidence in either car? If it's normal hair, clothing fibres etc, well it would be natural to find them in one of the BC cars. Why put in another where they wouldn't make sense?
Or if we're talking other body fluids, what would it take for someone to convince you to get a murder victim's blood etc in your car?
wouldn't you just try to waterproof everything anyway?
Morph, I believe you wanted to discuss Allison's association with Pathways. None of us will ever know why Allison chose to become involved with this program, suffice to say, anyone who with pure intentions would become involved because of a genuine concern for the welfare of young people. Not surprising as by all accounts, ABC was a devoted, loving mum.
without wanting to be too "emotional" here, perhaps the fact that Allison suffered from depression inspired her to become involved. Maybe she wanted to develop skills, not only to help others, but also her own children as well as herself. Her heart was for helping others over and above "real estate". IMO

Nice post. I think we all know probably one or two Allison's' in our own life or have come across one or two of them (they are quite rare in this day and age IMO).
This constant talk of depression really bugs me though!
I seriously doubt she suffered from depression, but if it is the case I am sure a mild case of it and no more than millions others in this country (incl me from time to time!!)
Does anyone have any sort of factual info on this apart from dik nose's initial comments about it to try and deviate attention away from himself????
If this was the killer and accomplice, then they're not criminally sophisticated because they got noticed and their actions stood out. Imo the car was following close behind thinking he wouldn't get noticed. Why?...because he is a dumbarse.

Allison was smarter than both of them in life and in death. For they thought they got rid of her for good. But she came back didn't she? Would love to have seen the look on her killer's face when told "we've got Allison". They must have turned a whiter shade of pale :)

OK but why take 2 cars out in the first place?
Well, the amount of info that is being passed from the QPS, to the Media, to the general public, is very little and is subsequently, driving us crazy! But, I do trust and understand that the QPS are doing an amazing job, and that they have much more evidence than we are aware of. I also believe that the slow release or absolute non-release of that info, is crucial to an arrest and justice for Allison, once a trial goes ahead.

I just hope and pray that the Dickies are being updated and kept informed - as much as possible. Imagine how they must be feeling - the not knowing and the waiting to hear who murdered their daughter, what happened and why! This period is so difficult for us, but I simply can't imagine how hard it would be for her family and close friends - it would be excruciating!

BTW, Keyboredom - you can add that Allison was having an affair to the "heresay" list. I have mentioned it a couple of times on this forum and heard it from a source within a couple of days of her missing. I have been back and forth with my personal thoughts on this issue, but can't ignore it, considering the source that it has initially come from ...... IMO.
There seems to be an attempt to create 'doubt' i.e. Allison was having an affair, maybe her lover killed her, she went for a walk at 10pm at night, she was depressed, she didn't like housework, etc. All unsubstantiated rumor.
Transporting body in blue car to avoid leaving evidence in white car

This makes sense to me. I keep wondering why the two cars were returning so late. If the screams happened at somewhere before 10pm...did it take that long to work out what to do with the body? Did it take that long to get some help after the intial panic? Did someone (blue car) have to come and take charge and lead the activities through the night? I SO want to know who owns the blue car.
ott...i must be one of those sensitive souls Morph is talking about. I took exception to the put down that we were all not objective (subjective?) enough to be detectives (even though i felt stupid feeling that defensive). The 3 that I know (2 in Sydney, 1 in Perth) are sensitive, compassionate people with excellent people skills and patience! They would, I'm certain, listen with interest to many of our theories even though their brain power and logic is awesome!
As a member of the have got to be joking!!!!!! A lot of poor parents were scared to death and didn't know what they were dealing with. No identikit for a long time...........A VERY LONG TIME....& THAT'S A FACT!!!![/QUOTE

I was still a Police Officer when Daniel went missing. The initial investigation was a bit of a mess. The parents made an official complaint. They were practically ignored and told to come back the next day.:moo:
Just the usual ones about when she was last seen and such. It was also said in that vid her phone was tracked to within a 4km area...not the 150m that has been widely reported.

There was a later statement that they had narrowed it down to 150m from the house and the day her body was found, teams of SES and QPS went back to the house and search the yard and also the neighbours' yards again. I saw it on the news on TV, with footage of search of yards.
To make amends for being drawn into cynical mode, I'd like to post something more relevant.

I've spoken to a couple of people who were directly interviewed by police, and a handful I know well who also know people personally who were interviewed in more depth (due to their proximity to locations of interest).

Based on what all of these people have said (bar none) I suggest QPS has plenty of evidence. Only a couple mentioned police let some information out in order to progress the interview, but everything I heard was consistent.

- HEAPS of evidence (strong and unrefutable)
- Two key suspects.
- (Probably) know murder location (not clearly explained).
- (Definitely) know location of 'disposal' (clearly explained).
- The nature of the crime was known from hour one on day one.
- Many aspects of interest in family/business.

All this info was quoted well before any of the recent info on vehicles and their location.

All above speculation based on verbal from people who have been connected to the case in one way or another. I try not to make stuff up, and trust the sources are reasonable/sensible. (I have excluded a bunch of stuff that seems far less reliable, even though way more sensational).

I think QPS is controlling the media drip-feeding of just enough uncertainty to keep the suspects uncomfortable. All comments from Hawkins and the SKMA "love tap" reference are consistent with the local versions.

No idea how long till arrests. Obviously they want more than they have. But this doesn't mean they don't have a lot.
As a member of the have got to be joking!!!!!! A lot of poor parents were scared to death and didn't know what they were dealing with. No identikit for a long time...........A VERY LONG TIME....& THAT'S A FACT!!!!

Some things can not be rushed. Some crimes are harder to solve. I don't like the fact that you are downing the police force.
You seem to have definate ideas about what happened, have you contacted the police with your concerns?
Im still trying to get my head around the two things.... a) hand was missing and b) hit and run.

Surely if either of the two were the case, the police wouldnt have come out indicated that Allison's body didnt have visible signs of "foul play"

Too me, these would indicate definite foul play....With both showing serious obvious injury.

Sorry. I have been following this since the first thread and read everything. The police haven't said there were visible signs of "foul play" (but, I have to ask, where don't they say that? Have they said that?). But have they said there weren't visible signs of "foul play". What I mean is: given the body was possibly in a state of significant decay, perhaps a (for example) missing hand wouldn't initially be considered evidence of foul play. Depends on the decomposition of the body.

So I suppose I'm asking: where do the QP say there's no evidence of foul play?

I am really struggling to understand why you are being so harsh re QPS. What info do you have to suggest that they are not working flat out to make an arrest and bring some sort of closure to those affected by Allison's death? If you are going to put them down, at least support your judgement. Do you really think they are sitting round drinking coffee, and chatting about the weather, with just one day spent at the roundabout?
spot on strangeworld. this is just a <modsnip> talking. hope they never need the police in their lives. Everybody hates the police until you NEED one..
its nonsense talk. its not even an opinion.
People have to understand that this is not Law & Order where they crack a case in an hour! They only get one shot at putting the <modsnip>away and they will make dam sure they cross their i's and dot their t's before making any arrests!
Besides they would never make an arrest before receiving the COD
This makes sense to me. I keep wondering why the two cars were returning so late. If the screams happened at somewhere before 10pm...did it take that long to work out what to do with the body? Did it take that long to get some help after the intial panic? Did someone (blue car) have to come and take charge and lead the activities through the night? I SO want to know who owns the blue car.
ott...i must be one of those sensitive souls Morph is talking about. I took exception to the put down that we were all not objective (subjective?) enough to be detectives (even though i felt stuid feeling that defensive). The 3 that I know (2 in Sydney, 1 in Perth) are sensitive, compassionate people with excellent people skills and patience! They would, I'm certain, listen with interest to many of our theories even though their brain power and logic is awesome!

To me, the only car that has any form of blue in it and would be considered a smaller 4wd is the car that crashed into the pylon. I wondered if perhap it had scratches to the front of it (from bush when dumping Allison), so he crashed it well and good, so thy wouldnt be noticed. Just one flaw with that is that the car was forensically checked at the scene (so I read here somewhere - which means surely the back was checked). Also, I doubt he would have been silly to even consider bringing that car to his 'police station interview', if that was the very car involved in the dumping of Allison.
This makes sense to me. I keep wondering why the two cars were returning so late. If the screams happened at somewhere before 10pm...did it take that long to work out what to do with the body? Did it take that long to get some help after the intial panic? Did someone (blue car) have to come and take charge and lead the activities through the night? I SO want to know who owns the blue car.
ott...i must be one of those sensitive souls Morph is talking about. I took exception to the put down that we were all not objective (subjective?) enough to be detectives (even though i felt stupid feeling that defensive). The 3 that I know (2 in Sydney, 1 in Perth) are sensitive, compassionate people with excellent people skills and patience! They would, I'm certain, listen with interest to many of our theories even though their brain power and logic is awesome!

I don't pay any attention to Morph. Last night i asked him/her about his/her theory and conveniently avoided my question.

I have no doubt that each detective is putting their utmost to solve, not only this case, but others. It is, after all, a good mark for their individual records. It is an achievement to see the right person convicted for each crime.
To make amends for being drawn into cynical mode, I'd like to post something more relevant.

I've spoken to a couple of people who were directly interviewed by police, and a handful I know well who also know people personally who were interviewed in more depth (due to their proximity to locations of interest).

Based on what all of these people have said (bar none) I suggest QPS has plenty of evidence. Only a couple mentioned police let some information out in order to progress the interview, but everything I heard was consistent.

- HEAPS of evidence (strong and unrefutable)
- Two key suspects.
- (Probably) know murder location (not clearly explained).
- (Definitely) know location of 'disposal' (clearly explained).
- The nature of the crime was known from hour one on day one.
- Many aspects of interest in family/business.

All this info was quoted well before any of the recent info on vehicles and their location.

All above speculation based on verbal from people who have been connected to the case in one way or another. I try not to make stuff up, and trust the sources are reasonable/sensible.

I think QPS is controlling the media drip-feeding of just enough uncertainty to keep the suspects uncomfortable. All comments from Hawkins and the SKMA "love tap" reference are consistent with the local versions.

No idea how long till arrests. Obviously they want more than they have. But this doesn't mean they don't have a lot.
But I don't even know what a love tap is!!!!!!!
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