Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #9

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You guys are getting way off topic in here. Discuss the case please.

Here's your chat room: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

We don't create chat rooms for groups of members very often. Please use it cuz you guys are special. :D
Late 30's, married, young children.

Sounds like me Shelbs....Turned 39 yesterday, married, young children. At one time thought hubby was having an affair, when he wasnt, am stay at home mom, gave up my career to be at home (happily back when I did it, a little bit regretfully now as I havent kept up withthe ways of my profession).
After my friend texted me, I had to go down to drop some stuff off. Channel 7 4WD was packing up, so not sure what went on there, however I did note in the driveway there was a small white hatchback (like the one Olivia took off in after she ran away from media) did not see GBC or anyone else.

Didn't see Prado or Captiva either.

Right out the front of their driveway (just up a bit actually) was a traffic controller, while approaching I got all excited thinking something was going on, but it was only blocked off for the show. Bugger lol
Yeah, the cops are being too slow. You guys should totally take things into your own hands.

Also, when this gets to court, i hope you locals have some kind of roster prepared to attend and keep us non-locals up to date.

Im going to be there and happy to meet up with anyone else thats interested.

maybe get some tips from others on how to maintain an image of sanity to our spouses

I received a notice for jury duty today, never been called up before. I don't want to do it but I would love to serve on the jury for this case whenever it gets to court.

It would be fascinating, wouldn't it? Although, as Hawkins pointed out, depending on the evidence, or lack thereof, it might never be clear what happened, which would be frustrating.

I'm a bit squeamish too, so I'm not sure I could hack the more graphic aspects of it. I can't remember which member here said they googled information about bodies decomposing for 11 days in water, but I gladly took thier advice and did not follow suit.

I'm fascinated by the case in theory, and would like some explanation as to what went down that night, but there are many details I would like to be spared.
You guys are getting way off topic in here. Discuss the case please.

Here's your chat room: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

We don't create chat rooms for groups of members very often. Please use it cuz you guys are special. :D

We are discussing the case Kimster - we tired of waiting for something to happen and we are going to make our own news, vigilante style!

Seriously though sorry I was leading everyone off track - you must remember it is Friday afternoon here - silly hour has begun
I would not be AT ALL surprised if there is a LOT of cops at the show tonight. There are going to be locals drinking, gossiping, whispering, it all comes out when the booze flows. I don't live in Kenmore anymore, but if I were close by, I'd be going!!!!! so keep us informed any locals who are going to head up there tonight!!! also, the drunker people get the more likely it is (unfortunately if children are home) that someone is going to get bold and go for a wander down to GBC's, regardless of the children (drunks don't think very rationally!!). Im betting he won't be there if he has any brains at all.
Seriously though, I'm going to go Sunday arvo to the show. I figure there will be tributes and perhaps a speech since the b-c's were long time sponsors of the show! Could be interesting.
remember the earlier mention of the mistress caving, the murder being premeditated, and carried out a month in advance? well, If I were GBC and going to murder my wife, I would take advantage of the show to set up and plan something plausible where there would be a large amount of people and possibly drifters etc in town, to come up with a better plan than a 10 pm walk....just sayin
It would be fascinating, wouldn't it? Although, as Hawkins pointed out, depending on the evidence, or lack thereof, it might never be clear what happened, which would be frustrating.

I'm a bit squeamish too, so I'm not sure I could hack the more graphic aspects of it. I can't remember which member here said they googled information about bodies decomposing for 11 days in water, but I gladly took thier advice and did not follow suit.

I'm fascinated by the case in theory, and would like some explanation as to what went down that night, but there are many details I would like to be spared.

I'm guilty of that google - glad you didn't follow suit. If being in water destroys evidence, I hope Allison was only in water for the few days prior to being found; I don't know much about forensics ( don't know much about anything - you guys are so intelligent - Law, Psychology, Forensics, Unsubstantiated Rumours - JOKE!) but would there be more forensic evidence if she had been on dry land for most of that time, and only submerged in water over that weekend? I hope so..
could have been the plan all along, if you believe the latest rumour about being carried out a month early
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