GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #6

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I'm not sure how many members of this community live/lived in Barossa Valley, but I'm someone who lived there. My cousin worked along side Jason and was truly shocked by all of this. Jason was well a bit "off" apparently but never did it cross my cousin's mind that he would do something so horrible.

This crime is so shocking, even though I didn't know the slain family this case is giving me some very strong feelings. I'm finding myself angry he wasn't given a longer sentence.

Has it been mentioned why 35 years is the sentence? Of course it doesn't mean he will be out in 35 years, but really... An average of 11 and a bit years per life he took away. Just seems so wrong.

I'm quite annoyed at this sentence, although 35 years without the chance of parole is indeed a start, it's not enough. Saldy I don't think any amount of time would ever be enough, he commited such a brutal crime.

I'm also going to stretch my neck out a bit here. Some people have the rot in hell kind of approach to these kinds of people but I truly hope he receives counselling and/or psychological help so he wakes up and finally realises the extent of his actions.

It's so terribly heartbreaking.
Should have been 1 year non-parole for every wound inflicted.

To add insult, the sentence is back-dated to when first charged/taken into custody. For what I understood, Justice Sulan said, "non-parole periods are to run concurrently", meaning is 35 years non-parole for each person but the 3 sentences run at same time, not consecutively, so what could or should have been 105 years is now only BS. Could have been as high as 42 years but because it said, "sowwee", it gets a reduced sentence. WT

***ps..court listing said Justice Blue to preside but Justice Sulan was the sentencing Judge after all.
definately backdated to the day of his arrest. . He deserves to rot in jail not to be able to apply for release when he is 50 odd. I cannot believe for a second that this thing could be rehabilitated in anyway.

Im from the barossa area and once again, i think our justice system has failed once again.

EDIT - Sentencing remarks -
Im from the barossa area and once again, i think our justice system has failed once again.

I'm from Nuri and definitely agree with you.

Nevertheless, given your youth, your pleas of guilty and matters referred to in the psychological report, to which I shall come in due course, there is good reason for me to set a non-parole period in this case.


In arriving at a non-parole period I have had regard to all the matters that have been put to me by your counsel and I have had close regard to Mr Balfour’s report. I also take into account that you are a young man. At the time of these crimes you were 18 years of age. Nevertheless, what you did must result in a very lengthy non-parole period.

The circumstances of what occurred are chilling and they are all the more chilling because you do not exhibit any of the criminological characteristics of many people who come before these courts. I accept that you are a person who has reasonable prospects of rehabilitation. I accept that you are unlikely to ever offend again in the future. Nevertheless, the murder of three innocent victims must carry with it a severe sentence.

I do not accept that the conduct was from someone who was not thinking rationally. Your cold-blooded, merciless attack upon Chantelle, who was hiding under the bed in fear and who you dragged out, stabbed, sexually assaulted and then stabbed again and murdered, was a chilling act. You killed Chantelle’s mother simply because she witnessed your attack on her husband.

In setting a non-parole period I have had regard to your pleas of guilty. You must be given credit for them. Nevertheless, I observe the evidence against you was overwhelming and it took some considerable time before you started to come to terms with what you had done. I have also had regard to the principle of totality and, therefore, brought the non-parole period back to what I consider to be an appropriate non-parole period.

In relation to each of the murders you are sentenced to life imprisonment. If it had not been for your pleas of guilty I would have imposed a non-parole period of 42 years. On account of your pleas of guilty and your expressions of remorse, I reduce that non-parole period to 35 years.

The sentence of the court is, therefore, that in respect of each offence you be imprisoned for life. The sentences are to be served concurrently. I set a non-parole period of 35 years imprisonment. The sentences and non-parole period are to commence on 16 November 2010 when you were taken into custody.

I find it interesting the sentence is LESSENED due to pleading guilty. They just admitted their actions and you're going to put them away for LESS time?
What kind of crime does it take to get a life sentence with no hope of parole?

To my mind this is a sickenly light sentence.
This guy broke into the sancity of the family home in the darkness of night via the bathroom window. He had no regard for the sancity of human life. He brutally obliterated the father. He brutally obliterated the mother in a vicious, murderous attack on them. He then pursued Channy into her bedroom, stabbed her while she was hiding under her bed, pulled her out, put her on top of the bed, then raped her as he stabbed her repeatedly. He had no regard for the sancity of her human life. He violated her body as he murdered her. He obliterated her forever so that nobody else could have her.
The viciousness of his murderous, evil attack on each person should not be dismissed for the devil is in the detail: Andrew stabbed between 29 to 30 times. Rose stabbed up to 50 times. Channy stabbed up to 33 times.
The sentance seems inadequate for the nature of this most serious crime against the family and against the community. This guy forfeited his right to live in the community that night. Life in prison without parole is justice in this case. Justice needs to be seen to be done.
I am in Barossa too. I cant believe this, such a light sentence, quite shocked really, he got a good deal in my opinion. I just hope he suffers in there. I dont know if prisons are really like they show on TV where people get targeted and picked on. I hope he makes no friends in there.

Now i wonder if we will get to see the court manuscript online?
Should have been 1 year non-parole for every wound inflicted.

To add insult, the sentence is back-dated to when first charged/taken into custody. For what I understood, Justice Sulan said, "non-parole periods are to run concurrently", meaning is 35 years non-parole for each person but the 3 sentences run at same time, not consecutively, so what could or should have been 105 years is now only BS. Could have been as high as 42 years but because it said, "sowwee", it gets a reduced sentence. WT

***ps..court listing said Justice Blue to preside but Justice Sulan was the sentencing Judge after all.

So because he's serving 35 years non-parole for each murder CONCURRENTLY, he's really only being punished for taking ONE life. So in other words, when you look at it this way, he is being jailed for murdering one family member (say Andrew) and being let off scott free for the murders of the others (Rose and Chantelle).....just isn't right!! This sends the message that there's no difference punishment-wise, whether you kill one person or three!

Also, he will be eligible for parole in his early 50's. While the so called 'best' years of his life will be spent in jail, being released in his early 50's still gives him the chance to live out his middle-age years (to his elderly years) in the community amongst the rest of us....the thought of someone who conducted such a hideous crime living amongst us in the years to come is difficult to comprehend! makes my skin crawl!:confused:
From an 11/20/2010 post:

I have started studying the available information on him and believe there is enough to do a complete BRACE Character Profile.

Some of my notes to myself include: Impressions: Shallow, low level of interpersonal depth, lack of empathy, unfocused, superficial, deficit interpersonal skills, average to borderline intellectual functioning, emotionally immature, violent interests and fantasy life, high level of anger and dissatisfaction with life and life situation, high level of cognitive isolation, likely substitutes intensity for intimacy, pain/pleasure mixes (violent, sadistic impulses), sense of emptiness/restlessness/poor sense of self, need to rule-out Alexathemia/Asperger’s, seeks recognition/fame, lack of academic, cultural, intellectual interests, narrow world view, self-centered, deep sense of abandonment and alienation, ....

I reject the opinion that Jason Downie did not display criminal characteristics prior to these three vicious murders. The above “impressions” were based on his past history and internet postings.

I totally agree......he showed threats of violence in his facebook postings as I recall...Knot4u2kno could you repost your thoughts on Jason here....I can't remember them clearly, also now that you know more about the crimes has that changed your thoughts on him. I personally cannot see how this kid could possibly have been as he was described to turn that violent 'just like that' there must have been other instances.

I still hope a top writer decides to investigate this story and writes a proper book on it, I really think this is a story that needs to be told properly with care and research. Lots in it.
surely there is some sort of profile out there for this sort of ahole. They said the same about the kids that went and shot all those students (columbine) actually I think they have said it about pretty much all of those that have gone on shooting rampages.

I hope he gets what he deserves in jail.
"...Can't really say there is someone worse out there simply because he got caught so soon in his murderous career! I would hate to think where this would've led to if he had got away with it! ...3 lives in such a short time frame and in such a horrible way by 1 weedy 18 year old, imagine what he's capable of as he gets older and/or if he had people around him whom were also like him!...".
Agreed. Wise words Sbr
surely there is some sort of profile out there for this sort of ahole. They said the same about the kids that went and shot all those students (columbine) actually I think they have said it about pretty much all of those that have gone on shooting rampages.

I hope he gets what he deserves in jail.

The kids that did Colombine had plenty of form.....Dylan Klebold was a depressive with a wish to die and had been documenting that for over a year, Eric Harris was a classic Psychopath who wished to destroy all of humanity and out-do the Oklahoma bombings. In each other they found a way to combine their diabolical dreams. Saying that someone commits an act like this which is completely out of character just shows that the character has been completely misunderstood by friends and family in my opinion.
For further info on Jason Downie's incarceration in Yatala Prison see:
Correctional services report that he won't be isolated from other prisoners.
I totally agree......he showed threats of violence in his facebook postings as I recall...Knot4u2kno could you repost your thoughts on Jason here....I can't remember them clearly, also now that you know more about the crimes has that changed your thoughts on him. I personally cannot see how this kid could possibly have been as he was described to turn that violent 'just like that' there must have been other instances.

I still hope a top writer decides to investigate this story and writes a proper book on it, I really think this is a story that needs to be told properly with care and research. Lots in it.

The above "impressions" were about it ... I stopped working on his profile once information and discussion was suppressed.

DPP slams psychological report on triple killer - ABC News ...
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1 day ago – DPP Stephen Pallaras has questioned the findings of a psychological assessment of triple killer Jason Downie.

Upon hearing the sentance myself, I immediiately questioned the psychological report upon which the Judge had to rely. Mr. Stephen Pallaras ([QC] DPP atriculates his (and my) concern about the psychological report on Jason Downie. Mr Downie may/may not have a major organic mental illness
as defined by the DSM IV/V definitions, but there is, most likely, major pathology in his characterological development. I agree with Mr Pallaras that the role of Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the Criminal Justice system is problematic. In this case the psychological report disturbed me as I believed it to be far off the mark. I am disturbed that the lawyers may have atempted to rationalise his horrific crime and minimised its impact by referring to nornal human jealousy. This was not normal human jealousy.

This was a horrific, chilling and calculated pursuit of an obsession, with murderous rage, which obliterated the lives of others. This is not normal. This is severly abnormal.

I applaud Mr Stephen Pallaras for articulating his concerns. Well said.
Also, he will be eligible for parole in his early 50's. While the so called 'best' years of his life will be spent in jail, being released in his early 50's still gives him the chance to live out his middle-age years (to his elderly years) in the community amongst the rest of us....the thought of someone who conducted such a hideous crime living amongst us in the years to come is difficult to comprehend! makes my skin crawl!:confused

Yes, although he will be an outcast and no one will be willing to give him a job and he will most likely move interstate or overseas or something, i know many people in their 50's/60's that live very active lives and still do the sorts of things they would have done in their 20's/30's and life for them is not all down hill rapidly from 50. What would have been better is if he could only come out at 80+ years old or something like that, because then he will be old and shrivelled up with not much to do or capable to do. So yeah early 50's is not that old, he could still bit fit and stong and capable enough to do it all again. He would be way too much of a high risk.

I was disgusted when i read that when he left the court he smirked/grined.

For further info on Jason Downie's incarceration in Yatala Prison see:
Correctional services report that he won't be isolated from other prisoners.

But they want to rehabilitate him!!!!!!!!

Heres a good one

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