Found Alive Australia - CC, 3, Bundaberg QLD, 10 April 2014 - #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
April 17, 2014 12:00AM

A search of his house at Rainbows Rd, in the rural South Isis district, uncovered “items linked to (the girl)” as well as evidence of a fire in which a camera and hard drive had been burnt
I still am thinking he was watching CC for a while. Stalking taking pitcures ect. He wanted to "Care" for her as the parents and friends werent up standing citizens. He became obsessed enough to go get her. I do think he watched the house for a while why else would he know she was in the lounge room. And then he seized his moment and took her. Children are such heavy sleepers the other two would've not even stired. I do believe he didn't do anything sexuall to her. I do think he panicked about all the attention this got. He probably thought in his mind that the parents wouldnt give a damn that their 3 yo was missing. And thats why he left her in the dark at the showgrounds. Close enough for her to get home but far enough away so he could escape. Just my theory

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I hope you are correct...:please:

But... I have to wonder if sexual assault has not been charged yet due to LE's waiting for any kind of evidence from the torched camera and hard drive...

additionally... Just the fact that he (a stranger... Without parental permission) bathed the girl (which he has admitted to) is a form of sexual abuse in its own right...

All... JMO
Very sadly this happened to my little girl at the age of 3 by my uncle whom was staying at my grandmothers and my grandmother was watching her while I worked. Over a 2 month period his total access to her was 27 hours. My little girl told me he was touching her, before I total lost it I camly go as much detail as I could, called my Dr whom say within 15 minutes then called the police. He went to prison not for long enough in my book only 15 years. I allowed my daughter to talk about as the last thing I wanted was her to feel as if she did something wrong, I would just tell there are bad people and you where brave and I'm sorry this happened to you but you saved other's and your a hero to me. She is now 10 and doing well, not sure how much she remembers but if she ever asks I'll tell her what she needs to know. It's a terrible thing and never thought it was something that could happen to me.

I am so sorry

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I'm wondering if he has come across CC through his children! A kindergarten or local fete or something like that. He may not be known to the family but they have probably crossed paths without knowing! Just moo

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I, too, am very curious how, specifically, EJK came to "know" this family...

Does he have children? Was he taking them with him on his move interstate?
Does he have children? Was he taking them with him on his move interstate?

All that I know is that he's a father himself. Dont know ages. Dont know what sex. I dont think msm has released that. I dont even know if he has them and mum living with him but by reports im guessing not. All they've said that he's a father

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I hope you are correct...:please:

But... I have to wonder if sexual assault has not been charged yet due to LE's waiting for any kind of evidence from the torched camera and hard drive...

additionally... Just the fact that he (a stranger... Without parental permission) bathed the girl (which he has admitted to) is a form of sexual abuse in its own right...

All... JMO

Yes I agree about the shower/bathing is abuse in this case. He had no right what so ever to handle her in any way. Laying a single finger on her is abuse. He had no right. My theory is that maye he didnt intend to ...nope can't finish this. Because it doesn't matter he did the most awful thing. He stole a child.

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What digital radio station would be good to listen to for updates. Nothing with music as that keeps me awake. SA doesnt have an exclusive talk back radio thats on tune in radio except for abc. So ive taken to listen to 2gb at night. Though they opinions differ greatly to mine.(I think why I enjoy it because of the completely different view to mine) Can anyone suggest another station that's on tune in radio app?

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It reminds me of Aprils and of Keinan in Canada. In Keinan's case he was snatched from his home and then returned after a plea from the mom was televised..returned right to the living room under cops noses.

In that one as well it seemed there was no sexual assault and people thought he may have been "kind" (including me) but I have learned my lesson. He did assault Keinan who has nightmares of his time with the perp. If you read it you will see all sorts of similarities.

Hi, I checked your link and googled but the few sites I visited all said that the parents of Kienan did not want the kidnapper to get a severe punishment, and some wrote very nicely about the abductor, how he brought the child back and said he *advertiser censored* in guilty in court. I can't find where it says he was assaulted.

Did they only discover that years later?
When CC turned up alive and well the QPS stated that it was "the best possible outcone".

CC had already been examined and was in hospital when he said that. I sincerely believe CC wasnt harmed.

We also got to see little C strutting around the ward as if she owns it, without a scratch on her.

Maybe this is just as it appears - a delusional "do gooder" missing his own children.

I know I've seen adorable children being dragged about malls by less-than-adorable parents and the mommy in me has to hold back from whisking them away and looking after them "properly"...which would include bathing as they are often filthy.

We dont know CC's condition BEFORE she went. Perhaps she hadnt seen a bath or an early night for months.

Strange things do happen. They're called "miracles".
When CC turned up alive and well the QPS stated that it was "the best possible outcone".

CC had already been examined and was in hospital when he said that. I sincerely believe CC wasnt harmed.

We also got to see little C strutting around the ward as if she owns it, without a scratch on her.

Maybe this is just as it appears - a delusional "do gooder" missing his own children.

I know I've seen adorable children being dragged about malls by less-than-adorable parents and the mommy in me has to hold back from whisking them away and looking after them "properly"...which would include bathing as they are often filthy.

We dont know CC's condition BEFORE she went. Perhaps she hadnt seen a bath or an early night for months.

Strange things do happen. They're called "miracles".

I agree that CC did not appear to have been physically abused, and so far there has been no indication of sexual abuse. However I do believe that creeping into a house, stealing one child, keeping that child from everyone and everything she knows- taking her clothes off her at some stage and bathing her, dumping her in the dark, with a road to cross to get home is abusive. What a traumatic experience for a little girl! What psychological torture for her mother. What of her older sisters, they know a man was in the same room as them, could have taken them, took their sister, and no one heard. I bet they are not sleeping so well at the moment. The long term effects could be far reaching. This man has caused a lot of pain and a lot of damage.

I have been there like you- in the supermarket, wishing desperately I could remove that child from that mother. I have probably been the grumpy mother others were judging, too. As far as delusional do gooder goes- I agree with the delusional. I am on the fence with the do gooder- GC and the family friends making their ridiculous statements, all of which were way off the mark, makes blaming home a very convenient excuse. I am sure he feels sorry for her now, I just wonder if he felt sorry for her before.
I am still wondering why the forensic team was checking the outside of the perp's windows for fingerprints.

Obviously if the perp lived there, his fingerprints may be there. Little CC would not have been able to reach up that high, and why would she be outside smearing the upper part of the windows.

What are they looking for?


There is another pic of a male officer dusting the upper frame of that particular window too, bur I can't find it ATM.
The two main pictures of CC shown when she disappeared were of her wearing an easter hat. They must be very recent. Friday 4 April was the last day of term 1 in QLD, leading into the Easter break. Many schools and preschools would have had an Easter hat parade. CC is wearing her Easter hat, on that Friday or very close to it. We can see a lot of her hair in one of the pics- it is falling into her eyes. It looks clean and tidy to me.

We have some very clever people here, who have been able to find info on all most all of the characters involved in this very bizarre situation. Much of it relating to either the Bundaberg or Childers magistrates court. I have seen nothing on TO. Everything I have seen about her indicates she is living a poor, not so well educated existence. She spoken on facebook about her job interview at McDonalds, and seemed proud and excited about getting the job. There have been some malicious things said about both parents in social media, but I have not been able to find a shred of evidence of any of it being true. The only arrests for GC that anyone has been able to find that I can see are for drunkenness, not violence or drugs. The outside of their house looked pretty worse for wear, but maybe they are one of many families where mum looks after inside, dad looks after outside. Mum may have her hands full cooking, cleaning, washing, raising 4 children, working part time at maccas. She may not have time left in the day to step up for GC and patch the torn flyscreen. I don't think I have seen enough indication of CC being in a terrible situation to make any excuse for EK to steal a child.

I am still wondering why the forensic team was checking the outside of the perp's windows for fingerprints.

Obviously if the perp lived there, his fingerprints may be there. Little CC would not have been able to reach up that high, and why would she be outside smearing the upper part of the windows.

What are they looking for?


There is another pic of a male officer dusting the upper frame of that particular window too, bur I can't find it ATM.

Maybe just covering their bases, in case EK tries to implicate someone else. Not that I really know, just my guess.
The two main pictures of CC shown when she disappeared were of her wearing an easter hat. They must be very recent. Friday 4 April was the last day of term 1 in QLD, leading into the Easter break. Many schools and preschools would have had an Easter hat parade. CC is wearing her Easter hat, on that Friday or very close to it. We can see a lot of her hair in one of the pics- it is falling into her eyes. It looks clean and tidy to me.

We have some very clever people here, who have been able to find info on all most all of the characters involved in this very bizarre situation. Much of it relating to either the Bundaberg or Childers magistrates court. I have seen nothing on TO. Everything I have seen about her indicates she is living a poor, not so well educated existence. She spoken on facebook about her job interview at McDonalds, and seemed proud and excited about getting the job. There have been some malicious things said about both parents in social media, but I have not been able to find a shred of evidence of any of it being true. The only arrests for GC that anyone has been able to find that I can see are for drunkenness, not violence or drugs. The outside of their house looked pretty worse for wear, but maybe they are one of many families where mum looks after inside, dad looks after outside. Mum may have her hands full cooking, cleaning, washing, raising 4 children, working part time at maccas. She may not have time left in the day to step up for GC and patch the torn flyscreen. I don't think I have seen enough indication of CC being in a terrible situation to make any excuse for EK to steal a child.



I totally agree. The outside of the house does look like some repairs are in order. But with GC being a drunk (I think that's pretty much confirmed for me) he probably could care less about the state of his house. We've NOT seen the inside of the house. What we have seen in the videos, where the two older girls were sleeping on a mattress, was not their home. It was the friend's home. I understand "guilt by association" but that's stretching it a bit much IMO.

BUT, even if the inside of the home is a mess, or if CC doesn't get a bath regularly, there is NEVER any reason to steal a child. This man took a child from her home, no matter what her home life is like, it's hers. Unless child services removes her she has every right to be with her family. But he took her, and then he touched her, maybe not sexually, but he had to touch her to wash her! NO EXCUSE for what he did!

Here is the link for the other picture of forensic team at EK house.

Thanks Neopolitan :seeya:

I'm actually looking for a pic that shows an officer up on the ladder dusting along the top of the window frame. But I have searched all the links, and can't find it now. It may be in a link that MSM have removed all info, there are quite a few of those I have discovered. Or it may be in a video, and I am not into searching through all of those.

Oh well, doesn't matter. I saw it and it made me wonder why the big focus on that window. I can only think that the perp may have said someone broke into his house for some reason that is linked to the case. Can't think of any other reason why they'd be dusting for prints on an external window - especially so high up on the window.
I had no Internet access for the last few days, so I only read about the arrest last night. CC's parents have been judged so unfairly imo. I've seen zero evidence of any neglect. Poverty yes, but neglect no. The drug rumors were spread by family friends. I think there's truth to them but it's irrelevant to what happened here. I'm still completely supportive of GC and TO.

As for EK, I'm not giving him the benefit of doubt like I did for the parents. I'm not buying his motive of "feeling sorry". Maybe he's convinced himself that's the reason but I think there were ulterior motives and he would have assaulted CC given enough time. However, it's so unusual that she was returned so maybe this is a very rare case of a delusional altruistic kidnapping. I'm wondering though, if someone else (like his mother) actually returned CC. I just get an uneasy vibe from EK.

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