Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #11

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This is the best shot I can get of the interior.
There are two exits fairly close together in a loading area back of the bottle shop and two sets of steel stairs but I will confirm by trying to get a better picture of it.
thanks for digging up a pic - but the interior has been remodelled and the bar actually moved positions. what year was this pic taken?
Okay so cricket my hubby just filled in so can't say. But softball he said that BRE was new to it and he wasn't awesome but wasn't terrible he was just a reliable team player

Yeah that sounds like our BRE a good old reliable TEAM player! Reckon he'd like that description, just Mr Average, disappearing into the crowd, although having said that, I feel he would have wanted to be the STAR!! Have everyone raving about his batting averages etc. Shunned the attention, but craved it as well. Oh dear, it's so sad how many people have been so near to him and not known, talk about LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS! I was just about to type wives too but a thought went through my tiny brain. Did BRE go for only what he perceived/found out were SINGLE women? I'm wondering if that is so how would he know? Are we under-estimating that he is a watcher/stalker as well before he strikes, watches routines or tries to go for women who are really young. Like they say, singling out (no pun intended) the ones who don't have a husband or boyfriend? There's that "romantic" idea coming through again, does he think in his twisted mind that if he grabs these women and just kisses them that they'll fall in love with him, but when they repel him he loses it? There are guys who pay sex workers for the "girlfriend" experience, I've seen this on a programme with Louis Theroux, very creepy. And yes, I agree, sex workers would be an easy and safe option for him and no bloke around to protect them.
The idea of a boat was canned when someone mentioned it. A one off trip to rotto for a long weekend is that so unusual? I'm not sure why people didn't like that theory.
Harder to dispose of a body in the water maybe????? Body would get attacked by sharks and pieces would surface. where the CSK dumped the bodies says a lots about him IMO
OK, just did a bit of research and I was correct, Foxtel wasn't offered until 1999. Quoted from Wikipedia -

"In May 1998, Australis Media, the owner of a satellite television service known as
Galaxy, was declared insolvent. In June 1998, Foxtel was able to significantly boost its customer base by acquiring Galaxy subscribers from the liquidator of Australis Media and immediately commenced supplying programming to Galaxy's subscribers on an interim basis.[SUP][2][/SUP] In February 1999, Foxtel began offering its own satellite service to new customers.[SUP][3][/SUP]

Just an interesting possible theory regarding BRE and perhaps movements in the Claremont area, particularly during the time CG was abducted. It could explain his day movements, or it could just be a coincidence :) IMO & in no way is this fact, just a possibility.

3blindmice stated that he worked with BRE, "one person asked what did brad do work wise. he was articulate and well communicated but quiet he did very very well at his job brad specialized in underground and coaxial cabling work he was one of just a handful in the state that was specialized in these areas and did a lot of contract work for mining companies in wa and nt he also did lots of work behind compliance devices like alarm systems for businesses all around wa like i said when it come to his job brad really stood out as some one who new what they were doing and did it very well all our bosses liked him"

Yesterday, Ramunstro stated:

"In 1996 I worked for a company contracted to sell Foxtel. At the time Telstra were rolling out fibre optic cable around Perth and had joined forces with Foxtel to get their products into peoples homes as fast as they could. Basically we sold the cable and the cable tv service, the only sevice available on cable at the time. After an aggressive media campaign we arrived in people's neighbourhoods in Foxtel branded Taragos and knocked on every door of every residence in our allocation. Our job was to to let people know that their street was going to be dug up and Telstra would be installing fibre optic cable. If they signed up for the new cable TV service the cable installation to their residence would be free but only for a limited time! People signed up in droves and within a few weeks Telstra cable crews and technicians were in every street. These techs installed cables to peoples homes including cable points (sometimes several in a home - lounge, family room, bedrooms). These were the guys that also worked out with you the best places for you cable points, and the Foxtel set top box. They also showed people how to use their cable tv service. In many cases this would be a full days job.
On the night CG went missing from The Continental we were door knocking in Claremont. We had been working around the Western Suburbs for some time and had sometimes crossed over with Telsta techs. I recall at the time there were many vans in their fleet that were branded with both the Telstra and Foxtel logos. Foxtel Tarago vans were usually on the road untill about 9 - 9.30pm.
It was just not unusual for there to be Telstra vehicles around the Western Suburbs at all times of the day or night, but particularly in Claremont at the time CG went missing."
Yeh I mentioned it a while ago. Was aware he went crabbing in the Mandurah/Halls Head area.. Would not be too hard to borrow the boat off the family member especially if they were away and go out deep. Although it might be a stretch for SS as it is perhaps a bit far to risk travelling. But if there are other victims I would give it some possibility.
He was prepared to drive...what...45km out of town to a drop zone, so why not drive that distance to get to a boat..A one off situation that wouldn't be replicated again...Another theory in the myriad of WS theories but I thought your theory had merit. Lots of planning in that scenario though.
Remember, back in 1995/1996 Perth wasn't nearly as expensive as it is now, it was really affordable. It was only when the mining boom hit around 2003 that things changed dramatically.

It is Perth. You can be on $150k a year, and yet not be able to live extravagantly.
I think the whole "blonde" thing is coincidental. I think it was a certain kind of demeanour and attitude all girls may have had in common that made them his target. I worked in the same building as Ciara at the time of her disappearance (..... and before people start PMing me and asking for more information.....No I did not know her personally and never spoke to her I just saw now and then when she caught the lift in the morning and afternoons when we were going to our offices) I distinctly remember she had medium/dark brown hair with with some highlights. She was definately a brunette
I agree - Ciara was 100% BRUNETTE, with blonde highlights. never blonde
OK, just did a bit of research and I was correct, Foxtel wasn't offered until 1999. Quoted from Wikipedia -
I vaguely remember Galaxy, I think they had a centre at Osbourne Park? Lots of hard sell and never got off the ground..
Let's say you hadn't been to work for nearly two weeks leading up to your arrest for multiple murders.
What might you get up to in that time (aside from making a public FB post in the early hours on the morning of your arrest) ?
To the poster who gave an address for BREs workplace in Perth City- when did he work there? In what capacity? Could he have accessed this area at night?
BRE had his own office at Telstra, plant area Wellington St Perth City

How long did he work from that building? Do you know whether he has worked from other Telstra buildings in the past?
It doesn't work like that. It doesn't use servers...just other peoples IPs that are also running TOR and bounces between multiple hops before getting directed to the intended IP.

There is DEEP PACKET INSPECTION, but I dont know enough about it to give further comment.
It encrypts and decrypts the packets at each end, so between that "space" it would be pointless to intercept the packet. But at the user end the packet is decrypted so I presume there would be a way to get that packet at the user end if security techs had access to the computer. There would be a way. I'm not that clever or a security expert but I have seen people who are in action and it was scary what they could do.
The bush next to Sutherlands park E on Gay street is pretty small and you could do it pretty quickly. Theres also bush between Holmes Road, Balfour Street, Barrett Street and Lakey Street(although Lakey street has had developments).

I know the area like the back of my hand. Its not really that dense either. Maybe the cops should get out some cadaver dogs there? Not sure if they work since its been a few years already. local sleuths should hook up for a scout about

Let's say you hadn't been to work for nearly two weeks leading up to your arrest for multiple murders.
What might you get up to in that time (aside from making a public FB post in the early hours on the morning of your arrest) ?
Early morning fishing?
Clearly nothing that required shaving...
Hmmm, dunno about world traveller. I'm getting a picture of a fairly unsophisticated bloke. Loves video games, footy and crabbing. It's possible, but not my hunch. My money's on a hooker addiction.

Wonder if his email (on the LA spreadsheets) can be found among the Ashley Madison hacked information a few years back? Beyond my abilities, but I'm sure someone else can do it in 5 ...
finally a bit of fat to chew on, was this the video footage the captured all the cars driving by or footage from the actual hotel? there are 2 versions of the same mm footage and afai this is the only footage released to the public anyway
Hi I didn't know my husband at that time I am merely updating what he had told me since it's all come out. But yes I am female. On the day the arrest happened I saw the name in an article and texted hubby and was like oh his name is BRE and my husband said oh I played softball with a guy that had that name and then He texted back 2 mins later saying oh my goodness just seen a photo its the same BRE!

Did he play for Kelmscott Bulldogs?

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