Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #12

DNA Solves
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There apear to be some inconsistencies in the reporting.
Ill check but Im pretty sure a bouncer called a cab for one of the girls.1
Taxi company may not have known.
Maybe we are relying too heavily on the video.
I havent got Deb Marshalls book on me and who said the phone box was used across the road at the Claremont GPO?
I know SS rang from Stirling.
Deb Marshall was alluding to all the gorls being highly intoxicated. Does that sound like Sarah Spiers in nature?
Steve Ross couldnt get the taxi records showing his movements.
There apear to be some inconsistencies in the reporting.
Ill check but Im pretty sure a bouncer called a cab for one of the girls.1
Taxi company may not have known.
Maybe we are relying too heavily on the video.
I havent got Deb Marshalls book on me and who said the phone box was used across the road at the Claremont GPO?
I know SS rang from Stirling.

SS spoke to the bouncer who she and her sister knew but then went off to call the cab herself. I'm sure there's no recorded call for any of the others. They used the cab company's records to narrow down the time from for the SS abduction to a window of about 7-8 minutes and released this info to the public in their requests for further information. Had JR or CG called i'm sure they would have done the same thing. That doesn't mean that eventually either or both of these girls weren't trying to hail a cab roadside but that discounts the theory of getting their details from a tapped bank of phones.
Here is the aerial view of Conti, Claremont post office opposite and car bays across the road.
Interest the OBH or Cot hotel abduction to the drive in? was in a car park too.
Ill have to find out later where the 'bouncer rang cab' came from.
SORRY but your aerial photo is out by one block. this pic shown is one block closer to the city.....

Here is the aerial view of Conti, Claremont post office opposite and car bays across the road.
Interest the OBH or Cot hotel abduction to the drive in? was in a car park too.
Ill have to find out later where the 'bouncer rang cab' came from.
1996/1997 Perth Western Australia. The most isolated city in the world.Everyone knows everyone else by a few thin degrees of separation The CSK, perhaps still in his twenties has allegedly committed three brutal horrendous, crimes against other innocent unsuspecting young people in short period of time. the city is in an uproar, radio, print and television go into overdrive, talking about the crimes,everyone is a suspect.
No human being could not have been affected to a noticeable degree by guilt. self loathing ,and fear of getting caught.
Add to the mix a presumably bitter relationship break up, the sale of a house, splitting of assetts, fear of redundancy and moving back in with parents ...
An " aloof" brooding recently single big guy, very familiar with the Claremont haunts.....are we really to believe that no one went to the Macro taskforce with even a fleeting suspicion about this guy at the time,?
The SCHRAMM review of the case did suggest it was very likely the killers name was buried somewhere in the reams of information supplied by the public.
Oh well.. just have to believe what WAPOL says... i mean if you can't trust a policeman ,,who CAN you trust??....
To go to the police and say, I believe this person is capable of being a serial killer and I have what I believe to be evidence to back up my claim, is not something you would take lightly.

If the person wasn't violent, didn't display a hatred of women, didn't show some type of indicator that they could rape/murder, what would you be taking to the police? You would need quite a bit of evidence in your own mind to step over that line and make the call.
1996/1997 Perth Western Australia. The most isolated city in the world.Everyone knows everyone else by a few thin degrees of separation The CSK, perhaps still in his twenties has allegedly committed three brutal horrendous, crimes against other innocent unsuspecting young people in short period of time. the city is in an uproar, radio, print and television go into overdrive, talking about the crimes,everyone is a suspect.
No human being could not have been affected to a noticeable degree by guilt. self loathing ,and fear of getting caught.
Add to the mix a presumably bitter relationship break up, the sale of a house, splitting of assetts, fear of redundancy and moving back in with parents ...
An " aloof" brooding recently single big guy, very familiar with the Claremont haunts.....are we really to believe that no one went to the Macro taskforce with even a fleeting suspicion about this guy at the time,?
The SCHRAMM review of the case did suggest it was very likely the killers name was buried somewhere in the reams of information supplied by the public.
Oh well.. just have to believe what WAPOL says... i mean if you can't trust a policeman ,,who CAN you trust??....


Serial killers typically are not plunged into feelings of guilt and self-loathing like the 'average' person would be. It's part of their psychopathy.....a lack of conscience.

He was evidently brilliant at going under the radar. Or just lucky.
Sorry Crabby your pic is wrong!
Here is the aerial view of Conti, Claremont post office opposite and car bays across the road.
Interest the OBH or Cot hotel abduction to the drive in? was in a car park too.
Ill have to find out later where the 'bouncer rang cab' came from.

CORRECT PIC BELOW source Goggle maps.
The Conti (shown as The Claremont as its now called is on red balloon marker).
Club Bay View nightclub is bottom left of pic.


My next pic is same area zoomed out a bit more. This pic shows also Rowe Park were KK victim was abducted (top right of pic), and Stirling Road were SS called taxi. The Claremont Post Office is directly across road from The Conti (The Claremont in the pic).
Again Google Maps.


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Google Mt Dale and the geocaching site comes up amongst the many hits. And it has a Telstra repeater station on the top of it. There's already been one body dumped there that went undiscovered for over a year, and that wasn't in the thicker Bush on the other side.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

There are a couple of reviews regarding Mt Dale, describing the road accessing the site as not in the best condition . Is, or was the road in good enough condition to be accessed with a 2WD Telstra vehicle (i.e. Commodore wagon) back in the mid '90's? Perhaps the accused owned a 4WD back then. One is visible parked in the front yard of the Acton Rd property in a historic Google street view image.

Edit: The first review of a 2015 visit describes the hiking trail itself as being in bad condition, but that they had no trouble getting to the location in their '2WD wheelbarrow'.
To go to the police and say, I believe this person is capable of being a serial killer and I have what I believe to be evidence to back up my claim, is not something you would take lightly.

If the person wasn't violent, didn't display a hatred of women, didn't show some type of indicator that they could rape/murder, what would you be taking to the police? You would need quite a bit of evidence in your own mind to step over that line and make the call.

In early days police had no clue or real suspects. I know the police took DNA samples from every male within coo-ee of JR's dumping site, lots of security bouncers, taxi drivers, regular Claremont punters and more. If you were male and visited Claremont regularly, you got a call from WAPOL. The police were very thorough, to the point many local males who got tested for DNA felt quite victimised and violated.

I don't have MSM source for this, but I am local Perth person and have been told directly by males that were DNS tested and interviewed.
There are a couple of anonymous reviews regarding Mt Dale, describing the road accessing the site as not in the best condition . Is, or was the road in good enough condition to be accessed with a 2WD Telstra vehicle (i.e. Commodore wagon) back in the mid '90's? Or perhaps the accused owned a 4WD back then. One is visible parked in the front yard of the Acton Rd property in a historic Google street view image.

I Goggled Mt Dale as someone here suggested, but Mt Dale has only one road in and out. IMO this would not be a good dumping site or kill site etc, because if CSK saw a car coming up the road, he/she had no escape route. Essentially trapped. Then CSK would have more work to do!!!

I think CSK needs a dumping site or kill site where there's not a dead end road. ('cuse the bad taste pun). sorry
It was just a thought. Speculation as to another very slim granted, possibility. As an example only .. (same as an ongoing situation lve recently been told about) Someone in the family, a sibling perhaps has seen something. The sibling is a bit wild, bigmouth esp on facebook. The threats to 'tell' dont have to be overt. The sibling is into the brother every few weeks asking for money, its been going on for years. And when he doesnt get his way he starts blogging or ranting on facebook.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
You are using an example of blackmail you have been told about recently which isn't related to BRE, to highlight there may have been information on facebook, posted by a sibling regarding threats? However, you don't actually have an example of any discussions on social media in relation to BRE where this happened. Is that correct?

BTW today/tomorrow-2am is the anniversary of SS going missing. Please spare a thought, prayer, or warm virtual hug for Sarah's family and friends today. <3

Today is a public holiday here in Australia as we celebrate, and remember all the good things about our beautiful country and homeland.

RIP SS, CG, and JR. *advertiser censored*
Perfectly normal court process. According to Criminal Investigations Act of WA, disclosure documents have to be served by the Prosecution within a time limit (I think it's a month). In civil law it's called "Discovery". A similar process. The accused is remanded for Legal Advice, maybe a disclosure hearing, then a Committal hearing, then a Trial date (unless he pleads early). It can be over a year before the Trial in a case like this. In between 30 day bring ups can be common where the court views the defendant via video link, hears any complaints about the lock up and takes any applications for bail etc.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Ok - So...

When will we hear that the accused has pleaded guilty (if he does)
What is the most opportune time for an accused to plead guilty

I guess what i am trying to understand - if indeed he will......when and why not now?

It doesnt really mention that in the articles
In early days police had no clue or real suspects. I know the police took DNA samples from every male within coo-ee of JR's dumping site, lots of security bouncers, taxi drivers, regular Claremont punters and more. If you were male and visited Claremont regularly, you got a call from WAPOL. The police were very thorough, to the point many local males who got tested for DNA felt quite victimised and violated.

I don't have MSM source for this, but I am local Perth person and have been told directly by males that were DNS tested and interviewed.
I presumed the poster was talking about a scenario whereby a relation, friend or workmate would likely notice a change in him around the time of the abductions.
In early days police had no clue or real suspects. I know the police took DNA samples from every male within coo-ee of JR's dumping site, lots of security bouncers, taxi drivers, regular Claremont punters and more. If you were male and visited Claremont regularly, you got a call from WAPOL. The police were very thorough, to the point many local males who got tested for DNA felt quite victimised and violated.

I don't have MSM source for this, but I am local Perth person and have been told directly by males that were DNS tested and interviewed.

I'm sure they did test a lot of people but it was impossible to test every male who went out in Claremont. They had to narrow it down from that large group. I went out there around that time and was never spoken to or tested. I can assure you that I didn't behave in a way that would have made me a high priority to the task force but if they were looking for any 20 something male, particularly those over 6 foot tall as I've heard some say they were who went out in Claremont I ticked all three boxes. I almost always had my own car there as well because I hated waiting for cabs. 2 door sports car though. Not the best abduction vehicle.

All of that said there was nothing at the time I had to offer that could have helped them and clearly I wasn't the killer so they made the right choice not to bother with me even if they knew I existed.
It is too. Very sorry. I typed in claremont hotel. Crikies, I should know the roof of the Claremont hotel.
It was early on the phone. &#8364;> specsavers.
Thats image is about 100 metres down the street. I was wondering why they put a roundabout in, not!
In all that you can see where someone can park up the street looking west at claremont hotel.

Sorry Crabby your pic is wrong!

CORRECT PIC BELOW source Goggle maps.
The Conti (shown as The Claremont as its now called is on red balloon marker).
Club Bay View nightclub is bottom left of pic.


My next pic is same area zoomed out a bit more. This pic shows also Rowe Park were KK victim was abducted (top right of pic), and Stirling Road were SS called taxi. The Claremont Post Office is directly across road from The Conti (The Claremont in the pic).
Again Google Maps.
It is too. Very sorry. I typed in claremont hotel. Crikies, I should know the roof of the Claremont hotel.
It was early on the phone. €> specsavers.
Thats image is about 100 metres down the street. I was wondering why they put a roundabout in, not!
In all that you can see where someone can park up the street looking west at claremont hotel.

All cool!
I usually read this stuff on my laptop
My eyes are bad too lol
I'm sure they did test a lot of people but it was impossible to test every male who went out in Claremont. They had to narrow it down from that large group. I went out there around that time and was never spoken to or tested. I can assure you that I didn't behave in a way that would have made me a high priority to the task force but if they were looking for any 20 something male, particularly those over 6 foot tall as I've heard some say they were who went out in Claremont I ticked all three boxes. I almost always had my own car there as well because I hated waiting for cabs. 2 door sports car though. Not the best abduction vehicle.

All of that said there was nothing at the time I had to offer that could have helped them and clearly I wasn't the killer so they made the right choice not to bother with me even if they knew I existed.

The police have been working through the people in the pub video with the help of people in the pub.
Once they ID someone, they go out and DNA swab them at their house.
Men in black style.
A friend of mine ID a bunch of people in the pub for the cops. None of those people were from the area or areas the girls resided.
I was in VS Commodore. (Not my car) A copper with more colours than the United Nations flag pole pulled us over on Stirling highway and asked me to get out the car.
He gave me the jedi stare and walked.
So they must have known VS Commodore around Ciaras time.
They must have had some vague idea who he looked like because only I was asked to get out the car.
I reckon it was roundabout where the girls were abducted too.
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