Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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Excellent work. Farms and nursery's have wells too. I don't know if the pioneer village Armadale has a well, that's open and accessible all hours.
I'll have a bit more of a look into local farms and nursery's near to where the accused lived (Huntingdale).

Thanks CV

Most rural and semi-rural properties would have pioneer Wells. The settlers had to get there water somehow.
I'm assuming many Wells got filled in or covered over after the scheme water system became the prominent water source across the state.

IMO a person who drives regularly around our state may possibly begin to learn the location of old pioneer wells. Especially if the location of such wells were an important part of a possible plan for hiding bodies, victims' clothing or possessions, or objects used in any alleged crimes.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
I have no local knowledge of Perth from the 90's, but I note the sites that JR and CG were found were near unsealed roads or tracks. It just seems like the perpetrator drove as far out of suburbia as they needed to and literally left the bodies on or almost road side. Seems almost 'lazy' of the perp or they were in a hurry to dispose of the bodies and get out of dodge. Just my thoughts...

JMO [emoji368]
Hi Canning Vale - to me to accused does have that flat look that your daughter mentioned. There are any number of mental conditions where psychosis can happen because of some upset in the persons life. IMO
Hi ya Spooks. I have seen a few soaks in my time & I don't mean at Pubs,lols. St. Ronans well on the way to York I have visited 3 times. Usually on my way to York. Manyuering twice, also on the way to York. Karalee Rocks on the way to Kalgoorlie. Now that is a massive water collector.

Spooks; the Remove Viewer group tune in to cases in an unusual way. Not via going deep in a meditative state. The tunnel they picked up on may not be the Swan View tunnel but may be one of the 2 viaducts in the JFNP. If they are picking up on a windmill it is not in the area. Canning Vale, can you pin point tank sites on Your Google Earth, Then post the pic of that image. Thanks.
I have no local knowledge of Perth from the 90's, but I note the sites that JR and CG were found were near unsealed roads or tracks. It just seems like the perpetrator drove as far out of suburbia as they needed to and literally left the bodies on or almost road side. Seems almost 'lazy' of the perp or they were in a hurry to dispose of the bodies and get out of dodge. Just my thoughts...

JMO [emoji368]

I agree with your assumption that the d-sites were fairly easily accessible locations that required minimal physical effort (as I've said here on WS several times).
And hence why I'm thinking old wells would make a similar easy possibility of places to leave a victim's body.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
IMO any hills spot will be on the OBH to Conti line & beyond. If any girl was on the CG, Conti, JR, LM in Collie well that is seriously a big thing hey.
DRT - thank you for answering my post. I did see the post about the car belonging to the accused's ex wife. It says this was around '98ish which isn't very specific. I wonder if they knew each other before that time in which case the accused could have borrowed the car. I feel there is DNA in that car related to SS. I suppose it has long since been squashed for scrap metal. IMO
Does any MSM source mention or allude to COD's (causes of death) other than possible strangulation with telephone line or clothes (washing) line?

Are we assuming victims were strangled just because of the mention of telephone/clothes line? Maybe the line was used for tying up limbs, while some of method besides strangulation was used to cause death.

IMO if the accused CSK inflicted other CODs on victims, then the accused would need to hide or dispose of weapons or sharp objects used in the alleged crimes.

And some of the usual objects used by SK's like knives, machetes, axes and sometimes guns wouldn't deteriorate fully in 20+ years.

I wish we knew more information about the condition of the bodies so we could theorise about CODs.

Anyone know how long cured leather takes to deteriorate out in the elements?
I'm thinking JR's small satchel handbag is still out there somewhere. Was her satchel even leather?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
I agree with your assumption that the d-sites were fairly easily accessible locations that required minimal physical effort (as I've said here on WS several times).
And hence why I'm thinking old wells would make a similar easy possibility of places to leave a victim's body.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Thanks Spooks. There's so much info to wade through. Still catching up.

JMO [emoji368]
The Spectacles is not quite on the line unless I am looking in the wrong spot. So if BRE did these 3, then who were the 2 in the fake Taxi where the girl jumped out breaking an ankle? Was BRE at the Coles Loading dock at 9pm? Other spots near the Claremont underpass. Who was there? Was it BRE or the Masta bator showing off? Cops were taking breaks at the Conti having beers! They were there to look for the CSK .They stood out like dogs Balls. Hmourous.
Spooks-R-Us - great job organising the info on wells. There must be so many animals and possibly bodies in some. They really should be made safe with covers over them but should be drained and cleared out. Imagine the cost though! My opinion only

Thanks Annalise.
I think many old wells did get filled in over the years. But as the videos I posted above show, some wells haven't.
Or maybe the covering has deteriorated over the years, re-exposing the mouth of the well.
I agree that they are unsafe for both animals and unaware humans.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
If victims were left in shallow graves, would it be likely that wild animals dug at the grave/s and exposed the bodies? And then proceed to do what carnivorous wild animals do. You get my drift.

Anyone have any experience or knowledge about such things?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Yeah. A mate does way up in off Bailup Rd. They buried a dog. Put glass bottles in the grave & smashed them up. Then covered the grave in soil. Sorts the foxes out.
[FONT=&quot]A comment on no names's post and how I interpreted what was said. In response to Eaglettes post way back on the cop testifying in the Rayney defamation case saying the CSK did not take the girls randomly.

[FONT=&quot]But in a separate court case last Tuesday, Detective Sergeant Ian Moore of the Major Crime Squad was giving evidence in a defamation trial brought by barrister Lloyd Rayney when he was asked by Mr Rayney’s lawyer Martin Bennett: “Do you accept that the Claremont serial killer killings were random attacks — the only thing linking Sarah *Spiers, Jane Rimmer, Ciara Glennon being an attendance in *Claremont?”[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sergeant Moore replied that he did not accept that: “I have knowledge of that particular job that I can’t particularly enlighten the court about and those — no, I can’t accept that proposition.”[/FONT][FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif][/FONT]

[FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif]We had suggestions for SS and then CG. However this seemed to go off in tangents for pages on wedding or party planning ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]although CG had only arrived in Perth a week before her sisters wedding[/FONT][FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif]) or being taken off in boats and somehow the German ambassadors residence. I also headed off off a tangent in trying to establish the ownership of Australia Computer Resellers. IMO in all this the point of trying to establish the cop's under oath statement that the girls were not random attacks was lost.[/FONT]
PCS - can you please explain -who are the 'Perth Remote Viewers'? And what do they do? And what have they said about this case?


Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

I'd like to know this as well. It seems all the information that you've mentioned has been investigated over many years with no result.
It is an open top 10 ft wide water tank at the end of Falls Rd. No ladder. Go during nocturnal hours for a look.

To save everyone sneaking around in the dark and annoying cranky (with good reason probably) ladies or dogs, what does the water tank have on it that you can see in the dark?
[FONT=&quot]A comment on no names's post and how I interpreted what was said. In response to Eaglettes post way back on the cop testifying in the Rayney defamation case saying the CSK did not take the girls randomly.

[FONT=&quot]But in a separate court case last Tuesday, Detective Sergeant Ian Moore of the Major Crime Squad was giving evidence in a defamation trial brought by barrister Lloyd Rayney when he was asked by Mr Rayney’s lawyer Martin Bennett: “Do you accept that the Claremont serial killer killings were random attacks — the only thing linking Sarah *Spiers, Jane Rimmer, Ciara Glennon being an attendance in *Claremont?”[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sergeant Moore replied that he did not accept that: “I have knowledge of that particular job that I can’t particularly enlighten the court about and those — no, I can’t accept that proposition.”[/FONT][FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif][/FONT]

[FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif]We had suggestions for SS and then CG. However this seemed to go off in tangents for pages on wedding or party planning ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]although CG had only arrived in Perth a week before her sisters wedding[/FONT][FONT=YouTube Noto, Roboto, arial, sans-serif]) or being taken off in boats and somehow the German ambassadors residence. I also headed off off a tangent in trying to establish the ownership of Australia Computer Resellers. IMO in all this the point of trying to establish the cop's under oath statement that the girls were not random attacks was lost.[/FONT]

IC I like the way you pulled all this together and clearly explained how the thread lost it's way. Nice one.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
It is an astrological Book I have. It is really good.

I'm, curious, what does the good book say?

I'm also curious and don't mean to be nosey, but why the Spectacles now where are my spectacles byline?
I'd like to know this as well. It seems all the information that you've mentioned has been investigated over many years with no result.

IC - when you say "all the information that YOU'VE mentioned", do you mean PCS or me?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
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