Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #20

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There is something very concerning about Con Bayens report and the upper echelons reaction.

I totally agree Janwa. I re-read the stuff he said and it sent chills down my spine! He really tried hard to be heard but nobody was listening, or was fixated elsewhere perhaps?

Loved how Con said (BBM):

"Mr Bayens said the head investigator into the killings had rejected his offer to pass on information from the undercover operation."He said, 'Don't worry about it, Con, we've got our man.' And those words will stick with me forever," he said."That just hit about 10 on my weird ****-o-meter."

Police would know by now if BRE is MM in the video. Do you think that would have been released if it was him? I’m thinking it isn’t, which is why there is no mention of it lately. What do you guys think? Interesting either way it pans out. Moo

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Always wondered that too MissUnderstood, about if police would
leave it out there
if they were sure it was him, if it was going to be used in evidence I mean. It is interesting, as you say. Who knows? Will have to wait and see if it forms part of the prosecution, OR the defence. For all we know MM might have come forward and of course, we are not being told this.
I'll go by MM in the CCTV because I strongly suspect he is BRE. He approached, showed the palms of his hands in a relaxed, friendly manner as if to suggest "see how open I am, I'm not hiding anything?" cracks a joke and Jane immediately relaxes and laughs. He's already there with Jane. If she wasn't there to meet him, I suspect she'd have got in his car for a ride home.

He's not bad looking, tall, fit and tidy. What he might lack in looks, he makes up for in other ways. And he's a chameleon, he blends.

Police would know by now if BRE is MM in the video. Do you think that would have been released if it was him? I’m thinking it isn’t, which is why there is no mention of it lately. What do you guys think? Interesting either way it pans out. Moo

In a very early post, my opinion was that MM could well be the accused ... but I'v changed my mind.
I currently lean toward MM being no more than just an innocent guy whom JR did recognise and was clearly pleased to see.
Of all present on the night of Jane's disappearance, MM was the only person to remain "unidentified", and it was for that reason alone he became a POI.

Had the CCTV been made public at the time, I believe MM would have been positively identified, but that during the delay in releasing the surveillance footage, he either relocated, passed away, or perhaps he also met with harm ... (?)

Although it seems the crime squad must have substantial reason for charging the accused, AFAIA, BRE's actual presence at the Claremont Hotel on that specific occasion is as yet conjecture.

these are just my personal thoughts for consideration by others
I think a lot of problems start in these forums when individuals try to claim expertise in to many fields , no one person is qualified in Genetics , Profiling , Police Procedure, Court Procedure , The Law and Criminal Code etc. etc.

These are all highly skilled individual fields with some amount of crossover but you would need 3 or 4 degrees to be qualified for all

The sad part is these people try to put effort into what they are doing but once you see the holes in one field it's easy to see them in all , just my opinion though

Everyone has the right to post on here FF (unless they are abusive or disruptive) and I for one have enjoyed reading ALL the different points of view, life experiences, expertise, and "what ifs" and whacko theories (my own included here as I can be as whacko as the best of 'em). I'm astounded at the knowledge people have and are willing to share, so graciously. Please don't attack other posters or make snide remarks FF. You've got some fabulous ideas and have posted lots of terrific posts, let's just live and let live and be grateful to be here with such AMAZING people! Peace be with you. :rose:
Everyone has the right to post on here FF (unless they are abusive or disruptive) and I for one have enjoyed reading ALL the different points of view, life experiences, expertise, and "what ifs" and whacko theories (my own included here as I can be as whacko as the best of 'em). I'm astounded at the knowledge people have and are willing to share, so graciously. Please don't attack other posters or make snide remarks FF. You've got some fabulous ideas and have posted lots of terrific posts, let's just live and let live and be grateful to be here with such AMAZING people! Peace be with you. :rose:

You are absolutely correct , all have a right to post to whatever they wish , my comment was not meant as a snide remark , I believe it to be true and to me it is sad , someone going to a lot of effort to cater to a couple of dozen people , because there cannot be much coming into this forum now

Offer opinions on anything by all means but if people who are qualified in fields stuck to their field in the main things may progress instead of going around in circles , again this is just my opinion
Anyone have a link to the Australian Story "He Who Waits" episode? I've only ever been able to find transcripts of the episode.
My thoughts are the prosecution gathers as many charges as they can. And if necessary, just prior to deliberation the judge guides the jury in regard to the charges. For example, the judge may probably advise if the majority of jurors decide against wilful murder the same amount of jurors will need to vote against interfering with a corpse.

I recall a similar instance when I was on jury duty – the judge bought the matter to our attention just prior to deliberating.
Anyone have a link to the Australian Story "He Who Waits" episode? I've only ever been able to find transcripts of the episode.

Hi LennyAustralia, I just checked ABC IVIEW webpage and unfortunately they have only stored back to 2006 (He Who Waits aired in 2004 from a Google search I did for you). So I'd suggest you maybe contact ABC on email via their website. I'm sure they'll be able to help you through their archives, maybe they can download it to you? It was such a compelling episode I thought I'd seen it in the past 3 years as I went back looking for you. Just shows what an impact it had on me as it's still very vivid in my mind.
My thoughts are the prosecution gathers as many charges as they can. And if necessary, just prior to deliberation the judge guides the jury in regard to the charges. For example, the judge may probably advise if the majority of jurors decide against wilful murder the same amount of jurors will need to vote against interfering with a corpse.

I recall a similar instance when I was on jury duty – the judge bought the matter to our attention just prior to deliberating.

Fascinating Canning Vale! First hand knowledge. Horrible being on that sort of case, and nobody seems to be offered any counselling after doing jury duty on these graphic cases? I wonder how many people are walking around out there who have terrible images (and thoughts) imprinted in their brains forever from "doing their duty"?
You are absolutely correct , all have a right to post to whatever they wish , my comment was not meant as a snide remark , I believe it to be true and to me it is sad , someone going to a lot of effort to cater to a couple of dozen people , because there cannot be much coming into this forum now

Offer opinions on anything by all means but if people who are qualified in fields stuck to their field in the main things may progress instead of going around in circles , again this is just my opinion

Don't like going around in circles, makes me dizzy!
Has anyone considered that BRE was listening into payphone conversations? I remember as a kid being fascinated by seeing a Telecom technician kneeling by a pit but talking on a telephone. It would of been very easy for him to monitor payphone conversations for women calling taxis. Just a thought.
Has anyone considered that BRE was listening into payphone conversations? I remember as a kid being fascinated by seeing a Telecom technician kneeling by a pit but talking on a telephone. It would of been very easy for him to monitor payphone conversations for women calling taxis. Just a thought.

That's a good point. Possibly there is/was infrastructure nearby - within Stirling Hwy. Might be able to see it on Google Earth.
Looking for something definitive that confirms the police believe the girls were killed at the site but having some trouble atm finding it.

If they were and not in the car or at another location, imo might indicate another influence and something else. Is it possible he may have actually had another woman with him?

I'm not saying both took part in the attacks one may have been a driver, enabler, cleaner. Wouldn't leave DNA with paper overshoes and surgical gloves.
Has anyone considered that BRE was listening into payphone conversations? I remember as a kid being fascinated by seeing a Telecom technician kneeling by a pit but talking on a telephone. It would of been very easy for him to monitor payphone conversations for women calling taxis. Just a thought.

I can see your logic ,if it was daytime , but if you ever get the chance to look into those pits all the wiring etc is minuscule , they use small clamps to connect to a specific phone line among a haystack of wiring ... the pit would have to lit up at night... even if it was done by torch I think it would be more noticeable because it was not lit up

Ive considered if the pits were ever put out of service they would be a good place to hide "things ", they are big enough for a man to fit into ... and a Telstra worker would know they were out of service
Looking for something definitive that confirms the police believe the girls were killed at the site but having some trouble atm finding it.

If they were and not in the car or at another location, imo might indicate another influence and something else. Is it possible he may have actually had another woman with him?

The theory of a woman assistant was raised right back at the start of these forums and it made a lot of sense , as in the male did not have to do the sweet talk , or even be in a pub or club , and that the woman could offer her new found friend a lift home or wherever when she was picked up , no need to force anyone into a car , even pulling up and offering a lift after a cab was called

The guy who offered up this theory also offered up a lot of others , to many , which killed the credibility of his rational ideas , but it is one theory I have never discounted
Has anyone considered that BRE was listening into payphone conversations? I remember as a kid being fascinated by seeing a Telecom technician kneeling by a pit but talking on a telephone. It would of been very easy for him to monitor payphone conversations for women calling taxis. Just a thought.

You know I was thinking about him listening in and I was wondering, could he have been tapping into police radio as I know some "ham radio buffs" used to do this didn't they? I found this link, admittedly not "our hemisphere" (just letting ya know Frequant Flyer! (wink!) but probably the same here? Will do more digging. Wouldn't that be a funny thing if our CSK was listening to where the cops were on the nights he set out to do his prowling?
Looking for something definitive that confirms the police believe the girls were killed at the site but having some trouble atm finding it.

If they were and not in the car or at another location, imo might indicate another influence and something else. Is it possible he may have actually had another woman with him?

Hey Pandit, I'm looking for a link too about speculation by police as to where the girls were killed but can't find it. It's out there as I've read it. A comment made by Paul Ferguson on the day of discovery of Jane I think, very early on. Says something like, we believe the girls were killed and brought here within a few hours of them being taken, (or words of that nature), but it could be the reverse too as you are saying.

And yes, CSK COULD have had a woman with him. Makes for an excellent method of ensnaring another woman, the trust issue when you see another woman, a friendly "couple". Worked very well for the Birnie's didn't it?
The women in Bre's life are almost invisible past and present, one in particular essentially is. No footprints. Protection or suppression, could any proceedings have been in camera?

Wild thought.

Looking for something definitive that confirms the police believe the girls were killed at the site but having some trouble atm finding it.

If they were and not in the car or at another location, imo might indicate another influence and something else. Is it possible he may have actually had another woman with him?
IMO - highly likely he was listening in at times.

CSK was highly calculated and cunning.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he listened in on phone calls and police radio

You know I was thinking about him listening in and I was wondering, could he have been tapping into police radio as I know some "ham radio buffs" used to do this didn't they? I found this link, admittedly not "our hemisphere" (just letting ya know Frequant Flyer! (wink!) but probably the same here? Will do more digging. Wouldn't that be a funny thing if our CSK was listening to where the cops were on the nights he set out to do his prowling?

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Looking for something definitive that confirms the police believe the girls were killed at the site but having some trouble atm finding it.

If they were and not in the car or at another location, imo might indicate another influence and something else. Is it possible he may have actually had another woman with him?

As has already been said the fem fatale was mentioned long ago , the woman who was thought to be involved was named in the threads , in some theories she was the instigator of it all
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