Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996-1997, Perth, Western Australia - #8 ARREST*

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So I had to contact WAPOL to find out if I was breaking any laws before I posted this but I can confirm that Brad worked at UWA on and off as a telstra tech for a couple of years fixing faults, programming etc. He was only there for a week or two at a time while the regular guy was on leave and he was one of several that worked there intermittently.

I actually typed up my thoughts on the CSK back on the BF forums and on here during the day at work with Brad sitting directly opposite me. I made him a cup of tea as I often did for the people in that office. He's quite a big bloke, and wore his hat inside (don't know why I remember that) People have been asking me since he was arrested if he ever gave off a creepy vibe or if there was anything "off" about him. I remember not liking him at first because he comes across as aloof but over time whenever he was back for another stint in that office he warmed up enough for us to say hi and greet each other by name around campus.

I don't know if he worked there in the 90's when the girls went missing. I don't know if he studied there either. I do remember mentioning two attacks in Nedlands in the last 3-4 years. One on Caporn St I think, where someone tried to grab a girl off the street and i walked past while the detectives were knocking on doors asking if anyone had seen anything, and the poor girl from IGA on Broadway who was stabbed in the back while walking home. That one always frightened me, and is why I don't listen to my headphones while walking at night anymore.

It will probably come out in the next week or so that he worked at UWA, so just remember: You heard it on Websleuths first :)
I'm happy to answer any questions if I can.

Maybe you can settle the debate Mordekai, was he sub-average intelligence as some on here are convinced? OR Slighty above average intelligence as most known caught serial killers are, or was he very intelligent?
It was only in the last few years. That office was renovated when new refurbishments were done at the end of last year/start of this year so I think he would have been there from 2012-2015

There are two or 3 people I know who've worked with him closely for >10 years who will know much about him than I do. As of early Jan I can ask much more detailed questions.

We have to remember that he hasn't been convicted or been formally sentenced yet. It might not even be him. If we go all out and dig up every detail of his life and it turns out its not him I'm going to feel like a real ****
Loyd Rainey got dragged through the mud, and poor Lance, PW, Ross etc were all guilty as sin before WAPOL arrested Brad.

I wouldn't feel too sorry for many of these people from what I have been told. I won't post on here but yeah, there are strong reasons why they police followed them.
Maybe you can settle the debate Mordekai, was he sub-average intelligence as some on here are convinced? OR Slighty above average intelligence as most known caught serial killers are, or was he very intelligent?

You know, I wonder how anyone can determine his intelligence level without actually having assessed him?

Someone can have a really high IQ score yet struggle with social interactions and that can make them appear less 'intelligent' than they are.

Just a thought that keeps arising for me as I read the debate over his intellectual capacity :seeya:
Dave, please for everyones sake, go away. You've been on the taxpayers payroll for decades, you have cost us millions in payouts for your silly mistakes, please just go away, maybe move to another country.

Exactly! The West Australian is known for being soft on establishment figures and so it was with Caporn today. They could have and should have torn him to shreds on the front page.

Ever since Stokes, who is a dyslexic shill, bought The West it has deferred to any institution that can deliver him more $.
Definitely agree with blitz attack, as there have been no reports of a man offering lifts.
Thats not correct, for one LW was offering lifts, secondly undercover female cop got in a car with a guy offering lifts
RE: the break in in 88.... Huntingdale....
Was the Kimono found external to the premises or only nearby? Or did the victim actually see attacker: 1.wearing Kimono? 2. Holding Kimono. 3. No Kimono. 4. Dropping Kimono. 5. More than 1 of the above? If it's another woman's Kimono and we know he lived in that very same suburb.....Just saying it's so easy to super impose thoughts and facts. Super tiny steps... People knew of DNA linking to crimes back in 88 right? (that's another thought in itself) Something just doesn't add up. Maybe the Kimono itself isn't the actual DNA link? Maybe it was simply the recent apparent reinterview with the Huntingdale victim... as someone few posts ago mentioned they heard through the grapevine..... Maybe all that's happened is that he was a local suspect in 88 and overlooked or something rather? Then they tested family DNA and it matched CSK only. Have they specifically said they found DNA on Kimono? Huntingdale victim claims he was 30 odd. Not 19 right?? Random Kimono... Dunno something about this one. Can't wait for them to release specifics of this....
Hi , wow what a wonderfull break threw on such a Awful event .
I wonder if this guy is the actual perpetrator or he's being made a scapegoat, it's happened before hasn't it ?
the reason why I ask is I was told a bunch of information by a fellow that implicated himself Pw and sr , it's was delivered at a very turbulent time in my life , he suggested to me that he lived in Mandurah in a house provided by Pw . claimed that the victims were bunt *advertiser censored* that would do anything for drugs confirmed that sr had a taxi ect all while his 16 year old son egged him on in the back ground , he spoke of other things at the time , laughed about milat ect , son was a present at this time , this guys done 25 years in prison 25 out .this guy was showing me police documents talking about crown witnesses ect .
not soon after our lives got worse I've got a very serve hunch either this BE fellow be will go to sleep in prison , or this is a ploy via the police to catch them. If so sorry to blow it , but after all your police confirmed in Geelong these people were trying to get me for years , even writing this puts us in danger but the truth must come out sooner or later , I would rather go on record now and start to put it on forums as I've approached news out lets ect and papers and there's a great deal of corruption and manipulation going on
google search Geelong Claremont - that's when we took off

Spot on, its control, if it was purely sex he would just go root prostitutes.

exactly there's more to it
please try to get what I'm saying I'm not a scholar
After seeing the article with Pwclaiming that the police commissioner is a corrupt Dirty Harry , enough is enough
any questions I'll try answer to the best of my ability , I'm amazed at how you've all broken down BE so well, like gob smacked
Thats not correct, for one LW was offering lifts, secondly undercover female cop got in a car with a guy offering lifts

Sorry you are so right.

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I'm starting to think all but SS was opportunistic.

The other bodies were found by people passing by, ie not hidden very well, shallow grave etc. If someone was planning to do this, they would be better prepared.

dumping the bodies the way he did does not suggest to me whatsoever that he wasn't prepared, IMO dumping the bodies and not burying suggests arrogance, he was that good at what he was doing that he did not need to bury the body because he would never get caught (in his mind anyway) simply just dumping a body also paints a picture as to how he sees women, these girls are trash, just throw away objects for self gratification, use and dispose.

So can we clear up if this did or did not happen with CG?? at this location.


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Few scratch marks you would think at a minimum assuming she had opportunity to fight.
I doubt telstra would still have these records but it wouldn't surprise me if BE had called in sick the day after the attacks especially post CG if she did indeed fight back.

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I think after a first ever murder it is highly possible that BE would take the day off of work. other murders I think he would have shown up for work like nothing had happened, appeared normal and went about his day.
You know, I wonder how anyone can determine his intelligence level without actually having assessed him?

Someone can have a really high IQ score yet struggle with social interactions and that can make them appear less 'intelligent' than they are.

Just a thought that keeps arising for me as I read the debate over his intellectual capacity :seeya:

Emotional IQ and generic IQ are very different, but I would say you could tell if someone came across as well educated but naive or poorly educated but shrewd, in terms of an exact establishment he would need to be tested but anecdotal opinions are interesting nonetheless.
Wow, it seems they got him. Always had an interest in this as I grew up and went to school around there. Went to Christ Church Grammar School (1974-1980), lived about three hundred metres away across Claremont Park, and until about 1990 was still knocking around that area. I didn't think they'd ever get him after so long.

My thoughts:-

1) I'd favour blitz attacks. Claremont's full of places where you could pull someone into a driveway or alley. He must have somehow incapacitated the victims to all intents and purposes instantly. Maybe hit them one or more times to stun them, then gagged and bound them. Then he's at liberty to go where he wants. Seems Ciara went down swinging.

2) The Kimono. Perhaps the intended victim scratched him during the assault and as he fled he grabbed it from a line and wiped blood from himself onto it in case it was phoned in and there was a van out looking for the offender? Seems possible.

Anyway (fingers crossed) they've got the *advertiser censored*, and a lot of people will be happy about that.
Someone I know was offered a lift by a man in a white car while she was walking home from Claremont around the time of the CSK.

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Yep and people still offer people lifts to this day, indeed i suspect a lot of good, innocent people would have stopped and warned a girl walking by herself near claremont, even potentially offered her a lift.
Exactly! The West Australian is known for being soft on establishment figures and so it was with Caporn today. They could have and should have torn him to shreds on the front page.

Ever since Stokes, who is a dyslexic shill, bought The West it has deferred to any institution that can deliver him more $.
KS is a piece of work, was just told another story about him yesterday, yes the west is now used to push his financial investments such as mining equipment and apartment developments etc. Thankfully written media will be dead soon as is merely a business tool for him.
Potential BE event between 90-92 within 10 km's of Huntingdale. Twice Police were apathetic and directed me toward FOI application. Is there a way for me bypass the police drones in reporting this? Crimestoppers looks like the only other avenue.[COLOR
[COLOR=r)]He lived around the same area at the same time , same mo as Claremont [/COLOR]
[COLOR61)]Police chiefs nan was grabbed [/COLOR]
[/COL, 0, 0.701961)][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]He's mentioned in this article see if you can work out where ..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]I'm pretty sure her father was a aspiring cop [/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]This crime is around the corner from him and if you research she posts random things about a old detective on her face book deemed suicide same detective as mc dairymaid[/C)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=.70161)]This guy is loose there's more to the story but how can I brake it down
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