Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996-1997, Perth, Western Australia - #8 ARREST*

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Hi All,

I've viewed the threads over the years and have created an account today. Please see some possible online activity and alisas of Bradley Edwards.

Bradley Edwards and possible online alias' and places of interest.

Bravicat (Discovered as a name/email by previous posters)
Wandering Dervish (less common than a Whirling Dervish)
Tuscan Soat (Shroud of The Avatar)
Location: Mehtani Keys (fictional location within game Guild Wars)

Search Bravicat. Leads to Username and account on computer forum

Leads to 'Wandering Dervish'

Leads to the following potential leads:

(see comment from wandering dervish)
(see comment from wandering dervish particularly the timing of discovering the Persian Poet Rumi...1996)

Leads to Tuscan Sota location: Mehtani Keys

Or if we stick to the gaming theme, Tuscan Shroud of the Avatar.

Possible leads that others may pick up on.

If that quote about Rumi is him it's fascinating:-

"I have on several occasions sent the same words from the heading of your poem to a few lovers and friends in the past, “out beyond ideas of wrong doings and right doings there is a field. I’ll meet you there”, to provoke thoughts.

"Some people think broken heart poetry is taboo or too mushy. But, I love Rumi for his guts to speak about what we’ve all felt when what we desire never comes to fruition, a broken heart that suffers alone that only time can heal or a loss never recovered instead silently mutates us deep inside."

OMG if it's him. Somehow I don't think so.
Doesn't look like ANY houses in HIS street. The difference is stark. Mr Community, nicely dressed, Little Athletics man. Nothing, absolutely nothing has been done to that house in the last ten years. Not a new shrub, not a pot plant, nothing. It's surreal. like time has stopped.

Something to add this conversation, is that he was pictured on a lawn mower at Little Athletics, and other sleuthers here have linked him to a lawn mowing business. May be a case of cobbler's daughter never gets the shoes, and being so busy maintaining a community front and gaming at home, that he didn't have time or the inclination to care for his own garden?
Just a thought do you think there is some sort of connection between that Shaun guy and DROK who used to post a lot a little while ago. They both had lots of conspiracies of police corruption and underground criminal gangs be it paedophile or Mafia.

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Droc is Noel Coward. He is deceased. IMO. I don't have the many, many links to prove it, but it's common knowledge.

I personally think we shouldn't indulge him further as it is way off topic and has no relevance.
In regards to the house I think the state inside is more telling to a person really...My yard looks like crap atm but inside it is spotless. I just simply hate gardening lol.

I was just thinking the same thing... some people are meticulous inside, but let the outside go as it's not a priority - or they're just not green thumbs :)
Just a thought do you think there is some sort of connection between that Shaun guy and DROK who used to post a lot a little while ago. They both had lots of conspiracies of police corruption and underground criminal gangs be it paedophile or Mafia.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Droc aka Noel Coward passed away either end of last year or the start of this year so they are not the same person.

So the place did shut at 12. Maybe there is more truth to what that Shaun guy is saying. He said.... The nephew of someone called RT said he was the CSK and is in the footage cctv

He is referring to the newphew of Robert Trimboli, an Australian mafia member who is suspected in the assassination of a town mayor, drugs e.t.c if what Shaun says ever did happen then i'd brush it off as no more than RT's nephew either trying to intimidate or trying to gain attention.
Hi All,

I've viewed the threads over the years and have created an account today. Please see some possible online activity and alisas of Bradley Edwards.

Bradley Edwards and possible online alias' and places of interest.

Bravicat (Discovered as a name/email by previous posters)
Wandering Dervish (less common than a Whirling Dervish)
Tuscan Soat (Shroud of The Avatar)
Location: Mehtani Keys (fictional location within game Guild Wars)

Search Bravicat. Leads to Username and account on computer forum

Leads to 'Wandering Dervish'

Leads to the following potential leads:

(see comment from wandering dervish)
(see comment from wandering dervish particularly the timing of discovering the Persian Poet Rumi...1996)

Leads to Tuscan Sota location: Mehtani Keys

Or if we stick to the gaming theme, Tuscan Shroud of the Avatar.

Possible leads that others may pick up on.

on saturday, i also found the gaming username
"bravicat" (wandering dervish),
did some research, but then thought i'd spelled it incorrectly so didn't post, feeling i was perhaps thinking a bit too deep
... but as you've now raised it and asked,
this is what i found:

•Moses and the Wandering Dervish :
"A Play of Life and Death, promised in a moment of mortal threat..."
by Milla Cozart Riggio, Professor, Trinity College
•according to wiki,
'dervish' is 1580's Turkish,
derived from the Persian word darvīsh.
used in the same manner as the Arabic word "Faqir" to refer to Muslim holy men who have given up worldly for an austere and religious life; known for their extreme poverty and austerity.
Their focus is on the universal values of love and service,
deserting the illusions of ego to reach God.
blah blah blah
another thought i had
• bravicat — as opposed to 'scaredycat' ???

Droc is Noel Coward. He is deceased. IMO. I don't have the many, many links to prove it, but it's common knowledge.

Yeah I heard he has passed but that Shaun guy mentioned him as droc and as Noel coward as well. Just seems a bit funny that's all.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Droc aka Noel Coward passed away either end of last year or the start of this year so they are not the same person.

He is referring to the newphew of Robert Trimboli, an Australian mafia member who is suspected in the assassination of a town mayor, drugs e.t.c if what Shaun says ever did happen then i'd brush it off as no more than RT's nephew either trying to intimidate or trying to gain attention.

Depends how well it was covered up and how confident they were it was done and dusted. How long after the incidents.... I could see a certain type of MO person boasting however yes I also see do see what your saying as highly likely. Shaun seems to have left the thread
A dervish is one of 3 characters you can choose when playing guild wars, the "wandering" prefix is one of many titles you can earn in the game, so all the "wandering dervish" name means is his character was a Dervish with the rank of Wandering.

Still some nice researching skills regardless, I'd not come across him using that game as of yet so it's something else to help dig up info!
heres what i think
BE comes from a battlers suburb and went to a public high school [nothing wrong with that ] the local pubs in the area, well lets just say you had to know a left hook from a fish hook and all the words to the angels , am i ever gonna see your face again
BE probably felt superior to his environment , a top shelf girl was what he deserved, but on entering the land of plenty [ claremont \ conti ] encountered reality, he was out of his league
with a rape or 2 under his belt and being a psychopath he was going to show them they brushed the wrong bloke
ps parkie no hair lip but you were not far of the mark
on saturday, i also found the gaming username
"bravicat" (wandering dervish),
did some research, but then thought i'd spelled it incorrectly so didn't post, feeling i was perhaps thinking a bit too deep
... but as you've now raised it and asked,
this is what i found:

•Moses and the Wandering Dervish :
"A Play of Life and Death, promised in a moment of mortal threat..."
by Milla Cozart Riggio, Professor, Trinity College
•according to wiki,
'dervish' is 1580's Turkish,
derived from the Persian word darvīsh.
used in the same manner as the Arabic word "Faqir" to refer to Muslim holy men who have given up worldly for an austere and religious life; known for their extreme poverty and austerity.
Their focus is on the universal values of love and service,
deserting the illusions of ego to reach God.
blah blah blah
another thought i had
• bravicat — as opposed to 'scaredycat' ???


BE's known username is , not bravicat.

is derived from the first three letters of his name as well as those of his step-daughter and wife.

So I suspect that your bravicat searches are not on the money....but I could be wrong.
Also Shaun said a different MM in the cctv footage looked a lot like this nephew guy. He said 110%. Is the nephew pw or Sr? Whoever they are..... How prevalent were gangs and mafia in Perth around such areas in the 90's and was there a lot of police corruption during such times in the area. If so would some serial killer have the balls to be playing in their stomping grounds?
Looking into the history of the usernames as well as the domain etc might help establish a timeline as to when they got serious as a couple.
Hi all, new here. Grew up in WA and have been following this case closely.

It's a picture of Ninetales and Vulpix. Poor girl must be going through hell right now.

Does anyone remember the adverts on WA TV back in the day that used to say that "Every Police vehicle is now a booze bus"????

I would get breathalyzed one to two times a year.

So if the Police, were interested in sampling DNA without suspicion, a booze bus/ransom breath test could be the way to go. There is no law stating the Police are required to return the breathalyzer hose to the driver.

You would eventually receive a sample from a family member.
It's too cost prohibitive for one (they are still testing old evidence for the 80's see the kimono, which is much more important), unless they are labelling and bagging every mouthpiece it is not happening, pretty sure they dump them in a bucket. Even then there is a danger they have got the wrong profiles for the wrong people.

Civil libertarian lawyers would be up in arms if peoples DNA was being taken like this.
With regards to the appearance of his yard, it's not only that it's unkempt, it's totally devoid of any personality. He was definitely into anonymity. Which is not unusual for him, but I think it is unusual there were 2 females living there recently and it looked the way it did.
This closed thread on Web sleuths has some interesting facts I think all should go through it.... Can anyone tell me who suspect #1 and #2 are in a post from this closed thread:

There is no proof at all that they "mystery man" is involved in her disappearance. However, to this day he remains the ONLY person outside the Hotel that night captured on CCTV that the police have been unable to identify. He is also the only person that Jane is seen to interact with (and is likely the last person she would have spoken to).

- The reason the police waited until 2008 to release the CCTV footage featuring the "mystery man" is because the original footage (1990s CCTV footage, shot at night) was of bad quality. NASA were asked to enhance it, but were unable to do so. A production company was able to do some kind of digital enhancement on it, but this apparently was not a great improvement.

Key suspects (source: Crime Investigation Australia, 2008).

Presumably, both these men are still under some level of surveillance to this day...

- Suspect #1: a known "sexual pervert". Kept gun underneath passenger seat of his car. Used to drive 'round Claremont on certain nights of the week. Was familiar with the areas of bush where Ciara Glennon's (third victim) body was found. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered.

- Suspect #2: a well-educated Martial Artish from a wealthy English family (who was 34 years old in 1996/1997). Worked closely with Sarah Spiers (first victim) and hat met Jane Rimmer at least once. However, he told "blatant lies" about his familiarity with these women during his police interviews. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered. Polygraph test results were "inconclusive".
This closed thread on Web sleuths has some interesting facts I think all should go through it.... Can anyone tell me who suspect #1 and #2 are in a post from this closed thread:

There is no proof at all that they "mystery man" is involved in her disappearance. However, to this day he remains the ONLY person outside the Hotel that night captured on CCTV that the police have been unable to identify. He is also the only person that Jane is seen to interact with (and is likely the last person she would have spoken to).

- The reason the police waited until 2008 to release the CCTV footage featuring the "mystery man" is because the original footage (1990s CCTV footage, shot at night) was of bad quality. NASA were asked to enhance it, but were unable to do so. A production company was able to do some kind of digital enhancement on it, but this apparently was not a great improvement.

Key suspects (source: Crime Investigation Australia, 2008).

Presumably, both these men are still under some level of surveillance to this day...

- Suspect #1: a known "sexual pervert". Kept gun underneath passenger seat of his car. Used to drive 'round Claremont on certain nights of the week. Was familiar with the areas of bush where Ciara Glennon's (third victim) body was found. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered.

- Suspect #2: a well-educated Martial Artish from a wealthy English family (who was 34 years old in 1996/1997). Worked closely with Sarah Spiers (first victim) and hat met Jane Rimmer at least once. However, he told "blatant lies" about his familiarity with these women during his police interviews. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered. Polygraph test results were "inconclusive".

There are 7 closed threads.
Maybe read from the beginning so you can get up to speed.

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So the place did shut at 12. Maybe there is more truth to what that Shaun guy is saying. He said.... The nephew of someone called RT said he was the CSK and is in the footage cctv
When the Claremont shut @ 12 everyone would head to club bay view en mass. Still happens to this day I believe.
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