Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #9 *ARREST

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I don't think it's totally ridiculous for a fisherman to come home empty handed.. Hubby and brother in law go all the time and most times do. Pretty sure they aren't out murdering people!
Try Landgate Frankie, my map I posted yesterday arvo was from 1995...can be done if you're willing
Rather that everyone puncing about back and forth I will shed some light on Frankie's claims.

The building Frankie claims he saw in his dream is an old part of CCGS that has since been demolished and rebuilt. He described it perfectly.

There is no longer a need to go back and forth and speculate what was in his dream.

I notice after all this time Frankie hasn't acknowledged the old building at CCGS. I think it's unlikely someone would have a vivid dream about the CSK, see a prime suspect's face before that person's face was made public, speak to the police about it, and not be aware of what the old CCGS buildings look like.

IMO Frankie is waiting for someone to find an old image of CCGS that matches his description to seemingly give more credibility.

Not to mention the claim about seeing the crime in his dream featuring real places that he'd never seen before. Scientifically impossible.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a load of cobblers.
i don't understand these forums. why do new threads keep getting created? and why do some have moderating whatever that means? do posts get deleted?
i don't understand these forums. why do new threads keep getting created? and why do some have moderating whatever that means? do posts get deleted?

Posts are deleted by moderators if they break 'the rules'. For example on this site, posters shouldn't discuss a suspects family member.
Yes Lisa brown went to huntingdale primary school- same year as my sister...
Although she did not go to Gosnells high
Someone said earlier that the first wife worked at Corrs the law firm. Do we know if she was a lawyer or did she work in some other role at the firm (eg legal secretary)?

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Rather that everyone puncing about back and forth I will shed some light on Frankie's claims.

The building Frankie claims he saw in his dream is an old part of CCGS that has since been demolished and rebuilt. He described it perfectly.

There is no longer a need to go back and forth and speculate what was in his dream.

I notice after all this time Frankie hasn't acknowledged the old building at CCGS. I think it's unlikely someone would have a vivid dream about the CSK, see a prime suspect's face before that person's face was made public, speak to the police about it, and not be aware of what the old CCGS buildings look like.

IMO Frankie is waiting for someone to find an old image of CCGS that matches his description to seemingly give more credibility.

Not to mention the claim about seeing the crime in his dream featuring real places that he'd never seen before. Scientifically impossible.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a load of cobblers.

Yes that building at CCGS you mentioned was the old Arts department (since gone as you say).

I dispute Frankie could have made out those details of said building from his location at the bus stop in front of HJ's at night, be a stretch in daylight. I realise it was Frankies birthday but no human could see that detail from his given vantage point.
The new address 142 Gay St first appeared on an electoral roll dated 15 October 2001. Given that leadtimes then for construction of a house were about 12 months (pre-boom remember) that would then date the commencement of building on the subdivided titles to 2000.
However BRE didn't live there at that time so he wouldn't be on the EROLL
I don't think it's totally ridiculous for a fisherman to come home empty handed.. Hubby and brother in law go all the time and most times do. Pretty sure they aren't out murdering people!

The main point you make there is that your husband fishes with bin. I would find it quite risky for someone to be fishing from let's say midnight to 6am in the morning on there own. I don't fish so not sure what the norm is but would think it is helpful to have a companion when fishing to assist with boat/trailer equipment especially at night time. Time will tell whether he was living alone at the time of the murder. Your comment about your husband and bin aren't out murdering people is uncalled for. I'm pretty sure BE's family are probably still coming to terms that he has been charged with these events as they can't believe it either.
I think the cops put the ankles story out there, heard it a lot in the 90's

For those who haven't heard it, I'd be surprised if any, a story got put out that he cut the girls Achilles so they couldn't run off.

I suspect was intentional so the cops could spot the loonies claiming to be the CSK

Perhaps, but I heard the story from a very reliable source. It's a possibility that if BE thought KK was "left for dead", and then discovered she had survived, he needed to adapt for future victims. With that type of injury, he would have much more control over his victims, as well as time (God forbid). I was told it was only JR & CG with those wounds, which could also be another reason why KK was thought to be from a different offender. We won't know for sure until it comes out in court.
I don't think it's totally ridiculous for a fisherman to come home empty handed.. Hubby and brother in law go all the time and most times do. Pretty sure they aren't out murdering people!

I agree. My ex used to go out fishing on his own and stay out until the early hours of the morning- and rarely caught anything, either. If I'd been suspicious I'd have thought he was having an affair - but unless I found his behaviour strange or physical evidence like blood, murder would have been the last thing I'd suspect him of.
I tend to agree, but let's not discount the fact that he could be innocent and is indeed innocent until proven guilty.

Incorrect. In Australia, the presumption of innocence is a requirement of the court chair (Registrar, Magistrate, Judge, and Jurors), not of the prosecution, not of the public.
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I'd be interested to know if his voice sounds like the voice of the man who phoned Don Spiers.
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