Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

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Thanks. Last night I spent quite a bit of time looking at it and couldn't find any more than you. Perhaps that's all there is.

I've also been looking at the other paragraph in relation to Iona Presentation College "is also representative of another popular radio personality who no longer works in Perth". Is that an anagram of someone called Nola or Ian?

The only media personality in the 1990s that I know of was Susannah Carr.,_Perth

I have noticed radio announcers often travel interstate to get a gig doing breakfast radio as that seems to be what people aspire to as a career stepping stone. I did a bit of research on this one and couldn't find out who it was.

The reference to John XXIII for JR was also wrong I believe. Hollywood High was where she went to school.

At 27 for CG, the school you went to is irrelevant to some extent, particularly after attending University and completing a Law Degree. It is more relevant @18 with SS.
Below is a video of a Tigermoth joy ride from Jandakot Airport. The ride travels through Medina, Calista and Kwinana. JR was located in Wellard (8.9kms SE of Calista).

For those overseas Calista is 41kms south of Perth city. The vicinity passed has patches of undeveloped land - the Indian Ocean toward the west.

Note: BREs family lived long term in Huntingdale (13kms slightly NE of Jandakot airport).

For those interested the rides cost $277 for 30 minutes and that’s without aerobatics. Moustachio, Spooks or Petedavo make sure you book one, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! Voucher purchase Link

I'm an definitely no expert and am no way disputing any theories, etc., but I can't seem to shake off my thoughts that I find it hard to believe the CSK was/is sophisticated in their approach to the crimes. I think they are just a 'sick' individual who flew under the radar and was lucky not to get caught.

JMO [emoji368]
Spooks, beforehand you asked about abandoned factories....

'Are there any old abandoned factories, mills or warehouses where a body could be hidden in buildings, tanks, water tanks, or pits?
I'm thinking the accused may have possibly hidden a body somewhere that's secluded, but easily accessible by car and foot. Someplace that didn't require any digging or manual labour.'

There doesn’t appear to be any commercial buildings in that area which are heritage listed, except for government buildings, schools, churches and shops. There was a farm which I found interesting (i.e. well). Also, I think the suburb Mt Claremont was formerly called Graylands.

State Heritage Register
Lake Claremont Former Farm Site - Map and Details of the Area
Nedlands Telephone Exchange (Elizabeth St) Heritage Listing
Mt Claremont Asylum Hospital (the one prior to Graylands) - Video

CV could you please help locate old abandoned wells in Perth and surrounds? Some may be registered Historical points of interest (PtOi), while others may be located on private property but close to roads and easily seen by passers-by.

Perhaps we could compile a list of nurseries located within the area. They had wells at them.
I'm an definitely no expert and am no way disputing any theories, etc., but I can't seem to shake off my thoughts that I find it hard to believe the CSK was/is sophisticated in their approach to the crimes. I think they are just a 'sick' individual who flew under the radar and was lucky not to get caught.

JMO [emoji368]

Thanks for the thought. I agree. He's probably the most boring SK that ever lived.
Just ruling out all theories we can think of. There's still a few months before he goes to court again - we don't seem to be running out of things to discuss though.
Thanks for the thought. I agree. He's probably the most boring SK that ever lived.
Just ruling out all theories we can think of. There's still a few months before he goes to court again - we don't seem to be running out of things to discuss though.

It just takes a little more imagination and sleuthing to find things to discuss. [emoji41][emoji41][emoji41][emoji41][emoji41]

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
CV and Spooks, I agree and appreciate the ongoing discussions. I cannot wait for the facts to be revealed.

JMO [emoji368]
Firstly, no offense intended at all to anyone and of course your all free to post whatever you like, but... seriously, will someone please explain where all of this is going?
Theres been such a large amount of data posted recently so clearly theres some research being done, but, how any of it ties into any particular theory or what that theory is exactly, is still a complete mystery to me.
Lots of maybes and this could've happened, but minus a theory, how can we decide the scenarios? Without a scenario, how can we know what info is important & what can be ruled in and out? Well we cant, its impossible!!
What I am seeing posted is just some of many hundreds of various pieces of information and possibilities that may or may not be relevant at all. Trying to start by gathering info about every single thing that may form part of a scenario is pointless bcoz its endless & takes you nowhere. Its just info. All still to be determined if its relevant because we dont know what its supposed to form a part or if it fits into a theory we havent even heard yet. I dont get it at all.

An example - stating its possible that someone missing for 20 years could have been placed underground and then pursuing every conceivable place underground is ludicrous. Talk about getting bogged down by unnecessary details. For starters, is not a theory its a statement. It gives us an idea of the kind of information we need to consider to fit a particular scenario. Deciding whether its the most likely scenario to pursue only needs to be done if it best fits into your theory.
So can we hear about some possible theories please before we go any further with this?

If your interested, the theory Im most drawn to is that he took her on his own from claremont to an intermediary place close by and left her the night she was taken, giving himself enough time while it was still dark to return home. There is limited possible scenarios to fall into that theory. Firstly, by the time he got her into the car and out of the immediate area, it would have been at least 2.20am so to be safe, he has about 2 hrs of total darkness left. Im either going to KK and leaving her closer to Claremont which gives me a radius of about 10km max that I need to travel in total before I dont have a deceased person in my car anymore when its getting light. So, that'd suggest he had 1hr tops to spend wherever he went before needing to move on again.
Otherwise, Im heading out closer to where Im going to leave her so I can stop in between, then go to the d site and get out of there in that short amount of time. That suggests to me its likely to be a southern location & it makes sense to have headed down the coast to Rockingham Rd then gone inland somewhere around Russell Rd. Plenty of secluded wetlands & natural bush with few houses back then. If he chose inland Id say shes close to JR site, probably not so far down, but in a area with a far more waterlogged environment. Alternately, if she was left closer the coast, maybe even as close as the bush around Woodman Point, there'd be less people venturing into the bush at summertime due to snakes and theres plenty of foxes about who'd make certain shes wasnt found.
Another possibility Ive only considered recently is that he took her home and moved her on a different day. In that case shes probably E/SE and shes been buried so I dont think its possible she'll be found unless we're told where she is. If I was going to pursue a place to look, it would have to be in a somewhat sandy location fairly close to Claremont, or I wouldn't bother because I dont think there'd be a hope you could find her now anywhere else.
The one thing I certainly wont be doing is driving down to the where I have the family boat moored, transporting her onto it and setting off into the ocean to find some beach I can pull straight up onto the shore on then lugging her off again in the hope I might come across some unused windmill to bury her under. (Ok I know thats not what was being suggested exactly but you get my point). Theres no chance Im heading 44km west of Rotto to put her into a trench either. In fact, a boats the last place Id be going with such limited time because its the most likely place I'd run into other people at that time of the morning, especially after Australia Day. But thats just me and Im not a SK so what do I know, I could be totally wrong. I do know that Drabble Rd is in Scarborough though.
Lastly, I've been fascinated by "the line" over the years too. I do know for certain that almost all of the coordinates posted cant be relied upon exactly & some are very rough at best. Very recently, I set out to to dispel my curiosity & try to find any evidence of it being a mere coincidence - which I was absolutely able to do, too well in fact. I took the first two completely unrelated murders that I was aware of & plotted them & was really surprised they fit onto the line. One of them would have every person who believes in it jumping up & down claiming the CSK was definitely responsible, but they're not, someone else did it and it was random. Af first I thought it couldnt have been as close as it was, I must've got it wrong so I asked a computer nerd mate to check it & map accurately. I was shocked to the core to find it passed straight over the exact spot, and I mean exact. Thats if the midpoint is accurate though, which I think it is. So for me, I'm calling BS on the line unless we learn its a fact from someone who knows for sure and can prove it. And then I'll be freaking out about this unrelated coincidence even more Id say.
Anyway, thats all I have to say. My apologies to anyone who got this far into such a long post & wondered why they bothered.
Firstly, no offense intended at all to anyone and of course your all free to post whatever you like, but... seriously, will someone please explain where all of this is going?
Theres been such a large amount of data posted recently so clearly theres some research being done, but, how any of it ties into any particular theory or what that theory is exactly, is still a complete mystery to me.
Lots of maybes and this could've happened, but minus a theory, how can we decide the scenarios? Without a scenario, how can we know what info is important & what can be ruled in and out? Well we cant, its impossible!!
What I am seeing posted is just some of many hundreds of various pieces of information and possibilities that may or may not be relevant at all. Trying to start by gathering info about every single thing that may form part of a scenario is pointless bcoz its endless & takes you nowhere. Its just info. All still to be determined if its relevant because we dont know what its supposed to form a part or if it fits into a theory we havent even heard yet. I dont get it at all.

An example - stating its possible that someone missing for 20 years could have been placed underground and then pursuing every conceivable place underground is ludicrous. Talk about getting bogged down by unnecessary details. For starters, is not a theory its a statement. It gives us an idea of the kind of information we need to consider to fit a particular scenario. Deciding whether its the most likely scenario to pursue only needs to be done if it best fits into your theory.
So can we hear about some possible theories please before we go any further with this?

If your interested, the theory Im most drawn to is that he took her on his own from claremont to an intermediary place close by and left her the night she was taken, giving himself enough time while it was still dark to return home. There is limited possible scenarios to fall into that theory. Firstly, by the time he got her into the car and out of the immediate area, it would have been at least 2.20am so to be safe, he has about 2 hrs of total darkness left. Im either going to KK and leaving her closer to Claremont which gives me a radius of about 10km max that I need to travel in total before I dont have a deceased person in my car anymore when its getting light. So, that'd suggest he had 1hr tops to spend wherever he went before needing to move on again.
Otherwise, Im heading out closer to where Im going to leave her so I can stop in between, then go to the d site and get out of there in that short amount of time. That suggests to me its likely to be a southern location & it makes sense to have headed down the coast to Rockingham Rd then gone inland somewhere around Russell Rd. Plenty of secluded wetlands & natural bush with few houses back then. If he chose inland Id say shes close to JR site, probably not so far down, but in a area with a far more waterlogged environment. Alternately, if she was left closer the coast, maybe even as close as the bush around Woodman Point, there'd be less people venturing into the bush at summertime due to snakes and theres plenty of foxes about who'd make certain shes wasnt found.
Another possibility Ive only considered recently is that he took her home and moved her on a different day. In that case shes probably E/SE and shes been buried so I dont think its possible she'll be found unless we're told where she is. If I was going to pursue a place to look, it would have to be in a somewhat sandy location fairly close to Claremont, or I wouldn't bother because I dont think there'd be a hope you could find her now anywhere else.
The one thing I certainly wont be doing is driving down to the where I have the family boat moored, transporting her onto it and setting off into the ocean to find some beach I can pull straight up onto the shore on then lugging her off again in the hope I might come across some unused windmill to bury her under. (Ok I know thats not what was being suggested exactly but you get my point). Theres no chance Im heading 44km west of Rotto to put her into a trench either. In fact, a boats the last place Id be going with such limited time because its the most likely place I'd run into other people at that time of the morning, especially after Australia Day. But thats just me and Im not a SK so what do I know, I could be totally wrong. I do know that Drabble Rd is in Scarborough though.
Lastly, I've been fascinated by "the line" over the years too. I do know for certain that almost all of the coordinates posted cant be relied upon exactly & some are very rough at best. Very recently, I set out to to dispel my curiosity & try to find any evidence of it being a mere coincidence - which I was absolutely able to do, too well in fact. I took the first two completely unrelated murders that I was aware of & plotted them & was really surprised they fit onto the line. One of them would have every person who believes in it jumping up & down claiming the CSK was definitely responsible, but they're not, someone else did it and it was random. Af first I thought it couldnt have been as close as it was, I must've got it wrong so I asked a computer nerd mate to check it & map accurately. I was shocked to the core to find it passed straight over the exact spot, and I mean exact. Thats if the midpoint is accurate though, which I think it is. So for me, I'm calling BS on the line unless we learn its a fact from someone who knows for sure and can prove it. And then I'll be freaking out about this unrelated coincidence even more Id say.
Anyway, thats all I have to say. My apologies to anyone who got this far into such a long post & wondered why they bothered.

Well said no name. I feel responsible for leading people astray when seeing the posts of SteveG, blog from 2007 posted and the Tiger Moth video all in a short time. Finding SteveG's co-ordinates did not match his images and that one sent you to Moondyne Gardens Gendalough, one sent you to the non existant 21e 129 Drabble Road City Beach (that end of Drabble near Hale is in CB) and other strange postings that matched info in the Tiger Moth video was weird.

There are so many statements and false clues its hard to know where you are.

SteveG's Erye Hwy image taking you to Osprey (SeaEagle) Close, The Rise and BRE's WCE last facebook post on Eagles nest and others posting about Eagles EYRIE (Eagles nest) all too strange IMO. Great Eastern Hwy is at the end of Farmer Fwy and many clues suggesting places there to hide bodies. Or maybe there is something about that actual residence in CB?

While I think the accused was very proficient in mapping and with GPS I don't think it was him leaving these clues or the Tiger Moth video. Who else is involved? Especially if the TM video is suggesting Lisa Mott whom accused would have been too young and Birnie suggested. There are questions for me around Barbara Western and others.

I also think there was a holding place and if it was close by the empty (at the time) Monument building in Government Rd especially in weekends and holidays. Otherwise south as you have suggested where accused would have been familiar gets my vote.

I'm interested in the mapping and also would be interested in the protocol if any in talking about former members on this site if anyone knows.


  • Facbook_WCE_post.JPG
    46.6 KB · Views: 408
Photo removed.
GPS coordinates for the Airforce Museum are 32 2' 51"S 115 51' 23".

I see the Tigermoth there but am unsure of the connection to anything else. I know the museum has been around since 1979. I know there is airforce association housing there some of which has probably been around since it opened. I know there has been some units built after that but couldn't give you timelines. The outer units tended to be As it is populated with retired people some who have a lot of time on their hands I don't think you could get away with much there without it being witnessed. Just trying to get the connection. Are you suggesting the hint may be about the sea?

CTRL-B gives you bold or takes it off.

Apologise if I've confused anyone. My post was wondering how the former member SteveG took those particular letters from the picture of the tiger moth in the TM video. The .jpg he posted was only of the sign first and furtherest. I don't know how he got the letters LI PL BA and then posted the .jpg of Eyre Highway 129 16.12.21E .
It was nothing to do with the actual museum just the TM video.

I was only suggesting this hint lead directly to Osprey Close The Rise, City Beach. Eyre is close to Eyrie the Eagles nest.

Also I'm not making suggestions for any dumping or need for coastal navigation. However IMO orienteering skills are an in joke (apologise to any orienteerers I like the sport) however the mapping, co-ordinates and spatial positioning I've seen in some posts of former members indicates a navigation specialist or master.*ARREST*/page16
... I don't know how he got the letters LI PL BA and then posted the .jpg of Eyre Highway 129 16.12.21E ...

SteveG got the capital letters from the BenJones84/PerthCitySpook post, in which some characters are oddly capitalised.

IMO it indicates an amateur typist - too slow to lift off the shift key after capitalising the first letter of a sentence, resulting in two capitals.
Lastly, I've been fascinated by "the line" over the years too. I do know for certain that almost all of the coordinates posted cant be relied upon exactly & some are very rough at best. Very recently, I set out to to dispel my curiosity & try to find any evidence of it being a mere coincidence - which I was absolutely able to do, too well in fact. I took the first two completely unrelated murders that I was aware of & plotted them & was really surprised they fit onto the line. One of them would have every person who believes in it jumping up & down claiming the CSK was definitely responsible, but they're not, someone else did it and it was random. Af first I thought it couldnt have been as close as it was, I must've got it wrong so I asked a computer nerd mate to check it & map accurately. I was shocked to the core to find it passed straight over the exact spot, and I mean exact. Thats if the midpoint is accurate though, which I think it is. So for me, I'm calling BS on the line unless we learn its a fact from someone who knows for sure and can prove it. And then I'll be freaking out about this unrelated coincidence even more Id say.
Anyway, thats all I have to say. My apologies to anyone who got this far into such a long post & wondered why they bothered.


Thank you for the post, you’ve made quiet an effort which is appreciated - due to length it’s been snipped. I’m interested in Innerchild’s line theory and would like to assist him/her. The distance calculations were added in hope of shedding awareness on timeframes.

It seems logical to look at older buildings/factories and underground facilities close to where the Claremont abduction took place as well as the former Huntingdale home.

If possible can you share what was discovered once the information was plotted? Also, may I ask why it is you believe CSK isn’t responsible for the other disappearance?

May I suggest, what’s needed is some direction on what we all need to work on and post, in order to achieve what is needed. In order for that to take place, is there anyone who’d be able to provide some constructive direction?
Firstly, no offense intended at all to anyone and of course your all free to post whatever you like, but... seriously, will someone please explain where all of this is going?
Theres been such a large amount of data posted recently so clearly theres some research being done, but, how any of it ties into any particular theory or what that theory is exactly, is still a complete mystery to me.
Lots of maybes and this could've happened, but minus a theory, how can we decide the scenarios? Without a scenario, how can we know what info is important & what can be ruled in and out? Well we cant, its impossible!!
What I am seeing posted is just some of many hundreds of various pieces of information and possibilities that may or may not be relevant at all. Trying to start by gathering info about every single thing that may form part of a scenario is pointless bcoz its endless & takes you nowhere. Its just info. All still to be determined if its relevant because we dont know what its supposed to form a part or if it fits into a theory we havent even heard yet. I dont get it at all.

An example - stating its possible that someone missing for 20 years could have been placed underground and then pursuing every conceivable place underground is ludicrous. Talk about getting bogged down by unnecessary details. For starters, is not a theory its a statement. It gives us an idea of the kind of information we need to consider to fit a particular scenario. Deciding whether its the most likely scenario to pursue only needs to be done if it best fits into your theory.
So can we hear about some possible theories please before we go any further with this?

If your interested, the theory Im most drawn to is that he took her on his own from claremont to an intermediary place close by and left her the night she was taken, giving himself enough time while it was still dark to return home. There is limited possible scenarios to fall into that theory. Firstly, by the time he got her into the car and out of the immediate area, it would have been at least 2.20am so to be safe, he has about 2 hrs of total darkness left. Im either going to KK and leaving her closer to Claremont which gives me a radius of about 10km max that I need to travel in total before I dont have a deceased person in my car anymore when its getting light. So, that'd suggest he had 1hr tops to spend wherever he went before needing to move on again.
Otherwise, Im heading out closer to where Im going to leave her so I can stop in between, then go to the d site and get out of there in that short amount of time. That suggests to me its likely to be a southern location & it makes sense to have headed down the coast to Rockingham Rd then gone inland somewhere around Russell Rd. Plenty of secluded wetlands & natural bush with few houses back then. If he chose inland Id say shes close to JR site, probably not so far down, but in a area with a far more waterlogged environment. Alternately, if she was left closer the coast, maybe even as close as the bush around Woodman Point, there'd be less people venturing into the bush at summertime due to snakes and theres plenty of foxes about who'd make certain shes wasnt found.
Another possibility Ive only considered recently is that he took her home and moved her on a different day. In that case shes probably E/SE and shes been buried so I dont think its possible she'll be found unless we're told where she is. If I was going to pursue a place to look, it would have to be in a somewhat sandy location fairly close to Claremont, or I wouldn't bother because I dont think there'd be a hope you could find her now anywhere else.
The one thing I certainly wont be doing is driving down to the where I have the family boat moored, transporting her onto it and setting off into the ocean to find some beach I can pull straight up onto the shore on then lugging her off again in the hope I might come across some unused windmill to bury her under. (Ok I know thats not what was being suggested exactly but you get my point). Theres no chance Im heading 44km west of Rotto to put her into a trench either. In fact, a boats the last place Id be going with such limited time because its the most likely place I'd run into other people at that time of the morning, especially after Australia Day. But thats just me and Im not a SK so what do I know, I could be totally wrong. I do know that Drabble Rd is in Scarborough though.
Lastly, I've been fascinated by "the line" over the years too. I do know for certain that almost all of the coordinates posted cant be relied upon exactly & some are very rough at best. Very recently, I set out to to dispel my curiosity & try to find any evidence of it being a mere coincidence - which I was absolutely able to do, too well in fact. I took the first two completely unrelated murders that I was aware of & plotted them & was really surprised they fit onto the line. One of them would have every person who believes in it jumping up & down claiming the CSK was definitely responsible, but they're not, someone else did it and it was random. Af first I thought it couldnt have been as close as it was, I must've got it wrong so I asked a computer nerd mate to check it & map accurately. I was shocked to the core to find it passed straight over the exact spot, and I mean exact. Thats if the midpoint is accurate though, which I think it is. So for me, I'm calling BS on the line unless we learn its a fact from someone who knows for sure and can prove it. And then I'll be freaking out about this unrelated coincidence even more Id say.
Anyway, thats all I have to say. My apologies to anyone who got this far into such a long post & wondered why they bothered.

No Name FYI from my POV
- I use lots of 'maybes' when positing so I don't risk sub judice, so I apologise if my theories are not concrete enough for you to understand.
- none of us sleuthers here can currently prove or disprove our 'theories', unless of course one of us sleuthers is the CSK or his/her accomplice. So everything remains possible until a court case proves otherwise.
- of all the theories posted by sleuthers, (IMO) no one's theory is superior to another's theory.
- just because a particular theory cant be understood, accepted, or tolerated by other sleuthers doesn't make the theory inferior, ludicrous or a waste of time.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Firstly, no offense intended at all to anyone and of course your all free to post whatever you like, but... seriously, will someone please explain where all of this is going?
Theres been such a large amount of data posted recently so clearly theres some research being done, but, how any of it ties into any particular theory or what that theory is exactly, is still a complete mystery to me.
Lots of maybes and this could've happened, but minus a theory, how can we decide the scenarios? Without a scenario, how can we know what info is important & what can be ruled in and out? Well we cant, its impossible!!
What I am seeing posted is just some of many hundreds of various pieces of information and possibilities that may or may not be relevant at all. Trying to start by gathering info about every single thing that may form part of a scenario is pointless bcoz its endless & takes you nowhere. Its just info. All still to be determined if its relevant because we dont know what its supposed to form a part or if it fits into a theory we havent even heard yet. I dont get it at all.

An example - stating its possible that someone missing for 20 years could have been placed underground and then pursuing every conceivable place underground is ludicrous. Talk about getting bogged down by unnecessary details. For starters, is not a theory its a statement. It gives us an idea of the kind of information we need to consider to fit a particular scenario. Deciding whether its the most likely scenario to pursue only needs to be done if it best fits into your theory.
So can we hear about some possible theories please before we go any further with this?

If your interested, the theory Im most drawn to is that he took her on his own from claremont to an intermediary place close by and left her the night she was taken, giving himself enough time while it was still dark to return home. There is limited possible scenarios to fall into that theory. Firstly, by the time he got her into the car and out of the immediate area, it would have been at least 2.20am so to be safe, he has about 2 hrs of total darkness left. Im either going to KK and leaving her closer to Claremont which gives me a radius of about 10km max that I need to travel in total before I dont have a deceased person in my car anymore when its getting light. So, that'd suggest he had 1hr tops to spend wherever he went before needing to move on again.
Otherwise, Im heading out closer to where Im going to leave her so I can stop in between, then go to the d site and get out of there in that short amount of time. That suggests to me its likely to be a southern location & it makes sense to have headed down the coast to Rockingham Rd then gone inland somewhere around Russell Rd. Plenty of secluded wetlands & natural bush with few houses back then. If he chose inland Id say shes close to JR site, probably not so far down, but in a area with a far more waterlogged environment. Alternately, if she was left closer the coast, maybe even as close as the bush around Woodman Point, there'd be less people venturing into the bush at summertime due to snakes and theres plenty of foxes about who'd make certain shes wasnt found.
Another possibility Ive only considered recently is that he took her home and moved her on a different day. In that case shes probably E/SE and shes been buried so I dont think its possible she'll be found unless we're told where she is. If I was going to pursue a place to look, it would have to be in a somewhat sandy location fairly close to Claremont, or I wouldn't bother because I dont think there'd be a hope you could find her now anywhere else.
The one thing I certainly wont be doing is driving down to the where I have the family boat moored, transporting her onto it and setting off into the ocean to find some beach I can pull straight up onto the shore on then lugging her off again in the hope I might come across some unused windmill to bury her under. (Ok I know thats not what was being suggested exactly but you get my point). Theres no chance Im heading 44km west of Rotto to put her into a trench either. In fact, a boats the last place Id be going with such limited time because its the most likely place I'd run into other people at that time of the morning, especially after Australia Day. But thats just me and Im not a SK so what do I know, I could be totally wrong. I do know that Drabble Rd is in Scarborough though.
Lastly, I've been fascinated by "the line" over the years too. I do know for certain that almost all of the coordinates posted cant be relied upon exactly & some are very rough at best. Very recently, I set out to to dispel my curiosity & try to find any evidence of it being a mere coincidence - which I was absolutely able to do, too well in fact. I took the first two completely unrelated murders that I was aware of & plotted them & was really surprised they fit onto the line. One of them would have every person who believes in it jumping up & down claiming the CSK was definitely responsible, but they're not, someone else did it and it was random. Af first I thought it couldnt have been as close as it was, I must've got it wrong so I asked a computer nerd mate to check it & map accurately. I was shocked to the core to find it passed straight over the exact spot, and I mean exact. Thats if the midpoint is accurate though, which I think it is. So for me, I'm calling BS on the line unless we learn its a fact from someone who knows for sure and can prove it. And then I'll be freaking out about this unrelated coincidence even more Id say.
Anyway, thats all I have to say. My apologies to anyone who got this far into such a long post & wondered why they bothered.

I'll repeat my theory for you here just in case you missed my post where I made the maybe statements that explained my theory.

I proposed that maybe the accused dropped a victim down a disused well. Like an old pioneer well that's often found near old homesteads, factories or timber mills.
I made this theorised guess about Wells using a reverse extrapolation of the known details from the d-sites already allegedly attributed to the accused.
My assumptions from the were:
- easy access to d-site by car and foot.
- minimal time and effort required to dispose of a body
- no digging or heavy manual labour needed
- previous victims were found by people walking around
- bodies were not concealed or buried
- d-sites within 45-55km (if I recall distance correctly) radius of Claremont abduction sites

And lastly because SS has not been found, my theory statement theory has no less credibility than any other theory proposed by yourself or others.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
:seeya: Hold your thoughts. New thread coming right up.
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