Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Sgt O'Loughlin said Mrs Rayney's body was taken to a mortuary, where her clothes were removed and put into a drying room, as was a tissue found in one of the pockets of her jeans.
The jeans Mrs Rayney was wearing when her body was discovered have been tendered as evidence, as was a handkerchief found in her grave, which the prosecution alleges belonged to Mr Rayney.

The prosecution alleges in April 2007, while on a Hancock Prospecting trip to Bali, Mr Rayney and his wife Corryn bought a set of Stanley Adams brand handkerchiefs at the store.

Mr Rancana said the Stanley Adams brand was only stocked at Matahari but conceded hundreds would be sold each year.

Sgt O'Loughlin said Mrs Rayney's body was taken to a mortuary, where her clothes were removed and put into a drying room, as was a tissue found in one of the pockets of her jeans.
The jeans Mrs Rayney was wearing when her body was discovered have been tendered as evidence, as was a handkerchief found in her grave, which the prosecution alleges belonged to Mr Rayney.

The prosecution alleges in April 2007, while on a Hancock Prospecting trip to Bali, Mr Rayney and his wife Corryn bought a set of Stanley Adams brand handkerchiefs at the store.

Mr Rancana said the Stanley Adams brand was only stocked at Matahari but conceded hundreds would be sold each year.


Thanks for the link mouse. This is my fear, that the hanky will not have a lot of credibility as evidence, due to that very fact.



Thanks for the link mouse. This is my fear, that the hanky will not have a lot of credibility as evidence, due to that very fact.



I think it depends. If the Rayney's had other hankies at the home from the same set but not all of them. What are the chances that someone with the same hankies is living in Perth and just happened to kill Corryn?

It sounds as though she used tissues. LR may have wiped seat from his brow or used water from a water bottle to clean himself up.

I wonder if prior to Corryn's death, the Rayneys made any mention of personal threats to anyone they knew. Generally people don't just go out and murder someone and then go to such lengths to bury the body without good reason. Without a body it is very hard to made a murder allegation stick and LR would know that.
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"a forensic officer has been unable to locate her 'running sheet' of the primary crime scene in Aug 2007"

What a worry!
Sorry, reasonably new to this case, but is it true that their daughters believe that their father is innocent of the crime?
Sorry, reasonably new to this case, but is it true that their daughters believe that their father is innocent of the crime?

Hi linette, and welcome to this case, which has so many parallels to the Baden-Clay case. (Welcome also, Thinking!)

Yes, as far as anybody can tell they are of that belief, they supported their father in his quest for bail, they appear to be always by his side, smiling in a way that most of us on here find quite disturbing in the circumstances, and seem estranged from their mother's family (though whether that is their choice or not is unclear).

Back on page 2 or 3 of this thread I think you will find a number of links in relation to all these matters.


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"a forensic officer has been unable to locate her 'running sheet' of the primary crime scene in Aug 2007"

What a worry!

I can only hope the QPS have been a lot more careful than the 'Inspector Plods' on the Rayney case.

I can only hope the QPS have been a lot more careful than the 'Inspector Plods' on the Rayney case.


I cannot believe the Police spend all this money on high tech radars to catch speeding motorists and don't give their forensic officers in a murder enquiry suitable technology to ensure that they are not reliant on a singular paper copy of notes!
I cannot believe the Police spend all this money on high tech radars to catch speeding motorists and don't give their forensic officers in a murder enquiry suitable technology to ensure that they are not reliant on a singular paper copy of notes!

It does seem odd with all the technology available today, that officers are still forced to rely on pencil/pen and paper. Where is the back up in that situation?

Mind you, I guess defence lawyers would have a field day arguing that technology could have been interered with with "malice aforethought"

Surely with forensics you would need a team, together on the sport at the same time, to be sure all bases were covered and witnessed re the evidence.

However, I'm not a police officer or lawyer, so



"A series of photographs from the post mortem examination were tendered to the court today.

They showed Mrs Rayney's shirt had been torn in several places including on the back and under the armpit. Her belt was undone and there had been damage to the zipper of her jeans, which was part the way down revealing her underpants. She was also missing several teeth.

Mrs Rayney's father Ernest Da Silva was in court to hear the evidence.

Under cross examination from Mr Rayney's lawyer David Edwardson, QC, Sgt O'Loughlin agreed that at the time police had considered the possibility of sexual assault."

It sounds like it was a very brutal assault. I think the rips in the back of Corryn's shirt indicate she was grabbed from behind, maybe as she ran away.

The missing teeth may have been from being punched in the face or whacked with a weapon.

LR is small and light in weight. I think if he committed the murder he would have had to take Corryn by surprise, from behind and then use a weapon in order to subdue her and to not leave marks on his hands or body.

He is a lawyer, he knew he'd be the first suspect and that he would need to quickly knock out a victim so that they did not scratch him and get his DNA under their fingernails.

I read in an article published at the start of the trial that the Prosecution believes that her jeans zipper was undone because it had to be in order to fold her body into the position it was in when buried.

It's truly horrible, imagining Corryn's terror as she was being pursued and beaten to death.

Another poor lady who didn't know just how toxic was the venom belonging to the 'snake' she was dealing with.


"A series of photographs from the post mortem examination were tendered to the court today.

They showed Mrs Rayney's shirt had been torn in several places including on the back and under the armpit. Her belt was undone and there had been damage to the zipper of her jeans, which was part the way down revealing her underpants. She was also missing several teeth.

Mrs Rayney's father Ernest Da Silva was in court to hear the evidence.

Under cross examination from Mr Rayney's lawyer David Edwardson, QC, Sgt O'Loughlin agreed that at the time police had considered the possibility of sexual assault."

It sounds like it was a very brutal assault. I think the rips in the back of Corryn's shirt indicate she was grabbed from behind, maybe as she ran away.

The missing teeth may have been from being punched in the face or whacked with a weapon.

LR is small and light in weight. I think if he committed the murder he would have had to take Corryn by surprise, from behind and then use a weapon in order to subdue her and to not leave marks on his hands or body.

He is a lawyer, he knew he'd be the first suspect and that he would need to quickly knock out a victim so that they did not scratch him and get his DNA under their fingernails.

I read in an article published at the start of the trial that the Prosecution believes that her jeans zipper was undone because it had to be in order to fold her body into the position it was in when buried.

It's truly horrible, imagining Corryn's terror as she was being pursued and beaten to death.

Another poor lady who didn't know just how toxic was the venom belonging to the 'snake' she was dealing with.


Again with the teeth!

I agree with the surprise element. I also wouldn't be surprised if the shovel was also the murder weapon. Only one thing to dispose of then. Less likely to get injured on the hands too than if you did a punch. Though if you pulled someone from behind it would be then hard to hit them with a shovel! Also, would need premeditation, unless you were in the yard. Unlikely. I'm not a good sleuther, I'm getting all mixed up!
These are the articles I have been looking for in relation to the Underworld character

On 3 November 2007 Colleen Egan of The Sunday Times reported "Underworld figure grilled for eight hours”.
She said that police investigating the Corryn Rayney murder have raided the house of an underworld figure, seizing many of his belongings for forensic testing. The bikie associate, who has been accused of murder in the past, was a defendant in a case that was handled by Mrs Rayney's lawyer husband, Lloyd. He is understood to have been questioned by detectives for more than eight hours about whether he was involved in the death of Mrs Rayney, a Supreme Court registrar, two months ago.

MP accuses WA businessman of role in 'murder'
thanks for this YN. That makes sense if Mrs Durrant noted that the car was travelling slowly along Thomas street and it was losing power. If it was in fifth gear when the first error report came up, the driver would have felt the car losing power as the revs were dropping, he would have wanted to get off a main road very quickly as Thomas is a main thoroughfare. He would have turned into the closest side street off Thomas and then into smaller street again to enable least possibility of drawing attention to himself. In such a panicked state I don't think he would have time to think 'which' street he was in. JMO

I have to agree Dodo. Although I don't know if it has already been mentioned but was the car parked out the front of the vacant home of LR work associates?

"A series of photographs from the post mortem examination were tendered to the court today.

They showed Mrs Rayney's shirt had been torn in several places including on the back and under the armpit. Her belt was undone and there had been damage to the zipper of her jeans, which was part the way down revealing her underpants. She was also missing several teeth.



This report is inaccurate - it appears that the zip was missing several teeth not Corryn Rayney.

"Photos showing tears in Mrs Rayney's shirt were also tendered. When Mrs Rayney was found the zip of her jeans was broken, with several teeth from the fly missing, and her belt was undone. However, there was no evidence she had been the victim of a sexual assault."
These are the articles I have been looking for in relation to the Underworld character

On 3 November 2007 Colleen Egan of The Sunday Times reported "Underworld figure grilled for eight hours”.
She said that police investigating the Corryn Rayney murder have raided the house of an underworld figure, seizing many of his belongings for forensic testing. The bikie associate, who has been accused of murder in the past, was a defendant in a case that was handled by Mrs Rayney's lawyer husband, Lloyd. He is understood to have been questioned by detectives for more than eight hours about whether he was involved in the death of Mrs Rayney, a Supreme Court registrar, two months ago.

Great work Mouse Detective!

I still believe the theory of having a hit man is plausible.

I don't think that LR would have a great selection of potential hit men to choose from - so I imagine that if he found someone who had agreed to follow through with his plan (the underworld bikie contact) - LR could only hope with all his meticulous planning that the hit man perform the task as instructed.

The bollard - ruined what would have been a perfect murder. The only reason why Corryns' body was discovered was the transmission fluid that led the Kings Park wardens there. Who knows how long it would have been (if ever) until Corryns body was discovered.

Don't know what to make of the handkerchief, only that it was dropped in the dark of night unnoticed. I did read somewhere (sorry not computer savvy enough to do links) that the handkerchief contained DNA. So may have been used to wipe away smears, hand prints etc?
I have to agree Dodo. Although I don't know if it has already been mentioned but was the car parked out the front of the vacant home of LR work associates?

Hmmm, yes, forgot about that detail, would perhaps point to some other theory as rather a coincidence. Still think that the perp would have been panicking big time with the car failing on him though, which suggests to me yet again, maybe just randomly pulled over. Waiting for 'lightbulb' moment! Lol

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