Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just wondering if it was the trip to Bali which made Corryn realise that there was a massive shortfall in Lloyd's income and led her to the realisation that his earnings were possibly being directed elsewhere to support his gambling habit.

How sad it is that behind such a happy picture in the plane, such an unhappy tale may have been played out at their home.

I actually think CR may have died because of LR's desperate need to gamble. IMO some gamblers and alcoholics are capable of doing anything to support their addictions!

Just wondering if down the track it will be revealed that GBC also had a gambling addiction.

Nothing to do with what you just said, but it has to do with finances. I was surprised that Corrine earned over $200 000 a year herself.
Nothing to do with what you just said, but it has to do with finances. I was surprised that Corrine earned over $200 000 a year herself.

Yes NADS it makes me realise how much our justice system costs to run. I bet some of those called to testify are a bit annoyed that their earnings have been affected this week!!
Lol, yes, it's pretty funny to imagine the dance teacher doing some moves.

Maybe it was to prove he knew what he was talking about with regard to the scratches on the boots and to display the kinds of feet movements to the judge?

I think it's kind of touching too, to think of Corinne enjoying herself as she was doing those same moves.

Yes, I wonder if LR showed any emotion at the vision of his wife alive.

Re: Ms Paradise - She has definitely been a vocal spokesperson for LR.

See the article (linked in my last post). Linda Black, three years ago, also voiced public support of LR before his arrest.

Women seem to like this guy.


Yes, rather the same way they like GBC. What is that about I wonder?


Just wondering if it was the trip to Bali which made Corryn realise that there was a massive shortfall in Lloyd's income and led her to the realisation that his earnings were possibly being directed elsewhere to support his gambling habit.

How sad it is that behind such a happy picture in the plane, such an unhappy tale may have been played out at their home.

I actually think CR may have died because of LR's desperate need to gamble. IMO some gamblers and alcoholics are capable of doing anything to support their addictions!

Just wondering if down the track it will be revealed that GBC also had a gambling addiction.

Yes, in this article it says, "Mr Agius said the Crown case was circumstantial and relied on motive." (Bolding was by the journalist, not me).

"Motive left no doubt Mr Rayney killed his wife, he said."

Motive is key to this case so I'm expecting to hear more about what Corinne was saying to LR and about him. There should be more information forthcoming about his affairs, his gambling and his tapping of the household phone.

More About The Handkerchief

Apparently, Corryn shopped at the department store in Indonesia which was the exclusive seller of Stanley Adams brand handkerchiefs.

"The prosecution will allege a handkerchief found below Ms Rayney's body in the grave belonged to Mr Rayney and was purchased when the couple travelled to Indonesia as part of his work with Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting.

Mr Agius said the Stanley Adams brand of handkerchief was sold exclusively by the Indonesian department store chain Matahari, and credit card records showed Ms Rayney had made two purchases at the Kuta Matahari store on that trip.

Mr Agius said it was possible Ms Rayney had purchased the handkerchief then as a gift for Mr Rayney, and he had left it, most likely inadvertently, at the grave site."
Hi everyone,

I am very new to this case but very, very keen for justice for Corrine. I am a "local" with respect to the Baden-Clay case, and I am really appreciating the local information in this one as it is very different when you are not familiar with the area. I'm sorry if this has been mentioned, but who exactly found Corrine's body?
Hi everyone,

I am very new to this case but very, very keen for justice for Corrine. I am a "local" with respect to the Baden-Clay case, and I am really appreciating the local information in this one as it is very different when you are not familiar with the area. I'm sorry if this has been mentioned, but who exactly found Corrine's body?

Hi, When Corryn's car was found, it was discovered that there was a transmission fluid leak from the vehicle. The police followed the leak from the car to very close to the area of her grave. Her grave was ultimately found in that area after further searching - it was very well concealed at the base of a tree and covered with branches etc. A police member found freshly disturbed soil and on investigation found Corryn's grave and her body. Hope this helps.
Hi everyone,

I am very new to this case but very, very keen for justice for Corrine. I am a "local" with respect to the Baden-Clay case, and I am really appreciating the local information in this one as it is very different when you are not familiar with the area. I'm sorry if this has been mentioned, but who exactly found Corrine's body?

Hi Thinking.

Here's a timeline for some of the key events in this case.
Testimonies of Police Who Found Car and Grave

"Sgt Hoftsee took photos of Corryn Rayney's abandoned car where it was found at Kershaw Street, Subiaco.

On August 15, 2007, he also photographed an oil trail left by the car in a carpark in Kings Park. He said there was "a mess of oil" in the carpark."

"Sergeant Bradley Nind, one of the police officers who discovered the grave, has been called to give evidence.

He told the court the grave was found by a colleague he was conducting a line search with, and was identified as "an area of disturbed soil and vegetation".

"We could tell pretty quickly this wasn't a natural occurrence," he said"
Corryn Threatened To Subpoena LR's Clients...Including Hancock Prospecting.

*CR thought LR was concealing income from her. LR had put a payment of $200,000 from Hancock Prospecting into a trust account for one of the girls and then transferred the money into his practice account.
*CR threatened to subpoena LR's clients, including Hancock Prospecting, thus forcing them to reveal their payments to him.
*CR threatened to expose LR's infidelity and gambling...thus destroying his reputation and chances of becoming a Queen's Counsel.

"The prosecution said Mrs Rayney's desire to harm her husband formed a solid motive for her murder.

It claimed the barrister was already dipping his toes in crime in the months before her death by organising the bugging of their home phone so he could secretly listen to her conversations."

Hi, When Corryn's car was found, it was discovered that there was a transmission fluid leak from the vehicle. The police followed the leak from the car to very close to the area of her grave. Her grave was ultimately found in that area after further searching - it was very well concealed at the base of a tree and covered with branches etc. A police member found freshly disturbed soil and on investigation found Corryn's grave and her body. Hope this helps.

It must have been a while before her car was discovered after she went missing. Were the people in that street not very observant?
It must have been a while before her car was discovered after she went missing. Were the people in that street not very observant?

It's an inner-city old suburb and now highly built up. Lots of small blocks and often only one car garages. With the affluence of the residents in that area, often they park either one or both of their cars on the street.

Cars come and go, people have visitors and I suspect that sometimes the residents might not even be able to park their own car in front of their own house. There are alot of vehicles so I'm not surprised it took several days before someone reported Corinne's car.

Hello :)

I have also been following this case quite closely.

I do believe that LR was involved in his wife's murder.

Now after more information has come to light since the trial began I am wondering whether LR had a stash of cash that he used to pay someone to kill and dispose of Corryn. Hasn't there has been rumblings of possible underworld involvement - or am I imagining this?

I wonder if he had someone lie in wait in the garage and kill her. Then when the eldest daughter returned home the murderer disposed of body in pre dug gravesite. Name card could have been dropped then when designating area for grave. This would also make it easier to dispose of digging implement - as if there was sufficient soil post dig then murderer would only have had to throw, kick or move soil over to cover CR.

Also - if it was LR (and I believe he either did it or was the instigator) how did he get home after the car broke down? I am unfamiliar with the area. Could there not have been CCTV footage from shops in the areas that may have captured him/accomplice walking in the direction of Como especially at such a strange hour?

I do think this will end up like OJ Simpson. The evidence will indicate LR involvement, but as such a large component is circumstantial - he will get away with murder.

I'm in agreeance with you jac6007. IMO Corryn Rayney's murder was a contract killing orchestrated and financed by her husband, hence the reason why he can strut around looking very smug. In my opinion JR will also walk free.
Just interested to know if anyone believes LR is not guilty of CR's murder. I'm on the fence.
Hi, When Corryn's car was found, it was discovered that there was a transmission fluid leak from the vehicle. The police followed the leak from the car to very close to the area of her grave. Her grave was ultimately found in that area after further searching - it was very well concealed at the base of a tree and covered with branches etc. A police member found freshly disturbed soil and on investigation found Corryn's grave and her body. Hope this helps.

Thanks KG and YN :) wow. So is subiaco far from the grave? I'll have a look at a map.
I find the place card found at the scene, fascinating. To me, it is akin to Allison BC being placed near a scout camp. It just seems too obvious as a giveaway of the perpetrator's identity - but these perpetrators are acting in a state of panic I guess.
I'm in agreeance with you jac6007. IMO Corryn Rayney's murder was a contract killing orchestrated and financed by her husband, hence the reason why he can strut around looking very smug. In my opinion JR will also walk free.

Hi Makara,
Media Timeline on your post is Allison's. Did you mean to post a Lloyd Rayney one?
It's an inner-city old suburb and now highly built up. Lots of small blocks and often only one car garages. With the affluence of the residents in that area, often they park either one or both of their cars on the street.

Cars come and go, people have visitors and I suspect that sometimes the residents might not even be able to park their own car in front of their own house. There are alot of vehicles so I'm not surprised it took several days before someone reported Corinne's car.


That's exactly like my street in Brisbane. I'm not saying they would normally notice a car that was out of the ordinary. I'm saying if a woman was missing surely the news reports would be telling people to look out for her missing car too?

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