Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

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There are a few things in that article that are interesting:

1. I didn't know that LR's mother lived next door. I wonder if they searched her house?

2. He only had $13,000 in his account in Bermuda (i.e., he didn't have very much money stashed away and certainly not enough to be a flight risk).

3. In the three years between Corryn's death and being charged with her murder he was investing in property in WA. It would be interesting to know what was in their property portfolio prior to Corryn's death. He may have had rental income in addition to any money that he was able to earn as a lawyer even though his earning potential was affected by being a suspect.
There are a few things in that article that are interesting:

1. I didn't know that LR's mother lived next door. I wonder if they searched her house?

2. He only had $13,000 in his account in Bermuda (i.e., he didn't have very much money stashed away and certainly not enough to be a flight risk).

3. In the three years between Corryn's death and being charged with her murder he was investing in property in WA. It would be interesting to know what was in their property portfolio prior to Corryn's death. He may have had rental income in addition to any money that he was able to earn as a lawyer even though his earning potential was affected by being a suspect.

I had no idea his mother was next door either. The police mentioned there was an elderly lady in the home when they went to search the house - I guess this may have been her. Did they realise she lived next door I wonder?

I wonder if he retained his employment with Hancocks in the 3 years. I would imagine that would have alone been enough to tide him over.

I also wonder if his investments were in trust accounts, rather than in his own name. Anyone got access to land titles data?
Is anybody going today?

I have just left the trial - Clare o brien been testifying all the time I was there via a video link - will have to report in later. All very interesting.

RIP Corryn - 5 years ago today you were taken from those who loved you.
Another day of 'watching the paint dry'..........however quite interesting.
Ms O'Brien was hooked up by video link from Brisbane. For those with the suspicion of there being a romantic link between LR and her, I don't believe so. She was engaged to another guy at that time and has since married.
LR approached her to find him someone that would basically spy on his wife so that he could get 'the heads up' on what CR was up to and/or had in mind for him. Ms O'Brien referred him to her brothers friend who was in the game of surveillance.
LR gave the all clear for the coming weekend as CR wouldn't be home and to inform her brothers friend that 'money was not an issue'.
I believe she clearly understood - surely, this job was obviously going to involve a 'listening device'. How else would he be able to get any information without it. AND that IMO she now wishes, she had never got involved!
Anyhow it all finished up about lunch time and the continuing saga commences again tomorrow.
Ok here I go

Firstly here are 2 news updates on this mornings proceedings for all to read

I now fully appreciate what YN and FLossy said when they went along to the trial previously - there is a lot of information to absorb, It was also very tricky to hear a times, especially when one lady arrived carrying 3 or 4 bags and was wearing a coat that rustled every time she moved.

I started to take notes but stopped when I realised that some people who had decided to sit right next to me, were people whom I know - sprung!. I also noted there were at least 7 or 8 people in the public gallery, that work or have previously worked in the legal profession. I would estimate that in addition to the reporters who were seated in the jury seats, there were probably about 70 or 80 more people looking on. Keen to know if any other Websleuthers were there.

If I could have picked a witness testimony to hear in this trial, this was the one I would have picked first.

Clare O'Brien was be question via video conference from Qld. She confirmed that she started working at the DPP in 1993 and worked there until 2001 when she took long service leave and went to Japan to live after marrying her husband. THat marriage lasted about 15 months. She then moved back to Perth and started again working at the DPP but LR was be that time working in Bermuda. BY the time he came back from Bermuda she was working at Legal Aid in Bunbury. LR was admitted to the Bar in 2006 and she held him in the highest regard and referred 3 significant opportunities to him including Johnny Montani (the biker accused of killing an ex coffin cheater) and the opportunity to represent (former) police officer, John Brandham at the CCC inquiry into the wrongful imprisonment of Andrew Mallard.

In 2007 Corryn invited Clare to join her on a Practice committee which also involved Wayne Martin QC who is the now Chief Justice of WA. Shortly afterwards Clare and her then fiance Aaron Johanson were invited to lunch at the Rayneys where everything seemed to be hunky dory.

About 6 weeks later - LR called COB and told her all was not well in marriage and asked her advice about some emails he had received at work. He told her that the email made reference to something that wasn't true - that he was sleeping in the girls bedrooms. When she asked him if that was the case he said that of course it wasn't - he had been relegated to sleeping in a spare room at the back of the house. He asked COB why Corryn would be doing this - she suggested perhaps Corryn was setting up an email trail to apply pressure to him.

Two weeks later COB and LR had coffee together at e-cucina after attending the party at Patii Chongs new chambers. That's when LR told COB that he "hated" his wife and asked if she knew anyone who could install surveillance equipment. She got her brother to contact a friend and left LR's telephone number.
Another day of 'watching the paint dry'..........however quite interesting.
Ms O'Brien was hooked up by video link from Brisbane. For those with the suspicion of there being a romantic link between LR and her, I don't believe so. She was engaged to another guy at that time and has since married.
LR approached her to find him someone that would basically spy on his wife so that he could get 'the heads up' on what CR was up to and/or had in mind for him. Ms O'Brien referred him to her brothers friend who was in the game of surveillance.
LR gave the all clear for the coming weekend as CR wouldn't be home and to inform her brothers friend that 'money was not an issue'.
I believe she clearly understood - surely, this job was obviously going to involve a 'listening device'. How else would he be able to get any information without it. AND that IMO she now wishes, she had never got involved!
Anyhow it all finished up about lunch time and the continuing saga commences again tomorrow.

Hi Zoro - pleased to know someone else from WS was there today. I agree, I don't think there was an affair between them, but I definitely got the impression she was protecting her backside and that of her brother's, throughout her testimony.

I think it was interesting that she launched an attack on the police at a high level - insinuating the detectives were under pressure to get their man nailed. Fits in with the statement from Shari Paradise.

Must admit I could imagine the Police saying - "You know how it is, we are being forced to charge you with the evidence we have. You can co-operate and give us your version or we'll just charge you and before you know it your career will be in tatters, even if we decide to drop the charges later"
Thanks for the update zoro and mouse detective! How inconsiderate of those people who know you to turn up today MD!! Don't ya just hate it when you're doing a bit of innocent 'spying' and you get caught out - ruins a perfectly good outing!!

Perhaps you guys could've worn those 'ear' things and a black mask, then you would've recognized each other as good ole 'websleuth' girls. That is if you are girls, lol.

Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us updated!!
Thanks Mouse Detective and Zoro for your on-the-spot reports! :cheers:

I agree, that it does not seem that there was an affair with COB. I do wonder about the basis for their friendship though. I consider that telling a work colleague that you "hate" your wife to be quite an intimate piece of information to share. I wonder why he asked COB for her advice when he decided to spy on his wife? Why did he think she would have access to that type of information?

What do you make of Corryn's allegation that he was sleeping in the daughters' beds?
Thanks Mouse Detective and Zorro for your on-the-spot reports! :cheers:

I agree, that it does not seem that there was an affair with COB. I do wonder about the basis for their friendship though. I consider that telling a work colleague that you "hate" your wife to be quite an intimate piece of information to share. I wonder why he asked COB for her advice when he decided to spy on his wife? Why did he think she would have access to that type of information?

What do you make of Corryn's allegation that he was sleeping in the daughters' beds?

Hi Solaris...
They appeared to have known each other over a very long period of time and developed a trusting type 'out of work hours' platonic relationship, from what I could gather.
Your point about how he knew to ask her the questions on spying on his wife are probably relevant.
Today when that topic came up, she seemed to give the impression that he pushed the topic with a confidence of knowing that she may be of help to him. She did say, that he said 'you must know of someone' or words to that affect.
Her recolection in general was very painstakingly slow when it came to answers, and I felt she was quite guarded in the words that she chose when trying to explain something or a situation.
The Defense on the otherhand were running with the fact that she was a sympathetic witness.
Albeit that her allegations of intimidation from the detectives raised a few eyebrows, it doesn't really surprise me. IMO I'd imagine that's what they sometimes have to resort to when confronted with an objection (and especially her being a lawyer).
This poor lady is now involved in a murder AND phone tapping case just by being a friend to someone.
Thanks for the update zoro and mouse detective! How inconsiderate of those people who know you to turn up today MD!! Don't ya just hate it when you're doing a bit of innocent 'spying' and you get caught out - ruins a perfectly good outing!!

Perhaps you guys could've worn those 'ear' things and a black mask, then you would've recognized each other as good ole 'websleuth' girls. That is if you are girls, lol.

Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us updated!!

Ha ha Dodo.... Well actually I was in ALL BLACK today, if that is any give away to my identity... lol
Hi group,

May Corryn's soul rest in peace. I pray that after 5 years of freedom, the person who sole her life will have his comeuppance. It makes me shudder to think this kidn of thing could happen to any of us.

Zoro and mouse, thanks for attending today and for your comprehensive reports.
Mouse, why is it a problem for you to be seen taking notes? Did you know that you can ask for a hearing device at court so you can hear the witnesses & lawyers more clearly?

I am very much inclined to believe Corryn if she is saying that LR was sleeping in the girls' beds. She was an honourable person by everyone's account. She knew the family court system inside out, as the Regstrar of that court. It's not something she could allege to the family court without having to provide proof which would include the girls giving evidence on that matter. These girls were, at that time, easily old enough to be able to give clear evidence about that. No way would she allege such a thing without it having a firm foundation. A false allegation like that in the family court would have gotten her severely penalised in a custody dispute, she would have know that without doubt. These new allegations which have come to light only make me view the accused in a poorer light and make his motive for murder stronger. Much, much stronger. I hope the prosecution has the sense to question the girls about this (although their dependance and unquestioning loyalty to their father who has had total power over them for these 5 years seems pretty absolute).

Edited to add-this idea of an email trail to apply pressure sounds like nonsense to me. If someone emailed me with a false allegation I would be responding by saying clearly in writing, this is a false allegation, why are you saying this? If he didn't do this then I would presume it is because he can't deny it to her.

Interesting that COB said the dinner was some weeks prior to the murder and Webb said 6 months. It was obviously that same dinner if they were making the same joke about the home gym. Unless LR faked the back there medical/physio/chiro evidence of him having this injury?

So appalling IMO that COB ate a meal in this woman's home and was made to feel warmly welcome, but then went and arranged for her to be illegally placed under surveillance.

Also very interesting that LR was making it known about their marital discord, phoning up former female colleagues etc to tell them. Motive for this behaviour eludes me.

The rumour about the affair relates to a different colleague, not COB. I wonder if this will come to light during the trial.

As for the police, I don't think they would force a statement in the way described especially not from a lawyer who would be well aware of her rights and well able to make complaints to the correct bodies and get such people into big trouble. I personally believe the right to refuse to make a statement to the police is an obstruction of justice. JMHO. When we listen to statements from LR's friends, it strikes me that they are not wanting to incriminate themselves or LR so their evidence is more likely to have embedded in it bits and pieces of seemingly useless information that will help the defence. For example, insinuating that the police are corrupt, or LR had a back injury, etc. Remember also, the onus of proof is on the prosecution, it's not up to the defence to prove their case and they can say whatever they like without proving it. The prosecution really has to keep their ears and eyes open and try to preempt this stuff.
This poor lady is now involved in a murder AND phone tapping case just by being a friend to someone.

Respectfully, not exactly 'just by being a friend' but in fact by hooking up a friend with someone who could supply him with illegal surveillance of his wife who he told you he clearly hated and who was preparing to 'out' him for sleeping with his daughters. So for the outcome to be phone tapping and murder charges is not all that unpredictable. JMO.
Respectfully, not exactly 'just by being a friend' but in fact by hooking up a friend with someone who could supply him with illegal surveillance of his wife who he told you he clearly hated and who was preparing to 'out' him for sleeping with his daughters. So for the outcome to be phone tapping and murder charges is not all that unpredictable. JMO.

Point taken Dark Horse, but after watching and listening to COB today, her loyalty of friendship lays clearly with LR and she held him in extremely high regard. In short - he has used her.
IMO she has just been another pawn in his efforts to procure whatever it takes to achieve the desired outcome and is totally desensitised.
Hi group,
I am very much inclined to believe Corryn if she is saying that LR was sleeping in the girls' beds. She was an honourable person by everyone's account. She knew the family court system inside out, as the Regstrar of that court. It's not something she could allege to the family court without having to provide proof which would include the girls giving evidence on that matter. These girls were, at that time, easily old enough to be able to give clear evidence about that. No way would she allege such a thing without it having a firm foundation. A false allegation like that in the family court would have gotten her severely penalised in a custody dispute, she would have know that without doubt. These new allegations which have come to light only make me view the accused in a poorer light and make his motive for murder stronger. Much, much stronger. I hope the prosecution has the sense to question the girls about this (although their dependance and unquestioning loyalty to their father who has had total power over them for these 5 years seems pretty absolute).

Edited to add-this idea of an email trail to apply pressure sounds like nonsense to me. If someone emailed me with a false allegation I would be responding by saying clearly in writing, this is a false allegation, why are you saying this? If he didn't do this then I would presume it is because he can't deny it to her.

Hi Dark horse

Yes, I agree. I don't think, from what has been written and said about Corryn that she would make up such a scandalous allegation about LR without some basis for it. Just because somebody puts something in an email doesn't mean it's true, so not sure why COB thought that she was creating an "email trail". I also thought it was interesting that they were emailing each other in the first place. How far does a marriage have to deteriorate before you are communicating by email for goodness sake? I also did not think it appropriate for LR to be showing his secretary emails from Corryn about their marital situation.

One thing that seems to be true about both Corryn and LR is that they were both playing a tactical game in refusing to leave the family home.

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