Found Deceased Australia - Elisa Curry, 43, Aireys Inlet, Melbourne, 30 Sept 2017 #1

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Trooper was saying it would be impossible to be both a marathon runner and an alcoholic because your body wouldn't take both stresses at once.

It occurs to me there would be a similar mental conflict: on the one hand, you're wanting to be the best person you can be, a highly motivated achiever, an inspiration to your children, someone highly respected. And on the other hand you have this inner urge trying to pull you away from all you're trying to achieve, undermining all your efforts, making you ashamed of yourself whenever you slip up. I imagine that would be a massive mental stress.

I just wonder on whose advice that Special Circular said "reported to be an alcoholic." I mean, if it came from her doctor, or her family, then fine, you'd accept it as fact and there would be no need to say "reported to be." Isn't saying "reported to be" akin to saying "rumoured to be"?
Many recovering addicts replace their addiction with a healthier one. There's a difference between an active addict and a recovering one. We don't know which Elisa is.
that was one of the oddest murderers ever... and that swinging couple were so beyond all comprehension of ugly that I genuinely thought they were both wearing masks, it was horrific to find out that it was their own facial features, and Rockefeller paid money for this, ..... what a strange and creepy event that was, even to cutting his body up, the weirdness of it all.

This description of them made me spit my drink out, Trooper :laughing: That was such a bizarre case!

Football finished at what, 530pm? He had plenty of time between 10 pm ish Elisa last seen and 9am husband reports her missing.

This! There's plenty of time. Not saying he did it or I think he did it, just saying...there's plenty of time. :moo:

In terms of the Facebook thing...I have deactivated my FB a number of times in the past. All of these times have been when I've felt that I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown (or going through one) and I've realised I just needed to focus on myself. I have a friend who does the same. It's made me more aware now and if I notice one of my close friends profiles go 'missing' I always send them a text to see how they are. (the last one thought I was weird and said he simply just needed a break from social media lol)

Also, I found it strange how that poster said "reported to be an alcoholic". Who reported that? It could be just someone's opinion. If it's coming from someone who drinks in moderation, or not at all, someone who drinks every weekend could be classed as an alcoholic to them. Where as an actual alcoholic struggles to function without it. Drinks so much they wet the bed. Can't get up to look after the kids. They put alcohol above everything else in their life. They have withdrawals when they stop. Ofcourse, you can have a high functioning alcoholic. I'm just a bit unsure. If this information was reported by one person, and that one person knows that Elisa is no longer alive to refute the claims...they could report anything about her, really. :thinking:
wow, west coast of the US here and just went through over 500 new posts up since last night and yet still no closer to finding Elisa. So sad for everyone who knows and loves her. The facts (as reported) lend themselves to so many possibilities right now. I'm sure your LE is holding this close to the vest and knows more than has been reported - they have to.

O/T - interesting the differences in focus between sleuthers in the US and Australia. Many similarities, but some certain differences. Also, googling to find out what Bikies are took me down an interesting rabbit hole about "gang" culture here vs. there.

I don't have a theory to posit just yet, but agree that everything is on the table. Accidental? sure. Intentional. Sure, could be. No matter, she needs to be found.

I'm certainly open to her being both a runner and a drinker and wouldn't discount that straight away as untrue either.

So many went right to love triangle/swinger angle as soon as we learned that the neighbor couple had visited when there are myriad of other possibilities.

I hope some more American based WSers join in and might have some additional insight to offer while many of you sleep. Many peace come to this community soon with some type of resolution for Elisa.
I am prepared for her to be a marathon runner, OR an alcoholic.. but not both at the same time.

Either she is an alcoholic now, or she runs marathons now....

The marathon runner's physiology is tempered in a different cauldron. Marathon running is not something you take up and put down.. The mind itself has to be trained to accept the willingness to start and continue, and a certain plateau of pain suppression for quite a while , an hour , hour and a half which is a hell of a long time if you are in the middle of it. She couldn't be ingesting alcohol and putting her kidneys thru marathon running concurrently. It's one or the other. Daily training of at least 20 klms. all weathers, all hours... 20 consecutive kls... not broken up.. Training for running spurts at the end of it when the body is beside itself. The feet of marathon runners require constant attention, and toughening up..

So I would like to know which was the current operative narrative. Alcoholic, or marathon runner.. as of Sunday.

Personally, I know of 3 people (all in their 40s) I would consider to have a very heavy reliance/dependence on alcohol who are also very fit, and 2 are marathon runners. One is a firefighter. The other is a competitive cyclist. I do not think one cancels out the other. Moo.
justBut later that night, the female neighbour was then called back to the property.
“The neighbour and the husband were over there and then the wife came back and spoke with her,” Inspector Peter Seel said.
“She (the neighbour) has made a statement (about the nature of the conversation with Mrs Curry) but that’s not something I’m going to go into.”
The state of mind of the missing woman is crucial to the investigation as it could help police understand her likely movements.
“We’ve spoken to neighbours, they’ve given their idea of how she was feeling — it doesn’t help us in any way,” Inspector Seel said.
“She was quite upbeat about the result of the Grand Final but apart from that, nothing of interest.”
The female neighbour was chatting to Mrs Curry and saw her getting into bed.
Mrs Curry had messaged her husband, David Curry, who had been with couple’s children at the football. They discussed the Grand Final result.
Inspector Seel said the tone or context of Mrs Curry’s messages had not given indication she was upset or distressed.

I need to know if the neighbor physically saw her get in the bed. Does that mean the neighbour was supposed to just let herself out????
FFS . . .

Search continues for Victorian mum Elisa Curry
The Daily Telegraph
October 6, 2017 2:52am

‘Police say the chances of finding Curry alive after so long in the bush is “remote” after revealing she was battling depression.

Authorities are baffled by the disappearance of the woman who went missing at the weekend from a holiday house in a small town on the Great Ocean Road.

Widespread air, land and water searches have failed to find the avid runner, who regularly jogged long distances from the property, which was again swarming with police on Thursday as the investigation continued.

“(Ms) Curry suffers from depression and is reported to be an alcoholic,” a document released by Victoria Police shows.

Inspector Peter Seel told reporters it’s possible Ms Curry went for a run and has become disoriented in bushland.

However, the likelihood of finding her alive in the bush after at least four days is remote, he added.

“Just so many days without food, water, shelter and just the elements,” makes it a grim outlook, he said.

Investigators aren’t ruling out suspicious circumstances.’

Read more at:
FFS . . .

Search continues for Victorian mum Elisa Curry
The Daily Telegraph
October 6, 2017 2:52am

‘Police say the chances of finding Curry alive after so long in the bush is “remote” after revealing she was battling depression.

Authorities are baffled by the disappearance of the woman who went missing at the weekend from a holiday house in a small town on the Great Ocean Road.

Widespread air, land and water searches have failed to find the avid runner, who regularly jogged long distances from the property, which was again swarming with police on Thursday as the investigation continued.

“(Ms) Curry suffers from depression and is reported to be an alcoholic,” a document released by Victoria Police shows.

Inspector Peter Seel told reporters it’s possible Ms Curry went for a run and has become disoriented in bushland.

However, the likelihood of finding her alive in the bush after at least four days is remote, he added.

“Just so many days without food, water, shelter and just the elements,” makes it a grim outlook, he said.

Investigators aren’t ruling out suspicious circumstances.’

Read more at:

So sad and really just unforgivable, msm running with it now ...
Thank you -- I've been meaning to chase after that one too...
I wonder from what vantage point did he see her? Passing each other? From a distance? Does he know her, but it was foo far away to be sure it was her; or did he just notice later that she fits the description, and it just may have been her?
argh -- too many variables.
Why would her dog not stay with her, though?
Because it wasn't her.
Maybe someone that looked like her.
I'm behind on my reading, sorry.

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good on you, Potr... I tried to do the same thing, thinking she would have belonged to a club.. like. oh. say, the Box Hill Harriers, or something similar, ... AAF results, etc.. nothin, nothin.. I wonder if the marathon stuff is a bit of a family fantasy...

I didn't get the impression that she ran professionally, .. like in sponsored publicity runs, rather like the one's Tui , ( the lady who was in the bushfire while running a marathon ) was?...

my very best friend is a ultra marathon runner (100km +). she doesn't belong to clubs. she hates looking at FB cause she can't stand the "running" competitiveness, & deactivates her account regularly. everyone is unique i guess
I agree , she could have been high functioning alcoholic and that isn't dependant on the amount rather than the compulsion to drink. I dont know if this is correct place to add , if you watch the pleas of D C you will see him walk to the camera in an almost stiff manner , as to try and not look nervous. Also his head is shaking in a no motion towards the end of his plea. Just an observance I had. Sorry I am still working out how this forum works. 😄
I have such a bad feeling. :(

Can anyone explain why she would stay home and watch the game on TV while her husband and kids apparently went to see it live? Are AFL Grand Final tickets expensive or hard to get?

Not sure if anyone has replied to this, but yes, grand final tickets are very hard to get and families often need to split up and watch separately. That's what we did.

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Trooper was saying it would be impossible to be both a marathon runner and an alcoholic because your body wouldn't take both stresses at once.

It occurs to me there would be a similar mental conflict: on the one hand, you're wanting to be the best person you can be, a highly motivated achiever, an inspiration to your children, someone highly respected. And on the other hand you have this inner urge trying to pull you away from all you're trying to achieve, undermining all your efforts, making you ashamed of yourself whenever you slip up. I imagine that would be a massive mental stress.

I just wonder on whose advice that Special Circular said "reported to be an alcoholic." I mean, if it came from her doctor, or her family, then fine, you'd accept it as fact and there would be no need to say "reported to be." Isn't saying "reported to be" akin to saying "rumoured to be"?

it's not impossible to be an alcoholic and a runner, I have a friend just like this. one might run to burn off the calories of alcohol. it's hard to imagine, if someone is hungover, they'd do a morning run. I know my friend doesn't. she needs to drink lightly the night before, otherwise - no run
This has got a gone girl vibe to it...all seems staged

He has a brilliant alibi.

Parking or public transport tickets
CCTV of him at the game.
Friends and family witnesses.
Phone pings.

Where was he before he gathered the children go travel to Airey?

Its only time now that murderers will cotton on to their phone pings being their worst enemy? IYKWIM.

Absolutely Bo there is no where to run against traffic on the great ocean road. Personally find it difficult to even drive around the curves and winding coastal road. And why take a 2230 run after watching the Grand Finals (considering a few light refreshments may have been consumed with neighbours). I'm glad the black lab was spared, this dear lady aint coming back.

Do we know the ages of the children? Perhaps old enough to be left alone whilst a member of the family (as mentioned up thread) left SH and made a late night visit?

My family has a holiday house around the corner from Elisa's house and I have holidayed there every year for 20 years. I also wouldn't think anyone would head out for a run at night.

But running to Lorne is quite possible - I've walked from Aireys to Lorne several times. But you don't do it on the road, you time it so you can do it during low tide. What time was low tide on the Sunday?

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Trooper was saying it would be impossible to be both a marathon runner and an alcoholic because your body wouldn't take both stresses at once.

It occurs to me there would be a similar mental conflict: on the one hand, you're wanting to be the best person you can be, a highly motivated achiever, an inspiration to your children, someone highly respected. And on the other hand you have this inner urge trying to pull you away from all you're trying to achieve, undermining all your efforts, making you ashamed of yourself whenever you slip up. I imagine that would be a massive mental stress.

I just wonder on whose advice that Special Circular said "reported to be an alcoholic." I mean, if it came from her doctor, or her family, then fine, you'd accept it as fact and there would be no need to say "reported to be." Isn't saying "reported to be" akin to saying "rumoured to be"?

:seeya: Fluffy that's a good pick up. Thankyou.


My family has a holiday house around the corner from Elisa's house and I have holidayed there every year for 20 years. I also wouldn't think anyone would head out for a run at night.

But running to Lorne is quite possible - I've walked from Aireys to Lorne several times. But you don't do it on the road, you time it so you can do it during low tide. What time was low tide on the Sunday?

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12.18AM 0.47m
1.57PM 0.75m
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