Found Deceased Australia - Gary Tweddle, 23, Blue Mountains NSW, 16 July 2013 - #3

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Between 1am - 3am it's also possible that anyone within earshot was fast asleep on a Tuesday morning.

It's also possible that when entering into a fall, a person could be too stunned or surprised to get a noise out in my opinion.

Previous comments aside, if loud yelling/screaming is actually an involuntary action and nearby locals were awake at the time (sitting quietly reading or similar) there can really only be two possibilities in my view. Either not conscious at the time of the fall (which suggests others were present), or the fall didn't come as a surprise.

Edit to add:- it would be really unlucky, but I suppose it could also be quite possible to be standing near a sheer cliff and simply pass out /faint/ or go into a fit (epileptic/narcoleptic).

Possibly not relevant, but I've been in two situations where I've had time enough to realise that things were no longer in my control, and that I was about to have a life-threatening impact (once in a car, once on a motorbike). In both instances I involuntarily took a deep breath and held it, thus tensing my body before the crash. Absolutely silent.
But another theory could be that Gary was also the victim of this sort of incident:

I just cannot imagine that any sobre person would go to the area Gary went to of his own accord unless by foul play or he was seriously affected by the drugs he was given and had a cardiac arrest as this guy did which caused his fall.

Another thing which has crossed my mind is who supplied Gary with the drug he supposedly took at the restaurant and were these the same people whom Gary was in contact with at midnight?

RSBM .... jumping off your post and link Estelle.

What the heck is happening these days when mates leave mates on their own when they are obviously wiped out from drugs/alcohol??! It happens far too much.

Yes, they may all be under the influence to one degree or another, but there is always a more drunk/drugged one and a more sober one within a group, due to body chemistry/height/weight/rate of consumption.

Whatever happened to the designated driver system, or taking it in turns to stay sober each time they go out? Are that many people so selfish that they can’t make a plan to watch out for each other’s safety, and still have a good time? Then they are all devastated when something terrible happens.

My DD is close to Gary's age, and I am so thankful that there is always one of them who takes charge of getting the drunks home and taking care of group dynamics when they are out.

I can’t help but think that if Gary was with such friends, he may still be here today.

Take care of your friends, people!

(Sorry, rant over)
Possibly not relevant, but I've been in two situations where I've had time enough to realise that things were no longer in my control, and that I was about to have a life-threatening impact (once in a car, once on a motorbike). In both instances I involuntarily took a deep breath and held it, thus tensing my body before the crash. Absolutely silent.

Totally agree AppleSnail
RSBM .... jumping off your post and link Estelle.

What the heck is happening these days when mates leave mates on their own when they are obviously wiped out from drugs/alcohol??! It happens far too much.

Take care of your friends, people!

(Sorry, rant over)

Hear Hear!
Possibly not relevant, but I've been in two situations where I've had time enough to realise that things were no longer in my control, and that I was about to have a life-threatening impact (once in a car, once on a motorbike). In both instances I involuntarily took a deep breath and held it, thus tensing my body before the crash. Absolutely silent.

I'd say totally relevant- bracing for impact must be pretty serious business. Instinctively taking that breath and holding it, preparing the body. Probably even less reason to make a sound when no one's around to hear either.

IMO I have started to think that Gary could have paid the drug dealers the money but was not given the drugs or he could not find them where they said they were hidden - possibly they claimed they had hidden them under those bins which he overturned. So he called them again after the 17-minute phone call to his colleagues telling them he could not find them so they came back, decided to rob and assault him and he died. The drug dealers then decided, being locals, that they would toss his body over the cliff to look as if he had fallen off accidentally or he committed suicide. There could be DNA from these perpetrators on his body so the police would find this out.

But another theory could be that Gary was also the victim of this sort of incident:

I just cannot imagine that any sobre person would go to the area Gary went to of his own accord unless by foul play or he was seriously affected by the drugs he was given and had a cardiac arrest as this guy did which caused his fall.

Another thing which has crossed my mind is who supplied Gary with the drug he supposedly took at the restaurant and were these the same people whom Gary was in contact with at midnight?

I've missed this, did he supposedly take drugs at the restaurant?
I've missed this, did he supposedly take drugs at the restaurant?

Hey Humdinger, there were suggestions he was affected by something at the restaurant (other than alcohol). I think if you look at the last third of the previous thread you'll find a lot of discussion about the drug issue.

From a more recent report regarding the inquest, some witnesses are alleging he had an intention to 'source' drugs.
I've missed this, did he supposedly take drugs at the restaurant?

It has not been confirmed that Gary actually took drugs - and if he had 'when' he might have taken them. The Main Stream Media reported his behavior after interviewing several staff and service providers which he had come into contact with that night - it pointed to being under the influence - of what the influence was wasn't said officially.

It was later reported that an inquest would be held 22nd Nov and witnesses will be testifying about the drugs association.

The staff at Silk's Brasserie say Mr Tweddle had not had a lot to drink during dinner, but remember him being ''unsteady'' and ''wobbly'' on his feet when he left.
Owner-manager Stewart Robinson says he was polite and one of the quieter members of the group.
But he remembered what Mr Tweddle looked like because he thought his behaviour was strange for someone who had not been seen to be drinking a lot.
''We noticed at that stage [when the group was leaving] that the man who went missing was a little unsteady on his feet,'' Mr Robinson says.
''One of the staff just made a comment about the man being a bit wobbly and said she was glad he is with friends. She commented it was bit odd because he had not drunk that much. It was an unremarkable night. Nobody had drunk that much. They were in a celebratory mood.''
Mr Tweddle was one of the last people to leave the restaurant.
His colleagues helped him get into the passenger seat of a Leura-Katoomba Radio Cabs taxi.
The taxi driver, who did not wish to be named, says he remembered well the 10-minute trip to the Fairmont.
''He was wasted, seriously wasted,'' the driver says.
''He was obviously pissed.''
He dropped the group off and says he saw Mr Tweddle, two men and a woman walk into the resort's foyer.

Missing salesman Gary Tweddle left to buy drugs, inquest hears
A SALESMAN who disappeared during a Blue Mountains conference told a witness he was going to buy drugs, an inquest will be told.
Police believe Gary Tweddle, 23, is dead after spending six weeks searching rugged bushland and have referred the matter to the coroner.
It is understood witnesses will tell the inquest that the British-born computer sales representative, who lived in Cremorne on Sydney's lower north shore, appeared "affected" by drugs at a dinner held in Leura by his employer Oracle.
He told at least one person he was going to source drugs when he left the Fairmont Resort on the night of July 15.

:) If anyone wants to catch up on the whole story or source some links, many of the Main Stream Media Links and Timelines are posted in another thread - they are from top to bottom basically in order of the events unfolding - from the time he went missing up until the funeral. Its about 35 posts long.

maybe gary befriended someone at the pub earlier in the day and managed a drug buy, or a staff member at the restuarant, arranged a meet up after closing, a group arrived, they all drove to sublime point car park and had a little party in the car or carpark but because it was a week night people had to get home, so they left gary to walk back to the fairmont, he rang his work friends telling them he had been separated from his group and then either stumbled over the cliff or jumped.
i also wonder if he had argued with someone before leaving the fairmont and kicked the bins in anger, frustration, so may have been in a down mood.
my opinion only
Welcome to all the new sleuthers on the thread :)

Snipped Respectfully...
i also wonder if he had argued with someone before leaving the fairmont and kicked the bins in anger, frustration, so may have been in a down mood.
my opinion only

It was never reported that there had been an argument though - doesn't mean that there wasn't some form of frustration or dysfunctional social behaviour happening
I had wondered if this behaviour started earlier than that - something had gone wrong (socially) before Gary reached the Brasserie - he was seen to have been the 'quiet' one. He was wobbly at the dinner.
But another theory could be that Gary was also the victim of this sort of incident:

Estelle, I see in that article about the raver who died at the dance party in Sydney last weekend, that he'd swallowed multiple ecstasy tablets because he didn't think they were working properly. I think there was a suggestion they may have been a special 'slow release' type pill and he overdosed because of that.

Makes me wonder if perhaps there were a few party pills going around under the table at the restaurant, which really started to kick in close to the time they were leaving to go back to the hotel.
Snipped Respectfully...

It was never reported that there had been an argument though - doesn't mean that there wasn't some form of frustration or dysfunctional social behaviour happening
I had wondered if this behaviour started earlier than that - something had gone wrong (socially) before Gary reached the Brasserie - he was seen to have been the 'quiet' one. He was wobbly at the dinner.

According to Anika, Gary was always sociable and confident, very ‘out there’ and a joker – yet at dinner he was quiet, polite, and wobbly (controlled anger/frustration?)

I don’t imagine it was always easy being in the top 1% of Oracle’s achievers, and being the son of a bigwig Oracle VP. A little like being the teacher’s pet maybe? Did some feel that Gary was given the best accounts, or the best prospects, or given some kind of advantage?

And most dealers wouldn’t deal directly with someone they didn't know either. They are not usually desperate enough to risk arrest.

We are not talking kilos here. Just a very small bag or package-nickel and dime dealing-small time dealers most definatatly sell to people they do not know.

Dealers will not hide the product for pickup-- thats silly --how is a half blasted person going to find a tiny package.

People know what Gary was shopping for, a person does not say i'm gonna buy/look for drugs- people have a preferance, be it E or weed or whatever.

Pointless try to put logic to a person affected by drugs.

Have any of the locals been up there midnightish to see what lights are showing, and thanks for the pics- what a beautiful area.

my son and friends are in their early 20's - they party as i did when that age.
But i get on my kids case about the fact that -they don't know what the heck they are taking when it comes to pills- you just don't know who the cook is, and they put all kinds of crap in the pills, to bulk their product.

Misadventure jmo moo
We are not talking kilos here. Just a very small bag or package-nickel and dime dealing-small time dealers most definatatly sell to people they do not know.

Dealers will not hide the product for pickup-- thats silly --how is a half blasted person going to find a tiny package.


I'll have to agree to disagree on this nao. In our small country towns, and even in the small city that I live in, dealers are very twitchy about selling any quantity directly to someone they do not know. Probably has a lot to do with trust levels, and the fact that everyone knows everyone, as well as our tough drug laws. Doesn't mean that someone local wasn't willing to facilitate a buy for Gary though - that IMO is very possible.

I do agree with you, however, that hiding drugs for someone to find is very unlikely and unnecessary.
SouthAussie don't live in your country, don't know the laws. But he was at a hotel and it is a tourist spot - so there are drug traders around - no matter what country you are in, same way.
Anyways somone probably feels really terrible about his death, but i doubt they will come forward.
Gary was an adult- other than getting physical- its not a matter of not caring- its just the person you care about will not listen to logic, so you canot keep them safe jmo
Snipped Respectfully...

It was never reported that there had been an argument though - doesn't mean that there wasn't some form of frustration or dysfunctional social behaviour happening
I had wondered if this behaviour started earlier than that - something had gone wrong (socially) before Gary reached the Brasserie - he was seen to have been the 'quiet' one. He was wobbly at the dinner.

yes it sounds like he was in a dark mood at the meal, maybe heard something earlier which upset him, needed to take something to numb him through the formalities at the restaurant.
Thanks Hal and Figtree, I'm still in the first thread! I'll make an effort to get further through in the coming days :)

As far as drugs go, people do crazy things... I've seen a friend take an e and when it 'kicked in' or whatever it's called, she just bolted out of the pub, I was trying so hard to hold her but she had this amazing strength. She took off out the door and ran. She was in a strange city on their first night visiting and I didn't even know if she knew the address of where she was staying. I went back to the group including her sister and told them what had happened and we all tried calling her but she wouldn't answer her phone. Another girl that travelled with them didn't go out that night so she was able to confirm some time later that she had arrived back and was OK. But it was really quite scary! And it definitely wasn't the first time that she'd taken an e, but that's the thing, reactions can be so different because you don't know what you're taking!!

Another thing I've seen over the years which has never ceased to amaze me... People have this preconception that drug users are dero's or they're hard core party people, that they're not a part of main stream society! This is so untrue unfortunately! Many people in high pressure careers are drug users, many professionals and in fact professional sports people use drugs. I've worked in a place where it was not uncommon for chefs to take an e prior to commencement of their shift! This did blow my mind, because prior to this I thought it was just a party drug, apparently not!

I don't have a great deal of knowledge about how it all works but I have been friends with people involved with drugs and it's a whole world that exists among us and those of us that don't do drugs are quite blissfully unaware of what is happening all around us. But the culture is there and it's bigger than Ben Hur!!! dealers also know how to pick potentials to sell to. They DO approach people they don't know and strike up conversations and I guess it's the lingo, they can work out pretty quickly if someone is interested or not.
I have to say, back in the day, in another place and time, I was very aware of the amount of cocaine that was secretly (they thought) consumed during the work day by some execs and workers alike in a technology-based industry. The drugs may change (or not) but the practices don't - especially not in a stressful fast-paced environment.

It's definitely out there, and done.
Just catching up.
Gotta remember Gary was aiming for lights on a hill, in whatever state he was in - which we presume was altered somehow through alcohol or something else. In the way he was thinking, not rationally, he sees that light, pushes through the bush and starts to slide.
Honestly, the last thing that occurs to you is that you're going to go off the edge of a cliff! You might think you're just sliding down a slope and you'll find something to hold onto.

When my sister broke her legs in a fall a few years ago, the doc at the hospital said to her that it was a shame she wasn't drunk - because if she had been, she probably wouldn't have broken her legs...
Drunk people are relaxed when they fall and don't tense up...

It's me who runs this area a few times a week btw. I can totally see how he could see that light and not think that there was a huge valley in between him and it because of lack of rational thought . Starts sliding and bingo, just slips off the edge. It's pitch black - and you're gone.

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