Australia Australia - Hayley Dodd, 17, Badgingarra WA, 29 Jul 1999 *retrial Guilty, manslaughter*

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DNA Solves
Figured I'd add a little more to this thread all this time later - seeing a warrants been issued today to charge Wark.

The info from Kraki that Mrs Johnston dropped Hayley off at corner Winjardie road at 11.00 am isn't correct.

It was about 10.25am that Hayley was dropped off by Ag Dept Worker Mrs Johnston. She got to Badgingarra with the yellow scania truck driver from Dongara around 10.15am

She went into the Badgy servo and bought chips and a bottle of water straight away and then phoned her travel partner Lisa in Dongara to say she had arrived safe to Badgy, she then phoned Hammonds farm to say she was walking to the farm from town and would be there sometime after lunch !.

She walked thru the small town of Badgy where Ag Dept Mrs Johnston offered her a lift.
It's only 5 mins to the corner of Winjardie road & the WAPOL timeline shows Mrs Johnston dropped her there at ~ 10.25.

Mrs Johnston gave her a pocket knife for the walk for her safety at the time.


Yes Brad Hammond - (who Hayley was sweet on) had been at Warks house on the morning Hayley was dropped off.

However both he and McConnel have a rock solid alibi for the day!
They were working together on a farm down McNamarra road, with a local farmer doing sheep work and repairing a tractor apparently.
The farmer collected them both that morning from Warks house.
The farmer preferred to collect his workers himself in his ute, coz it was hard work and backpackers had a tendency to shoot thru at lunch time if they had their own transport!.

This is why McConnels ute was left at Warks house for him to drive to Moora in that morning of 29.7.1999

So it seems both McConnel and Brad Hammond have iron clad alibi's.

I could be wrong, this wouldn't be the first (or last) time most likely.

Quote # ian moone

"Yes Brad Hammond - (who Hayley was sweet on) had been at Warks house on the morning Hayley was dropped off.
However both he and McConnel have a rock solid alibi for the day !
They were working together on a farm down McNamarra road, with a local farmer doing sheep work and repairing a tractor apparently.
The farmer collected them both that morning from Warks house.
The farmer preferred to collect his workers himself in his ute, coz it was hard work and backpackers had a tendency to shoot thru at lunch time if they had their own transport !.
This is why McConnels ute was left at Warks house for him to drive to Moora in that morning..
So it seems both McConnel and Brad Hammond have iron clad alibi's."


Some of # ian moones information seems to have been proven wrong plus this post also got modsnipped, but its interesting nonetheless .
Maybe some of it is in fact correct ??

Quote ian moone :
"They were working together on a farm down McNamarra road, with a local farmer doing sheep work and repairing a tractor apparently."

So the two guys were working together, potentially unsupervised...

They were picked up from Warks place that morning.....

Not sure how accurate this information is sorry.
Does anyone know please ?
Have made an error @ post #202
I've missed an important 3rd person in the sheep mulesing team .
This is from the court transcript on pages 50-100 .
Apologies, i will read everything in the court transcript before making anymore false claims.

McConnell, Hammond & Jones were working together all day ;

Copied quotes :
" 334. On 29 July 1999 Mr McConnell went to work at about 6.30 am.
He was working that day with Bradley Hammond and Mr Terry Jones.
They were mulesing sheep on a farm in the district until approximately 5.30 pm.
399. The three men did not leave the farm at which they were working at any time during the day and Mr McConnell did not use his ute that day.
Mr McConnell had recently been in prison serving a sentence for child sex offences. 400. Despite this, the evidence is clear and I am satisfied that Mr McConnell and Bradley Hammond have alibis for the time Ms Dodd went missing.
335. Bradley Hammond drove his car to the accused's home in the morning before work and left it there for the day.
Mr Jones picked up Mr McConnell and Bradley Hammond from the accused's home and took them out to work on the Wilkinson farm.
401. Mr McConnell's ute remained at the accused's home.
336. The accused had permission to use Mr McConnell's ute on 29 July 1999.
He told Mr McConnell that on 29 July 1999 he was going to buy supplies for the household and was then going to ride his motorbike to Perth for a party on the weekend. "
Quote Kraki #23 : "In one interview even her mother Margaret admitted that she knew Wark but like nobody else at that time didn't know that he was a serial sex offender.
Actually, she thought he was in the hospital when Hayley vanished ! "

Kraki , this is interesting that Hayley’s mother thought Wark was in hospital when Hayley vanished. I dont know where you sourced this information from in 2014 .
Such was his alibi that he was known to Margaret Dodd and yet had covered his tracks well enough .

I was finally able to find that article and it wasn't easy. She actually said that:

""I was aware of him, but as far as I was concerned he was in hospital. He's never crossed my mind as being someone of interest. The viciousness that he carried out that attack is . . . I don't even want to think about it, that that might have happened to Hayley."

And there's also another article where it's obvious that Margaret wasn't aware of the fact that Wark owned property on North West Road. Make what you want of that, but just that alone shows me how badly they treated this case.

A shocked Mrs Dodd said she had no idea of the connection between the property and Mr Wark.

“Quite honestly I don’t know what to think,” she said.

“I just don’t know what to say.

“I really, really do not know.”
I was finally able to find that article and it wasn't easy. She actually said that:

""I was aware of him, but as far as I was concerned he was in hospital. He's never crossed my mind as being someone of interest. The viciousness that he carried out that attack is . . . I don't even want to think about it, that that might have happened to Hayley."

And there's also another article where it's obvious that Margaret wasn't aware of the fact that Wark owned property on North West Road. Make what you want of that, but just that alone shows me how badly they treated this case.

A shocked Mrs Dodd said she had no idea of the connection between the property and Mr Wark.

“Quite honestly I don’t know what to think,” she said.

“I just don’t know what to say.

“I really, really do not know.”
Kraki thank you .
Must have taken you a while to find them links, good work its much appreciated.
Its astonishing that Margaret wasn't aware of Warks proximity to Hayley.
I spent 10 hours reading the court transcript yesterday and didn't finish it .
There are many many things of interest there.
It seems that Wark had very little time, im astounded...So i think that theres more to this mystery.
To any sleuths taking serious interest, imo
the court transcript is a must read because its very detailed and many questions are answered in those details.
I made the mistake of posting comment and asking questions before reading it all.






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Q. Is it possible Wark had an accomplice, ie; who helped, or acted alone, to conceal Hayley’s remains?
Q. Is it possible Wark had an accomplice, ie; who helped, or acted alone, to conceal Hayley’s remains?
The fishing town of Cervantes is a short drive from Badgingarra. It would be the logical choice to conceal a body by feeding it to the sharks, so my first guess is to look for any associates with a boat IMO.

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The fishing town of Cervantes is a short drive from Badgingarra. It would be the logical choice to conceal a body by feeding it to the sharks, so my first guess is to look for any associates with a boat IMO.

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So you do think it’s possible? What about someone closer to ‘home’?
I'm doing great': Hayley Dodd's last letter to her family
Heather McNeill
17 hrs ago

"Wark, aged 43 at the time, was neither but may have gained Hayley's trust when she realised he knew the family she was travelling to visit – one of them had been at his house just days earlier."

"Vision tendered during his murder trial showed the 43-year-old hobbling around on crutches and smoking a cigarette as detectives scoured through his house and shed."

may have gained Hayley's trust when she realised he knew the family she was travelling to visit [emoji818]

smoking a cigarette out his nose
The fishing town of Cervantes is a short drive from Badgingarra. It would be the logical choice to conceal a body by feeding it to the sharks, so my first guess is to look for any associates with a boat IMO.

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Petedavo - along the lines of how you think the body was disposed - it would seem logical to me that a body could be disposed of by pigs. There would have been some piggeries in the area. I don’t think Wark kept pigs but he ran cattle on his farm in Queensland before being incarcerated for rape in 2007. Without going into detail pigs will consume human remains and leave no trace of the body. MOO
I don't think that Wark went to Cervantes, somebody would have seen him. And the scenario involving accomplice, that seems far-fetched, I don't think that anyone knew at that time how deeply disturbed he is. But we should continue to freely post all possible scenarios that we can imagine. No matter how unlikely it seems, crazier things have happened. After digesting all the available informations there's one scenario that stands out and that keeps repeating itself in my head. It's in my opinion the most likely scenario given the circumstances.

Hayley is walking on the left or the northern side of the North West Road. Wark is coming from the opposite direction. He stops his car next to her and asks her where she intends to go. She mentions Seldom Seen farm to him. At this point Wark realizes that she will be an easy prey because he is very familiar with Hammond family. He told her that Bradley Hammond is at his place. Bradley is probably one of the main reasons why she even decided to arrive in Badgingarra. If we take into account that along with the fact that she already had two pleasant experiences with people picking her up on her trip that day, it's reasonable to assume that she willingly hopped in the car. Even though she was shy around strangers and even though Wark was offering her drive in a wrong direction, she accepted, mentioned factors prevailed over common sense which is perfectly understandable for someone who was as vulnerable as Hayley was. After that he probably didn't attacked her immediately on the road because that would be too much of a risk. They chatted maybe for a minute or two. It's a small distance between his property and the place where he picked her up. He would need 2-4 minutes. That's way nobody saw them, he knew that he should be off the road as quickly as possible. I think up to this point it can be said, without exaggeration, that this is a likely scenario.

After he turned left on his property he was in his comfort zone and all these obscene urges that he was subduing up until that point started to turn him into a monster. Maybe he immediately parked the car in the shed and there he decided to treat Hayley as an object which she refused and fought valiantly until her death. At that time body was probably on or around property, somewhere in a shallow grave. I can't imagine scenario where he abandons his property with body in a car to destroy any trace of her, not only because he risks being discovered but he also loses tremenduos amount of time in the already narrow timeframe. He was probably confident enough that body is well hidden or destroyed because he went to Perth immediately after.

Even after search of his former property in 2013 we can't say with high level of certainty that Hayley isn't there.
I don't think that Wark went to Cervantes, somebody would have seen him. And the scenario involving accomplice, that seems far-fetched, I don't think that anyone knew at that time how deeply disturbed he is. But we should continue to freely post all possible scenarios that we can imagine. No matter how unlikely it seems, crazier things have happened. After digesting all the available informations there's one scenario that stands out and that keeps repeating itself in my head. It's in my opinion the most likely scenario given the circumstances.

Hayley is walking on the left or the northern side of the North West Road. Wark is coming from the opposite direction. He stops his car next to her and asks her where she intends to go. She mentions Seldom Seen farm to him. At this point Wark realizes that she will be an easy prey because he is very familiar with Hammond family. He told her that Bradley Hammond is at his place. Bradley is probably one of the main reasons why she even decided to arrive in Badgingarra. If we take into account that along with the fact that she already had two pleasant experiences with people picking her up on her trip that day, it's reasonable to assume that she willingly hopped in the car. Even though she was shy around strangers and even though Wark was offering her drive in a wrong direction, she accepted, mentioned factors prevailed over common sense which is perfectly understandable for someone who was as vulnerable as Hayley was. After that he probably didn't attacked her immediately on the road because that would be too much of a risk. They chatted maybe for a minute or two. It's a small distance between his property and the place where he picked her up. He would need 2-4 minutes. That's way nobody saw them, he knew that he should be off the road as quickly as possible. I think up to this point it can be said, without exaggeration, that this is a likely scenario.

After he turned left on his property he was in his comfort zone and all these obscene urges that he was subduing up until that point started to turn him into a monster. Maybe he immediately parked the car in the shed and there he decided to treat Hayley as an object which she refused and fought valiantly until her death. At that time body was probably on or around property, somewhere in a shallow grave. I can't imagine scenario where he abandons his property with body in a car to destroy any trace of her, not only because he risks being discovered but he also loses tremenduos amount of time in the already narrow timeframe. He was probably confident enough that body is well hidden or destroyed because he went to Perth immediately after.

Even after search of his former property in 2013 we can't say with high level of certainty that Hayley isn't there.

Sounds Occam’s-razor-worthy to me.

This video brought me to tears. It contains some never-before-seen pictures of Hayley. I can't say much more at this point. What can be done after conclusion of a trial? Certainly, push for NO BODY-NO PAROLE law is an obvious choice. I would also like to see in the future some documentary about her life and dissapearance. Book would also be a nice addition, so that she can still be alive in the minds of many people. It's hard to be very optimistic when we think about her body and about the chances that she''ll be found one day. We can just hope that something like that will happen.

This video brought me to tears. It contains some never-before-seen pictures of Hayley. I can't say much more at this point. What can be done after conclusion of a trial? Certainly, push for NO BODY-NO PAROLE law is an obvious choice. I would also like to see in the future some documentary about her life and dissapearance. Book would also be a nice addition, so that she can still be alive in the minds of many people. It's hard to be very optimistic when we think about her body and about the chances that she''ll be found one day. We can just hope that something like that will happen.

Yes, nombody no parole. She can advocate for other VoC through Hayley’s Law.

Never give up hope. If Hayley can be found, she will be.

I think the idea of immortalising her in a book or documentary is a great way to honour Hayley’s life. Sharpen those pencils and get writing . . .

I found this on Facebook written on the Fighters Against Child Abuse page.

There is mention of Wark being given parole and released before Hayley Dodd went missing. There are no details given about this prison sentence and parole. I can’t find anything about it. People in this group are very upset about Wark getting out of jail and then going on to murder Hayley. They say she wouldn’t be dead now if he had still been locked up. There is a lot of negativity towards the Parole Board and think they should be held accountable for Hayley’s death. I presume he was locked up for a crime in W.A. MOO
Read the Sands of Windee by Arthur Upfield.*It was on the grade 7 reading curriculum when I was in Primary School.
Also you might want to watch the docu biography telemovie about the Murchison murders and Arthur Upfield called 3 Acts of Murder which aired in June 2009 on the ABC

The Murchison Murders*were a series of three murders, committed by an itinerant stockman named Snowy Rowles, near the*rabbit-proof fence*in*Western Australia*during the early 1930s. The case was particularly infamous because Rowles used the murder method that had been suggested by author*Arthur Upfield*in his then unpublished book*The Sands of Windee, in which he described a way to dispose of a body and thus commit the*perfect murder.

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