Australia Australia - Hayley Dodd, 17, Badgingarra WA, 29 Jul 1999 *retrial Guilty, manslaughter*

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I would like to write today about another thing that bothers me in this judgment. Majority of witnesses really cooperated with the investigation, even after 18 years. Some of them were even exceptional witnesses if we take into account that passage of time. However, we have four witnesses that really casted dark shadow on themselves, and it's hard to understand exactly why they testified in the way they did. Let's start with witness who destroyed his credibility just because he suddenly changed his testimony on trial. His name is Ian McCooke, at that time he was the owner of Badgingarra Roadhouse. That witness said that Wark arrived early in the morning, around 7:00, refuelled his motorbike, paid 14,40 dollars and that's it. He denied that Wark could have arrived around lunch. Well, we have evidence that he was there after 13:30 with his motorbike. His wife admits that, another witness Mr. Skelley saw Wark and talked with him around that time. Why Mr. McCooke changed his opinion, answer on that question only he knows.

Then we have Mr. Paul Springer. He was then in relationship with Ms. Catherine Edwards. Both were friends of Wark, they shared passion towards motorbikes. They've spent two days on Wark's property before they decided to go back to Perth, early in the morning on that Thursday. Also, we again have witness which testimony fades in comparison with his former partner Ms Edwards.

And even judge wrote down: "Mr Springer had a poorer recollection and his demeanour bordered on the flippant".

On almost every question she had better detailed answer, for reasons known only to Mr. Springer.

I'd like to point out that these two witnesses don't have something to hide, their statements are just so irrelevant when compared with their (former) partners that it makes their credibility look even worse.

Next one is Bradley Hammond and now things are becoming interesting if you ask me. During October of 1998, Hayley Dodd was with her younger sister Raenne on Seldom Seen farm, that same farm that she was trying to reach when she went missing. Reason why they were there? Owner of that farm was Keith Hammond who is now deceased, his son Bradley was also living there and his granddaughter Kristal was friend of Hayley's younger sister. Apparently Hayley enjoyed her time on farm, so much so that she talked to many of her friends about Bradley Hammond. Even Bradley's father Keith testified how Bradley had at least two telephone conversations with Hayley. It won't be unreasonable to assume that one of the reasons why Hayley wanted to go on farm again is to see Bradley Hammond again.

Well, problem is that Bradley denied any kind of friendship, it appears as though he's trying for some reason to minimize any kind of talk about Hayley. However he has alibi, on that day he left his car on Wark's property and together with convicted pedophile John McConnell he was picked up by their employer Mr. Terry Jones and trio was mulesing sheeps on farm all day long.

Police obviously doesn't have evidence that can make Mr. Hammond even more suspicious, but I still can't overlook him. Maybe he helped Wark after murder. Why is it so hard for him to admit that Hayley liked him, maybe he's hiding a terrible secret?

I will write about most suspicious witness in my next post. That witness doesn't have alibi for that day, and we are only forced to believe in his words that he didn't see her on that day and that he's not responsible for her disapperance.
I would like to write today about another thing that bothers me in this judgment. Majority of witnesses really cooperated with the investigation, even after 18 years. Some of them were even exceptional witnesses if we take into account that passage of time. However, we have four witnesses that really casted dark shadow on themselves, and it's hard to understand exactly why they testified in the way they did. Let's start with witness who destroyed his credibility just because he suddenly changed his testimony on trial. His name is Ian McCooke, at that time he was the owner of Badgingarra Roadhouse. That witness said that Wark arrived early in the morning, around 7:00, refuelled his motorbike, paid 14,40 dollars and that's it. He denied that Wark could have arrived around lunch. Well, we have evidence that he was there after 13:30 with his motorbike. His wife admits that, another witness Mr. Skelley saw Wark and talked with him around that time. Why Mr. McCooke changed his opinion, answer on that question only he knows.

Then we have Mr. Paul Springer. He was then in relationship with Ms. Catherine Edwards. Both were friends of Wark, they shared passion towards motorbikes. They've spent two days on Wark's property before they decided to go back to Perth, early in the morning on that Thursday. Also, we again have witness which testimony fades in comparison with his former partner Ms Edwards.

And even judge wrote down: "Mr Springer had a poorer recollection and his demeanour bordered on the flippant".

On almost every question she had better detailed answer, for reasons known only to Mr. Springer.

I'd like to point out that these two witnesses don't have something to hide, their statements are just so irrelevant when compared with their (former) partners that it makes their credibility look even worse.

Next one is Bradley Hammond and now things are becoming interesting if you ask me. During October of 1998, Hayley Dodd was with her younger sister Raenne on Seldom Seen farm, that same farm that she was trying to reach when she went missing. Reason why they were there? Owner of that farm was Keith Hammond who is now deceased, his son Bradley was also living there and his granddaughter Kristal was friend of Hayley's younger sister. Apparently Hayley enjoyed her time on farm, so much so that she talked to many of her friends about Bradley Hammond. Even Bradley's father Keith testified how Bradley had at least two telephone conversations with Hayley. It won't be unreasonable to assume that one of the reasons why Hayley wanted to go on farm again is to see Bradley Hammond again.

Well, problem is that Bradley denied any kind of friendship, it appears as though he's trying for some reason to minimize any kind of talk about Hayley. However he has alibi, on that day he left his car on Wark's property and together with convicted pedophile John McConnell he was picked up by their employer Mr. Terry Jones and trio was mulesing sheeps on farm all day long.

Police obviously doesn't have evidence that can make Mr. Hammond even more suspicious, but I still can't overlook him. Maybe he helped Wark after murder. Why is it so hard for him to admit that Hayley liked him, maybe he's hiding a terrible secret?

I will write about most suspicious witness in my next post. That witness doesn't have alibi for that day, and we are only forced to believe in his words that he didn't see her on that day and that he's not responsible for her disapperance.

Hi Kraki - yes I have to say I was amazed by the friends of Wark Mr Springer and Ms Edwards. Also Mr McCook and his wife. How could their recollections of events be so different. I think Warks Lawyer should have prepared those witnesses a lot better than he did (if he did). Unless they were called on by the Prosecution to give their versions of what happened if I was the Defense Lawyer I would have only chosen two out of the four to speak. MOO
If Hayley did inflict injury on Wark then the people at the Badgingarra Roadhouse had opportunity to see an injury on Warks body or face . That is when he paid the fuel bill at 1:30pm 29 july99


Quote Kraki : "His name is Ian McCooke, at that time he was the owner of Badgingarra Roadhouse. That witness said that Wark arrived early in the morning, around 7:00, refuelled his motorbike, paid 14,40 dollars and that's it. He denied that Wark could have arrived around lunch. Well, we have evidence that he was there after 13:30 with his motorbike. His wife admits that, another witness Mr. Skelley saw Wark and talked with him around that time."

Quote Kraki :
"Next one is Bradley Hammond and now things are becoming interesting if you ask me. During October of 1998, Hayley Dodd was with her younger sister Raenne on Seldom Seen farm, that same farm that she was trying to reach when she went missing. Reason why they were there? Owner of that farm was Keith Hammond who is now deceased, his son Bradley was also living there and his granddaughter Kristal was friend of Hayley's younger sister. Apparently Hayley enjoyed her time on farm, so much so that she talked to many of her friends about Bradley Hammond. Even Bradley's father Keith testified how Bradley had at least two telephone conversations with Hayley. It won't be unreasonable to assume that one of the reasons why Hayley wanted to go on farm again is to see Bradley Hammond again.
Well, problem is that Bradley denied any kind of friendship, it appears as though he's trying for some reason to minimize any kind of talk about Hayley. However he has alibi, on that day he left his car on Wark's property and together with convicted pedophile John McConnell he was picked up by their employer Mr. Terry Jones and trio was mulesing sheeps on farm all day long.
Police obviously doesn't have evidence that can make Mr. Hammond even more suspicious, but I still can't overlook him. Maybe he helped Wark after murder. Why is it so hard for him to admit that Hayley liked him, maybe he's hiding a terrible secret?"


Regards to your suspicions about Brad H ,
Its possible he actually told his mates or friends close to him that Hayley was traveling to his farm this day,
so he may have inadvertently given forewarning to Wark & Co...

Maybe a mistake that he regrets, if it was innocently done? Causing Brad H to feel guilt for Hayley's murder ?
Rather than thinking suspiciously about his motives in court, i will give him the benefit of doubt at this point because theres no evidence to suggest otherwise is there ?

Therefore when Wark drove past, he recognized who it was when he saw her and was able to convince her to get in the car more easily... ?
He could say "oh Brad H is at my place" or something similar, to persuade her easily to trust him more...?
There are multiple possibilities in that regard .

Focusing on trying to find Hayley’s remains is the most important thing in my opinion now.
I hope now that the perpetrator has been found guilty, that the search for the victim is more possible to achieve ...
On a motorbike - a biker normally wears protective gloves, long sleeved leather jacket, jeans, leather boots and a full helmet. IMO Wark could have concealed any injury under that bike gear at the Roadhouse - he may have even kept his helmet on too if he was in a hurry. Perth forecast on 29 July 1999 - was a cold maximum 16.2c - there was rain 10mm - wind gust of 57km.
I too wonder if Miss Piggy (Wark's dog) was on the bike at the time of the MVA in Langford.

Ms Edward & Mr Springer (Wark's 2 house guests) also had trouble riding to Perth on 29 July 1999 and had left Wark's property earlier that day - this quote is from the Judgement :-

346 - Ms Edwards and Mr Springer rode to the Badgingarra Roadhouse.Ms Edwards borrowed a phone book to find the telephone number for the dealership. She walked to the phone box, which was the same one used by Ms Dodd later in the day. She rang and told the dealership that she would drop the motorbike off about 1.00 pm. She was hoping that the wind might blow itself out, so they stayed at the roadhouse for quite sometime before she and Mr Springer commenced their trip to Perth. Once in Perth they dropped off Ms Edwards' motorbike and returned to their home in Beaconsfield.

Here is another conflicting news report about the non-testing of the Ute's car seat cover:
On a motorbike - a biker normally wears protective gloves, long sleeved leather jacket, jeans, leather boots and a full helmet. IMO Wark could have concealed any injury under that bike gear at the Roadhouse - he may have even kept his helmet on too if he was in a hurry. Perth forecast on 29 July 1999 - was a cold 16.2c - there was rain 10mm - wind gust of 57km -
I too wonder if Miss Piggy (Wark's dog) was on the bike at the time of the MVA in Langford.

Ms Edward & Mr Springer (Wark's 2 house guests) also had trouble riding to Perth on 29 July 1999 and had left Wark's property earlier that day - this quote is from the Judgement :-

346 - Ms Edwards and Mr Springer rode to the Badgingarra Roadhouse.Ms Edwards borrowed a phone book to find the telephone number for the dealership. She walked to the phone box, which was the same one used by Ms Dodd later in the day. She rang and told the dealership that she would drop the motorbike off about 1.00 pm. She was hoping that the wind might blow itself out, so they stayed at the roadhouse for quite sometime before she and Mr Springer commenced their trip to Perth. Once in Perth they dropped off Ms Edwards' motorbike and returned to their home in Beaconsfield.

Hi Eaglette - I was thinking exactly the same thing about Wark wearing the protective bike gear. He probably left his helmet on too. It’s almost too obvious that he deliberately caused an accident to cover up his injuries from a struggle with Hayley. With regards the dog he said he took it with him when he left for Perth. What happened to it?
He wouldn’t have had much time to dispose of Hayley so either someone helped him to do this or he put her somewhere close to Badgingarra. MOO
I guess Miss Piggy is totally irrelevant to the case. (not important) - the dog was at the Roadhouse, but nothing gets mentioned again about a dog.
Maybe on 29 July 1999 he dropped Miss Piggy off to someone before the MVA in Lynwood (sorry it was not Langford) - maybe it's on the border of Langford/Lynwood. I just end up having more questions............
Mr Greay knew the accused as a regular customer of DJs Butcher.454 The accused usually shopped around midday on a Thursday. His usual order was a side of mutton cut into chops. Mr Greay would put the whole of the side, including scraps, into several bags for the accused. The accused sometimes also purchased other items such as steak or sausages.
452 The parties also identified a transaction on till roll B which is recorded at 12.44 pm but in corrected terms would have finished at 12.48 pm. I have disregarded it as being too late to be relevant.
453 ts 1083.
454 ts 1085 - 1086.
Document Name: WASC\INS\2018WASC0018.doc (JS) Page 96

I unpacked the supplies when I got home, and I left a note for John to repack the meat. I had just put it all in the freezer.

Mr McConnell found a bulk package of meat in the freezer which required repackaging into smaller lots for use.405 This request is consistent with the accused arriving home from Moora and being in a hurry to leave for Perth, which is what he told the police in his 3 August 1999 statement.

I think it’s strange that Wark asked McConnell to separate the meat he bought which was already put in separate bags by the butcher. The butcher separated the meat in separate bags every week.

There is something sinister in this. Was Wark asking McConnell to get rid of body parts that he couldn’t because he had to get away from Badgingarra with the wounds he sustained in Hayley’s abduction. He had to get on the road to Perth (covered up in his bikie gear and helmet) sonoone saw injuries until he caused a road accident to cover up his wounds from Hayley and perhaps added a few more. McConnell may have disposed of the body. MOO
Mr Greay knew the accused as a regular customer of DJs Butcher.454 The accused usually shopped around midday on a Thursday. His usual order was a side of mutton cut into chops. Mr Greay would put the whole of the side, including scraps, into several bags for the accused. The accused sometimes also purchased other items such as steak or sausages.
452 The parties also identified a transaction on till roll B which is recorded at 12.44 pm but in corrected terms would have finished at 12.48 pm. I have disregarded it as being too late to be relevant.
453 ts 1083.
454 ts 1085 - 1086.
Document Name: WASC\INS\2018WASC0018.doc (JS) Page 96

I unpacked the supplies when I got home, and I left a note for John to repack the meat. I had just put it all in the freezer.

Mr McConnell found a bulk package of meat in the freezer which required repackaging into smaller lots for use.405 This request is consistent with the accused arriving home from Moora and being in a hurry to leave for Perth, which is what he told the police in his 3 August 1999 statement.

I think it’s strange that Wark asked McConnell to separate the meat he bought which was already put in separate bags by the butcher. The butcher separated the meat in separate bags every week.

There is something sinister in this. Was Wark asking McConnell to get rid of body parts that he couldn’t because he had to get away from Badgingarra with the wounds he sustained in Hayley’s abduction. He had to get on the road to Perth (covered up in his bikie gear and helmet) sonoone saw injuries until he caused a road accident to cover up his wounds from Hayley and perhaps added a few more. McConnell may have disposed of the body. MOO
Yeah was thinking the same thing annelisa, @ Post #129 onward .
Theorized about possibilities of flatmate or workmates helping Wark .
The idea of the motorcycle helmet and heavy clothing is clever thinking .
Yeah was thinking the same thing annelisa, @ Post #129 onward .
Theorized about possibilities of flatmate or workmates helping Wark .
The idea of the motorcycle helmet and heavy clothing is clever thinking .

Hi Meticulously - sorry - didn’t read your posts! Obviously we were thinking along the same lines. Eaglette was the one who mentioned Wark probably covered up with his bikie gear to avoid his injuries being seen by anyone. I do agree that would have been a great way to cover up.

This article from last June has a link to Warks pretrial hearing. It’s interesting when asked by some people who knew him, where he thought Hayley might be buried, what his replies were. MOO

“Justice Pritchard ruled evidence from the victim would be allowed to form part of the upcoming murder trial, due to start in October.

However, she refused to admit into evidence statements from other witnesses who told police about conversations they had with a man named Frank about a hole in the middle of his living room floor.”
Annalise - yes, they will not allow "hearsay" in the Courtroom. Judges work on Evidence and character witnesses (who is intelligent and who is not and who is "hostile" "flippant") etc. - and, of course both sides try and discredit every witness testimony.

Here is Mr MCooke's memories/evidence at the Roadhouse of Wark & Miss Piggy on that Thursday 29 July 99;

330 - Mr Alexander (Ian) McCooke, was the proprietor of the Badgingarra Roadhouse in July 1999. He testified that on 29 July 1999 he saw the accused around 7.00 am at the roadhouse. He said that he (Wark) was on a motorbike, wearing a black hat or a black crash helmet and overcoat. He refuelled his bike and came into the roadhouse and paid for the fuel and his account in the sum of $14.40.

331 - Mr McCooke's evidence is to be contrasted with that of his wife, Mrs Christine McCooke. Mrs McCooke said that probably a bit before lunch on Thursday 29 July 1999 she saw the accused at the Roadhouse with his dog, Miss Piggy. The accused went into the roadhouse and she stayed outside with the dog. The accused was 'in a good mood' and 'fairly normal'. He was riding his motorbike.

It goes on to say much more - but, there it is - Wark was pretty much totally covered up at the Roadhouse. I guess things like dogs and weather get skipped over ------ they want times and evidence from receipts at shopping precincts to prove who was where and when. And, that evidence helped sealed Wark's guilty verdict. Factual evidence.

I was in the Courtroom for the butchers evidence - IMHO he was a bad witness bordering on hopeless. He mumbled and spoke badly - he was chewing gum! On a number of occasions he was told to speak up. The time on his Butchers till receipts were all wrong. Butcher didn't record cash taken etc. either.

IMO - What I find odd - is, why would you buy fresh meat and shove it in the freezer; and then tell your Pedo housemate to take it out the freezer and sort it 4/5/6hrs later ??? (it would be totally frozen by then). Why wasn't it in the fridge to sort and then frozen. We don't freeze meat twice! It's arse about if you ask me. (my way of thinking, is the meat was already purchased 1/2 weeks prior and Wark was already setting us his alibi on that Thursday....... 'Ive been to the butchers' here is the note to prove it)
Annalise - yes, they will not allow "hearsay" in the Courtroom. Judges work on Evidence and character witnesses (who is intelligent and who is not and who is "hostile" "flippant") etc. - and, of course both sides try and discredit every witness testimony.

Here is Mr MCooke's memories/evidence at the Roadhouse of Wark & Miss Piggy on that Thursday 29 July 99;

330 - Mr Alexander (Ian) McCooke, was the proprietor of the Badgingarra Roadhouse in July 1999. He testified that on 29 July 1999 he saw the accused around 7.00 am at the roadhouse. He said that he (Wark) was on a motorbike, wearing a black hat or a black crash helmet and overcoat. He refuelled his bike and came into the roadhouse and paid for the fuel and his account in the sum of $14.40.

331 - Mr McCooke's evidence is to be contrasted with that of his wife, Mrs Christine McCooke. Mrs McCooke said that probably a bit before lunch on Thursday 29 July 1999 she saw the accused at the Roadhouse with his dog, Miss Piggy. The accused went into the roadhouse and she stayed outside with the dog. The accused was 'in a good mood' and 'fairly normal'. He was riding his motorbike.

It goes on to say much more - but, there it is - Wark was pretty much totally covered up at the Roadhouse. I guess things like dogs and weather get skipped over ------ they want times and evidence from receipts at shopping precincts to prove who was where and when. And, that evidence helped sealed Wark's guilty verdict. Factual evidence.

I was in the Courtroom for the butchers evidence - IMHO he was a bad witness bordering on hopeless. He mumbled and spoke badly - he was chewing gum! On a number of occasions he was told to speak up. The time on his Butchers till receipts were all wrong. Butcher didn't record cash taken etc. either.

IMO - What I find odd - is, why would you buy fresh meat and shove it in the freezer; and then tell your Pedo housemate to take it out the freezer and sort it 4/5/6hrs later ??? (it would be totally frozen by then). Why wasn't it in the fridge to sort and then frozen. We don't freeze meat twice! It's arse about if you ask me. (my way of thinking, is the meat was already purchased 1/2 weeks prior and Wark was already setting us his alibi on that Thursday....... 'Ive been to the butchers' here is the note to prove it)

Hi Eaglette - it crossed my mind too about how the meat would be frozen by the time McConnell got home. It’s all so sketchy. Would that not be talked about in court? It sounds to me like Wark was asking McConnell to dispose of Hayley’s body. Was the court case last week just to find him guilty of murdering Hayley but not to find her body? MOO
The real Frank Wark: From quiet man to sadistic rapist
Grant Taylor and Shannon Hampton | The West Australian
Thursday, 25 January 2018

"He was trusted enough to be offered a part-time job as the gardener at the local primary school.
What no one in the community could have imagined then was that the man who would spend his days working alongside their children was an opportunistic predator capable of horrific violence against young women.
Wark was born in Perth on February 22, 1956 to parents Francis and James.
According to court documents Wark's parents were alcoholics and the habit was passed on to him at an early age.
Not an academic child, he dropped out of school at the end of Year 10 and spent most of his working life doing a mix of labouring jobs, including working on the railways or building sites.
How and why he ended up in Badgingarra is not entirely clear, but he used a small inheritance that he received after the death of his parents to buy his house for $11,000.
In reality, the property was little more than a ramshackle shed and had previously been used as a fuel depot. The floors were dirt in some of the rooms, yet somehow Wark managed to attract a Filipino wife to live there with him in 1992.
Their relationship was rumoured to be violent and they had split up well before Hayley’s murder.
Wark’s next housemate was his friend John McConnell, who was a convicted paedophile.

Not long after Hayley vanished, locals remember Wark telling them that he had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was planning to head to Queensland to be with his family.

Wark headed east on his bike with Miss Piggy to start a new life.

He ended up in Millaa Millaa in northern Queensland where he bought a 24ha farm, telling his neighbours he intended to run cattle.
Six years later, Wark’s true nature would become known.
After a night drinking at his local pub, he came across a young hitchhiker and stopped to offer the woman a lift.
What followed was described by a Queensland judge as a “brutal, degrading and sadistic” attack in which the victim was bashed and repeatedly violated over an extended period.
Wark was questioned about the rape in 2014 at an inquest into the disappearance of another woman whose body — like Hayley’s — has also never been found.
When asked if he would have let his victim go, his words were chilling.
“I doubt it.” "

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From ‘Auntie’:

Hayley Dodd's killer Francis Wark handed life prison sentence for 1999 murder
ABC News
UPDATED 28 MINUTES AGO (as at 16:12 AEDT 30 January 2018)

‘The convicted rapist found guilty of murdering missing WA teenager Hayley Dodd has been sentenced to life with a minimum of 21 years behind bars.’

Read more at:
Annalise - last Monday the Judge delivered her judgement. Today Wark is back in court this morning for his sentencing:

Hi Eaglette - thank you for the link

All I can say is “YES”!! I was terrified he might get a lesser sentence😳 MOO

“HAYLEY Dodd's killer Francis John Wark has been jailed for life over her 1999 murder, with a minimum non parole period of 21 years.” 👏👏👏👏

We can only hope he is put into the mainstream part of the prison and not protected in any way. That way he can make a lot of new friends as evil as himself who might make him their “*****” 😄 MOO
Hi Eaglette - thank you for the link

All I can say is “YES”!! I was terrified he might get a lesser sentence MOO

“HAYLEY Dodd's killer Francis John Wark has been jailed for life over her 1999 murder, with a minimum non parole period of 21 years.” 

We can only hope he is put into the mainstream part of the prison and not protected in any way. That way he can make a lot of new friends as evil as himself who might make him their “*****”  MOO

I can’t see him ever being a free man again. We’ll hear more about FJW in the future, I reckon.
I can’t see him ever being a free man again. We’ll hear more about FJW in the future, I reckon.

Hi Bohemian - I think you are right in saying we will hear more about this creep in the future. Already police think there may be a connection between Wark and a Queensland murder. Who knows how many crimes he has committed. Shame there are no WAYS of extracting where Hayley is from him. MOO
Hi Bohemian - I think you are right in saying we will hear more about this creep in the future. Already police think there may be a connection between Wark and a Queensland murder. Who knows how many crimes he has committed. Shame there are no WAYS of extracting where Hayley is from him. MOO

Even if they bring in Hayley’s Law, I’m not sure they can apply that retrospectively and, if he thinks he’ll die in jail, I don’t think he’s remorseful or compassionate enough to want to give her family closure. Maybe he’ll ‘find God’ in jail or Hayley’s remains may be found by accident. Sadly, both long shots.

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