Australia - Jai, 10, Tyler, 7, & Bailey Farquharson, 2, drowned, 4 Sept 2005

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I think it is extra sad when these monsters hurt their own children....I just cant understand it.


Look at those beautiful little boys, this is tragic.
If you go into jail after committing a crime against children, you dont last long, this guy will have to go into solitary, even crims dont take lightly to anyone who harms or kills children. We hear about lots of accidents that happen in jails to men or women who have been sentenced for child crimes.
He,ll be well looked after in there....Kathy Folbigg is still going strong and has had her sentence cut by 10 years:(
He,ll be well looked after in there....Kathy Folbigg is still going strong and has had her sentence cut by 10 years:(

I didnt know that Dingo, whats going on with the justice system, you kill your kids and not only get the best accommodation in the prison but you hardly serve any time, it stinks.
Sometimes we are too laid back:(
Thats so true sometimes, the criminals have more rights than the victims, capital punishment should be brought back in I reckon. If these sleazes knew they would die if they got caught maybe crimes like this would decrease.
What a sick *advertiser censored*!
What beautiful boys, and what a monster their father is. My heart breaks for the children's family.
To lose 3 children like that must be accident would be hard enough to deal with but to have them murdered by their own father would be unbearable.
To lose 3 children like that must be accident would be hard enough to deal with but to have them murdered by their own father would be unbearable.

So right dingo. I just read how painful this is for the mother. She still doesn't believe her ex could have done this to their beautiful children..the poor mother, she is suffering. That's what he wanted. This is so so sad.
It will be interesting to see the sentence he is given...maybe thirty years..10 for each boy.
It will be interesting to see the sentence he is given...maybe thirty years..10 for each boy.
Which is no way near enough, he took 3 innocent lives, he should be hung.
If I ran this country his life would be officially over.

I know Calikid....sadly thats proberly all he,ll get though..Im going on Kathy Folbigg(a woman here who killed her four babies)she got 10 years per child until she appealed and they dropped her sentence by 10 years:(
If I ran this country his life would be officially over.

There would be quite a few Id line up along side him:mad: death by firing squad would be the cheapest and quickest way to off them.
There would be quite a few Id line up along side him:mad: death by firing squad would be the cheapest and quickest way to off them.

Yes, I agree with you...the justice systems sucks. To take away someones' life and be given a rap on the knuckles just makes me sick.. I cringe at what the sentence will be for this CREEP.. why should our taxes go toward feeding him. I'm just glad they a least got one thing right by finding him GUILTY!!
:furious: Don't ya;ll have the death penalty there????? OMG....and his family are wearing badges to support him?? Throw them in front of the firing squad too!!:mad:
The best we have here is life with the papers marked never to be released,and that is only for the most sadistic of murders.
The DP was abolished here years ago unfortunatly..Im all for a good old fashioned public hanging for some of these murdering scum.

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