GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

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DNA Solves
I'm keeping an open mind hoping my brains don't fall out.
Seeing the type of news coming out now, I would not surprise me that there have been cover-ups in the past.
Secret ACC commissions sitting with Gao present...

I would say Jamie Gao was an informant - If he has been on their radar for 3 years, why wasn't he arrested earlier? If he has 3kg of ice and is distributing the drug - and openly, and he was suspected of being an importer, at what point were they going to make a bust?
I don't think they were going to bust him, because he was more helpful alive and distributing, than he was in jail. But now he has been murdered. He was better off in jail.

As sleepinoz mentioned, if Gao had been on the Investigators radar for 3 years and he was 17, he wasn't even an adult. They were watching a kid deal and distribute. Read More:
It is understood tests have shown Gao was most likely sitting down when he was shot twice at point-blank range in the chest in a Padstow storage unit.

Daily Telegraph. Read More:
After allegedly shooting Mr Gao dead and putting his body in the back of McNamara’s white station wagon, CCTV footage shows them carrying chairs out of the unit and putting them in the back of the wagon.
When they allegedly returned early afternoon the next day to clean out the unit, they were seen unloading some chairs back into the unit.

So that"s why the chairs were removed from the storage Unit - and then they put them back in the storage unit...
I would call that another bungle actually.

yep, I think your right on the money. There's pretty much no doubt in my mind Gao was an informant.
Oh what???!!! Yesterday media said Gao's friends reported him missing at the police station.

Well, that fits nicely with the (clearly) concocted story that Jamie was just a nice, clean A-student who was kidnapped and murdered...

Cause kids like that don't tend to have lawyers on tap.

So that's the spin the media got handed, and then they were fed whatever various bits and pieces to contradict it (for whatever reason), and still are, and no doubt will be for weeks to come. I have NO doubt that the police are hand-feeding the media on this. That they're feeding the media --so much-- bothers me, in itself.

IMO this is all being managed very, very carefully by a bunch of people who are sweating.

And -good question- about how a drug dealer is watched for three years, but not arrested. Maybe Jamie felt invulnerable, because of that, and that's why he felt free to blah to his mates about the meeting.

And how does that gel, with Jamie being "under the radar" as well, all that time?

Also, I don't see the word --Triad-- mentioned much, despite the links to Hong Kong and drugs and potential informants and corruption and etc, which is where my thoughts almost automatically go. I have to wonder what Jamie's links to one of the Hong Kong gangs might be, if there are any.

Curiouser and curiouser!!!

Who contacted the Solicitor to make the Missing Persons Report?
Not usual for a Solicitor to do this.


Actually, it's entirely normal for a missing person in Gao's shoes.

REMEMBER: At the time of his untimely exit, he was bailed by police to appear on taking and detain in company with intent, and conspiring to commit assault.

He may for example, have been granted conditional police bail and had an obligation to report to the police periodically. In following this thinking, it's likely that his solicitor may have stumped surety as an "acceptable person" as his parent(s) were overseas. (But he's not a minor? Doesn't matter, parents are a logical go-to for police looking for surety for a young student irrespectively).

So, naturally she'd be in the loop if he didn't report, and even more naturally, she'd lob to the station, shrug, and say "Well, the thing about Mr Gao, Sergent, is that no one knows where he is... it seems he might be missing"
Oh - and the fact that McN drove straight to visit someone in prison implies maybe they were working for/with someone presently incarcerated.

I'd love to know who that was.
Oh - and the fact that McN drove straight to visit someone in prison implies maybe they were working for/with someone presently incarcerated.

I'd love to know who that was.

Positive they were working with or for someone in Prison - he went to report the drugs were missing as soon as he found out they were gone.

They had swooped about 4am on Saturday last week while McNamara was asleep, secretly removing the car — along with the drugs.

But it wasn’t until Sunday morning that McNamara discovered the car was gone, triggering a flurry of panicked calls to his alleged accomplice, disgraced former police detective Roger Rogerson. A short time later, McNamara drove to Cooma prison, in southern NSW, to visit an inmate.
Positive they were working with or for someone in Prison - he went to report the drugs were missing as soon as he found out they were gone.

They had swooped about 4am on Saturday last week while McNamara was asleep, secretly removing the car — along with the drugs.

But it wasn’t until Sunday morning that McNamara discovered the car was gone, triggering a flurry of panicked calls to his alleged accomplice, disgraced former police detective Roger Rogerson. A short time later, McNamara drove to Cooma prison, in southern NSW, to visit an inmate.

I totally agree.

After the public sparring session at the gym, Rogerson went with Mr Dixon back to the home of his uncle. There they enjoyed some more drinks before heading to bed.

"Bunger gets out of bed about six [o'clock] and Roger was gone," Mr Dixon said.

"Bunger's rung me and said 'Roger, he's gone mate, he's not here. Do you know where he is?' And I said 'No, I have no idea'. Next thing we know about it, it's on the news and they're looking for him."
The friends told officers that Gao had been boasting for weeks about a meeting with a man named Glen, at 1.35pm on Tuesday, May 20, for a drug deal. :facepalm:

BBM Are drug deals planned that far in advance ? Wouldn't that give too many people too much time to find out about it?

It would also give Police time to set up a much better sting than what went down here. Either way if they were watching Gao or using him as an informant, they would/should have been aware of what was happening that day.
June 02, 2014 8:58AM

Three days earlier, friends of Gao walked into Kogarah police station saying they held grave fears for the missing university student.

May 31, 2014 12:00AM

The manhunt would not begin until the next day at 4pm, when solicitor Jasmine Lau walked into Kogarah police station and reported her client Jamie Gao missing

I shouldnt laugh but I find this quite funny. Oh to have been a fly on the wall.
(sorry if I offend anyone)

They had swooped about 4am on Saturday last week while McNamara was asleep, secretly removing the car — along with the drugs.

But it wasn’t until Sunday morning that McNamara discovered the car was gone, triggering a flurry of panicked calls to his alleged accomplice, disgraced former police detective Roger Rogerson :giggle:
I shouldnt laugh but I find this quite funny. Oh to have been a fly on the wall.
(sorry if I offend anyone)

They had swooped about 4am on Saturday last week while McNamara was asleep, secretly removing the car — along with the drugs.

But it wasn’t until Sunday morning that McNamara discovered the car was gone, triggering a flurry of panicked calls to his alleged accomplice, disgraced former police detective Roger Rogerson :giggle:

Don't apologise Amee - Jamie's death is the only thing in this that isn't laughable - for the most the whole situation is rediculous IMO
...he went to report the drugs were missing as soon as he found out they were gone.

Negative on that one.

Visits at Cooma must be booked at least 24 hours in advance, and at least 24 hours prior. Bookings can only be made between 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.

He'd made a plan sometime before 4pm the previous Friday to go to Cooma.

Why would he go to visit an inmate in Cooma? You can bet your back teeth it's not to tell the rightful owner of the drugs that they're missing, and I'll give you two reasons to draw that conclusion. The first reason is that, on Friday or earlier when he made the appointment, the drugs weren't missing. The second reason is that, unless you're bent on self harm, you don't tell a drug lord that hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of his gear is gone, when you were the last and only person known to have possession of it.

No, his tour to the south has some other purpose. Cooma is a minimum and medium security institution for inmates held in protective custody, such as former police officers. Could it be that he's heading down there to see an old mate, for a little bit of advice about what to do with a bag of methamphetamine he never counted on having in his possession? I think it's possible. Then again, he seems to go to Cooma despite the fact that he knows the drugs are gone. He may well be going there to see someone on an entirely unrelated matter. After all, there are a number of one time coppers locked up there, and they're the type of guys he keeps company with. He might have even been visiting Uncle Herb. Who knows?

By the way. Does anyone think the following quote is curious?

"Officers from Strike Force Album could hardly believe what they were seeing. They rang headquarters and said: “Boss, you’re not going to believe it — we’ve found the drugs.”

Why didn't his boss say "Drugs? What drugs?" or why didn't the officer quoted say "we've found some drugs".

I would have thought, that nobody had ever seen the contents of that bag, or could know what it was before McNamara's car was searched and the bag was opened. At which time the usual exclamation would be "Holy s**t! Drugs", or even "Boss, guess what's in that bag Gao was carrying in the footage?"

It could just be the media sensationalizing things, or it could be something more sinister. It could just as easily be nothing, but I wonder...
I am quite proud to see that WS members have been able to put many of the missing pieces of the puzzle together. But there must be a lot more to come yet. This is BIG!!

By the way. Does anyone think the following quote is curious?

"Officers from Strike Force Album could hardly believe what they were seeing. They rang headquarters and said: “Boss, you’re not going to believe it — we’ve found the drugs.”

Why didn't his boss say "Drugs? What drugs?" or why didn't the officer quoted say "we've found some drugs".

I would have thought, that nobody had ever seen the contents of that bag, or could know what it was before McNamara's car was searched and the bag was opened. At which time the usual exclamation would be "Holy s**t! Drugs", or even "Boss, guess what's in that bag Gao was carrying in the footage?"

It could just be the media sensationalizing things, or it could be something more sinister. It could just as easily be nothing, but I wonder...

If they said THE drugs (and god knows if police told media the true story, or if media reported it correctly) then it stands to reason they knew there were going to be drugs to be traced before they got to the car .. so .. the fact that there had been a drug transaction at the 'meeting' was either told to them (by Jamie's friends or lawyer .. erm OK, Jamie's friends) OR they had some other source of intelligence, because yes, knowing Jamie's activities then drugs was a possibility, but they couldn't have KNOWN that .. unless they were TOLD, or they were in his phone, or they knew BEFORE the meeting what was going down.

Also, is it just me .. WTH is up with police, not only searching the garage, and the car, but upon finding the drugs, just going right ahead and moving the car right outa there .. I can think of a couple of other fun options, they could have a) replaced the drugs with some street packaged sugar, or b) informed McNamara that they were removing the car. Is it normal for police upon finding evidence to simply remove an entire car like that? Wouldn't someone notice, even at that time of night, and since I guess they didn't get a tow truck in to remove it which would have caused enough commotion to alert residents, did they just drive it on out of there .. couldn't that destroy evidence?
If they said THE drugs (and god knows if police told media the true story, or if media reported it correctly) then it stands to reason they knew there were going to be drugs to be traced before they got to the car .. so .. the fact that there had been a drug transaction at the 'meeting' was either told to them (by Jamie's friends or lawyer .. erm OK, Jamie's friends) OR they had some other source of intelligence, because yes, knowing Jamie's activities then drugs was a possibility, but they couldn't have KNOWN that .. unless they were TOLD, or they were in his phone, or they knew BEFORE the meeting what was going down.

Also, is it just me .. WTH is up with police, not only searching the garage, and the car, but upon finding the drugs, just going right ahead and moving the car right outa there .. I can think of a couple of other fun options, they could have a) replaced the drugs with some street packaged sugar, or b) informed McNamara that they were removing the car. Is it normal for police upon finding evidence to simply remove an entire car like that? Wouldn't someone notice, even at that time of night, and since I guess they didn't get a tow truck in to remove it which would have caused enough commotion to alert residents, did they just drive it on out of there .. couldn't that destroy evidence?

When he noticed his car missing, I wonder whether he guessed the police had taken it or just thought it had been stolen. If so, he still thought it safe to drive to Cooma! I guess McNamara had another car to drive to Cooma. Maybe police followed him there too. Did they arrest him in Cooma or in Sydney?
Wednesday, May 21
7pm: Gao&#8217;s friends finally report him missing.

The friends told officers that Gao had been boasting for weeks about a meeting with a man named Glen, at 1.35pm on Tuesday, May 20, for a drug deal.

Thursday, May 22
Police view CCTV footage from storage facility and allegedly identify McNamara and Rogerson.

For the next five days detectives worked around the clock, gathering an abundance of evidence from CCTV, forensics, phone-tracking data and intercepted phone calls.

On the Friday night police issued a press release calling for help in locating Gao without revealing they were gathering evidence against their two prime suspects.

.The manhunt would not begin until the next day at 4pm, when solicitor Jasmine Lau walked into Kogarah police station and reported her client Jamie Gao missing.

More pertinent to the events leading to Gao&#8217;s murder is that he has been exposed as a low-level drug dealer who has been using and selling drugs for about five years, since his high school days.

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