GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #4

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Sometime after the moment Ms Meagher was captured on CCTV speaking to her alleged killer, police will allege he removed the SIM card from her phone, sources told The Sunday Age yesterday.

But not before investigators used information provided by Vodafone and the operators of the CityLink tollway to narrow the search for their main suspect. The Sunday Age understands cameras on the Tullamarine Freeway may have captured footage that helped lead to Adrian Bayley's arrest

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If he removed it not long after that conversation with her brother then he must have rendered her helpless quite quickly (jmo)
Is anyone heading to the peace march? I had planned on going but my face is swollen from an infected wisdom tooth and on pain killers and antibiotics, so best to leave it.

I planned on going but being 7 months pregnant my feet are quite swollen :( it's a very nice way to honor Jill. I have an incredible amount of respect for what they're doing, I believe it represents a stand for us women who believe that we should always have the right to walk home alone. Even though these days unfortunately, it has become obvious that we shouldn't.
I think all cities and highly populated areas should follow Ipswich,QLD's lead.
There were a few times last year I had to use the Ipswich train, late, and often the last train for the night. I remember one night not being able to get a taxi so I walked to see if I could find one. Obviously I was nervous but trying to act confident. I looked up and behind at one stage to see a camera following me.It was actually moving. It did reassure me at the time.
I was fortunate enough to see the CTV room in Ipswich city and it's amazing what they can see. Yes it's a slight invasion of privacy but as they say, those with things to hide are the ones to be concerned.

Anyway here's the info on their safe city campaign -

The Success of Security Cameras

Ipswich City Council has been visited by law enforcement agencies internationally to inspect our camera monitoring system.

Police from three states in Australia and approximately twenty-five local authorities from across Australia have visited the Ipswich Monitoring Facility. The Safe City facility has been recognised as the benchmark for a fully integrated crime prevention program that is not solely reliant on cameras and utilises a co-ordinated approach of all agencies in Ipswich.

The cameras have been welcomed at Ipswich.
I now have a new found respect for the CCTV camera's, and the installation of CCTV footage in all CBD's. Not that I was ever against them but I feel strongly about them now. Whether it be a matter of those opinions that it is an "invasion of privacy", I think we have seen how important CCTV camera's are. And even if it ends up having to help in the way it tragically did for Jill, I feel internally grateful for the camera's that were able to give Vic Police the crucial information they required and assist them capture her alleged killer.

Sorry if that sounds as though I'm just rambling. I still feel very emotional about all of this as I'm sure we all are.

I always knew Brunswick was a suburb full of weirdos and psychopaths. I wonder what it is that makes these freaks all live close together?

Your comments are offensive, particularly given Tom and Jill live in Brunswick and clearly loved it. The alleged offender appears to have lived in many different places. This crime cold have just as easily been in Chapel St or Richmond.
I still feel very emotional about all of this as I'm sure we all are.

My new found little pregnant friend, you need to regroup, looking at all of this full of raging hormones must be so difficult. I think we are all hurting - but we should remember what her colleague, Jon Faine, said. Jill loved her home country and she loved Australia, her country of choice. From what I have read about Jill, from seeing her husband so thoughtful during the most horrendous time in his life speaks volumes. Think of Jill - she doesn't look like the type that would be happy with you being upset :grouphug:

ABC colleagues pay tribute to Jill Meagher - YouTube
My new found little pregnant friend, you need to regroup, looking at all of this full of raging hormones must be so difficult. I think we are all hurting - but we should remember what her colleague, Jon Faine, said. Jill loved her home country and she loved Australia, her country of choice. From what I have read about Jill, from seeing her husband so thoughtful during the most horrendous time in his life speaks volumes. Think of Jill - she doesn't look like the type that would be happy with you being upset :grouphug:

ABC colleagues pay tribute to Jill Meagher - YouTube

Changed my mind...Sorry JON.
Re gotcuffs! Comment on the previous thread..

I wonder if where you can see Jill lean on the shop front window in the very final frame of CCTV (left of screen) continues after the CCTV public footage stops. Maybe the police know she stood there for 2 minutes?

In my MOO I believe she stayed at the dress shop to make the call to her brother. It was well lit and she was just using the call to give time for the perp to move on.
She probably believed he had left by the time the call ended.I believe he was waiting just around the corner for her. Waited for her to walk past his dark hiding spot and he grabbed her from behind, close to his car. She screamed(as heard at the Turkish restaurant) but in the car Jill most likely fought back,hard, things escalated.

I think the brother detected that her voice sounded different but she probably did not want to worry him by saying she was scared. I believe she thoughtfully did not call her husband as she did not want to wake him.
I also believe the brother did call and ask Tom to check on her,saying she was on her way home. By 2am Tom would have been really worried.

All my opinion and speculation.
In my MOO I believe she stayed at the dress shop to make the call to her brother. It was well lit and she was just using the call to give time for the perp to move on.
She probably believed he had left by the time the call ended.I believe he was waiting just around the corner for her. Waited for her to walk past his dark hiding spot and he grabbed her from behind, close to his car. She screamed(as heard at the Turkish restaurant) but in the car Jill most likely fought back,hard, things escalated.

I think the brother detected that her voice sounded different but she probably did not want to worry him by saying she was scared. I believe she thoughtfully did not call her husband as she did not want to wake him.
I also believe the brother did call and ask Tom to check on her,saying she was on her way home. By 2am Tom would have been really worried.

All my opinion and speculation.

Very likely scenario I agree
THE alleged rape and murder of ABC radio worker Jill Meagher must horrify all those who believe we are entitled to go about our business in safety.
The awful crime may have been committed in Melbourne but it strikes a discordant note with all Australians.

The brutal fact is that life, the thing most of us most treasure, means nothing to some people
September 30, 2012 12:00AM
Why I'll never walk home alone again

MY throat tightens and I feel butterflies in my belly when I think about Jill Meagher. I can't help but think, "There but for the grace of God go I".
The similarities between us are startling.

We're about the same age, work in the same industry, both live a brief walk from our city's nightspots and share the same stature and build.

On the night Jill disappeared, I too walked home alone about 1.30am, after a night out with friends at Fortitude Valley.

I could be Jill Meagher. It's chilling.
In my MOO I believe she stayed at the dress shop to make the call to her brother. It was well lit and she was just using the call to give time for the perp to move on.
She probably believed he had left by the time the call ended.I believe he was waiting just around the corner for her. Waited for her to walk past his dark hiding spot and he grabbed her from behind, close to his car. She screamed(as heard at the Turkish restaurant) but in the car Jill most likely fought back,hard, things escalated.

I think the brother detected that her voice sounded different but she probably did not want to worry him by saying she was scared. I believe she thoughtfully did not call her husband as she did not want to wake him.
I also believe the brother did call and ask Tom to check on her,saying she was on her way home. By 2am Tom would have been really worried.

All my opinion and speculation.

I agree with you, very well written Curiousasacat :). But I do honestly believe that when she said "I'm worried I'm worried" was referring to the fact that she felt as though she was in danger, but didn't want to say anything to her brother as she may have felt too scared. That's JMO of course as there was speculation that it was in regards to her father, which in all respect could have been. I don't think her brother actually did clarify that is what she said it in reference to. But that's just what I felt. And also another thing, the male voice/s he said he heard in the background?
In my MOO I believe she stayed at the dress shop to make the call to her brother. It was well lit and she was just using the call to give time for the perp to move on.
She probably believed he had left by the time the call ended.I believe he was waiting just around the corner for her. Waited for her to walk past his dark hiding spot and he grabbed her from behind, close to his car. She screamed(as heard at the Turkish restaurant) but in the car Jill most likely fought back,hard, things escalated.

I think the brother detected that her voice sounded different but she probably did not want to worry him by saying she was scared. I believe she thoughtfully did not call her husband as she did not want to wake him.
I also believe the brother did call and ask Tom to check on her,saying she was on her way home. By 2am Tom would have been really worried.

All my opinion and speculation.

I suspect that a lot of that is right, but a couple of points:

She may have been grabbed as she walked past the end of the little lane in Hope St, screamed once, then was king-hit and rendered unconscious. That would have given the perp the ease to carry her to his car further down the laneway. It could also have gone wrong in that the king-hit may have actually killed her - she was quite small and he is quite muscular. Perhaps the fact that she was already dead when carried to the car and then whatever happened was what shocked the reporters..?

Also, in her phone call to her brother, wasn't it quoted somewhere fairly early in these threads and in the MSM that she actually said "I'm worried" but did not elaborate on that? And then when the brother went downstairs to call her back - no reply....

Interesting that it is alleged this morning that the perp removed the SIM card from the phone quite early in the piece, yet the phone kept ringing out before going to voicemail when Tom was trying to call her. It only stopped doing that and started going straight to voicemail around 8am. I wouldn't have thought that a phone with its SIM removed (possibly removed when it rang the first time) would show up on the network and sound to the caller that it was ringing. I would have thought it would have given the "Number not connected or out of range" message and then gone to voicemail.

Something not quite fitting together there...

I drove home very late last night, about 12:30-ish. Went through the Valley - and there were girls walking around there in ones and twos, some of them were so intoxicated that they could hardly stand up, and I swear that some of them were barely (in both meanings of the word) into their teens. What were their parents thinking? Did they know where they were? One girl in particular was staggering along down a dark side street behind the big multi-story car park, with nobody else in sight. I drove through there to get onto Ann St, and one part of me said I should stop and see if she was OK, the other part said that if I stopped I would probably (a) get an ear-bashing from the girl, and (b) be acting suspiciously. I didn't stop, but I did slow down until I was sure she was almost out of the end of the street into the better-lit area of Ann St. She didn't even notice I was there - it could have been anybody. She obviously doesn't read the news or hasn't heard about the Jill Meagher case. It just seemed like another disaster waiting to happen. And I reckon she would have been 17 or 18 only. I shook my head in disbelief as I drove on.

I hope that the worst she has this morning is a hangover!
Is anyone heading to the peace march? I had planned on going but my face is swollen from an infected wisdom tooth and on pain killers and antibiotics, so best to leave it.

I'm going, along with friends who live in Coburg/Brunswick. I'll walk extra hard (lol) for those of you who want to be there, as I know you will be in spirit.
My new found little pregnant friend, you need to regroup, looking at all of this full of raging hormones must be so difficult. I think we are all hurting - but we should remember what her colleague, Jon Faine, said. Jill loved her home country and she loved Australia, her country of choice. From what I have read about Jill, from seeing her husband so thoughtful during the most horrendous time in his life speaks volumes. Think of Jill - she doesn't look like the type that would be happy with you being upset :grouphug:

ABC colleagues pay tribute to Jill Meagher - YouTube

Thank you for your thoughtful post GutFeeling! You have put a smile upon my face :tyou:
I'm going, along with friends who live in Coburg/Brunswick. I'll walk extra hard (lol) for those of you who want to be there, as I know you will be in spirit.

Thank you, Pudd! :seeya:

I would love to attend in honor of lovely Jill.... :heart:

But I live in the U.S., and that is quite a long commute! :smile:
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