GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #6

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
The Investigator Charlie Bezzina asks why Adrian Bayley was out on parole and able to kill Melbourne woman Jill Meagher

When it comes to investigating serious sex attacks police routinely face an incredibly difficult task.

I’ve tracked down serial offenders such as Bayley in the past, and while investigators are tasked with simply gathering the facts, attacks are most likely to be perpetrated at a time and place away from potential witnesses.

Investigators must identify the offenders, then back their suspicions with the supporting evidence including DNA samples, forensic examination and evidence of injuries to victims. But serial criminals like Bayley are more likely to know means of hiding their tracks, and have knowledge of police methods.

So to charge Bayley in the first place, was a great feat in itself.

.. more at link ..
If parole had worked, Jill would still be alive
John Silvester

Jill Meagher should have woken up that Saturday morning with a slight hangover and pleasant memories of a night on the town with her workmates.
Adrian Ernest Bayley should be just another violent crook known only to those unfortunate enough to have crossed his path.
Even in the world of criminals he is recognised as a bottom feeder. An opportunistic coward who has to be protected from fellow inmates.
When he was interviewed by homicide detectives six days after the murder he arrogantly denied any involvement until confronted with overwhelming evidence. And then he began to cry - not for his victim but for himself. They were crocodile tears from a reptile.

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And this is the creature that was (a) bailed after those earlier offences, and (b) let out on parole with that history of complete lack of self control of his impulses.

The Victorian Parole Board have some SERIOUS questions to answer here. We have discussed this here on WS in the past, but due to the suppression order were not allowed to discuss Bayley's history which was horrendous.

Now the big question is - WHO is going to ask the Parole Board those serious - and awkward - questions? Will they even get asked? Will the media be at the forefront of a campaign? Politicians? Or - and this would be MOST unlikely - the judiciary, after getting frustrated with putting people away then having the Parole Board let them out again? Maybe the police will start the questions rolling? After all, they are the ones who have to clean up the mess, and who would be the most frustrated....

And of course - the $64,000 question: who else is currently out on parole for similar offences, and why? Are the police aware of them, do they have them under surveillance? Who else is at risk?
As a direct result of the Jill Meagher case the government has tightened the rules and in February this year announced that any violent offender is deemed to have breached parole the moment they are charged with another violent offence.

From the article by John Silvester linked above .. I hope there is an inquiry and even tighter rules can be put in place ..
It's amazing how quick memories can come flooding back of this horrendous case. Not that I will ever forget what happened but seeing the news today knowing it was a pre sentencing hearing I felt that instant anger about it all.
The victim impact statements from what I have read sound so sad.

Hopefully the parole board will come under review as well. It sickens me that this filth of a human being got off on depriving women of any dignity and their rights.

Can I ask - now that the suppression order has been lifted about the history of Bayley, does that mean the final details of Jill's death will be released? I certainly hope that what really did happen to her is never published.

That poor family lets hope he is never released.
As a direct result of the Jill Meagher case the government has tightened the rules and in February this year announced that any violent offender is deemed to have breached parole the moment they are charged with another violent offence.

Wow - talk about locking the stable door after the horse has bolted...! So they have to commit an offence FIRST in order to breach parole! That is ridiculous - what if that offence just happens to be rape, or murder? What about that first victim, the one that becomes the definition of the parole breach?

Sheesh - the sheer stupidity of our governments, regulators, parole boards, and judiciaries never ceases to amaze me!
Yeah right? Whatever happened to truth in sentencing .. Oh and don't we all know that if those 5 rapes had NOT been prostitutes that sentence would have been longer .. As if raping a prostitute is not as bad, as if they are LESSER HUMAN BEINGS!! Violent rapes too, not just sex against their will, but brutal horrible injury inflicting rapes of the worst kind. He could have got a life sentence for those - he should have in my opinion.
Yeah right? Whatever happened to truth in sentencing .. Oh and don't we all know that if those 5 rapes had NOT been prostitutes that sentence would have been longer .. As if raping a prostitute is not as bad, as if they are LESSER HUMAN BEINGS!! Violent rapes too, not just sex against their will, but brutal horrible injury inflicting rapes of the worst kind. He could have got a life sentence for those - he should have in my opinion.
Agreed Mrs. Norris. The previous rapes were reportedly sadistic, violent, injury inflicting rapes. The victims sustained life-long physical, mental & emotional injuries. There should be no argument which says that rape of a prostitute is any different from rape of any other woman. The point is RAPE is RAPE. The intent to rape is formed in the mind of the perpetrator as he seeks his prey. The intent behind the action is to inflict sadistic violence on a vulnerable woman. IMO this predator should have been given life without parole years ago. He has proven himself to be a dangerous perpetrator and IMO is beyond rehabilitation. His words of remorse are hollow. BUT they sound good. Professionals like to hear them. He has learned to play the system and say what professionals expect to hear. This is the very reason 'talking therapy' does not work with sociopaths - they only learn to use the words to fool the system to their own ends again. Hollow ground. :stormingmad:
Psychologist Professor James Ogloff diagnosed Bayley with Borderline Personality disorder, a violent sexual predator who fantasised about assuming a position of power and control over his victims, and typically blames his victims for his crimes. He agreed Bayley was a calculating and manipulative man who derived pleasure in inflicting pain on his victims.

Bayley's lawyer Saul Holt SC said his client had expressed genuine remorse. But Mr Silbert urged Justice Geoffrey Nettle to make no finding of remorse."He denied until he was trapped into a confession," he said.

Good on Mr. Silbert. Say it how it is: a violent sexual predator, calculating and manipulative. IMO he has already started 'playing' the system with his words of hollow remorse. Professionals like hearing them. Don't expect anybody to accept your apology after murdering their family member! Maybe he enjoyed the murder as well as the rape this time. He is the only one here to tell the story. This would warrant that he never be released. He calculated and manipulated after the crime to cover up and protect himself from the consequences - until the detectives forced him into a corner with damning evidence. :stormingmad:

I know he's a defence lawyer and all... but COME ON. Is it any wonder the previous legal representatives quit over trying to defend this scum!

He said Bayley had not intended to murder Ms Meagher, strangling her after she became aggressive.

"She resisted and fought back after the rape and she indicated that she would call police," Mr Holt said.

"When someone lays hands on him ... he responds with this level of rage."
Oh, poor petal! The woman whom he viciously raped fought back and provoked him into killing her! Can't you see it's not his fault!

Mr Holt said the Crown's call for a life sentence without parole was inappropriate because the case was not "on that level of severity".

"My submission is this is not offending that, even taken in combination with Mr Bayley's prior convictions ... should mean that the key gets thrown away forever," he said.
Words fail me!!

P.S. I was disgusted at the way Tom was pestered by the reporters afterwards. They got right in his face, like vultures. As if he doesn't have enough crap to deal with!
He said Bayley had not intended to murder Ms Meagher, strangling her after she became aggressive.
"She resisted and fought back after the rape and she indicated that she would call police," Mr Holt said.
"When someone lays hands on him ... he responds with this level of rage."

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So says him right? Who knows if this is even true, or if AEB was just looking for justification for the kill .. :stormingmad:
Another thing .. I believe that perps seek out sex workers as victims, not just because they are available and easier to take off the street on the spur of the moment, and get into a vulnerable position, but also because if the crime is even reported it may not be investigated as thoroughly, and the eventual sentence will not be as severe.

Why the judges and various govt officials continue to prove them right is beyond me.
The Victorian Premier, Mr. Dennis Napthine, has publically acknowledged on Channel 9 news that the Parole Board failed Jill Meagher. I hope that in time the Meagher family will consider legal action to sue the Parole Board of Victoria for they need to be held to account for the decision to parole this violent offender and change their practices to prioritise the safety of women/girls in the community ahead of the rights of the offender to parole IMO.
Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has conceded the parole system failed murdered Melbourne woman Jill Meagher and he has ordered a former High Court justice to review the structure of the Victorian Parole Board. Finally!
Psychologist Professor James Ogloff said Bayley admitted he was "trying to think of a way to get out of things", even after confessing to strangling Ms Meagher.

He said Bayley, who he diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, was a violent sexual predator who fantasised about assuming a position of power and control over his victims, who he typically blamed for his crimes.

He agreed Bayley was a calculating and manipulative man who derived pleasure in inflicting pain on his victims.

The court heard Bayley had told one of his rape victims: "Now you'll do what I want you to do, if you fight, I'll fight you back" and "I could dump you in the *advertiser censored**ing alley and no one would give a s***".

From link above .. interesting, this PD seems to have come up a lot lately in different crimes.
He said Bayley had not intended to murder Ms Meagher, strangling her after she became aggressive.
"She resisted and fought back after the rape and she indicated that she would call police," Mr Holt said.
"When someone lays hands on him ... he responds with this level of rage."

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Oh poor little sicko. The victim fought back so it wasn't his fault. Please. He makes me sick. May he rot in general population for the rest of his pitiful life.

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