Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #2

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Thanks, insanity, although that's 20 minutes of my time I'll never get back. Some 'Missing Person's' page - I've never seen one like it before. I guess there's a time for everything.
I completely agree. It sounds like someone with an agenda methinks.
Thanks for the welcome... 😊 I think I'm going to really like it here. I've been closet sleuthing, reading every post and willing you all on. What makes the case so intriguing is that usually we see so much empathy, love, fear etc etc for the missing person but that's so blured by the dirty laundry that's purging out. Not much heartache being displayed, just a go suck rotten eggs feeling. JMO 👍🏻
I was hoping they'd find something today, but it's all gone quiet again, maybe that's good news?
I too was hoping they'd find something, anything!! Maybe they have, we just haven't heard yet! Let's hope it's the calm before the storm! :praying:
It seems people have been reading here and have now created a find KR Facebook page. AR I suspect.......

I think its just a sleuther who's interested in this case and has used this facebook page as a platform to lay everything out, seeing as some info cant be said in forum groups.
OK why there? Did someone see something right there or does someone KNOW a lot more information.

The river search gathered the interest of passersby, with people in the Anglers Tavern watching through its windows and others jogging along the river stopping to watch.

The Anglers Tavern is open Open today 11am–1am - maybe some late partyers saw something around the river.

"We'll have discussions tomorrow morning with head office, but there is the possibility of using divers."

Police remained in the middle of the river, underneath the bridge next to the tavern. An officer used an implement to dig underwater.
It looks to me Ol' Borce is being kept in the dark here. Why? Are the police keeping Sarah informed?

The husband of Mrs Ristevski, who has been missing for a month, says her family had no new information on her whereabouts, despite the new search.

"We've been told nothing," Borce Ristevski told Fairfax Media.

Police said the search had failed to produce any breakthroughs. They refused to comment on the tip.
Hi everyone.. longtime lurker here.
Really longtime lurker actually, have been here for about 7 years. I have followed several missing persons threads as I have close personal connections to 2 missing children in Australia and just a general interest in crime. I've followed every single post on every thread in relation to Allison Baden-Clay, William Tyrrell, Keli Lane (and the missing baby Tegan), and now Karen Ristevski, as well as a few other cases overseas.
Miss Lane was my PDHPE teacher in year 7/8 at Ravenswood, and I have several personal connections to the William Tyrrell case, so many that it is almost unbelievable in fact. My daughter also attends the same school as his sibling (I hope I am allowed to say that!).
Anyway thought it was time to start posting!
I was also surprised at the Find Karen Ristevski page, which I have joined. I wonder what Sarah's feelings towards her half brother are.
Anyway hope to contribute on here as well as on the William Tyrrell page. I am a regular contributor on William Tyrrell facebook pages; however I keep my personal link hidden from all but a few as I don't want the mother to know that I know who they (and his sister) are. Greatest apologies to mods if I have said anything I am not allowed to.
Oh my! This is the view of the river from the function room at the Anglers Tavern.


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Now i want to know why 'The Golden Child' was at Bunnings.

A crime show on TV tonight showed how the CCTV of an American Hardware shop solved the murder.
LE had the murder weapon and the cameras showed the murderer purchasing that very weapon and the boots that left the imprint at the scene. Brilliant stuff.
On the opposite side of the river is an Australian Defence Force Base.

Are there any weirdos amongst that lot. I mean living away from home, lonely, trigger happy......


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I think its just a sleuther who's interested in this case and has used this facebook page as a platform to lay everything out, seeing as some info cant be said in forum groups.


But the person better be carefull. ..... Im no lawyer..... but I think the family would have a good case.....even AR should be carefull what he posts..... these are unprooven accusations at this point.

Who ever made the page needs to be clear in their mind...... are they starting a public page out of concern for Karen and her Family..........or simply opening up a public forum to air the accusations of the stepson.......

The Herald Sun even had the brains and most likely the legal realise that was overstepping the mark...
I'm wondering if the police would be watching the FB page closely and hoping that someone will slip up or they find a clue to assist. I would think it'd be quite rare to have such public rants to monitor in cases like this. Don't bad guys usually go to ground...or try to? Red herring?
Hi everyone.. longtime lurker here.
Really longtime lurker actually, have been here for about 7 years. I have followed several missing persons threads as I have close personal connections to 2 missing children in Australia and just a general interest in crime. I've followed every single post on every thread in relation to Allison Baden-Clay, William Tyrrell, Keli Lane (and the missing baby Tegan), and now Karen Ristevski, as well as a few other cases overseas.
Miss Lane was my PDHPE teacher in year 7/8 at Ravenswood, and I have several personal connections to the William Tyrrell case, so many that it is almost unbelievable in fact. My daughter also attends the same school as his sibling (I hope I am allowed to say that!).
Anyway thought it was time to start posting!
I was also surprised at the Find Karen Ristevski page, which I have joined. I wonder what Sarah's feelings towards her half brother are.
Anyway hope to contribute on here as well as on the William Tyrrell page. I am a regular contributor on William Tyrrell facebook pages; however I keep my personal link hidden from all but a few as I don't want the mother to know that I know who they (and his sister) are. Greatest apologies to mods if I have said anything I am not allowed to.

Hello tals86......Im puggle....dont know the emotioncon thingos that well....hopless at linking things.... ..glad to have you aboard...

Yes please contribute on Williams Page...

Puggle xx
On the opposite side of the river is an Australian Defence Force Base.

Are there any weirdos amongst that lot. I mean living away from home, lonely, trigger happy......

Maybe need to do a bit of research......I think its been closed for years. Given what we have been offered already.....would seem like a long shot...

There has been a been a sexual assault on the walking trail.....Mmmm thinking late 2015...but it was a far distance from where she lived....
Now i want to know why 'The Golden Child' was at Bunnings.

A crime show on TV tonight showed how the CCTV of an American Hardware shop solved the murder.
LE had the murder weapon and the cameras showed the murderer purchasing that very weapon and the boots that left the imprint at the scene. Brilliant stuff.

I think it was in the last thread....sorry I cant remember who posted it.....but it was a valid point.

Anthony Rickard came to our attention....he gets his front page on the Herald Sun......... Maybe he was simply at Bunnings for the same reason most us.........I freakin love Bunnings...sometimes I dont have a real reson to be have magical powers??

Much was made of his manic postings on the 29th a.m........but the poster was right.......we didnt have postings prior to that date to work out a pattern of behavour to know if those posting were sus or out if the norm and meant anything. ... .a trip to Bunnings may simply of been all love Bunnings........maybe nothing sinister at all..

But I will say he has manipulated his FB page in a way to suggest possible involvement. ......utilizing privacy controls ..... airing posts at suggestive times to cause speculation.............hence me saying its like a game is being played......

Its all a little too wrapped up in a bow for me....... reasonable doubt...subterfuge. ..... Apart from what we are being fed.....and i do feel we are being fed......what evidence...tangible proof of anything has been on offer?

The media has been a sensational stinker in this case.....
On the opposite side of the river is an Australian Defence Force Base.

Are there any weirdos amongst that lot. I mean living away from home, lonely, trigger happy......

As far as I know, the site is vastly disused, and hasn't been an active base in over a decade. It was earmarked for development a few years ago, but nothing went ahead due to contamination issues. It is still Commonwealth land and security does monitor the site (there are a few heritage issues, and copper theft is rife around Melbourne, not to mention the risk of graffiti and general vandalism) - I actually drove past today and spotted security parked near the tram stop on Raleigh Rd.

Someone could swim across but I doubt they'd make it, and if they did, odds are they wouldn't be able to scramble up the steep banks which have plenty of thistles and prickly pears growing on them!
I'm wondering if the police would be watching the FB page closely and hoping that someone will slip up or they find a clue to assist. I would think it'd be quite rare to have such public rants to monitor in cases like this. Don't bad guys usually go to ground...or try to? Red herring?

I'd imagine the police wouldn't have the man power or time to monitor all posts on SM that mention the missing persons name
....But pages specifically set up Utilizing the name of a missing person would garner some attention...
Thank you Puggle for the welcome.
I will start saying as much as I can on the William Tyrrell thread; I know many of the people I converse with on the Facebook discussion pages are on here and I'm very open about my past - it is more that I don't want to identify myself to the family that is currently caring for his sister.
In regards to Karen, I agree it is pretty stupid of whomever has created the page. Police are definitely taking close note and following the contributors. I believe sooner or later these claims are going to have to be addressed by police/media if the page continues to gather interest. To be honest the language style reminds me very very much so of someone who has made facebook statements in this case. I have a specific person in mind.
In regards to the stepson, I don't personally believe a word he is saying but that is just my personal opinion. There are too many discrepancies in his story, and I know myself from my siblings experience and subsequent death, that meth ice does some pretty bad things to the mind. I agree, it is almost as if he is purposely trying to make himself a suspect. I am personally in two minds as to what has happened to Karen; I did think it was the husband when I first saw the reports of Karen missing but undecided now.
Thank you Puggle for the welcome.
I will start saying as much as I can on the William Tyrrell thread; I know many of the people I converse with on the Facebook discussion pages are on here and I'm very open about my past - it is more that I don't want to identify myself to the family that is currently caring for his sister.
In regards to Karen, I agree it is pretty stupid of whomever has created the page. Police are definitely taking close note and following the contributors. I believe sooner or later these claims are going to have to be addressed by police/media if the page continues to gather interest. To be honest the language style reminds me very very much so of someone who has made facebook statements in this case. I have a specific person in mind.
In regards to the stepson, I don't personally believe a word he is saying but that is just my personal opinion. There are too many discrepancies in his story, and I know myself from my siblings experience and subsequent death, that meth ice does some pretty bad things to the mind. I agree, it is almost as if he is purposely trying to make himself a suspect. I am personally in two minds as to what has happened to Karen; I did think it was the husband when I first saw the reports of Karen missing but undecided now.

Tal...... so good to have you aboard.....I have to go to bed 12 hr shift a.m.... But I look forward to your posts..

Puggle xx
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