Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #2

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Hi everyone. I've been wondering if maybe BR was told by someone else to say that there was an argument about finances on the morning KR disappeared, and is covering up for someone out of threat, or loyalty.:thinking:
For the last few days, I keep getting this thought over and over, its so far fetched that I will just need to wait and see what the police do.
For the last few days, I keep getting this thought over and over, its so far fetched that I will just need to wait and see what the police do.
What thought? No matter how far fetched it may seem to you, you may be onto something. Please do share! :D
Hi everyone. I've been wondering if maybe BR was told by someone else to say that there was an argument about finances on the morning KR disappeared, and is covering up for someone out of threat, or loyalty.:thinking:

Very possible.

I honestly don't think he killed her ... I've never felt that he has ... although I don't know why he would've gone quiet with the police if he has nothing to hide. I still feel very 'off' about his brother though.

I haven't heard any more mention of Karen's illness (it was stated in earlier press reports that she had one). I wonder if her disappearance could be as a result of this (meaning she intended to return but her illness prevented her from doing so - i.e., she had a seizure or something).
Very possible.

I honestly don't think he killed her ... I've never felt that he has ... although I don't know why he would've gone quiet with the police if he has nothing to hide. I still feel very 'off' about his brother though.

I haven't heard any more mention of Karen's illness (it was stated in earlier press reports that she had one). I wonder if her disappearance could be as a result of this (meaning she intended to return but her illness prevented her from doing so - i.e., she had a seizure or something).

That's a good point about her illness, we have not heard any more about that, or what it was even, have we?
That's a good point about her illness, we have not heard any more about that, or what it was even, have we?

Pretty sure it is Asthma, but dont know the severity of the condition. Not much has been reported on that.
That's a good point about her illness, we have not heard any more about that, or what it was even, have we?
It is indeed a good point. No, I don't believe we have. All we were told is that she has an illness. You'd think they'd at least give a bit more info in regards to this illness. As Pepper77 has already said, it may have prevented her from returning home. (Surely though, if she had a seizure or something, someone would have found her by now--depending of course, where it happened, I suppose). :thinking:
So quiet today as if yesterday never happened
So quiet today as if yesterday never happened

Hehehe! I've taken my medicine and have learned that i should be thinking out loud less. I wasn't fully aware of the consequences of my words and that my speculations were hurting people. Sorry to anyone i have offended with my enthusiastic speculating and sorry that i've been flippant with language (and offered the odd insult here and there) and people have been getting offended. So, less speculating and more thinking. A new thread and a fresh start was in order. Phew!

Now, as for the case itself, i hope the police found some more leads yesterday and they're working through them and we're closer to a result. They sure are keeping quiet, though tomorrow is the unfortunate one month anniversary of Karen's disappearance and we might hear some more. Fingers crossed!!!
Police have changed their tactics over the years, they used to name a suspect, then arrest them when they had enough to hold them, now they don't name suspects and only make the arrest when they have enough evidence for a conviction, so they say a lot less and they take a lot longer, never tipping their hand until it's too late for the perpetrator.
Wow. 68 pages in this thread. And i have read every comment. I think we all need to take a deep breath and focus. Not on marital distribution of assets. Not on phantom lovers. Not on ice addled addicts. But on the fact that a woman is still missing. A daughter has no mother to turn to. That the media is desperate to keep us all enthralled so feed tidbits of information that have references to the truth. I hail from the Allison threads and I miss dr watson and theyllgetyou and makara. Their input was considered and thoughtful. Not repetitious and hysterical. No point to my post really except I feel like lots of these posts are like playgound gossip and some are positively sleep inducing. C'mon websleuthers. Remember we are here for Karen.

You know this is a fairly mean spirited comment .. I'm sorry that our posts and discussion don't meet your standards, but people dissect cases here, I don't think the discussion is as banal or irrelevant as you do, even if you don't agree, otherwise we'd have not much to say other than 'Where are you Karen' for pages and pages. I think all the posters here have expressed concern for Karen and her daughter. Apologies since you think our input hasn't been considered and thoughtful. Oh and playground gossip .. or even sleep inducing!!! Regardless, it's a discussion where all views are welcome I guess, even yours above.
Just curious...Why is the mannequin holding papers? We knew about coach bag and wallet but what's the significance of the papers?
Just curious...Why is the mannequin holding papers? We knew about coach bag and wallet but what's the significance of the papers?

Is it the wallet? That's what I assumed...
Does anyone know what time Karen was reported missing?
Does anyone know what time Karen was reported missing?

No - but I would like to. Only thing I've read is that she was reported after not showing up to work - that could have been at any time of the day.
Vic Ristevski's call for Karen to call them if she is still angry with her husband seems okay to me. I don't know why some of you think that he is suspicious, is it the way he spoke to media? As English being my second language too I also believe that VR spoke abruptly coz he was thinking in one language and it seems very direct and odd when he says it in English.
I also have noticed that both Ristevski's families are not that close as they wanted us to believe. Some of the reasons for that: Pervious failure of ther business 10 years ago or problem with AR stepsons claim.
I believe that Karens brother in law and his family have nothing to do with her disappearance. He is 100 % inosent.
Is it the wallet? That's what I assumed...

It looks like 2 pieces of paper? Could be instead of wallet but why didn't they just use a wallet?

No on closer's an open wallet :)
I had hoped to wake up (for me) to some positive news or any news at all from the police activity yesterday but there doesn't seem to be any. I hope it wasn't a a waste of their time.

I'm intererested in the use of the mannequin, that's something I've never seen in England, we would tend to have a reconstruction with maybe a police officer of similar build wearing similar clothes actually walking a possible route, it seems to me that would be more likey to jog a memory than a static shop dummy. Is this a common technique or is it because they don't know which route Karen might have taken?
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