GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #2

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DNA Solves
Hi guys I am back too.......I tend to look in, check out new cases and see if there have been any updates on old cases.......

First of all re working for Telstra......I know they have a new computer system BUT when I was there you could not see the towers the PREPAID (only) mobiles calls were bounced off (US: cell phone pings) basically nothing came up in the system for prepaid mobiles........but someone mentioned that the police can get the info from the sim card.........this is the only reason I can see why they would want the actual phones.....the info of who they have called and has called them would only be in the phone.......basically if you have a mobile that is being billed it shows up who you have texted and called in the computer system and from what tower the call you made bounced off....

secondly re the new idea article.......

One thing that really stood out for me and I would like someone to clarify this for me...

I thought Chris the father had not been involved in Kieshas life since he split up with the mum.....

Did they live with Liz (chris;s mum) when they were a little family???

the reason I ask that in the interview Liz says that the pyschics mention "m" and that M is Liz's son who was 10 at the time Kiesha lived with them.......

I did not know that Kiesha at some stage had lived with her grandmother and was wondering if this was when she was taken from the mum.......if so then Chris must have had quite a lot to do with her.......

Hang on a sec...this isn't adding up now. I know liz said that when kristi had the first baby (Aiden) they stayed at Liz's for 6 weeks because Kristi wasn't bonding with Aiden and couldn't handle the steps of the unit because of the c-section.

But in an article since kiesha's disappearance, Liz said something about her ten yr old son, and having to try to explain the situation to him. It stuck out to me just because of the huge age gap between Chris and her other son.
I know posted about it somewhere...will have to go check the 1st thread.

So unless there is a third son, I think there might have been some misquote in that new idea article....which really wouldn't suprise me considering the type of mag it is.

And I have to say I am sickened by these 'psychics' who are giving Liz so much false hope, and trying to get some free advertising by doing this.

They get images of kiesha being beaten in a car? That was on the news. That's not psychic ability. Figuring out her other sons name, and getting something close to her husbands name would not be hard...and I highly doubt it came to them in a vision. They named a local park where kiesha played? Big deal!! I could have guessed that!

Sorry ....not bashing all psychics here, just those that prey on the vunerable in an effort to boost their bank accounts and egos.

Really, really sickens me.

'She seems lost and frightened, and keeps saying Ki-Ki and Mxxx and mentioning a 10-year-old boy', jacqui says. 'Liz told us Mxxx was her son, who was 10 when Kiesha lived with them, and his name for her was Ki-Ki'.

Okay, so the quote is by Jacqui the super psychic, not Liz herself. if it turns out that kiesha didn't live with them when M was 10, that shows how great their psychic abilities are.

Found it.....

‘‘I have got a 10-year-old boy who is asking me questions: ‘Mummy will the police find her [Kiesha]?’ I say: ‘The police are doing the best they can to bring her home safely.’’’

^From August 22nd...

We first hear about the psychic duo on the 27th August, and the article states that they met with Liz the previous week.....just after she gave out the details about having a ten yr old son.

I feel kinda embarrassed for them...but they brought it on themselves.
Nice try ladies...but you can't fool us so easily.

^ Exactly, nice try. I wonder how many people have been fooled by these women?
I do wonder with all these psychics and their readings, visions, dreams why is it that Kiesha still hasn't been found. It is so easy to say she is near bushland, water, etc ...... hmmmm like there are a lot of areas that could be .... hmmmmm and why are they always so vague. I am happy that there may be something to all this but I would think that if Kiesha was sending a message there might be just a tad more detail to narrow down the places that she might be. JMO
The article is up....

A childless couple took Kiesha, says mum Kristi

MISSING girl Kiesha Abrahams' mother believes her daughter was kidnapped by a couple who couldn't have children.

Two months after the six-year-old was apparently snatched in the night from her Mt Druitt home, Kristi Abrahams said she can "feel it in my heart" that someone else is mothering her girl right now.
And Ms Abrahams' message to her daughter's abductors is clear: "Bring her back to me now."

The mother of three said she thinks someone may have seen her pretty little Kiesha and set up a plan to abduct her for themselves.

Bit more at link...

Eta: Funny they used that particular picture of Kristi for the article. ('s a classic!)

So much I wanna say about the whole thing right now, but I have to get some sleep.
Totally agree butwhatif. After reading this latest BS my blood is boiling! I'm too tired to go into it all right now but will join you all tomorrow.
Um... I've got news for Kristi.

If a childless couple was going to abduct one of her children it would have been one of the younger two. Not the oldest one who could tell everyone they weren't her parents. (Though, I definitely don't think Kiesha would have objected to new parents!)

Someone taking a child to raise as their own, out in the open and not in hiding...will take the newborn, or the toddler...not the 5 or 6 year old!
Hmmm, I think Kristi pulled that one out of that orifice she's sitting on in that pic. Yep, keep on trying to deflect suspicion. It's not working with me (or probably anyone else who posts in this thread).
I do wonder with all these psychics and their readings, visions, dreams why is it that Kiesha still hasn't been found. It is so easy to say she is near bushland, water, etc ...... hmmmm like there are a lot of areas that could be .... hmmmmm and why are they always so vague. I am happy that there may be something to all this but I would think that if Kiesha was sending a message there might be just a tad more detail to narrow down the places that she might be. JMO

Vagueness is their MO. Ha, don't start me on this, or I'll never stop. :p
The article is up....

Bit more at link...

Eta: Funny they used that particular picture of Kristi for the article. ('s a classic!)

So much I wanna say about the whole thing right now, but I have to get some sleep.

Wow, she can "feel it in my heart" that someone else is mothering her girl right now - more shades of Casey Anthony.

At least the Daily Telegraph is continuing to do stories on Kiesha.
It's so funny. That theory about a lovely childless couple stealing a child pops up in almost every case, when we just want to believe that there is some good in the world and it aint all bad. But mostly when we say it (I know I have) It's a wishful thinking thing....It's not a gut thing. Or evidence based at all.

It's the equivalent of saying " The dog didn't die...It's just gone to live on big farm where he can run and play and frolic"

I totally agree with MsFacetious about a random couple wanting a child would go for the younger one. But under the circumstances, if someone watched the sorry life Kiesha was forced to live, they could want to take her because she was the one that was always left out, and singled out.

Would still love to believe that were the case....but I kinda wish I'd never been told the toothfairy wasn't real either. It's nice to believe in fairy dust and happy endings....but that's not what we're here for.LOL

Rob wasn't in the interview this time. Wonder why? He didn't want to look like a fool being a part of this happy, loving couple took our child rubbish?

Maybe he's smart enough to know that this could make folks start to wonder if it was an arranged sale, rather than abduction by a childless couple?

Now kristi....where do I start?

She doesn't appear to be a glass is half full kinda gal in general. And I don't remember coming across any case where parents with a missing child believed that something like this could have happened. They usually think the worst, and rightly so.

Is she trying to suggest that someone that had contact with them through DoCS is respsonsible for abducting Kiesha? That's what I get reading between the lines. And I certainly wouldn't put it past kristi to point the finger at the agency she despises.

Was her 'heart' messed up in the beginning for her to think that Kiesha had gone to play with cats in the middle of the night?

When did her heart start telling her that kiesha was being mothered by somebody else now?

"I just want her back so we can play her favourite Hannah Montana CD like we used to, and dance and sing."

Music references this time...she still can't figure out a book that kiesha may have loved....and the hannah Montana thing is straight from the letter written by someone else on behalf of the family.

What about "I miss her like crazy and our family is not complete without our
ki-ki. We can't get through another day without her. " ....and more details about who kiesha is, and what she loved in life.

She almost seems resigned to the fact that kiesha is happy in another home being mothered by someone else.
Except for this....

And Ms Abrahams' message to her daughter's abductors is clear: "Bring her back to me now."

It might be clear, but it's not exactly highly emotional. :waitasec:

If Kristi truely believed this were true, why not go on every tv show, radio show, etc to scream out a plea to this moon beams and fairy dust couple?

And even if she really and truely convinced herself this was all true, then why no self blame? As parents, we do it all the time...even over the lil things.

Why isn't she saying..."I should have checked that the unit was securely locked that night. If I had, kiesha would still be here with us."

That wouldn't make her look guilty, it would make her look like the caring mum she's trying to portray herself as....but she refuses to admit to any fault at all! And that raises more suspision. :banghead:

That picture they chose to use to run with the article spoke a thousand words. There are plenty of other half decent pics of Kristi that they could have used, but they chose my fave (thanks DT) that I don't think Kristi will be too happy about.

I have a feeling that the Telegraph won't be getting any more exclusives after this.

The thing that I find interesting is that this so called "kidnapping" took place on the night the door was left unlocked. I wonder if the kidnappers had a premonition that told them the door had been left unlocked so they could fulfil their plan. Also why it it a couple? Usually it is done by a single women on her own.

As usual nothing follows any sensible pattern here.
The thing that I find interesting is that this so called "kidnapping" took place on the night the door was left unlocked. I wonder if the kidnappers had a premonition that told them the door had been left unlocked so they could fulfil their plan. Also why it it a couple? Usually it is done by a single women on her own.

As usual nothing follows any sensible pattern here.

LOL- Maybe the kidnapping couple called Jacquie and Kara. :innocent:

ETA: re Couple vs single woman kidnapping Kiesha....that's why I think she's subtley pointing the finger at DoCS. They have a LOT of childless couples wanting to foster or adopt children.

Her pictures make me cry, and I have never said that about the three other cases I've been on this board commenting on. This child's light was dimmed. Whether her mother and her boyfriend are responsible for her disappearance, they are damn sure responsible for the dimming of the light that should have been in her eyes.

Not one picture so far that I have seen of this beautiful little girl is without bruises, either. I thought it could be shadow effect at first, but no.

I've been meaning to add these pics for a while....


Same tight-lipped pose in every pic.
I've been meaning to add these pics for a while....


Same tight-lipped pose in every pic.

Thank you. In the picture where Kiesha is dressed in pink, her mouth is open and she is wearing a beautiful smile. Kiesha has beautiful hair.
a couple of other articles to read:

Finding Kiesha still 'a priority' for police
29 SEP 10 @ 12:30PM BY SUSAN LIU

Kiesha Abraham

Det-Insp Russell Oxford outside Mt Druitt Police Station. Picture: DAVID MARSHALL
more photos
THE search for missing Mt Druitt girl Kiesha Abrahams remains a “high priority case” for police as their investigations continue almost two months after her disappearance.

However, there have not been any new developments.

Recently, it was reported that a blood-stained shirt and a duffle bag containing a body was found in Sadleir, near Liverpool.

A police spokeswoman has told the Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard that police have officially ruled out any links between the findings and Kiesha’s case.

Police also denied media reports that they were close to charging a person with murdering the six-year-old.

Last week, the detective leading the investigation into the disappearance of Kiesha, Det-Insp Russell Oxford, told the Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard that police were making “good progress”.

He also confirmed that the mobile phones of Kiesha’s mother, Kristi, and stepfather Robert Smith were seized.

The phones were examined as part of police efforts to establish a timeline of the last weeks leading up the little girl’s disappearance.

Kiesha was last seen on Saturday, July 31, when her mother put her to bed at their home on Woodstock Ave, Mt Druitt.


Wendy on August 24, 2010 — 1 Comment
The case of missing Sydney child Kiesha Abrahams must be keeping many NSW police and investigating detectives awake at night – nothing about the given circumstances of this little girl’s mysterious disappearance adds up and the the case has now revealed even stranger aspects regarding the activities of her mother Kristi Abrahams.

It has been claimed by Ms Abrahams, and the child’s step-father Robert Smith, that Kiesha disappeared during the night – with the door to their housing commission flat left slightly open next morning as the only apparent clue. Kiesha had not been seen by anyone, apart form her family it is claimed, since early July and she had not even attended school that month. The child was reported missing officially on August 1st and her whereabouts ever since have baffled police.

Police have now discovered that prior to August 1st a series of cash payments were made into Ms Abrahams’ joint bank account with Mr Smith – six deposits of between $500 and $600 a time, totalling almost $4000.00. Ms Abrahams, who does not appear in public without her eyes obscured by a large pair of dark glasses, has so far failed to explain where and who the money came from, neither she nor her partner work and are living on benefits – Kiesha’s biological father though is still paying Ms Abrahams weekly child support even though the child is missing.

The more I read about this case the more I see parallels between this and young Shannon Matthews who we all know was reported missing by her ratbag mother, Karen Matthews, but was found 24 days later having been held prisoner in a flat – the victim of an abduction hoax organised by her own mother. Kiesha Abrahams has effectively vanished into thin air – so had Shannon Matthews, or so it seemed at the time…

Copyright © 2007-2010 Cultured Views. All rights reserved.

and the mystery deepens. :banghead:

let me know if this post is a problem and I will remove it.
I cant beleive they are just letting the $4000 deposit go unanswered.......this pair owe the police and the general public an answer!!!......if they can not answer this they certainly should not be allowed aid/money from any government purse......that is alot of money....if that was a single mum living in a housing commission on a pension she would be fined for not saying where that money come from......

2ndly re "a childless couple took my baby" ....then why has she not be out searching for said childless couple...they are doing a big fat NOTHING........if that was my child and I thought someone had taken my child I would hire a private investigator with the $4000, go door knocking each and every day, be on every bit of media I could get onto warning the couple that I was after them....not hiding my face....

I do have my suspicions that they have sold this child....and I hope it is to a childless couple......

I read that article yesterday, but was too busy at work to post about it. I check the net everyday for news.

According to violence-prevention expert, Gavin DeBecker, in his best-selling book, The Gift Of Fear, you can often tell when someone is lying or trying to convince you that they are being truthful, when they willingly (without being asked) provide what he calls "TOO MANY DETAILS" in a conversation or explanation. Directly lifted from his book, BBM:


People who want to deceive you, I explain to Kelly, will often use a simple technique that has a simple name: too many details. The man’s use of the story about the cat he left unfed in a friend’s apartment: too many details. His reference to leaving the door open, “like ladies do in old movies”: too many details. His volunteering that he is always late (“broken watch, not my fault”): too many details.

When people are telling the truth, they don’t feel doubted, so they don’t feel the need for additional support in the form of details.

When people lie, however, even if what they say sounds credible to you, it doesn’t sound credible to them, so they keep talking.

...The defense is to remain consciously aware of the context in which details are offered.

Context is always apparent at the start of an interaction and usually apparent at the end of one, but too many details can make us lose sight of it. ...Every type of con relies upon distracting us from the obvious.

Kelly had so many details thrown at her that she lost sight of this simple context: The man was an absolute stranger. Whenever the train got going fast enough that she was uncomfortable, whenever she might have seen what was happening, like his taking the shopping bag from her hand even though she said no, he slowed the train down with some new irrelevance. He used catchy details to come to be perceived as someone familiar to her, someone she could trust.

The person who recognizes the strategy of Too Many Details sees the forest while simultaneously being able to see the few trees that really matter. The defense for too many details is simple: Bring the context into conscious thought.

In another interview, of which I cannot locate online, and this one listed above, Kristi is using TOO MANY DETAILS. Someone else posted about this, quoting Kristi about the books she reads to Keisha, among other details that seemed unimportant, not useful or relevant. Here are the 2 that stuck out to me in the most recent article/interview posted above:

Example 1:

"Someone has taken her, I think it was a couple who couldn't have kids of their own."

Her examining the exact motive of her daughter's disappearance is detailed, and frankly, random. Most people (parents) assume stranger abduction RIGHT AWAY. It seems very "creative" of her to assume a couple who couldn't have kids would take her.

And--great point everyone about how a couple would take a BABY not a grown child. Most people would want to start off with a baby---or would want someone that cannot snitch on them.

Kristi is trying to shift the blame off of her and onto an alleged "perp".

Example 2:

"I just want her back so we can play her favourite Hannah Montana CD like we used to, and dance and sing."

These are personal details that are unrelated to the situation. Why do we need to know about them listening to a Hanna Montana CD? Do they really miss dancing with her that much to mention it, as if that is the ONLY thing they are looking forward to? What about wanting her back so that you can hold her and kiss her?? Do you miss her smile, laugh? I understand if listening to that CD was a favorite activity of theirs, that they would surely miss doing with her...but it just seemed so out of place, so random to mention THAT detail.

I believe when Kyron's parents were interviewed, they were ASKED about Kyron, and what he likes to do, so people can use those hobbies and interests to help locate him, or for him to appear "human" to a perp.

If Kristi uses personal details to give the public a portrait of Kiesha--to help find her--then I have no qualms about that. However, Kristi continues to provide random details in interviews that just seem out of place and NOT related to describing Keisha for the benefit of located or humanizing her. She does this willingly, not after being asked. (No one is saying, "Describe Keisha for me, and what she likes to do, or what you two like to do together.")

Kristi also seems to give details that involve BOTH her and Keisha, as if she is trying to convince us that they have a loving mother-daughter relationship.

I hope I am making sense or not over-reacting?

If someone could re-post other examples of TOO MANY DETAILS in Kristi's interviews, I would greatly appreciate it---my time is limited here at work, lol.

Kiesha, we are so sorry. We hope justice for you comes soon :(
^ Very good points.
I like that snippet from the book, it's very interesting.
Police have now discovered that prior to August 1st a series of cash payments were made into Ms Abrahams’ joint bank account with Mr Smith – six deposits of between $500 and $600 a time, totalling almost $4000.00. Ms Abrahams, who does not appear in public without her eyes obscured by a large pair of dark glasses, has so far failed to explain where and who the money came from, neither she nor her partner work and are living on benefits – Kiesha’s biological father though is still paying Ms Abrahams weekly child support even though the child is missing.

Isn't her bio dad on welfare too? Does anyone know if child support payments are garnished from welfare payments? I have no idea if they are or not.
Earlier articles mentioned Rob working for Woolies and I was wondering about how they got around her being on welfare and him working when they were living together. I was waiting for a news item about her being busted for welfare fraud or something. Maybe Rob used to work at Woolies a while ago and is now on unemployment benefits. I wonder if they're a defacto couple or claiming seperate welfare? (None of my business, I'm just curious, seeing as Rob's always been mentioned as Kiesha's stepfather in news articles.)

revampz, I too am curious about the cash payments of almost $4,000. Personally, I don't think that's a lot of money, (I've spent almost that much on one handbag) but I'm still wondering what significance (if at all) it has in this whole sorry story. It was mentioned in earlier articles, then seemed to disappear and I wonder why. Does anyone have any opinions on this they'd like to share?

It has been claimed by Ms Abrahams, and the child’s step-father Robert Smith, that Kiesha disappeared during the night – with the door to their housing commission flat left slightly open next morning as the only apparent clue.

I also want to repeat that the flat they lived in when Kiesha disappeared is not a Department of Housing block of untis, they're privately owned. I'm pretty sure I've seen for sale signs on those flats.

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