GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #2

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Hard to believe she is denying it, the partner has implicated her but I cannot believe he would say it was her if it wasn't as his sentence will be as long as hers anyway.


I'm not sure about that. Initially Abrahams and Smith were both charged with murder but later Smith pleaded guilty to lesser charges of manslaughter on the grounds of negligence and to being an accessory after the fact of murder.

So if Kristi who is charged with murder is found guilty by a jury of her peers, shouldn't her sentence be longer than Robert's?
“”After Kiesha died, the court heard Smith stuffed her body into a suitcase and left it in her room for about five days before he and his co-accused took it to a pre-prepared grave at nearby Shalvey on July 18, 2010.””[

I’m glad I re-read this article because the first time I read it I didn’t realize Kristi went with Robert to dispose of Kiesha’s remains.

““According to an agreed statement of facts tendered in court, Smith told police he heard a "loud bang" from Kiesha's bedroom and discovered she had been knocked out.””

How will the Crown be able to prove Kristi was the one who struck the fatal blow the night before Kiesha died when her case goes to trial in June? Isn’t this a “he said she said” and possibly the reason Kristi entered a “not guilty” plea? If Kristi’s lawyers claim it was Robert who struck the fatal blow, how will the Prosecutor be able to prove who struck the fatal blow?

“”I must have the worst luck and I was like, I didn't do anything but I'm there, I'm in the picture, I'm part of it," Mr Smith later told an undercover police officer.””

I wonder when and where this meeting between Robert and the “undercover police officer” took place.

How DARE he claim to be a victim in this.

HE let that baby die.
HE stuffed her dead body into a suitcase and left her to sit for a week.
HE sought out a suitable grave site.
HE poured petrol over her body and HE set her alight.

How F$##@@ DARE he.

And she pleads not guilty?? Unbelievable. :furious: I hope that gets her a longer sentence in the end. I'm pretty sure if I used the words I want to describe her, I would be banned so I'll just add a couple more of this guy.
Does anyone know whether we will be able to watch Kristi Abrahams trial Live?

The Telegraph reported on February 15th, the day Robert appeared in Court, that his case was adjourned for 2 weeks so I did a search but didn't find anything so I guess it's been postponed.

This link has a picture of Robert Smith as he's getting into a police van at King St Court.
I think that would be unusual for it to be televised. Unless Smith plead guilty for a lesser sentence, I expect his sentence to be the same as hers. Accessory, yes but he had more than just knowledge of a crime.
I think that would be unusual for it to be televised. Unless Smith plead guilty for a lesser sentence, I expect his sentence to be the same as hers. Accessory, yes but he had more than just knowledge of a crime.

I sent an email to The Daily Telegraph asking if Abrahams trial will be televised.

Robert Smith pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter and he hasn't been sentence yet.

In April 2011, Abrahams and Smith were both charged with murder on what would have been Kiesha’s seventh birthday.

In December 2011, Robert Smith entered a guilty plea to a lesser charge of manslaughter. If he had entered a ‘not guilty’ to murder, his case would have proceeded to trial.

On March 1, 2013 Kristi Abrahams entered a ‘not guilty’ plea to murder. Depending on where you live, when a person is found guilty of murder, they can be sentenced to death but Kristi doesn’t have to worry about that because Australia does not sentence a person found guilty of murder to death.

AFAIK, the usual punishment for a person found guilty of murder in jurisdictions which do not have the death penalty is ‘life in prison without the possibility of parole’ whereas I don’t think the penalty for manslaughter is as long, (ie. life without the possibility of parole). It will be interesting to see what sentence Robert receives for his part in Kiesha’s murder. If at the end of Kristi Abrahams trial she is found ‘not guilty’ of murder, she will be released while Robert serves out his sentence. JMO

Robert Smith contends it was Kristi Abrahams who struck the child who immediately slipped into a coma and died the following day. On February 15, 2013, the first day of Robert’s sentencing hearing, the Supreme Court heard his guilty plea to manslaughter came through "gross negligence" and "a breach of his duty of care". Details of Kiesha’s death were publicly revealed during the sentencing hearing and his case was adjourned for 2 weeks so he is waiting to be sentenced.

“”The mother of slain six-year-old Sydney girl Kiesha Weippeart has pleaded not guilty to her murder. Kristi Anne Abrahams, 29, from Mt Druitt, sat perched on the edge of a chair in the dock during a brief arraignment in the NSW Supreme Court on Friday. Dressed in a grey and navy striped jumper, with her dark hair pulled back in a low bun, Ms Abrahams simply said, "Not guilty," when Justice Megan Latham asked her to enter a plea on her murder charge. Abrahams is due to stand trial in June this year.””
March 15, 2013

THE stepfather of Kiesha Weippart is to be sentenced in May over the killing of the six-year-old girl in western Sydney.
Kiesha was allegedly knocked unconscious by another person, who cannot be named, at her Mt Druitt home in July 2010.

Robert Smith, 33, has pleaded guilty to her manslaughter on the grounds of negligence and to being an accessory after the fact of murder.

During a brief appearance on Friday, the NSW Supreme Court was told that Smith, who was wearing a white shirt and had his short black hair slicked down, would not be putting forward further submissions on his sentencing.

Justice Megan Latham listed his sentencing for May 3.
Memorial a tribute to little lost angel Kiesha Weippeart
KIESHA Weippeart's favourite playground will become home to a community memorial in her honour.

A plaque and a butterfly rocker have been installed at Elizabeth Jonsson Reserve, at Mt Druitt, which the six-year-old could see from her bedroom window and where she often played.
The plaque reads: "If every tear we shed for you became a star above, you'd stroll in angel's garden lit by everlasting love. In memory of Kiesha 22/4/2004-July 2010."
Memorial a tribute to little lost angel Kiesha Weippeart
KIESHA Weippeart's favourite playground will become home to a community memorial in her honour.

A plaque and a butterfly rocker have been installed at Elizabeth Jonsson Reserve, at Mt Druitt, which the six-year-old could see from her bedroom window and where she often played.
The plaque reads: "If every tear we shed for you became a star above, you'd stroll in angel's garden lit by everlasting love. In memory of Kiesha 22/4/2004-July 2010."
Memorial a tribute to little lost angel Kiesha Weippeart
KIESHA Weippeart's favourite playground will become home to a community memorial in her honour.

A plaque and a butterfly rocker have been installed at Elizabeth Jonsson Reserve, at Mt Druitt, which the six-year-old could see from her bedroom window and where she often played.
The plaque reads: "If every tear we shed for you became a star above, you'd stroll in angel's garden lit by everlasting love. In memory of Kiesha 22/4/2004-July 2010."

That is really beautiful

Mt Druitt park becomes memorial for Kiesha Weippeart

A PLACE where six-year-old Kiesha Weippeart often played will become a community memorial, to remember the much-loved youngster.

Since her body was found in a shallow bush grave in Shalvey in April 2011, family, friends and the community have wanted to find a place to remember her.
Her aunty Flora Tiitii, 31, said Kiesha often played in Elizabeth Jonsson Reserve at Mt Druitt, and her bedroom window faced the park. The community has been invited to the park this Sunday from 10am, to mark what would have been her ninth birthday and celebrate the new memorial.
A butterfly rocker has been installed, along with a plaque. “If every tear we shed for you became a star above, you’d stroll in angel’s garden lit by everlasting love. In memory of Kiesha 22/4/2004-July 2010’’, it says.
Mt Druitt park becomes memorial for Kiesha Weippeart

A PLACE where six-year-old Kiesha Weippeart often played will become a community memorial, to remember the much-loved youngster.

Since her body was found in a shallow bush grave in Shalvey in April 2011, family, friends and the community have wanted to find a place to remember her.
Her aunty Flora Tiitii, 31, said Kiesha often played in Elizabeth Jonsson Reserve at Mt Druitt, and her bedroom window faced the park. The community has been invited to the park this Sunday from 10am, to mark what would have been her ninth birthday and celebrate the new memorial.
A butterfly rocker has been installed, along with a plaque. “If every tear we shed for you became a star above, you’d stroll in angel’s garden lit by everlasting love. In memory of Kiesha 22/4/2004-July 2010’’, it says.
Mother Kristi Anne Abrahams admits to manslaughter of Kiesha Weippeart
THE mother of Kiesha Weippeart has been barred from pleading guilty to the manslaughter of her little girl, and will stand trial next month.
Read more:
Mum admits to Kiesha killing
In the Supreme Court in Sydney on Thursday, Abrahams, 29, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of her daughter and to interfering with her remains.
But her guilty plea to manslaughter was not accepted by the Crown and she will stand trial for murder next month.
Mum admits to Kiesha killing

Kristi Anne Abrahams has admitted to killing her six-year-old daughter and to interfering with her body.

Kristi Anne Abrahams has admitted to killing her six-year-old daughter Kiesha Weippeart.
In the Supreme Court in Sydney on Thursday, Abrahams, 29, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of her daughter and to interfering with her remains.
She will stand trial on June 17.
Kiesha Weippeart's mother Kristi Abrahams must face trial
THE mother of slain Kiesha Weippeart was yesterday barred from pleading guilty to the manslaughter of her little girl - and will instead stand trial for her murder.
Mother Kristi Anne Abrahams admits to manslaughter of Kiesha Weippeart
THE mother of Kiesha Weippeart has been barred from pleading guilty to the manslaughter of her little girl, and will stand trial next month.
Kiesha's mother to stand trial for murder
The mother of six-year-old Sydney girl Kiesha Weippeart has admitted to killing her and interfering with her body.
She remains in custody and will apply to face trial before a judge only.
heard on the news tonight they will be looking at kristies "state of mind" during the time she killed kiesha! guess they are going to try the mentally unstable tactic!
robert smith is sentenced today.
heard on the news tonight they will be looking at kristies "state of mind" during the time she killed kiesha! guess they are going to try the mentally unstable tactic!
robert smith is sentenced today.

I am very anxious to hear what Robert's sentence will be.

Included in this report is a picture of Kristi Abrahams as she is being led into Court. This is the first time we've seen her since she and Robert were arrested. She looks good imo. She's wearing makeup and her hair looks good.

I'm confused about what happened during Kristi's court appearance today though. In order to convict someone of murder, doesn't the Crown have to prove the accused planned or intended to commit murder? How can the Crown prove Kristi planned to murder her daughter? They'll need Robert Smith to testify under oath that Kristi intended to murder her daughter right? Today Kristi pleaded guilty to manslaughter and the prosecutor Christopher Maxwell QC told Justice Ian Harrison the Crown wouldn't accept the 29-year-old's guilty pleas to manslaughter and a separate charge of interfering with a corpse. Why? Frankly I don't see why her state of mind at the time Kiesha was murdered is an issue and if it is, shouldn't she have pleaded not guilty due to temporary insanity?
maybe robert smith did a deal and is to be a witness at her trial, he may say she abused kiesha regularly and told him she wanted her dead? goodness knows what horrors the little girl suffered. ive always had the feeling smith was abusing kiesha too.
kristi has had months to prepare her case, im sure they will say she was mentally unstable if they can get away with it.
i agree, she looked like she had made an effort for the court appearance and looked good, maybe for the media, but she put her hands over her face as soon as she came out?
no mention yet on smiths sentence
robert smith sentenced to 16years for kieshas death, with a chance of parole in 12 years.

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