GUILTY Australia - Lisa Harnum, 30, killed in 15-storey fall, Sydney, 30 July 2011 #3

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Convicted killer Simon Gittany's lover Rachelle Louise in explosive interview with Sunday Night
FEBRUARY 07, 2014 9:32AM

CHILLING insight into the secret life of convicted girlfriend killer Simon Gittany will likely surface when his new lover's first interview is aired on television this Sunday...In a Sunday Night exclusive, Rachelle Louise will deliver explosive claims surrounding the July 2011 murder of Lisa Harnum, Sydney's most gripping murder..."[This report] will start challenging what you think you know about the case and the players. It might open your mind up to other possibilities. It's like our OJ [Simpson] case...

Convicted killer Simon Gittany's lover Rachelle Louise in explosive interview with Sunday Night
FEBRUARY 07, 2014 9:32AM

CHILLING insight into the secret life of convicted girlfriend killer Simon Gittany will likely surface when his new lover's first interview is aired on television this Sunday...In a Sunday Night exclusive, Rachelle Louise will deliver explosive claims surrounding the July 2011 murder of Lisa Harnum, Sydney's most gripping murder..."[This report] will start challenging what you think you know about the case and the players. It might open your mind up to other possibilities. It's like our OJ [Simpson] case...

Unless they are going to try to say someone else, who SG was afraid of was in the apartment at the time..... I hardly consider this to be Australia's OJ Simpson.

I think it's fairly disgraceful that the producers should be airing something akin to stating a judge has erred - this promo plug seems to allude to.

If there is further information about what happened in those "69 seconds" why was it never aired during the trial?

I guess maybe they are just trying to get people's backs up enough to watch it.
Something struck me just now. Of all the character witnesses submitted, none appear to have been from the elusive Mr Rokobaro - the last person other than SG to see Lisa alive.

He was SG's "longtime friend" ( quote from transcript paragraph 241) who seemed to be in great angst when answering questions on the stand.

As in a man torn between loyalty and honesty.

Who is suddenly no longer friend enough to be a character witness?

Suddenly, I'm almost hopeful for an appeal, to have a second questioning of that gentleman and uncover what he really knew. Did lisa write the note for him? Was there another note that she perhaps have him?

Was it really a calm eating of takeaway 12 hours before she died?
The Daily Edition
2:00pm - 3:00pm

This panel discussion took place today on The Daily Edition (Channel 7) which also advertised the show on Sunday at 7.30pm

It appears that the new girlfriend sought exposure by Channel 7 to advocate for her convicted murderer boyfriend.
She was reported to believe that the Court got it wrong and the Prosecutor 'skewed' events to misrepresent them before the Court.
As she negotiated her fee, and exposure with interviewers, she asked the interviewers to be 'hard on her' because this would give more credibility to her in the eyes of the viewing public.

The interviewers commented on the above link that she knew what was needed; she may be adept at manipulating 'image' and utilizing media to argue her boyfriend's version of events.
The interviewer advocated that she truly believes what her boyfriend told her; he then lends his own opinion & casts aspersions that maybe the Prosecutor has misrepresented aspects of this case before the Court.

What about subjudice here? Does it still apply in the sentencing phase which is not yet complete?

My opinion only: this is contemptuous of our Justice system saying that they 'got it wrong' and she knows the truth, etc.
The murderer's case was subjected to a fair Trial before the Supreme Court with both prosecution and defense representation before a Judge.
The outcome was he was convicted of the murder of Lisa Harnum.

There are legitimate avenues of appeal if that is what they want to do. :twocents:

Sub-judice still applies until the actual sentencing & even up until any appeals are over.

I don't think Channel7 factored in a possible delay in sentencing.

May have been a wise move by Judge Lucy McCallum in delaying the sentence. I'm sure she'll be watching tv on Sunday night. Will it go to air or will we hear something along the lines of "due to unforeseen circumstances this program can't be shown".
This case is reminding me more & more of Max Sica trial.

Such dramatics from him & family. Whinging & whining for judge only trials. Loud protests in the courtroom. Father claiming ‘‘We lost the battle but not the war,’’ Mothers having feinting spells. Absolute 1,000's of $$s thrown to lawyers & appeals.

Sica was found guilty, sentenced to 35yrs without parole & his appeals have all been dismissed.
I think whats needed on Sunday night is a big Shapelle Corby 2 hour special on another channel right at the time they're showing Australia's Biggest Loser - oh, correction... the RL show - and with Shapelle Corby being released Monday afternoon - Tuesdays media scrum might be significantly reduced.
Sorry RL - you've been trumped.
There IS a noticeable bump in this picture.

IMO RL is even emphasising it with where she is placing her hands which many pregnant women do.

So if RL is pregnant (and I assume she is having SG's baby), what would her motives have been for getting pregnant to him now?

Will this be the big exposure that we will hear on TV on Sunday night?

Is this why her family are so supportive of her and SG now?

How many months pregnant does she look?

The baby must have been conceived before SG's court case.

If this is true, will this make any difference to his sentencing or appeals or just make RL more infamous rather than famous?

IMO RL is a woman who could be manipulated to have SG's baby only by money so I wonder how much (secret) money he is worth and if he has anything left (which I doubt)? I say this because IMO a drug dealer would store profits in cash somewhere not in a bank.

IMO RL will continue to try to make more money out of this crime and media attention by having his baby as the public will be curious about why such a woman would become pregnant to a murderer - paid interviews, books written and movies made like the Chamberlains have done in the past.

One other aspect of this case which interests me is that I think it could have been premeditated over months but the exact time would not have been pre-determined.

In other words, the thinking of SG could have been, "If Lisa ever tries to leave me, I will throw her over the balcony and pretend it was suicide." In other words, he had his plan ready to go if Lisa tried to leave him. This latest female who came forward suggested this and her evidence may have been crucial to prove premeditation.

There was another case in Cronulla where the girl fell off the balcony and it was deemed an accident and not suspicious not long before this one. Did SG read about it and think it would be a good idea if he needed it one day and he would get away with it?

Have there been other balcony murders where there was insufficient evidence to prove murder so SG felt sure he would get away with it?

Also what happened to the hard drive that his brother got hold of? Has he been charged and what were the ramifications of this?
Long time reader, first time poster... Apologies if this has already been posted!

Just came across this article:

Welcome followtheleader and thanks for the article :welcome4:

This ch7 segment is really bugging me. I question whether the reporter really thinks RL is this all round smart great gal. Would they really entice viewers if they just said she's just like everyone thinks she is? Probably not (apart from us dedicated WSers!). So beat up a story about her being different in some way to get people to watch.

I will watch, but I'll be interested to see why this reporter feels comfortable proclaiming he knows the real RL, when even she's admitted to at the very least fights and intimidation with SG, and a prior history with an abusive partner.

And wow if she is pregnant. I'll sit on the fence on that one until we hear more.
So I caved.... And I watched the teaser trailer stuff, and the plugging segments from this morning.

My blood is boiling. I even went I to the Sunday night Facebook page to have a rant.

It looks like she will claim he was also innocent of the ear biting incident......

I know they are being provocative for the sake of viewership, and I shouldn't respond - but it's really getting to me!!!

Oh poor simon - after numerous run in's with the law, his family sent him off to become a priest. I wonder if THAT lead to leniency in his earlier , or perhaps sealed juvenile offences.

I really hope that the show lets go of the "dark secret from Lisa's past" tag line - thoroughly debunked by the judge in the verdict - before this goes to air.

Too cranky to sleep. Time to write some letters to channel 7 executives.
Thanks everyone for all the updates and posts....felt like I was in the courtroom....and thanks also for all the laughs! The circumstances are evil and tragic but the manner in which SG and his supporters are conducting themselves is a complete joke, albeit a sick one! On another note, is anyone following the Katie Foreman trial?

I've just set up a thread for the Katie Foreman trial if anyone's interested in following it....

Australia-NSW-Wendy Evans on trial for murder of Katie Foreman in Woolongong,2011 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
While Ms Louise said she had previously been in an abusive relationship

"She is not the person people think she is. I had the picture in my head that she's either an opportunist or a victim. [We think she is] deluded, naive, and when you meet her she's feisty, she's smart, she wouldn't spend five minutes with a controlling man."

Hmmmmm....contradiction me thinks!


"Has he ever stopped you from leaving the apartment like he did with Lisa?" journalist Ross Coulthart asked.

"He's never stopped me like physically restrained me from leaving, but he's stopped me from leaving like, stood at the door," Louise replied.

November 27, 2013

Joan Harnum looked into the eyes of the woman dating the man who murdered her daughter and only saw unhappiness. She never wants to see that look again.

''I looked into the poor girl's [Rachelle Louise] eyes and I could see unhappiness. I looked straight down at her one day and she just looked at me and I just felt so sorry for her. I saw the same look in my daughter's eyes,'' Ms Harnum said.
Ever heard of the game 'Simon Says'?

How did RL get 'the truth' which the Courts did not get?
Simon said...

What was the reason for the hand over the mouth captured in the pinhole camera?
Simon said...

What happened in the intervening 69 seconds?
Simon said...

What actually happened with the balcony?
Simon said ...

... and so on.

Fortunately in the interest of Justice there is a world view other than what 'Simon said', which can evaluate what 'Simon said' against and with other observations and known facts and formulate a judgement in accord with the evidence before the Court. IMHO.

"Has he ever stopped you from leaving the apartment like he did with Lisa?" journalist Ross Coulthart asked.

"He's never stopped me like physically restrained me from leaving, but he's stopped me from leaving like, stood at the door," Louise replied.

(Respectfully snipped)

OMG girl are you stupid?? And you've 'previously been in an abusive relationship' ????
Standing in a door way IS physically restraining you from leaving.
The next step is putting his hand over your mouth and dragging you back in.

And then tossing you over a balcony.

Clearly you have a track record in relationship choices that everyone else but you can see. Please, please LISTEN to Joan Harnum who only has your welfare at heart. She was sick that she could not save her own daughter, allow her to help you.
You obviously have some talents, use them in a way that is constructive and beneficial FOR YOU for goodness' sake, wake up to yourself.
(Respectfully snipped)

OMG girl are you stupid?? And you've 'previously been in an abusive relationship' ????

Standing in a door way IS physically restraining you from leaving.
The next step is putting his hand over your mouth and dragging you back in.

And then tossing you over a balcony.

Clearly you have a track record in relationship choices that everyone else but you can see. Please, please LISTEN to Joan Harnum who only has your welfare at heart. She was sick that she could not save her own daughter, allow her to help you.

You obviously have some talents, use them in a way that is constructive and beneficial FOR YOU for goodness' sake, wake up to yourself.

Excellent advice, Tishy.

I am absolutely shocked that RL would admit to a TV interviewer that SG had been known to have stood in the doorway to stop her leaving his apartment. Does she think this was a sign of loving her so much that he could not live without her or could not get enough of her?

I would be fascinated to learn about SG's modus operandi in relationships as he is 40yo and can attract these young women. My guess is that he must offer marriage, having a family, spend money on them far too soon in the relationship to get the girls' interest. They are obviously flattered by the attention/control and offers of a future with him. But little do they realise that men like SG are misogynists who offer the world to a woman at first and then start withdrawing emotionally once he has her in his clutches and they are besotted with him.

So another piece of advice I would offer to RL is for her to read this book:

"Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts and You Don't Know Why"

The loving might not be hurting much yet as she loves the media attention but she has a financial motive for revealing these things and acting the way she does. Time will tell. After one abusive relationship, it is necessary to heal from it otherwise she will keep on attracting misogynistic abusing narcissists.

Although few of us would agree that RL is "smart", another book she could read is:

"Smart Women/Foolish Choices: Finding the Right Men Avoiding the Wrong Ones"

IMO RL is lucky that SG will hopefully be put away for 20 years and let's hope for the child's sake that she does not have a baby bump.

I also think that Joan Harnum is very insightful when she says she can see unhappiness in RL's eyes as right now RL is in denial.

"Has he ever stopped you from leaving the apartment like he did with Lisa?" journalist Ross Coulthart asked.

"He's never stopped me like physically restrained me from leaving, but he's stopped me from leaving like, stood at the door," Louise replied.

November 27, 2013

Joan Harnum looked into the eyes of the woman dating the man who murdered her daughter and only saw unhappiness. She never wants to see that look again.

''I looked into the poor girl's [Rachelle Louise] eyes and I could see unhappiness. I looked straight down at her one day and she just looked at me and I just felt so sorry for her. I saw the same look in my daughter's eyes,'' Ms Harnum said.

Along with the fact that he stands in the doorway to stop her from leaving, she also says he doesn't like her leaving the apartment:

"I know that he doesn't like to leave me to leave the apartment so I purposely said I'm leaving the apartment, and he was like no you're not leaving and I said yes I am."

And she thinks he's NOT controlling or abusive?? She is already a captive.
Along with the fact that he stands in the doorway to stop her from leaving, she also says he doesn't like her leaving the apartment:

"I know that he doesn't like to leave me to leave the apartment so I purposely said I'm leaving the apartment, and he was like no you're not leaving and I said yes I am."

And she thinks he's NOT controlling or abusive?? She is already a captive.

Sleepinoz, you'd think with a murder conviction over his head he'd really behave himself & TRY TRY to be good?
No, no rehabilitation for him because his attitude is ingrained into his being. He couldn't change even for that short time of freedom.
Along with the fact that he stands in the doorway to stop her from leaving, she also says he doesn't like her leaving the apartment:

"I know that he doesn't like to leave me to leave the apartment so I purposely said I'm leaving the apartment, and he was like no you're not leaving and I said yes I am."

And she thinks he's NOT controlling or abusive?? She is already a captive.

RL probably thinks that all you have to do with your man is stand up to him and be assertive and wonders why Lisa wasn't assertive enough!
Along with the fact that he stands in the doorway to stop her from leaving, she also says he doesn't like her leaving the apartment:

"I know that he doesn't like to leave me to leave the apartment so I purposely said I'm leaving the apartment, and he was like no you're not leaving and I said yes I am."

And she thinks he's NOT controlling or abusive?? She is already a captive.


Yes, I thought that when her necklines suddenly went up.
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