We are slowly, but surely approaching the rough end of the pineapple, the bit where we find out if Dawson himself takes the stand in his own defence. Because the defence has called witnesses, I am now thinking Dawson is not going to take the stand, because if he was, he should have taken it before his own witnesses tell their 'story'. It would be nice to be wrong, though.
His barrister brother would have advised him not to , under no circumstances , to volunteer to be put under cross examination by the DPP.
Besides all that, his own story is so full of holes, so tacky, so unimaginative, the kind of story a wife belter would come up with, the kind of story murderous men have told Australian juries over and over.
It's hard, as it should be, to work out how a judge is going to cop all this palaver,... some judges take in on, and some don't. What weight will he give to which testimony?.. what testimony will he discard??..
I don't know!! ( nailbiting)