Still Missing Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *Arrest* #3

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Chris Dawson injured, 'depressed' ahead of murder trial

Former Sydney teacher Chris Dawson has been injured from two serious falls and is suffering from depression as he awaits the start of his murder trial, a court has heard.

A NSW Supreme Court judge today set the trial for May 9 next year, with an expected duration of six to eight weeks.

Mr Dawson's lawyer Greg Walsh told the court "at this stage" it will be a jury trial."

Nope there was no hint of depression when I saw them.
It looked like they’d won a meat-tray at the local.

I’d like to know the alcohol content in its bloodstream when he came a gutsa.
Chris Dawson's last-ditch legal attempt to avoid trial

Chris Dawson is making a last-ditch bid to avoid trial, asking the High Court to permanently stay the case.

The former Newtown Jets rugby league player has pleaded not guilty to killing his wife Lynette who was last seen at their Bayview home in 1982.

He has repeatedly said she is alive.

Dawson applied to the Supreme Court for a permanent stay of proceedings citing extensive pre-trial publicity through a podcast and the delay in charging him.

I thought he'd already been denied a stay ? But this article is from 18 hours ago so is recent.
Chief Justice Tom Bathurst said while the issues were serious, they also had to consider the community's interest in bringing those charged with serious criminal offences to trial.

"...such prejudice to Mr Dawson is able to be remedied or sufficiently ameliorated by careful directions which the judge at the trial will give to the jury, as was found by the primary judge," a judgement summary read.

9News can reveal the 73-year-old this week filed papers in the High Court.

"The basis of the application is simply that both the original Judge, Justice Fullerton and the court of criminal appeal erred in their approach to the permanent stay," his lawyer Greg Walsh said.

Mr Walsh also said there was an important issue to look at in terms of the impact of new media on criminal matters, highlighted in a case which others had agreed was exceptional.

"...this was the first occasion where the focus was on publications arising from a podcast series."

Dawson remains on bail in Queensland with his trial set down for May 2022.

Chris Dawson's last-ditch legal attempt to avoid trial

"He's recovering some falls, he's very depressed, so you know he's under a lot of stress and anxiety," Mr Walsh said.

Chris Dawson's last-ditch legal attempt to avoid trial

Chris Dawson is making a last-ditch bid to avoid trial, asking the High Court to permanently stay the case.

The former Newtown Jets rugby league player has pleaded not guilty to killing his wife Lynette who was last seen at their Bayview home in 1982.

He has repeatedly said she is alive.

Dawson applied to the Supreme Court for a permanent stay of proceedings citing extensive pre-trial publicity through a podcast and the delay in charging him.

I thought he'd already been denied a stay ? But this article is from 18 hours ago so is recent.

The way I understand is that he was denied a stay in a lower court so is now appealing to the High Court.
Excellent sleuthing, Dr S.... sterling work, and that grand old dame, Justice, just rolls along at glacial pace, one doesn't notice the movement, but behind the arras, things are proceeding step by awful step and not even all the Dawson's accumulated clout can speed it up or slow it down.

It would be an uncertain hobby to try and guess as to the nature of these 'unnamed witnesses'. It is possible that Chris Dawson has rounded up a few more bystanders who saw Lynn on the deck of a cruise ship as it sailed out the heads, or getting off the Ghan at the Alice, or at KingsfordSmith , hurrying for a Finnair flight to Helsinki... all the usual stuff.

It could be some more ex students, who found the courage to face the horror of what went on at any school Dawson taught at. I don't suppose those kids in those days told mum or dad, but they sure as hell would have told each other.

My dream is, one of them is the dodgy sister in law who actually claimed to have used Lynn's Bankcard, buying clothes at Sussan's , ( or Katie's, it was some store like that near to the home ) ... the same bankcard that infuriated Chris, Lynn having money of her own and actually using it without his permission!..
100% that marilynn.. Paul's wife used that card. It was a very old system and I don't know it even required a Pin number. you had to sign for that form of card and there was a swipe machine. MD has admitted to forging Lynn's signature on an insurance matter after Joanne refused to. Only problem is that MD admitted that while not under caution. KG

It's the old story - of all t he rellos have your back and nobody falters it is very hard for the coppers to touch you.
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For anyone who is wondering - trial has been moved through to 2022 . About April time. I can't fathom how slowly this is moving. It suits C Dawson of course. You'd think that some less pressing case could be moved to ramrod this through by end of 2021 .
For anyone who is wondering - trial has been moved through to 2022 . About April time. I can't fathom how slowly this is moving. It suits C Dawson of course. You'd think that some less pressing case could be moved to ramrod this through by end of 2021 .

Some thoughts on the C Dawson business from my notes :

Ok so the Chris Dawson business..

Jan 82 Wife, Lynette goes missing.

shortly thereafter Joanne Curtis (Schoolgirl) moves into family home.

During the two weeks post disappearance the Bankcard of LD is used to do two clothing purchases in the Sydney area. These have never been satisf. explained. Unfortunately these were not
investigated early. What does that mean - well this Bankcard was archaic. It used a paper chit system of clearing purchase...they were keyed into a computer Post purchase at some central bureau. The merchant may have kept a carbon and the orig. went to the bureau. ON the chit was a signature from the user (not just a card swipe but a wet signature). These chits were probably held for six months or so and destroyed.

Many, many years later police conducted a minor dig of the property at 6 Gilwinga Drive, Bayview.

This was clearly on a tip off , possibly from Joanne Curtis, now divorced from CD. IN the

intervening period they'd married and had on child, a girl. The police found pink cardigan ,

button up type, under brick tiling near the pool of the family home. this cardigan had tear marks

in it . it appears that someone tried to create false stab marks but did a lousy job. There was

no blood on the cardigan and , they say, no DNA from Lynn Dawson. This cardigan is not admissible as it has no link to the case. (there is no label in it and it has no LD Dna). The cardigan appears to be a red herring created by Dawson, who is no genius.

On the evening preceding her disappearance LD rang her parents and told them CD had prepared "a lovely drink." there is no evidence she drank to excess. There is allegedly a record that LD once drugged her so that he could have sex with Joanne C while LD was drugged in the family house. So there appears to be some pattern here. The police allege now that at some time during that night she was killed. CD went with the two girls (4 and 2 yrs ) to hand them over to the grandmother
the next morning at some salt water baths. This had been arranged several days before.

At that time the brother Paul (inden twin) was about 80 km away on holiday with his family on the Nthn beaches. Curtis likewise was not in town and was allegedly camping with girlfriends not far from where Paul and family were. It is entirely possible that PD drove back to Sydney the previous night.

The house they were living in was built by the Dawsons about the time of their marriage.

Therefore the locks and knobs on the internal doors should have been to the builder's specification. Now if CD was going to dispose of a body or remove his wife, heavily drugged, from the house, he'd want to lock his girls in. Particularly the older one (4) as she might have been taught to ring 000 in an emergency by her mother . (there had been some domestic violence in the preceding months but nothing reported to the police, only seen by neighbours). But to do this, he'd need to have a bedroom door which had a push button that would lock it from the outside. This would be illegal under the fire codes.

My suggestions - the door lock was either reversed (inner knob moved to outer and out , in) or completely replaced prior to the alleged murder. The house may have been sold with the door in
this unsafe configuration (it was sold about 2 yrs later) OR it might have been fixed prior.

There may be the fingerprints of CD on the internal lock work. There may be a memory of a subseq. owner re having to pay for rework on the lock of the children's room. There are quite a few angles to look at here. THere might be witness marks to tiny snib bolts being screwed the door and then removed and puttied over and repainted. This is the line of enq. I suggested to Det Sgt Poole by email but it was a devil of a job getting to him as When I rang the Dept. of Public
prosecutions in NSW they would not take information from me unless I had a charging docket number which may have been published but which I had no access to. I ended up writing them a very blunt email which they views and sent me an email suggesting I talk to Poole over at xyz police station. Poole must have been copied in as I had an email back from him the next morning. He wanted me to ring him - you see I was in Nz but with an Ozzie email address REDACTED .au. I Said , "Not bloody likely - me make a call to a Mobile number of a copper
in NSW in a situation where I will never be reimbursed". Anyways we made contact and there were a couple of emails sent over. He acked them, but was a tight as a fish on whether anything was of any use to the investigation.

The DPP takes over cases that are too difficult for the police to prosecute or which have been utterly messed up (perhaps corrupted ) by the local police. That's why they were involved. It is 100% possible to prosecute this case and get conviction without a body but the lack of a body makes the proof of murder that much more difficult. The DPP on two occasions has refused to prosecute the case citing lack of reasonable prospect of conviction. What the police now have is
Joanne Curtis as a state witness and they also have another woman as a witness to domestic violence. Joanne C may be an "accessory after the fact" She may have been given an Indemnity.

None of that is clear. Back in about Sept of this year 2020 there was a hearing with the defence asking for a stay of prosecution , alleging the inability to empanel an unbiased jury because of the Hedley Thomas podcast. The deal that was worked out was that the murder prosecution would be held off until July Aug of 2021. There is another case pending and that is carnal knowledge of a minor by a schoolteacher when the minor is between 16 and 18 years old. JC was 17 years old at the time of alleged offence. There is a sliding penalty scale depending on the age at time of offense. This is a specific NSW law. Laws vary from state to state on age of consent and " in loco
parentus " relationships . If Dawson were not her parent/ uncle / minister/ rabbi/ Scout master etc then the age of consent in NSW is 16 years and no prosecution in that area is possible. The fact that JC
and Chris D later married is legally irrelevant. {CD had himself transferred internally in the school so he was no longer her direct GYM teacher}

The question is who made those purchases of Jeans ? I'd posit that Marilyn Dawson,the sister in law, did them at Chris's request. She probably bleached her hair at this time although there would have been few if any recording cameras in the Jeans shop area. A smoking gun is that MD admitted to forging Lyn Dawson's signature in another matter of an insurance release. She later recanted but someone had to have done it because the insurance policy was closed out. This was a policy on Chris Dawson's life . JC alleges she saw this forgery taking place and was asked prior to MD's action to sign the same document in a forged hand, which she refused to do.

I would posit that the body was buried at sea. There are whole lot of reasons for this inter alia that CD was a very strong swimmer and paid life guard and Lynn was quite petite. Neither Dawson owned a Fizz boat. Hiring one would have been very dangerous. My guess is that her body loaded with chain was loaded on to a surfboard and dumped at sea at night. That's the most likely scenario given nothing has been found and the ground around the house and local bushland would have been as hard as bricks in the NSW summer when the alleged murder took place. I initially thought that LD was drowned while drunk in the family pool but even if this were done at night the pool is very close
to the front roadway and the risks of being surprised in the action would be rather high. Of course burial at sea after being drowned in the pool is a possibility , but It seems unlikely to me for the risks involved. Whatever happened on that evening CD needed to be sure that the elder girl went nowhere near a telephone should she wake and find the parents gone. Bear in mind these were old Rotary dial phone sets in 1982 .

I discussed this with someone and he thought a four year old could be taught to ring 000 (Ie. had the coordination to do so, with training) and talk to a police operator. Bear in mind the

Dom. Violence mentioned earlier, so Lynn may well have trained the four year old in this matter. The level of police corruption and incompetence and prosecutorial incompetence in this case
beggars believe. Hedley Thomas indicated a mid life crisis got him interested in this case again. I think by that he means a divorce but I can't be sure of that. I have had a few emails go back and forth to HT but now he is under a suppression order, or appears to be. He won't

say. All he would tell me is that he can no longer comment on he case. He and the producer of the Podcast have been called as witnesses, I believe.

Joanne C is/ potentially will be a train wreck as a witness. You'd have to review the whole podcast to understand why, but I can go into it at a later date if you are desperate to know.

There was a website on Facebook called Justice for Lynn Dawson on this matter, but the Police took out an order to have it shut down as soon as the pre trial hearings were scheduled, that's to say shut down about April of 2020. Clearly this was to prevent a possible mistrial. I was somewhat active on this site and it helped me come to some of the above conclusions.


August 2021.
Karma would be PD loosing his house as well :D

NoCookies | The Australian

Shortly after his arrest, Mr Dawson was granted bail on strict conditions, which included a $1.5m bail surety on his home in Coolum and his older brother Peter Dawson’s Sydney home.
You are saying that because of his age even if he is found guilty of murdering is wife and then disposing of the body he won't do time in the Jug ?? I think there's be an uproar that you could hear in Tasmania from Synney town.

Here's cheeky little piece


  • DawsonOzPg2.JPG
    95.5 KB · Views: 24
The title of the Headline was "A Long Lost Document exposes Dawson Lies"

I have attached the fine detail of the "Antecedent report" - that'sa tech name given by the NSW police to a report covering a missing person who may yet turn up.


  • DawSonOzPg2Detail.JPG
    150.9 KB · Views: 34
Channel 9 said Dawson will be taking this to the highest court in Aust. saying he has depression and has been discriminated against with the podcast.
Lyn Dawson (or more precisely her memory ) was discriminated against by a lot of inept corrupt stumblebums (the Finest cops that money can buy) running the case for the first six years or so including basically shredding all the interviews ...
Two serious falls? And depression. Suicide attempts. There's a saying about practise.

I get the joke but if Chris tops himself the family get no closure at all. I am sure he will like like a drunken sailor (his non identical lawyer brother Peter is a good role model for this ) and old Curtis will as well but something might come out indicating for example grave site or manner of death. For me she's been eaten by crabs and crayfish on the Pacific coast. Forget about sharks. Tests have shown that crabs and whelks and similar generally tear flesh off submerged bodies and take them down to bone in 10-12 weeks.

The title of the Headline was "A Long Lost Document exposes Dawson Lies"

I have attached the fine detail of the "Antecedent report" - that's a tech name given by the NSW police to a report covering a missing person who may yet turn up.

The antecedent report I loaded up earlier today has about 4 lies in just those paragraphs... and it is only a small fraction of the full report. I don't agree with the suppression of the policeman's name. The police are ONLY supposed to assist in the drafting these reports where the writer is illiterate or incapacitated (as say after a bad car accident). WHAT are the NSW Police Hiding ??
It is a very fortunate that this report was in Chris's handwriting and not typed , so the authenticity is hard to question.

This report appears to be a photo copy (original was probably in blue pen) that was given to H Thomas by an interested party - presumably an ex policeman or policewoman or close relative. HT is keeping Schtum about how he came by it.


You are saying that because of his age even if he is found guilty of murdering is wife and then disposing of the body he won't do time in the Jug ?? I think there's be an uproar that you could hear in Tasmania from Synney town.

Here's cheeky little piece
BTW the photo (clip of a PDF in fact) that was attached to the original post really is LEGIBLE if you save as... Name and then open that name up in MS photo editor at 300% Leastwise it is if you open it on a Dell Latitude E6530 ie my generic laptop which is years old. I can't upload the original file as it is a PDF of two pages of the Australian and it can't be loaded to Websleuths.. the Database says the file is too fat.

Don't try writing emails to Hedley Thomas- he won't reply as he is under a gag order related to the trial - that's strange as he is only a journalist not a primary source but that's the way it is. The Original Teacher's Pet Podcast series from the Australian NPaper has been eliminated from Oz by arrangements with all the ISPs. The idea is to make it impossible to contaminate an Oz Jury in NSW . You can still find it on US mirror sites if you are in the US , UK or Nz or Canada.

Presumably that ban on the podcast series will be lifted once the trial is over unless it is a Mistrial.. something that is indeed possible.

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