Australia Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *Arrest*

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joanne does my head in.
she has her cake and eats it too imo.

she takes over lyns life to me in a confident manner like that's that then.

if she truly went along with chris's crap on about lyn leaving of her own accord...why was she not worried or preoccupied about lyn coming back???????????
what if chris and lyn rekindle????
they do have 15 years of history together afterall.
where does that leave me???
if I was a 16 year old in this situation I would be petrified i'd loose him to her at some stage. as she should have been scared. (of this outcome) once chris realised what an incompetent little girl she actually was compared to a beautiful confident trophy wife mother he once had.

but no...….
these thought processes NEVER crossed her mind . the removal of lyn is what THEY BOTH WANTED.


I agree in principle with most of what you are saying. Joanne isn't the total victim with regard to the relationship with Chris. The youngest daughter's comments regarding Joanne probably have some truth to it.

Joanne from all accounts was a victim with her mother's abusive relationship. I would be guessing most abusive relationships don't start abusive. Joanne probably wouldn't have seen this with Chris in the light she sees him now. She may have seen the relationship as a way of getting out of the abusive home situation without realising she was getting herself into something equally as bad for her or worse. If this was the case she was also using Chris.

I don't think Joanne had anything to do with the disappearance of Lyn. Maybe she asked where Lyn was in the beginning and got a negative response back and decided it was better to keep the peace.

Once in the relationship it may have been very hard to get out.

All my opinion.
I agree in principle with most of what you are saying. Joanne isn't the total victim with regard to the relationship with Chris. The youngest daughter's comments regarding Joanne probably have some truth to it.

Joanne from all accounts was a victim with her mother's abusive relationship. I would be guessing most abusive relationships don't start abusive. Joanne probably wouldn't have seen this with Chris in the light she sees him now. She may have seen the relationship as a way of getting out of the abusive home situation without realising she was getting herself into something equally as bad for her or worse. If this was the case she was also using Chris.

I don't think Joanne had anything to do with the disappearance of Lyn. Maybe she asked where Lyn was in the beginning and got a negative response back and decided it was better to keep the peace.

Once in the relationship it may have been very hard to get out.

All my opinion.
I don't think she participated either.
just gut instinct I think she knew.
but she also wanted what he wanted at that time.
for her simply to disappear.
and her behaviour after the fact as I stated above makes me sure of it.

Teacher’s Pet: murder case against Chris Dawson ‘overwhelming’

An experienced criminal defence lawyer says the case against former star footballer Chris Dawson over the suspected murder of his wife Lyn is “almost overwhelming” and a jury would have “no difficulty” convicting him.

Peter Lavac is “dumbfounded” the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has not taken Mr Dawson to trial over Lyn’s 1982 disappearance from Bayview on Sydney’s northern beaches. Mr Lavac has prosecuted and defended in dozens of murder trials in 42 years as a lawyer. He said Mr Dawson’s lies and omissions to police in a statement provided powerful new evidence in a circumstantial case.

“Circumstantial evidence is often better than direct evidence because it’s independent. It takes no sides,” he said. “It’s like a jigsaw. When all the pieces all come together a clear picture emerges.

“It’s almost overwhelming. A jury would have no difficulty convicting if all that evidence was presented to them.”
I seem unable to hear chapter 8 of Hedley's podcast.. any help would be appreciated.

So far.. I honestly think that Joanne had a lot to do with Lynnette's demise.. it was odd, listening to this podcase, the voices were so informative, so transparent, so .. so raw. really.. people speaking let it all fall out. ..

And that's where I get my instinct that Joanne was no shrinking violet, such a 'nice kid' enduring a difficult home life.. all the usual custard that people tell themselves and others … her voice , still, at what, 36? 37?.. sounded exactly like an obstreperous and defiant know it all 16 yr old even after all this time. She was so offended at being questioned by the police.

Yet what she did, even in her deep infatuation, which , if you take her story on board, she was only mildly in like with Dawson, everyone else says she was enchanted, was so off the wall that it could only be done if one was tough enough to calmly engage in murder, before, during or after with full knowledge.

Even a Northern Beaches 16 yr old , in 1982, would know that moving in with the teacher 2 days after his wife, who has had a real go at you for taking liberties with her husband, that the wife who is now conveniently gone without any further confrontation, has to be a tremendously lucky break, or knows that wife really isn't coming back. Ever. No matter what.

I am interested to know how the Dawson -Joanne marriage broke up, obviously an unpleasant and long lasting enmity developed over the marriage. I have a crisp $100 bill that I bet that Chris Dawson knocked off another 16 yr old student and moved her in with him and Joanne. It would be a neat circle.
I seem unable to hear chapter 8 of Hedley's podcast.. any help would be appreciated.

So far.. I honestly think that Joanne had a lot to do with Lynnette's demise.. it was odd, listening to this podcase, the voices were so informative, so transparent, so .. so raw. really.. people speaking let it all fall out. ..

And that's where I get my instinct that Joanne was no shrinking violet, such a 'nice kid' enduring a difficult home life.. all the usual custard that people tell themselves and others … her voice , still, at what, 36? 37?.. sounded exactly like an obstreperous and defiant know it all 16 yr old even after all this time. She was so offended at being questioned by the police.

Yet what she did, even in her deep infatuation, which , if you take her story on board, she was only mildly in like with Dawson, everyone else says she was enchanted, was so off the wall that it could only be done if one was tough enough to calmly engage in murder, before, during or after with full knowledge.

Even a Northern Beaches 16 yr old , in 1982, would know that moving in with the teacher 2 days after his wife, who has had a real go at you for taking liberties with her husband, that the wife who is now conveniently gone without any further confrontation, has to be a tremendously lucky break, or knows that wife really isn't coming back. Ever. No matter what.

I am interested to know how the Dawson -Joanne marriage broke up, obviously an unpleasant and long lasting enmity developed over the marriage. I have a crisp $100 bill that I bet that Chris Dawson knocked off another 16 yr old student and moved her in with him and Joanne. It would be a neat circle.

Episode 8's not out yet Troop.

This has been fascinating to listen too ( I usually wait till a whole series is out than listen.......not this one ) The podcast I listed above is well worth a listen too ( as much as I don't like's mostly Hedley :) )

I think I'm with you on Joanne..............
Episode 8's not out yet Troop.

This has been fascinating to listen too ( I usually wait till a whole series is out than listen.......not this one ) The podcast I listed above is well worth a listen too ( as much as I don't like's mostly Hedley :) )

I think I'm with you on Joanne..............
I am listening to Mia now, Dr S.. thanks for the headsup ... I could cop Hedley all day on this case. ..

It would be difficult for me to believe that Paul didn't have a hand in Lynne's murder. I don't think Chris could do it alone, and he would have discussed it, naturally, with Paul. He would have wanted , needed , Paul's input, his reflections.
I am listening to Mia now, Dr S.. thanks for the headsup ... I could cop Hedley all day on this case. ..

It would be difficult for me to believe that Paul didn't have a hand in Lynne's murder. I don't think Chris could do it alone, and he would have discussed it, naturally, with Paul. He would have wanted , needed , Paul's input, his reflections.

Hedley's done an amazing job, it's been his baby for a long time..........I really hope he breaks this case & gets a Walkley for his work.

Sad so many people have passed with the passage of was so long ago 1982 ish.............thankfull for Lyn's mum's diary entries!!

I wish more people would have fought for really was a different era.

Anyone found the two coronial findings?? Would love to read them!
I seem unable to hear chapter 8 of Hedley's podcast.. any help would be appreciated.

So far.. I honestly think that Joanne had a lot to do with Lynnette's demise.. it was odd, listening to this podcase, the voices were so informative, so transparent, so .. so raw. really.. people speaking let it all fall out. ..

And that's where I get my instinct that Joanne was no shrinking violet, such a 'nice kid' enduring a difficult home life.. all the usual custard that people tell themselves and others … her voice , still, at what, 36? 37?.. sounded exactly like an obstreperous and defiant know it all 16 yr old even after all this time. She was so offended at being questioned by the police.

Yet what she did, even in her deep infatuation, which , if you take her story on board, she was only mildly in like with Dawson, everyone else says she was enchanted, was so off the wall that it could only be done if one was tough enough to calmly engage in murder, before, during or after with full knowledge.

Even a Northern Beaches 16 yr old , in 1982, would know that moving in with the teacher 2 days after his wife, who has had a real go at you for taking liberties with her husband, that the wife who is now conveniently gone without any further confrontation, has to be a tremendously lucky break, or knows that wife really isn't coming back. Ever. No matter what.

I am interested to know how the Dawson -Joanne marriage broke up, obviously an unpleasant and long lasting enmity developed over the marriage. I have a crisp $100 bill that I bet that Chris Dawson knocked off another 16 yr old student and moved her in with him and Joanne. It would be a neat circle.
hey trooper
me too!!
agree with all your points.
its quite irritating how the community want to paint her as an innocent poor wronged girl.

as I said above....
the outcome of lyn disappearing was exactly what she wanted.

and I would love to know what broke them up too
hey trooper
me too!!
agree with all your points.
its quite irritating how the community want to paint her as an innocent poor wronged girl.

as I said above....
the outcome of lyn disappearing was exactly what she wanted.

and I would love to know what broke them up too

I'm sure it's coming in future episodes, the next episode is supposed to be "gobsmacking" .........
hey trooper
me too!!
agree with all your points.
its quite irritating how the community want to paint her as an innocent poor wronged girl.

as I said above....
the outcome of lyn disappearing was exactly what she wanted.

and I would love to know what broke them up too
exactly what she wanted.. she wanted Lynne's life, and saw no reason why she shouldn't have it.. along with Chris who wanted Lynne's death, Lynne didn't stand a chance. Brazen was the word someone used, in relation to Joanne's appropriation of Lynne's life. ..

It defies reason that she and Chris didn't talk about where Lynne was. After all, their life as they planned to lead it relied on knowing exactly where Lynnette was, that she was dead, and therefore no impediment to their plans, and the plans Chris had for his daughters. Totally reliant upon that immovable fact, there was no room for error , no room for guessing, no room for worry. Chris getting the property in his name was a masterstroke in manipulation.

None of this could have been done unless both Chris and Joanne were secure in the knowledge that Lynnette would never contact her mother or respond to solicitors letters. It must have been fun to have those sent out, knowing full well they had no possibility of being received or responded to. A real private joke between them.

It would have reminded Chris of those heady days back in the beginning when he could tease Helena ( Lynne's mother ) with the promise of a phone call from Lynne coming to her, and he had just had a call from her.. how they must have giggled ..
just listened to hopeless
hopeless alright ...flawed just flawed:(

sue you are a star:)xx
so glad they found your complaint:cool:
this is so good for the case

If nothing else comes of the case hopefully teachers at Cromwell High and other schools in the area will be investigated. Those investigations would have multiple witnesses that aren't missing presumed murdered.

just goes to show how unequipped police were back then with domestic issues.
I am speechless her brother a policeman did NOTHING.
it was a mentality of just not getting involved.

reading those transcripts is excruciating.
both the chief inspector and the ombudsman agreed action was called for but yet NOTHING happened. (we need the old emoticons!!! bangs head against wall is a personal fav :-/ )
going to go back and listen again now I have read them. and follow it closely as they chat .
shattling or whatever his name is ….have no words :mad::mad:
Chapter 8 was hard listening. As I suspected, Joanne comes across as not just a subservient partner, but a willing, if not leading antagonist.

There was a real sense of stuff slipping sideways and downwards, and , as the Hong Kong Barrister said, stuff goes missing because it's meant to do so, and one cant help but believe that to be the case in Lynne's murder. It is almost impossible to discard the perception that Chris and Paul Dawson had some heavy ropes to pull on when necessary, with the Edu . Dept, with the NSW police, with the Family court, ..

Merrilyn , Paul's wife, is a dark horse , Joanne can say, well I was only 16, but Merrilyn wasn't 16. I hope that somewhere her version comes up for scrutiny. Either she is a professional enabler or extraordinarily unaware.

The Divorce laws ( in AU ) only changed in 1975, and really, the system didn't start to operate systematically until 1978, 1980 , and particularly the Family Court attitudes and rulings regarding access, custody, division of property must have shocked Chris, once he looked into it, around 1980/ 1981 from what he knew growing up.

In many ways, this murder has the underlying premise that harks back to the old divorce laws, the wife abandoning her home and children, leaving everything to the husband.. .I wonder if that was the operative idea? …
Hedley's done an amazing job, it's been his baby for a long time..........I really hope he breaks this case & gets a Walkley for his work.

Sad so many people have passed with the passage of was so long ago 1982 ish.............thankfull for Lyn's mum's diary entries!!

I wish more people would have fought for really was a different era.

Anyone found the two coronial findings?? Would love to read them!

In the dark for 28 years: search for truth of what happened to Lynette Dawson

Dear Dr S,,, Those coronial findings have not been digitalized, .. ( I found that odd, really ) but what I did find was an old SMH report about the inquest... as follows.

The details of Mr Dawson's treatment of women were revealed in a 2003 coroner's inquiry into Mrs Dawson's disappearance that led to deputy NSW coroner Carl Milovanovich recommending a "known person" be charged with Mrs Dawson's murder.

The inquest also revealed Mr Dawson, then a teacher at Cromer High School on Sydney's northern beaches, had sexual relationships with his students.

One affair was with Joanne Curtis, then a 16-year-old student who would later became his wife.

Ms Curtis later detailed for the coroner her husband's domineering behavior.

The girls [her daughters] have been denied their mother and their mother's love and we all need to know the truth of what happened to her

According to evidence given by Ms Curtis, Mr Dawson was possessive, violent and unwilling even to let her out of the front door without his permission.

"He chose what I wore. If I was going somewhere, he would have to approve it," she said.

"He was violent. There were some times when I locked myself in one of the bedrooms and he would try to break the door down."

Ms Curtis also detailed how Mrs Dawson was treated by her husband.

"He was very cold and used to sing songs to her that had double meanings, that he didn't care about her and that she was physically unattractive," Ms Curtis said.

"Just digging away at her. Just singing songs that were to wear her down, just upset her."

Ms Curtis told the court she began babysitting for the Dawsons and eventually moved into their home.

She also claims that Mrs Dawson began to suspect the affair.

"Lyn confronted me ... and said to me, 'You've been taking liberties with my husband.' I didn't know what to say," Ms Curtis said.

well.. dearie me... things didn't turn out well for Joanne and Chris after all... whoda thunk?...
this picture is so offensive to lyns memory I wish msm would crop the kids out of it. or post a different picture of joanne.

but it does highlight an interesting point.
its confirmation she walked into lyns life and took it over.
imo :mad:


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