Australia Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *Arrest*

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In the dark for 28 years: search for truth of what happened to Lynette Dawson

Dear Dr S,,, Those coronial findings have not been digitalized, .. ( I found that odd, really ) but what I did find was an old SMH report about the inquest... as follows.

The details of Mr Dawson's treatment of women were revealed in a 2003 coroner's inquiry into Mrs Dawson's disappearance that led to deputy NSW coroner Carl Milovanovich recommending a "known person" be charged with Mrs Dawson's murder.

The inquest also revealed Mr Dawson, then a teacher at Cromer High School on Sydney's northern beaches, had sexual relationships with his students.

One affair was with Joanne Curtis, then a 16-year-old student who would later became his wife.

Ms Curtis later detailed for the coroner her husband's domineering behavior.

The girls [her daughters] have been denied their mother and their mother's love and we all need to know the truth of what happened to her

According to evidence given by Ms Curtis, Mr Dawson was possessive, violent and unwilling even to let her out of the front door without his permission.

"He chose what I wore. If I was going somewhere, he would have to approve it," she said.

"He was violent. There were some times when I locked myself in one of the bedrooms and he would try to break the door down."

Ms Curtis also detailed how Mrs Dawson was treated by her husband.

"He was very cold and used to sing songs to her that had double meanings, that he didn't care about her and that she was physically unattractive," Ms Curtis said.

"Just digging away at her. Just singing songs that were to wear her down, just upset her."

Ms Curtis told the court she began babysitting for the Dawsons and eventually moved into their home.

She also claims that Mrs Dawson began to suspect the affair.

"Lyn confronted me ... and said to me, 'You've been taking liberties with my husband.' I didn't know what to say," Ms Curtis said.

well.. dearie me... things didn't turn out well for Joanne and Chris after all... whoda thunk?...

Thanks Troop, they had two children also, wonder if he has anything to do with them today???
Thanks Troop, they had two children also, wonder if he has anything to do with them today???

I can only find reference to a daughter of Chris and Joanne, ..maybe there is another one, and also, perhaps, children from the third wife. Apparently that marriage ( C and J ) lasted 12 years, which brings us up to , say, 1994. by that time the Family Law was well into swing and it has spiked my curiosity as to whether Joanne got half of Chris and Lynnettes property. . which, according to the law, she was entitled to, plus child support, plus, lots of other stuff ( superannuation, insurance etc) which would have infuriated Chris no end.. fancy going to all the trouble to murder one wife, only to have the next wife, whom you murdered for , tootle off with 1/2 the proceeds, when holding on to ALL the proceeds of a marriage was the point of the original murder!..

It almost has a daffy dark Coen Bro's air about it.
I can only find reference to a daughter of Chris and Joanne, ..maybe there is another one, and also, perhaps, children from the third wife. Apparently that marriage ( C and J ) lasted 12 years, which brings us up to , say, 1994. by that time the Family Law was well into swing and it has spiked my curiosity as to whether Joanne got half of Chris and Lynnettes property. . which, according to the law, she was entitled to, plus child support, plus, lots of other stuff ( superannuation, insurance etc) which would have infuriated Chris no end.. fancy going to all the trouble to murder one wife, only to have the next wife, whom you murdered for , tootle off with 1/2 the proceeds, when holding on to ALL the proceeds of a marriage was the point of the original murder!..

It almost has a daffy dark Coen Bro's air about it.

Don't know why I thought they had 2 children together, read or heard it somewhere, but I could very easily be wrong!!

Found the SMH archived article which mentions one daughter

The charming devil and his missing wife -

Ms Curtis married Dawson. They moved to Queensland and had a daughter, Kristin, together, but Dawson treated his daughters by his first wife as princesses and rejected Ms Curtis's child.
good stuff, Dr S!...

I wonder where Paul is.. he, of course, moved up next to Chris each marriage, apparently, currently, Noosa, but if I was Paul I'd be waiting at the airport for a no show on a flight to Mongolia, about now. First vacant seat. One way.

Because, it stands to reason that Paul knows it all. And perhaps more than 'knows all.'..…
In the dark for 28 years: search for truth of what happened to Lynette Dawson

Dear Dr S,,, Those coronial findings have not been digitalized, .. ( I found that odd, really ) but what I did find was an old SMH report about the inquest... as follows.

The details of Mr Dawson's treatment of women were revealed in a 2003 coroner's inquiry into Mrs Dawson's disappearance that led to deputy NSW coroner Carl Milovanovich recommending a "known person" be charged with Mrs Dawson's murder.

The inquest also revealed Mr Dawson, then a teacher at Cromer High School on Sydney's northern beaches, had sexual relationships with his students.

One affair was with Joanne Curtis, then a 16-year-old student who would later became his wife.

Ms Curtis later detailed for the coroner her husband's domineering behavior.

The girls [her daughters] have been denied their mother and their mother's love and we all need to know the truth of what happened to her

According to evidence given by Ms Curtis, Mr Dawson was possessive, violent and unwilling even to let her out of the front door without his permission.

"He chose what I wore. If I was going somewhere, he would have to approve it," she said.

"He was violent. There were some times when I locked myself in one of the bedrooms and he would try to break the door down."

Ms Curtis also detailed how Mrs Dawson was treated by her husband.

"He was very cold and used to sing songs to her that had double meanings, that he didn't care about her and that she was physically unattractive," Ms Curtis said.

"Just digging away at her. Just singing songs that were to wear her down, just upset her."

Ms Curtis told the court she began babysitting for the Dawsons and eventually moved into their home.

She also claims that Mrs Dawson began to suspect the affair.

"Lyn confronted me ... and said to me, 'You've been taking liberties with my husband.' I didn't know what to say," Ms Curtis said.

well.. dearie me... things didn't turn out well for Joanne and Chris after all... whoda thunk?...

There was a second link with your attachment to a 2003 Sun Herald article

The charming devil and his missing wife -

Your comment about Marilyn being a dark horse rings true. A comment from the article here.

"Dawson, his brother Paul and Paul's wife, Marilyn, refused to
appear at the inquest.

Chris Dawson has been put on "light duties" and removed from
contact with pupils in his teaching job at St Ursula's College, a private girls' school in Yeppoon, Queensland."
thanks dr s
such a lovely lady
got shivers looking at those pics!
the one of lyn and the baby with a blue teddy on her shoulder. appears beside another picture that seems to be in a sequence at the house.
its dense rocky bush behind her...…..knowing that she is most likely there somewhere just creepy and sad :oops::oops::(
The rings... who carefully takes their rings off and leaves them?.. I asked around, and no one I know , when leaving a marriage, and some of us have done that more than once, not once did the idea of leaving the rings behind make an glimmer. Not even the thought. Thrown off bridges, off piers, into rivers, sold, stamped on, got at with a pair of pliers... but left behind for the rival?

And who, who, would use those rings for the next wife?.. I asked around about that, too, and all I got was startled looks of disbelief. Just unheard of.

The Cult story. Why did the police buy into this so early, and so strongly?.. How many 'cults' would there have been on the North Shore in 1981? Cults that took women in without a penny, the whole point is, they bring their worldly goods with them. On the face of it, it's a ridiculous yarn.
Teacher’s Pet podcast: Rob Stokes ‘amazed’ no charges laid over Lyn Dawson’s murder


I am more than amazed, I am deeply suspicious. Considering the long expensive overdue Royal Commission that has resulted in the imprisoning of an Archbishop and the trial of a Prince of the Church, based on the unalterable fact of then both concealing and hiding sexual predators and foisting them on unwary schoolchildren across this wide brown land, it would be disingenuous to the maximum for the Education Dept of NSW to assume it couldn't infected with a similar problem.

Who had enough pull to have Chris Dawson moved smoothly and quietly onto another school?

This is in 1981 . He and the group had been up to these crimes for a few years before that, because his relationship with Joanne must have started in 1978, thereabouts. 1979...say .

Just to put context here, in 1973, the Australian writer, Helen Garner, was fired from the Education Dept in Vic for 'answering students questions in regard to sexual matters as per their drawings placed in the classroom book.' The entire State teachers went on strike, in support of Helen, to no avail, her career was shredded... yet here we are, a mere 6, or 7 years on being so relaxed about a group of men teachers in a mixed high school actually sexually penetrating the girl students on a regular basis... this wasn't considered of any great note, apparently.

'Amazed ' doesn't begin to describe it, really .
no it wasn't any great note is it and he was pushed along quietly to another school one can only come to an assumption that the powers that be not only knew of the school shananigans but enabled it … would have to wonder why?????

how embarrassing to have the whole of Australia know that you are such a low life that you would recycle the rings you gave first wife to second.
its truly laughable what he is ok with himself about.
I woke up angry about this. Lynnette appears to have been murdered over and over again, with premeditation and with malice and with extreme brutality.

He took those rings from her cold , broken , dead fingers. How Joanne could agree to wear them tells me more about her that isn't pleasant to contemplate.

The Edu. Dept of NSW murdered Lynne metaphorically.. giving her husband a pat on the back and an 'attaboy' smooth ride with impeccable references all through his career. He still is employed today , with all the superannuation intact, all the perks, all the status.

The NSW Police murdered Lynne metaphorically in their turn. If she was silly enough to leave a Rugby player, well.. It is peculiar in the extreme that the tiniest bit of investigation , like, enquiring from all North Shore councils if there were any residential cults in their parish, a simple question, you 'd think the first to be asked. A check on any such of a thing up the entire coast should surely have been considered. No one appears to have checked with the bus drivers out of Mona Vale, either.

What he said went over so well with the police!.. and on top of that, the Family Court appears to have mismanaged the divorce . Just because Lynne didn't turn up, or respond to any letters, doesn't give permission for the court to dispose of the shared property in the husbands favour. Her share of the sale of all the estate, that is 50%, should have been held in escrow by the Public Trustee until such time as Lynne either claims it, or is pronounced dead. Then her next of kin, which isn't him, since he divorced her, is the beneficiary. Her daughters have been well and truly done over by Dawson. She was not pronounced dead when he divorced her. And as for the rings, they were Lynettes property, her apparent discarding of them doesn't change the ownership of them, you can leave your wallet in a phone booth, but whoever picks it up and uses it is charged with theft, they should have been held by the Public Trustee in trust for her daughters. I was shocked to the core that this could be done so quietly, so smoothly. Why on earth wasn't an 'amicus curie' a friend of the court, appointed to speak for Lynette in her absence ? .

And at both subsequent inquests, she was deemed deceased, and he was named as the murderer, then he has got away with profiting ( greatly) from his crime,
a crime without limitations.

Dawson had it both ways.. he got all the money by pretending she was dead, and he got away with murder by pretending she went to a religious cult. How can that be ?
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