Australia Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *Arrest*

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A builder who worked on a house where a woman vanished 36 years ago has said he thinks her body could be buried in the garden.

Mother-of-two Lynette Dawson, 34, went missing from her home in Bayview, north Sydney in 1982.

Two coroners concluded she was killed by her husband - former Newtown Jets rugby league star Chris Dawson - but he maintains his innocence and her body was never found.

Secret diary of concreter who worked on murder mystery home | Daily Mail Online
ah,, chapter 9..... mesmerizing.... For me, the most riveting parts were the various references to Paul and Marilyn. How Paul was 'possessive' of Chris, and Chris, possessive of Paul'.. how Paul did a lot of the talking , it seems, now that they are in Qld.

In that move, made by both brothers, the upshot was, that from then on, Chris takes up the new position of introvert.. At who's instruction, one wonders?. Did he think that up himself? ..

How close they are!.. even for twins, they presented themselves as one, indivisible. Which , I suppose, leads to just which one is the leader, which one is the follower?.. do they take turns in these roles? It's not easy to switch roles, but it is possible.

And Marilyn, too... ever silent, ever close, ever compliant, co-operative, ….. always obedient, always there...

I'd like to see Paul's property back in Bayview searched. Thoroughly. It is almost impossible or me to see Chris murdering Lynette off his own bat, on his own, and keeping it a secret from Paul. And/or Marilyn, who's long , perfect flight under the radar has such chilling potential.

In the light of the claim that Joanne was led into performing sexually for both Chris and Paul, together, as a sort of twinny bonus, it isn't a huge step to propose that Marilyn saw which way the winds of change were blowing at stepped into that activity as a bonding tool, also.

It explains Marilyn's silent comfortable compliancy all through this terrible , terrible secret façade that had to be upheld and maintained at all costs.
A couple of additional things struck me.

The youngest daughter's Sherryn defence of her father and opinion of Joanne are probably personally justified when Joanne asked not to be called their mum. It is somewhat understandable.


Another thing when Joanne started having an affair with Chris it was just with Chris. She was not counting on the children. Lynette was looking after the children so the children were no longer an issue. Once Lynette disappeared, she was suddenly a default mother to 2 young children, something someone so young would find it hard to prepare for instantly. The naivety and youth of Joanne did not help.
The efforts Chris went to in playing King Canute with Joanne, holding back the inevitable tide of time. In a parallel world , the whole scenario reminds me forcefully of that sit-com that played incessantly throughout the 80's, 'I dream of Jeannie', where the bloke gets to have a beautiful , disposable, complaint genie able to be summoned at will and at whim, to cook, clean, entertain, and then go back in the bottle with the stopper firmly jammed on .

Margo sending the good old Bonds Cottontails, ( and you can see Margo's mind ticking, plain cotton for the tropics, easy to launder and sturdy to wear ) and Chris cutting them up with scissors. The double cut, because Margo sent them and because she sent panties, Chris unable to see the mother / daughter thing...

Chris was playing out a fierce fantasy , was Paul, also? It hardly seems a game that could be played alone, the brothers being so psychiatrically entwined. Voluntarily entwined, furthermore.

There are wheels within wheels in this whole story, terrible murderous wheels, children sacrificed, friendships torn to shreds, families forever damaged irreparably, people dying in the agony of despair and loss, schoolchildren permanently injured, lives, so many lives touched and tainted by this one ferocious desire of one man for a schoolgirl.

For me, each chapter exposes a further abyss from the reality of the situation compared to the fantasy of it's presentation. .. the gap is insurmountable, lining up what was played out on the street and what was behind the curtain as something totally incomparable.
The efforts Chris went to in playing King Canute with Joanne, holding back the inevitable tide of time. In a parallel world , the whole scenario reminds me forcefully of that sit-com that played incessantly throughout the 80's, 'I dream of Jeannie', where the bloke gets to have a beautiful , disposable, complaint genie able to be summoned at will and at whim, to cook, clean, entertain, and then go back in the bottle with the stopper firmly jammed on .

Margo sending the good old Bonds Cottontails, ( and you can see Margo's mind ticking, plain cotton for the tropics, easy to launder and sturdy to wear ) and Chris cutting them up with scissors. The double cut, because Margo sent them and because she sent panties, Chris unable to see the mother / daughter thing...

Chris was playing out a fierce fantasy , was Paul, also? It hardly seems a game that could be played alone, the brothers being so psychiatrically entwined. Voluntarily entwined, furthermore.

There are wheels within wheels in this whole story, terrible murderous wheels, children sacrificed, friendships torn to shreds, families forever damaged irreparably, people dying in the agony of despair and loss, schoolchildren permanently injured, lives, so many lives touched and tainted by this one ferocious desire of one man for a schoolgirl.

For me, each chapter exposes a further abyss from the reality of the situation compared to the fantasy of it's presentation. .. the gap is insurmountable, lining up what was played out on the street and what was behind the curtain as something totally incomparable.

Yes Cottontails are a nice practical present. Very plain easy to wash etc.

I said early in the thread that the twin relationship reminded me of Vincent Stanford who killed teach Stephanie Scott whose brother became an accessory after the fact.

School cleaner Vincent Stanford pleads guilty to murder of teacher Stephanie Scott

There was an interesting show on SBS Insight March 2016 on twin relationships. Not posting it here because none to my knowledge have any criminal involvement. There are a lot of different levels of dependencies in twin relationships.
Yes Cottontails are a nice practical present. Very plain easy to wash etc.

I said early in the thread that the twin relationship reminded me of Vincent Stanford who killed teach Stephanie Scott whose brother became an accessory after the fact.

School cleaner Vincent Stanford pleads guilty to murder of teacher Stephanie Scott

There was an interesting show on SBS Insight March 2016 on twin relationships. Not posting it here because none to my knowledge have any criminal involvement. There are a lot of different levels of dependencies in twin relationships.

the brother who sold the rings had marginally more smarts than Vincent, who, I suspect , was very much ordered around by the 'leader twin. .. ' No body ever found the content of the stuff Vincent sent to his brother, by phone, while burning Stephanie's body.

I cant find out what happened with the suit the Scott family proceeded with against the NSW Education Dept, in regard to the hiring of Vincent in the position he held at the school.. maybe it was settled out of court.

There must have been times, once Lynette was gone , that Marilyn would have had to step up to the plate and be the 'leader' woman in the group, now consisting of Chris , Paul, Joanne and Marilyn. Possibly many times, although it appeared Joanne got into the swing of it eventually, with her abuse of Helena at the school, in regard to the little girls birthday.
hey troop
I can not remember the story about the little girls birthday?
can you rehash the gory details please :cool:
hey troop
I can not remember the story about the little girls birthday?
can you rehash the gory details please :cool:

sorry for the delay, k-mac.

it so happened that Helena, Lynettes Mother, decided to take a present to the older girl ( Shanelle?).. and to do this, since she wasn't welcome at the home, Helena took it upon herself to travel, public transport, from Clovelly to Bayview, to where the little girls school was. It took her hours. .

She gets there at home time, so that she can catch a glimpse of her grandchildren on the way out of school, but Joanna has other plans, and drags the girls away, the girls crying and screaming, the other kids upset, mothers gasping and tut tutting.

She wrote her last letter to Chris about it, telling him he could be proud of how well his new wife, her grandchildrens 'pretend' mother was following his instructions, and adding a bit of the boot off her own bat, telling Helena the girls ' wanted nothing off you'..

it was sad hearing it.
sorry for the delay, k-mac.

it so happened that Helena, Lynettes Mother, decided to take a present to the older girl ( Shanelle?).. and to do this, since she wasn't welcome at the home, Helena took it upon herself to travel, public transport, from Clovelly to Bayview, to where the little girls school was. It took her hours. .

She gets there at home time, so that she can catch a glimpse of her grandchildren on the way out of school, but Joanna has other plans, and drags the girls away, the girls crying and screaming, the other kids upset, mothers gasping and tut tutting.

She wrote her last letter to Chris about it, telling him he could be proud of how well his new wife, her grandchildrens 'pretend' mother was following his instructions, and adding a bit of the boot off her own bat, telling Helena the girls ' wanted nothing off you'..

it was sad hearing it.
thanks so much
shes a piece of work isn't she.
she doesn't want to love and support these kids but make sure the people who do want to can not either.
just a despicable human being.
no wonder she was attracted tochris…..birds of a feather and all o_O
joanne seeking an escape route and coming forward to police when she realises the predictability of chris's behaviour and that it dawns on her that she is re-living lyns life that she is in grave danger tells a clearer picture than she realises.

she knew.

but when your young and naïve thinking that this man has YOU on a pedal stool...he is doing all these terrible things out of necessity to be with YOU its all rationalised away....….
until YOU are not on the pedal stool anymore the same picture looks very very different.

I respect her for coming forward and hope she stays strong through the criticisms coming her way.
they are well deserved and she needs to be mature enough to own it. she doesn't have to be that person anymore. coming forward now supporting justice for lyn is righting the wrong as best can be.

Chapter 10. Chilling, and yet so predictable, that tiny bit where the friends of Joanna up at Dreamworld tell of Joanna coming home and finding teenagers from school, nude (?) in the pool , and Chris singing the insult songs to her, and about her. The no bank account process, the iron handed control issues....

No wonder she was terrified, and she was terrified because she then must have known that Lynnette didn't 'run away to a cult' but was well and truly disposed of, and Joanna would have every reason to suspect that disposal wasn't pleasant.

Those poor little girls.

And all this time, Chris and Paul's mum, the fanatic Mrs Dawson... how was she travelling? . how did the Dawson family take all this palaver of a series of wives , one who goes missing, but the story is she 'ran away' and one who actually really does run away, indisputably runs away, and takes her child with her?'s like life imitating art, really..
Which leaves Chris with the reputation now of two wives running away from him., one fantastically, and one really.

Of course, he wouldn't have had to go to too much trouble to find Joanne,, the second time round would have been much easier, less stressful, as Joanne clearly left a trail, and Chris would have been more attuned to loss, less surprised, perhaps, less baffled and less concerned, practice making perfect, so to speak.. .. assuming he was concerned when Lynne 'ran away'..
I thought the most significant part of that episode was that the DPP are reviewing the case. From what police say they have been since 2015?


"NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has apologised to Lyn Dawson’s family for police failings in the 36-year-old cold case.

In a new interview yesterday about the case — being examined by The Australian’s ongoing investigative podcast series The Teacher’s Pet — Mr Fuller also said he was “100 per cent” open to digging at Lyn’s former home at Bayview on Sydney’s northern beaches.

And in a further revelation, he said the NSW DPP had assigned the case to a lawyer who was “systematically” going through the police evidence to consider if there was enough to lay charges over Lyn’s 1982 disappearance and suspected murder."


"As revealed by The Australian, homicide detectives began a reinvestigation in 2015 and police this year took a new brief of evidence to the NSW DPP, asking whether there was now enough evidence to lay charges.

“The work that has been happening in the last couple of years (has) been extraordinary,” Mr Fuller said.

“We used ground-penetrating radar in 1990, 91, 99, and 2016."

“We dug in 2000 and 2016. We had a burial site expert come and map the entire block in 2015. We’ve had cadaver dogs there as well.
I thought, too, it was significant, in an esoteric way, that when Joanne runs away from the Gold Coast, the marriage, the two stepdaughters, she doesn't ask Paul and Merrilyn for help...

They had been next door , all thru her relationship with Chris, the moving in 2 days after Lynnes disappearance, the move up to Qld, the same arrangement of homes close together.. the 3 little girls of P and M, and Chris and Joanne's 3 little girls..Paul had been a sexual partner of Joanne's.....

But she doesn't ask P and M for any help, apparently..... I wonder why? was she wary of them by now, also?
An interesting article in The Australian from former Croner high students regarding the culture of schools during their schooling. Note not all students were from Croner

thanks for that headsup , there was one bit of info that staggered me, Chris Dawson was the Sex Education teacher, as well as the PE teacher at Cromer High and I bet he volunteered for it..

Fox in henhouses comes to mind..
An interesting article in The Australian from former Croner high students regarding the culture of schools during their schooling. Note not all students were from Croner

Even if there was no murder charge ... I always thought it was convenient that the relationship only started when Joanne turned 16.

"The age of consent for girls in NSW was 16 but it was an offence for teachers to have sex with pupils under the age of 17, with a maximum penalty of 14 years’ imprisonment."
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