Australia Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *Arrest*

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The police had an unhealthy relationship with the RL players back then. When I was about 19 or 20 three other girls and myself went for long weekend away. On the Saturday night we went to a up market hotel bar and there were a group of 5 or 6 retired police officers and a couple of retired RL players on a golf trip. They kept wanting to buy us drinks which we declined and then wanted us to go to their rooms and party. When we declined that too, they got creepy and were making in jokes to each other and laughing uproariously.

We decided to go to another venue and they followed us in a car. We went into a restaurant that the rear of was across the street from our flat. The owner told us that he knew the group, because they had been in his place the night before and had bothered his waitresses.
He let us out the back and walked us across the road. We turned the lights off and watched them do four turns of the block looking for us.
When we decided that they had interest, we got in the car and drove the hour and a half home. We were terrified of them.
We were not much more than girls and they were in their late 40s, 50s and 60s.

Lucky you all were wise for your age: no drinks, no parties: smart girls.
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it still astonishes me, that way back then, when Lynn disappeared, the fact that the schoolgirl babysitter was , and had been 2 days after Lynn's disappearance, living in Lynn's marital home.

Like.. no police ever asked the question. What's going on here? .. it seemed to be smoothed over, a boys will be boys thing.. There was enough discomfort for the Cromer school to shift Chris onwards, to Beacon, (?) and Paul, too, I think, so why weren't the police even slightly uncomfy with the scenario?.

Schoolgirls, teachers, sex.. it had all the combustibility necessary for a hard long look, but no..
and Chapter 11 lays out for me the philosophy of Merrilyn and Paul Dawson... did it meet my expectations?.. it certainly did.

I am still shocked to the core by what the Other Mrs Dawson ( as opposed to the 2nd Mrs Dawson ( Joanna ) ) used as her guiding direction during those dreadful days of Lynn's discovery of Joanna in her bed, of Chris and Joanna running off to QLD and then Lynns disappearance..
One thing I did not pick up until I was doing additional research today was that the twins' brother, Peter Dawson was the solicitor that represented Chris in the 2003 inquest where Chris did not appear as a witness.

Dawson's solicitor brother, Peter Dawson accused Ms Curtis of manufacturing evidence against her ex-husband to gain custody of their daughter after they split up a charge she denied. Peter Dawson, representing Chris, Paul and Marilyn Dawson, said the three would not be complying with the coroner's request they attend the inquest to give evidence and if they were made to take the witness box he would advise them not to give evidence.

Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982


Googling "THE husband of missing woman Lynette Dawson" comes up with an interesting article from 27 February 2003 which was during or just after the second inquest in 2003. An interesting mention of Marilyn and mention of Peter being the solicitor.
and Chapter 11 lays out for me the philosophy of Merrilyn and Paul Dawson... did it meet my expectations?.. it certainly did.

I am still shocked to the core by what the Other Mrs Dawson ( as opposed to the 2nd Mrs Dawson ( Joanna ) ) used as her guiding direction during those dreadful days of Lynn's discovery of Joanna in her bed, of Chris and Joanna running off to QLD and then Lynns disappearance..

While I am not normally picky about spelling on here, I just want to point out that Paul Dawson's wife is Marilyn. The reason I point this out is because Lyn has a brother called Greg and his wife is Merilyn. Merilyn has been mentioned in the podcast. Lyn also has a brother called Paul which can make things a bit confusing.

"Lyn’s younger brother and a former police officer, Greg admired the footballing Chris Dawson. Chris was asked to be best man at Greg’s wedding to his wife, Merilyn."

While I am not normally picky about spelling on here, I just want to point out that Paul Dawson's wife is Marilyn. The reason I point this out is because Lyn has a brother called Greg and his wife is Merilyn. Merilyn has been mentioned in the podcast. Lyn also has a brother called Paul which can make things a bit confusing.

"Lyn’s younger brother and a former police officer, Greg admired the footballing Chris Dawson. Chris was asked to be best man at Greg’s wedding to his wife, Merilyn."


appreciate it...
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I've come across the original transcript from an interview between Detective Loone and Joanne's sister Nicole Curtis in 1998.


So 6 years later there was some investigations happening. I can't really get a feel for where Dt Loone's head is at though. It seemed like a bit of a half assed interview IMO
I gathered he was a bit hampered by the fact that at the time, the kid was only 13.. I suppose there were some limitations on what he could expect a 13 yr to understand, and then transpose to her adult mind..

Even so.. . he seemed to just skid over the fact that Chris Dawson was sexually exploiting schoolgirls at the school where he was employed. That is an unavoidable fact, no one disputes it, no one even denies it , in fact , a number of people claim it was open and blatant and it went on for years.

I find this astonishing. I went back a few chapters, 5, or 6 to hear the deputy head of Cromer school again, except now he sounds like an accomplice , an enabler, and not a bloke who was a bit puzzled by it, as I thought he was at first..

And how eerie, and , to my mind, chilling, that the closeness of those twins extended to them buying the same sort and colour of car.. that close.. would you then murder on your own? and keep that a secret? or would you engage your alter ego, your blood brother into it.. or.. would you plan it together like everything else , every other big decision in your lives.. together, forever....
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I gathered he was a bit hampered by the fact that at the time, the kid was only 13.. I suppose there were some limitations on what he could expect a 13 yr to understand, and then transpose to her adult mind..

Even so.. . he seemed to just skid over the fact that Chris Dawson was sexually exploiting schoolgirls at the school where he was employed. That is an unavoidable fact, no one disputes it, no one even denies it , in fact , a number of people claim it was open and blatant and it went on for years.

I find this astonishing. I went back a few chapters, 5, or 6 to hear the deputy head of Cromer school again, except now he sounds like an accomplice , an enabler, and not a bloke who was a bit puzzled by it, as I thought he was at first..

And how eerie, and , to my mind, chilling, that the closeness of those twins extended to them buying the same sort and colour of car.. that close.. would you then murder on your own? and keep that a secret? or would you engage your alter ego, your blood brother into it.. or.. would you plan it together like everything else , every other big decision in your lives.. together, forever....
Thanks Cagney&Lacey for the interview transcripts. I feel I have heard some of this before particularly around the police song and the getting lifts. Am not sure if it was from the earlier podcasts.

I think Nicole is actually quite perceptive and I am not sure if this is as a 30 year old looking through a 13 year olds eyes but she:
  • Confirmed the Joanne's relationship with the step-father and mother
  • She felt it was odd she left the wedding rings behind (although it was engagement rings)
  • Didn't like Joanne's change in attitude to the children.
  • Creepiness of the closeness of the twins.
Were these what Joanne saw but did not pick up as unusual?

Nicole was only a secondary witness to the relationship. I think Det. Damian Loone probably got all he could out of her. 4 years age gap between girls is a big difference as teenagers, as adults it is not much. Cromer to Bayview is a 25 minute drive so she wouldn't have seen the day to day. With Joanne being isolated once in Queensland the information would have been less freely available.

Doing a bit of reading I came across 2 photos. One with Joanne and Chris and all the kids and another with Lyn, Chris, Paul and Marilyn.


Im loving the investigative journalism by Hedley in these podcasts. My only worry is that if Chris Dawson ever has a trial, he could argue that the podcast will prevent him from having a fair one. He could get off on a technicality.
What are everyone else’s thoughts?
Thanks Cagney&Lacey for the interview transcripts. I feel I have heard some of this before particularly around the police song and the getting lifts. Am not sure if it was from the earlier podcasts.

I think Nicole is actually quite perceptive and I am not sure if this is as a 30 year old looking through a 13 year olds eyes but she:
  • Confirmed the Joanne's relationship with the step-father and mother
  • She felt it was odd she left the wedding rings behind (although it was engagement rings)
  • Didn't like Joanne's change in attitude to the children.
  • Creepiness of the closeness of the twins.
Were these what Joanne saw but did not pick up as unusual?

Nicole was only a secondary witness to the relationship. I think Det. Damian Loone probably got all he could out of her. 4 years age gap between girls is a big difference as teenagers, as adults it is not much. Cromer to Bayview is a 25 minute drive so she wouldn't have seen the day to day. With Joanne being isolated once in Queensland the information would have been less freely available.

Doing a bit of reading I came across 2 photos. One with Joanne and Chris and all the kids and another with Lyn, Chris, Paul and Marilyn.



Yes DRT. Some of this was mentioned in earlier podcasts. I got the impression that the girls weren’t close and in regular contact after Joanne moved in with Chris but then Nicole mentioned a couple of things that would mean they were at least in communication for example :

* She knew the rings Joanne wore were Lyns
* The fact Nicole didn’t like the way Joanne treated Chris’s girls after Joanne had a daughter (she must have witnessed this so I’m assuming they had caught up at some point) I think she did mention a visit
* Lyn’s kids called her Aunty and her mum Gran
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That would of been a hell of a meeting. I bet there are quite a few former teachers feeling a little stressed right now. Good on those girls for having the strength to speak out after all this time
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