Australia Australia - Marion Barter, 51, missing after trip to UK, June 1997 #10

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It’s not the travel company that is of real interest (just trivia) but that DdeH sister most likely living in Byron bay in 1997 and had a coffee shop.
To me if anything that would pose a problem if Willy wonka is hanging around there with potentially another woman or withdrawing cash.. he wouldn’t want to be seen by a sister in law… especially IF his wife was not wise to what was going on
From their website:

Backed by their shared passion for travel and keen eyes for business, RJ and NB launched online travel agent TripADeal in 2011, and the travel revolution was underway.

Our Story TripADeal

I did a TripADeal tour of South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, and Mozambique a few years ago. It was great. I saw the Big Five and the Victoria Falls.
There’s actually in total 3 members 2 cousins and 1 partner working at the travel place. Personally for me the 3 that are there have nothing to do with 1997 and MC so I think the connections are merely family giving jobs to family which is not uncommon.

they were all young at that time and the company didn’t exist :)

Perhaps the dH's are silent partners???
Was it 1968 that WW was claiming to be recuperating in Switzerland? Maybe that was a euphemism for prison?! I am still very drawn to the idea that WW is actually FD.

The Stockport Advertiser dated 9/1/69 stated Johnny Warren had left Stockport County FC so assuming the Warren’s hadn’t gone to Switzerland before then the 1968 timeline doesn’t ring true. They were back in Australia via Fiji by the 2 Feb 69 so the timeline is very limited for any romantic liaison to having taken place.
The Stockport Advertiser dated 9/1/69 stated Johnny Warren had left Stockport County FC so assuming the Warren’s hadn’t gone to Switzerland before then the 1968 timeline doesn’t ring true. They were back in Australia via Fiji by the 2 Feb 69 so the timeline is very limited for any romantic liaison to having taken place.
You’d think the police could check passenger records from her passport at the time to confirm she wasn’t in Switzerland.. just to stick that it in his face… the whole story he told is ridiculously unbelievable. I mean if you’re going to say you had an affair for a few days at least add something to your story that is believable like they met at a tourist site started chatting had coffee.. not MC walked up to him and says hi.. wanna shag .? Pfft please it’s like a teen bragging of a non existent conquest..
like all of them.. I was bewitched… lol

The parents?

We have all been wondering where RB's money has gone or is now. IMO they could have put it in their children's names since when they turned 16yo so they could still receive their pensions, rent assistance and avoid tax. In that respect, their children have often had them living with them later. I would not put it past RB to have put properties in his children's names and then claimed rent assistance as if they are renting from their children. They could also be silent partners of companies perhaps such as TravelADeal which would have required a lot of financing when it was initially set up.
You would imagine a company director who owns Sydney properties, a cafe/coffee lounge and can afford an 18mth business trip to Europe with his family, would be easy to find, but not so. One Ancestry tree has RGW in the RANavy and there is a Trove article (1945) mentioning a Miss ML of Northern Suburbs volunteering as an aid on HMS Formidable to assist with the evacuation of Australian prisoners of war from Singapore which may be relevant as they married in 1947. There's more to this me thinks!
Hmmmm…you’ve got me thinking. What is their family business and where does their money come from??? I’ve wondered what is it about her that made him stay?? Maybe he learnt just as much from them as he had in his pre-Aus time??? IMO
:D Day 7 Inquest - RB can remember in 1976 "going to the receptionist on the GF of Chifley Centre and up the elevator to the 3rd floor for his citizenship, BUT cannot remember his first daughter’s name, nor when his mother, step father or brothers died! And, every time he went back to Belgium would visit this family and get money from his mother. I'm really enjoying Sunday afternoon!!o_O
Yes!!!! The detail about going to that office was infuriating…but multiple times he says he can’t even remember what year his mother died.
Evening all, I think I’ve found another Le Soir article, dated 15 Feb 1968, p4

This news article is about FD, born in Tournai, with the exact same dob as Willy Wonka’s brother, 7 June 1942. According to my rough translation he was convicted to 12 months in prison for having committed eleven frauds against a series of victims and for having also committed at least six forged documents.

Do we know anything more about his brother, as if this is him it looks like he is in the same line of work? Do we know where WW was when FD was in prison from Feb 68-69?
Aren’t they the same person??!! Or he starts out as F, then ends up W/RB?? IMO
The third brother?? RB is DW?? Why do you think that?
Sorry @mishy66 have now ready your twins theory and my mind is blown. I at least think one of the brothers died young which gave Wonka at least two identities to play with the in the early days. And the. To think there might have been two of them, wow
We have all been wondering where RB's money has gone or is now. IMO they could have put it in their children's names since when they turned 16yo so they could still receive their pensions, rent assistance and avoid tax. In that respect, their children have often had them living with them later. I would not put it past RB to have put properties in his children's names and then claimed rent assistance as if they are renting from their children. They could also be silent partners of companies perhaps such as TravelADeal which would have required a lot of financing when it was initially set up.
I really don’t believe they are partners in the travel company.

Quite possible that assets were placed in children’s names or hidden in family trust as I do remember during inquest a family trust was set up.. which blew my mind as who does that with a pension income.. ?

not unlike like BC Pty Ltd ??

the cost of setting up both that were apparently ‘never’ used is another non believable story… no one sets up a family trust and doesn’t use it.

Definitely a lot of cash has gone somewhere.. or spent chasing the next wild Willy wonka scheme. :D

I honestly don’t believe the travel company holds the answers just because their daughter and others work there. It’s along the lines of their daughter was a flight attendant so they maybe hid thousands in Qantas shares… nah

The company was set up not by a relative, the additional director joined later..

For me personally I just feel like the whole travel thing has nothing to do with Marion, it was founded 14 years after Marion disappeared.

Many of us who had already searched the D’h name had already come across the family that worked there (aside from the daughter..) so the info isn’t new.

I 100% agree though… money has gone somewhere.. no one can live like he has on a pension and I don’t believe the ‘bank of mamma C’ has supported him for over 40 years..:rolleyes:

I just think the travel co will never lead to answers about Marion or RB’s finances…

He likes quick schemes, the thrill of the chase, the acting of a role, pretending to be someone of importance.. he can’t achieve that investing as a silent partner in a legit co.. IMO that doesn’t work for his ego and self importance.
We have all been wondering where RB's money has gone or is now. IMO they could have put it in their children's names since when they turned 16yo so they could still receive their pensions, rent assistance and avoid tax. In that respect, their children have often had them living with them later. I would not put it past RB to have put properties in his children's names and then claimed rent assistance as if they are renting from their children. They could also be silent partners of companies perhaps such as TravelADeal which would have required a lot of financing when it was initially set up.
I am of the understanding there is currently a safety deposit box in the vault of the Commonwealth Bank, Pitt St, Sydney in RB's name only. Let’s hope that one day, dependent on the outcome of the C.C., it could be opened by the AFP.
I am of the understanding there is currently a safety deposit box in the vault of the Commonwealth Bank, Pitt St, Sydney in RB's name only. Let’s hope that one day, dependent on the outcome of the C.C., it could be opened by the AFP.

I would like Sally to get restitution for what RB allegedly took from MB as this would have been her inheritance. I have seen different figures ranging from $180,00 to $300,000.
Thinking about the period between MB's return to Aust on 2/8/97 and the final withdrawal of funds on 15/10/97, I'm trying to make sense of that 10 week period. I suspect the following...
1. RB was thinking on his feet, this wasn't in his initial plan. He needed MB to be within easy commute for him to maintain control but not so close that his true identity might be revealed.
2. IMO The car was purchased for MB to allow her to travel to Byron for the withdrawals. I imagine he had convinced MB for the need of secrecy at this point and she was complicit. The small withdrawals prevented any red flags being raised that may cause unwanted attention.
3. I suspect MB was staying in an area easily accessed by bus for RB. It would be too risky for RB to be seen in Byron by DdH's sister and family. Also too risky around Ballina. But important that he maintain contact and control with MB.
4. When questioned about the local markets he attended looking for coins, there was one town he was quick to dismiss - BANGALOW - even though there was a large market held there at the showground. Bangalow is a half hour trip by bus from the highway intersection near his home at Wollongbar. Bangalow is a 15 minute drive to Byron. Should we be looking around Bangalow for a place MB could have stayed? Her car would be unknown to anyone (I suspect DdH was unaware of the car purchase at this stage also) After hearing his imaginative evidence, I'm sure he would have no trouble explaining periods of absence to both MB and DdH during this time. IMO.
You’d think the police could check passenger records from her passport at the time to confirm she wasn’t in Switzerland.. just to stick that it in his face… the whole story he told is ridiculously unbelievable. I mean if you’re going to say you had an affair for a few days at least add something to your story that is believable like they met at a tourist site started chatting had coffee.. not MC walked up to him and says hi.. wanna shag .? Pfft please it’s like a teen bragging of a non existent conquest..
like all of them.. I was bewitched… lol

It's such an nonsensical story - I just can't get my head around his motivation for coming up with them having an affair decades earlier. And like you say it's surely something the police can confirm either way if MB was in Switzerland at that time. It's like the JO belly-dancing story... it just beggars belief.
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