Australia - Martin Place siege: 2 Hostages killed in Lindt Chocolate shop #1

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What ever happened to the whole " we don't negotiate with terrorists " mantra? ! The Lindt Cafe should've been stormed by Police hours ago!!

I agree. Jihadists are not interested in negotiations all they want to do is kill "infidels" and they don't care if they get killed in the process. I am amazed that police have not stormed the cafe by now.
They just translated the flag - pretty innoncent stuff loves a god or something, nothing ISIS like
CARIIS I just came back on to say I too don't think it's out and out terrorism. I think that's a viable theory
For me, I don't think it's about killing people, not yet anyways. He has a message that he wants shared, he believes in something that he feels is worthy of world attention. The flag could purely be for that because really that's the only reason we think terrorist, otherwise it's just a siege that would make national news, but not this level of attention. He only wants to Speak with media, Ray Hadley just said that a hostage has also been calling ABC. It just seems to be more about a message rather than killing.
All MOO and I'm well aware that I could be TOTALLY wrong! It's not like I haven't been before ;)
'Hadley said the hostage called the radio station saying the gunman at the centre of the siege wanted him to be put on air.

"I told the young man it's not in your best interest to be heard on the radio live. It's not in anyone's interest and it's certainly not in the hostages' interest," Hadley said.

"There are trained negotiators who have vast experience in dealing with these matters and they're the ones who should be dealing with this not radio presenters."

When he refused, the hostage asked Hadley to ring him back in ten minutes where the hostage taker would issue further information.

The 2GB presenter said he had been talking to police off the air and receiving advice about the conversation.

He said a "password" was mentioned but it was not clear what this was in relation to.'

its 3 oclock there people starting to leave work
I just had a terrible thought... I'm basing all of my thoughts on the assumption that no one is dead... How do we know this? It wouldn't be reported for fear of mass hysteria and everyone is calling for calm...
This could be why he says to be called back with other demands... :(
Hi Hum

I agree with ya! And as bizaire as it sounds it would be better if we were correct kind of! You know what I mean!

CARIIS I just came back on to say I too don't think it's out and out terrorism. I think that's a viable theory
For me, I don't think it's about killing people, not yet anyways. He has a message that he wants shared, he believes in something that he feels is worthy of world attention. The flag could purely be for that because really that's the only reason we think terrorist, otherwise it's just a siege that would make national news, but not this level of attention. He only wants to Speak with media, Ray Hadley just said that a hostage has also been calling ABC. It just seems to be more about a message rather than killing.
All MOO and I'm well aware that I could be TOTALLY wrong! It's not like I haven't been before ;)
Four hours in, we know little more than when this started.

'We are now about four hours into the hostage situation at the Lindt cafe in Martin Place and we are currently awaiting updates as to what is happening. So let's up date what we know.

At least 13 hostages and up to as many as 40 hostages, are believed to be being held by a lone gunman in the Lindt cafe.

The gunman or gunmen forced some of the hostages to hold up a black flag at the window of the cafe. This is believed to be an Islamic Shahada flag.

The NSW Police Commissioner has confirmed there is at least one gunman but has not confirmed if the hostage situation is terror related.

Transport in the are is being disrupted, but the Sydney Opera House, which was earlier evacuated, has returned to normal.'
I can't seem to get any live presser links to work for me, so hope someone can post anything of interest? Please?
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