GUILTY Australia - Masa Vukotic, 17, brutally murdered, Doncaster, Melbourne, 17 March 2015

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Channel9 morning show said that Sean Price had spent 5 years in a phyciatric hospital and was known to have violent tendencies and was still released into the public.
Channel9 morning show said that Sean Price had spent 5 years in a phyciatric hospital and was known to have violent tendencies and was still released into the public.

Dammit I'm going to add to my above post! This crazed fool was released back onto our streets KNOWING full well he was violent and crazed. Ah come on! An innocent girl simply went for a jog and crossed paths with SOMEONE WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN RELEASED??!

Think about it, the authorities new his potential and that's why he was caught so quickly........THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHO!....Price walked out of the bushes after seeing a man walking a dog, but continued his attack after the man passed.

Ms Vukotic died from stab wounds to the neck. Post mortem tests discovered 49 wounds on her body.

OMG don't get me started......oh I think it's too late. :D

Masa Vukotic murder trial: Sean Price was a mental health time bomb August 18, 2015 - 8:07AM
by Michael Bachelard

Price was a time bomb. Masa was just the innocent in the blast zone...

Of course, the real issue here was his release back into the community. Who was involved in this decision? How were the risk and protective factors weighted in that decision? My hope is that the Vukotic family sue the State Government: ParoleBoard/Mental Health for their decision to release ' a known time bomb' back into the community. The facts are that we cannot undo his childhood, but his potential for violence towards others, as an adult, was critical. Officials have a responsibility towards innocent people going about their daily lives in the community. Various forms of Therapy/Counselling Support could have been available to him as an inpatient in a long-term containment facility to ease his inner self-talk, but to release a 'time bomb' back into the community and have him living in isolated conditions is a serious misjudgement upon those systems involved in this decision. There are some humans so damaged that we cannot release them to inflict their inner pathological desires upon innocent others.
My opinion only.
I found myself groaning when I heard that this morning.. 5 years in a psych hospital is indicative of severe disconnect and equally severe social dysfunction.. . there are so few Psych hospitals in AU now, that you know as soon as you hear someone has been in for 5 years, that the outlook was never optimistic and his disease extremely serious. .. As yet, I cant find out if he was confined in a hospital for criminal reasons, or for an inability to function outside one.. Whatever dysfunction he has, its a pound to a penny that he wasn't too keen on his medication, or it's side effects.

There is no formal compunction to take Psychiatric medicine,. or indeed seek treatment or heed treatment..

for those interested in the legal and social implications of this, look up the Waterlow murders in NSW.. the son murders the father , the sister and has a try at the niece.. .
Seems like he did a 5 /2 sentence in Prison for violent offences in addition to the 5 years in a Psyche ward...

The Herald Sun can reveal a litany of justice system errors paved the way to the tragedy that sickened Victoria.

These included:

A COURT upholding Price’s appeal against a sentence for a series of assaults — reducing it to time served and freeing him from jail, in time to murder Masa.

AUTHORITIES releasing Price, despite his two violent rampages while he was already under official legal supervision.

AND an earlier lenient 5½-year jail term for a frightening crime spree spanning multiple victims.

Price was released from Port Phillip Prison on October 2, 2014; Masa was murdered on March 17.
Sean Price raped woman two days after murdering Masa Vukotic 'to get rocks off', court told
August 18, 2015 - 1:36PM
by Mark Russell

Crown prosecutor Michele Williams, SC, criticised The Herald-Sun newspaper for publishing Price's criminal record on Tuesday after he had pleaded not guilty to the rape charge, meaning it could affect his chances of a fair trial...

The prosecutor planned to meet Director of Public Prosections John Champion, SC, on Tuesday to discuss what action to take against the newspaper.

Justice Lex Lasry said revealing Price's criminal record was "outrageous" and he despaired at the people who made the decision to publish the details because "they never understand what they're doing".

Justice Lasry set down April 4, 2016, for the start of Price's rape trial and adjourned the matter for a further directions hearing next week when he would discuss whether to hold a pre-sentence hearing for Price on the murder charge before his rape trial...
breaking news from Melbourne.. Price has now pleaded guilty to rape....( this was the incident 2 days after Masa's murder, which he had previously firmly denied... )

Now that he has pleaded guilty to that charge, .. his previous convictions are no longer subject to privacy laws..

reading the list of his previous convictions is a sickmaking moment.. With the guilty plea it can now be revealed Price has an extensive history of attacking women.

Court documents are yet to be released but it has been reported he previously pleaded guilty to and was jailed for 22 charges of rape, indecent assault and threatening to kill young women, including a 13-year-old girl, in Melbourne's east.

Price had previously pleaded not guilty to the rape charge and prosecutors requested his sentence for the murder of Ms Vukotic be postponed until after the rape trial.

I am at a loss to figure out just what crimes have to be committed before release, and bail and parole and all this *advertiser censored* is even considered as ridiculous.. .. it is as if there is no crime, no hateful violence , just nothing that can be done to women that attracts a sentence that has truth and reality integrated .....
22 previous charges and convictions for rape.. now.. I know he spent 5 1/2 years in prison... I am presuming it was for these convictions.. plus the attempted murder of a 13 yr old, in the process of rape and assault of this child.. ..

5 1/2 years!!!.... is it me or is 5 1/2 years a slap in the face for these women, and this child , .. he was plainly a killer.. an unsuccessful killer but obviously, one for whom that aim was guaranteed to succeed one day, and soon. And it did. This whole system is buggered , in my opinion.
and 22 charges of rape. these are the women who actually went forward with their case against him. It does not reflect the women /girls/children who were too traumatised to undergo the hellish process of bringing a rape charge to court , and conviction.. not many people, men or women are able to do that without severe and longlasting damage on top of the crime committed against them..

Sean Price pleads guilty to raping woman two days after murdering Masa Vukotic
August 27, 2015 - 11:03AM
by Mark Russell

Price, who appeared in court amid tight security and was flanked by five security guards, then formally pleaded guilty to murdering Ms Vukotic on March 17 and two days later at Sunshine raping the woman, robbing a man of his mobile phone and attempting to steal a BMW.

Price, 31, had been ordered to appear in person before Supreme Court Justice Lex Lasry on Thursday to be formally arraigned on the four charges... Justice Lasry remanded Price for a pre-sentence hearing on December 14.

Masa Vukotic’s killer Sean Price shocks own lawyers by admitting to rape
AUGUST 27, 2015 1:22PM

...In a move that shocked his lawyers this morning, Price pleaded guilty to the rape after last week vehemently denying it in a vile courtroom outburst...
After his most recent arrest, Price told police he raped the woman “to get his rocks off” because he knew he would spend years behind bars for murdering Ms Vukotic...The depraved killer’s shocking criminal history can now be detailed in full for the first time.... (detailed in article)

This article expands a bit on the life of Price, as much as is known about it..

'According to someone who knew him well, if he had been under supervision, "I reckon they would have seen him ticking all the old boxes - drug taking, anger, frustration - and the risk that he would offend against a woman is incredibly high.

"It makes me really think, what was the point of all those eight years of treatment, incarceration, when he can get out there and do that - the worst thing he's done so far?

"Something has gone wrong, the system has failed all of us, really".

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and I suppose no one is surprised to learn that Price was on bail when he murdered Masa...

On bail, despite a 22 convictions for rape, a rape and assault and attempt to murder of a 13 yr old child, an inexplicably reduced sentence that allowed him back into the community 10 years , yes , 10 years before his sentence ran out...
and I suppose no one is surprised to learn that Price was on bail when he murdered Masa...

On bail, despite a 22 convictions for rape, a rape and assault and attempt to murder of a 13 yr old child, an inexplicably reduced sentence that allowed him back into the community 10 years , yes , 10 years before his sentence ran out...

Agree Trooper "inexplicably reduced sentence". The Victorian government must now urgently explain how it was that Sean Price, who was on bail when he killed, was left so free to roam...
This morning's news:
Masa Vukotic’s killer Sean Price shocks own lawyers by admitting to rape
AUGUST 28, 2015

PREMIER Daniel Andrews has admitted the criminal justice system failed Masa Vukotic and her family when it allowed the man who would kill her to go free.
“That Sean Price was free and largely unmonitored in our community was a catastrophic failing of the criminal justice system,” Mr Andrews said...
Mr Andrews said that the “problem goes beyond Sean Price” and that the death of Ms Vukotic was “a tragedy that must force change”...
The Government was unable, or unwilling, to say who was to blame for allowing Price to be at large...

"Staff and other inmates at Corella Place were terrified of his uncontrollable rages, and his behaviour generated deep concern about what he might do when released, raising questions about why he was freed in October last year"...

Court documents obtained by the Herald Sun also reveal that just weeks before he killed Ms Vukotic, Price’s bail was extended during a mention hearing at Sunshine Magistrates’ Court... :doh:
Sean Price was on bail when he killed teenager Masa Vukotic
August 28, 2015
by Michael Bachelard

The man who murdered Doncaster teen Masa Vukotic was on bail over death threats, was under a court supervision order, and had a long criminal history of sexual violence against women, raising more serious questions about Victoria's justice system.

Victims of Crime commissioner Greg Davies said the system had failed Masa Vukotic...

"When does the system recognise that the rights of the community at large, outweigh the rights of one individual?" Mr Davies told 3AW Mornings, "Particularly when that individual has had multiple opportunities to mend their ways".

Now that is the question much in need of an answer Mr Greg Davies and Mr Daniel Andrews.
PREMIER Daniel Andrews has admitted the criminal justice system failed Masa Vukotic and her family when it allowed the man who would kill her to go free.

“That Sean Price was free and largely unmonitored in our community was a catastrophic failing of the criminal justice system,” Mr Andrews said last night.

Mr Andrews said today that he was “determined to do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t fail anybody else”. :floorlaugh: I feel it's inappropriate laughing but...I can't find any words sure, how many times have these fruit loops been released lately to attack and kill an innocent?? Ah c'mon!!!


In this article it shows this filth's criminal history.

Abbott should has decked the pathetic SOB.

Crackdown on serious sex offenders
September 1, 2015 - 9:31AM
by Chloe Booker

... Premier Daniel Andrews told News Corp: "this system is broken and needs to be fixed".
"These reforms will close immediate gaps in our system and give Victoria Police and Corrections extra powers and resources to keep our community safe."
A crackdown on serious sex offenders has been announced in Victoria after revelations the man who murdered schoolgirl Masa Vukotic was on a supervision order.

The proposed overhaul will see:
. tougher restrictions on granting bail
. increased police monitoring
. drug and alcohol tests
. Victoria Police detectives and intelligence officers placed within the Corrections Department's serious sex offender management unit.
Proposed tougher sex offender legislation will be introduced in Parliament this week.

Steps in the right direction? Let's see what legislation is introduced in Parliament the week.
My opinion only.
Honestly guys? Have we heard this Bulls**t before?

Masa Vukotic murder: Tougher bail and better monitoring of sex offenders proposed after Victorian schoolgirl's death

Serious sex offenders will lose their presumption to bail at the end of their sentence and will face tougher monitoring in the community as part of a crackdown proposed by the Victorian Government.

In new laws to be introduced in Parliament this week, sex offenders would lose their automatic entitlement to bail and instead have to justify their release to authorities.

Police would also get more power to enter and search the homes of sex offenders to check whether they were complying with supervision orders, and to compel them to undergo drug and alcohol tests.

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