GUILTY Australia - Newborn found in drain, Sydney, 23 Nov 2014

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DNA Solves
The Western Sydney temperatures reached 45 degrees yesterday.

It was in the 40 deg range last Friday and 4 days in a row over 30 - As well as Tues or Wed last week we had really heavy rain? It's a miracle he survived
45C, this early in the year? The people who heard the baby crying and did not shrug and walk away, but did the right thing and subsequently saved that baby's life ought to get some sort of award from the city. I bet they're feeling very glad they investigated that sound and followed it to the drain, right now.

zweibel....I wish life was more fair to the deserving.

I literally cannot imagine what sort of terror a newborn would experience, being abandoned like that for FIVE days in a row.. I wonder what effect that has had on him, developmentally.
I really thought this was going to be a scared teen mother!! Glad attempted murder has been charged against this 30 year old.
There's just so many other avenues she could have taken. This little one is destined to do great things!!!

I literally cannot imagine what sort of terror a newborn would experience, being abandoned like that for FIVE days in a row.. I wonder what effect that has had on him, developmentally.

Im wondering about this as well. I know if newborn babies don't feed their blood sugar can drop and that prolonged low blood sugar can cause brain damage :( hoping he makes a full recovery.

I live 10 minutes away and wish somehow I had known and gone walking on Tuesday and found him immediately so he didn't have to suffer for so long. Stupid to think that way I know.
Interesting article about how newborn babies (in Haiti) could possibly survive for days without food and water.
(I would quote but don't know how)

Perhaps as many as two hundred thousand people have lost their lives in Haiti and yet each story of survival brings a flicker of hope. So far, rescue teams have pulled at least 132 people from toppled buildings, with babies and toddlers commanding the greatest attention. Every time, we wonder: How can the most vulnerable and defenseless survive?

In disasters and other traumas, experts say, infants and youngsters are remarkably hardy and resilient, arriving in the world with built-in mini-survival kits. Indeed, most of us probably underestimate what one pediatrician has called the "margin of safety that Mother Nature gives to newborns.

Consider some of their survival advantages:

Nutrition Onboard: Perhaps 15 percent of a brand new baby's weight is made up of extra body fat intended to nourish the little one as it waits for its mother's milk to come in. By some estimates, newborns can survive weeks without food.

Ready for Stress: Experts say newborns are built to handle the stress of childbirth and adapt to sudden arrival in a new, strange and often inhospitable world. Under pressure, for instance, they can lie still, slowing their metabolic rates, saving energy and water.

Unafraid of the Dark: Newborns are intimately familiar with cramped, quiet darkness. Unlike adults, they don't exactly realize they've been buried alive. Of course, fear is a primal emotion, but experts say that newborns don't have to struggle with the same feelings of helplessness and hopelessness when a roof caves in.

Of course, babies have their own critical needs, especially warmth. In this case, Haiti's warm climate may have helped significantly, protecting the core body temperatures of little survivors buried in the ruins.

In addition, the humidity in Haiti may have reduced the pace of dehydration among survivors. "At 90 degrees, you would die of dehydration in seven days and at 120 degrees, you would die in two days," according to Dr. Kent Holtorf in The Daily News. "But if you add in the extra humidity, like in Haiti, you're not losing water through your skin as quickly, and you can survive for an extra three to five days."
Awsome research, nat!!!!!! It sure makes me feel a little less worried about his future. And you're not silly at ALL for wishing you'd happened along on his first day down there. It just means you're a good natured, kind person. :)
Newborn in drain: How a baby can survive for six days without food or water

Human biology and luck helped a baby survive without food or water for six days after being dumped, paediatricians say.

Kim Oates, an emeritus professor of paediatrics at the University of Sydney said healthy babies were born with enough fluid to help them survive for some time without feeding.

"When full-term babies are born, they are usually born with fluid on board. They have a good amount of fluid storage and extra glucose stored in their liver as well," he said.

"I think the evolutionary basis of that is that if the mother had a difficult birth and passed out and couldn't recover and feed the baby for a little while, the baby would be OK.

"They have enough to survive for the 24 to 48 hours without much in the way of feeding. I am surprised: six days seems a long time to me."

After six days the baby was likely to be suffering from low blood sugar and at risk of getting cold.

"It's possible, it's surprising. If it was a premature baby it would have had much less chance of surviving because they don't have as much glucose and fluid on board," Professor Oates said.

Read more:

A few new snippets. Mum is from Samoa and lives with extended family. Her parents and siblings are still in Samoa. She had a 30 hour labour. A medical assessment has been requested. Bail was formally refused.

I had a 24 hour labour and not once have I ever considered killing my child.

The baby has very low set ears. I wonder if the doctors at the hospital told her he may need tests to see if there were any problems and she couldn't cope with that.
TV news: they have already had a LOT of enquiries from people wanting to adopt him <3
TV news: they have already had a LOT of enquiries from people wanting to adopt him <3
Haha, that's so lovely. I was expecting news of an avalanche of offers. Bless. Let's hope he goes somewhere super nice to make up for his terrible first week in the world.
Lots of new details:

The mother got on a bus and train straight from the hospital, dumping the baby when he was 17 hours old. She has now named him and has given he a biblical name associated with a famous Australian murder. Her parents are missionaries. She hid the pregnancy from everyone. The baby has bleeding on his brain :(

eta my first thought is Azariah. Even though we associate it with a baby girl, it is a boys name in the Bible.
Now that I have finished bawling.....I have to ask if Australia has baby hatches ((safe havens)) for babies to be relinquished ((hospitals))?

The photos of the baby show that his little hands were red and scraped too --poor little guy. Bleeding brain not good hope he will be ok.

In cases involving minors, the parents are not usually named, in some countries -- is this the reason for not identifying the mother in the MSM?
Now that I have finished bawling.....I have to ask if Australia has baby hatches ((safe havens)) for babies to be relinquished ((hospitals))?

The photos of the baby show that his little hands were red and scraped too --poor little guy. Bleeding brain not good hope he will be ok.

In cases involving minors, the parents are not usually named, in some countries -- is this the reason for not identifying the mother in the MSM?

No we don't have Baby Hatches although this has generated much talk about them.

They won't identify anyone connected for the baby's privacy.
It's a miracle this tiny newborn was heard considering he was entombed in concrete at 2.4 meters deep and the noise of the M7 close-by any sounds would be hidden also the bikers can travel with speed and safety so many of the bikers have earphones.
With houses close to the motorway there are huge fences to block the noise I'm glad she didn't consider a murder suicide.
more details, though it is from the daily mail, so could be unreliable.

The whole extended family are extremely religious and are very involved in the Seventh Day Adventist church. The mother is unmarried and broke up with the father of the baby earlier this year.

I think the reason for her dumping him is very clear now :(

Yeah that makes sense. How sad, at *30* years old, she's THAT terrified/messed up about a pregnancy. A 14-17 yo, I could understand.. can of worms there, methinks.

Incidentally, the other child with that name in the famous case was also from a 7DA family.

... is it just me, or did anyone else have minor ragefit that she's *named* the baby now. That just made me see red. My gut reaction was, she doesn't deserve to do that.
Yeah that makes sense. How sad, at *30* years old, she's THAT terrified/messed up about a pregnancy. A 14-17 yo, I could understand.. can of worms there, methinks.

Incidentally, the other child with that name in the famous case was also from a 7DA family.

... is it just me, or did anyone else have minor ragefit that she's *named* the baby now. That just made me see red. My gut reaction was, she doesn't deserve to do that.

Yeah, I don't understand why she got to name the baby either. If I was that baby growing up, I don't think I'd want the name given to me by someone who tried to kill me at one day old. I'm kind of hoping the mother's got some psych or IQ problems - how do you give birth at a hospital and then think you can get away with murdering the baby?
Yeah, I don't understand why she got to name the baby either. If I was that baby growing up, I don't think I'd want the name given to me by someone who tried to kill me at one day old. I'm kind of hoping the mother's got some psych or IQ problems - how do you give birth at a hospital and then think you can get away with murdering the baby?

It angered me as well and I am praying that the Australian Justice system will prevent the egg donor from having any parental rights in this case ((sounds harsh -- I apologize))

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