Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #5 *charges*

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Nah if he’d gone out south of Dargo he wouldn’t have been snapped.

Without bushfire gate closures, the tracks towards Abbeyard and onto Myrtleford wouldn’t have had cameras either. Presumably, this is why the vehicle supposedly attempted this way first.

Without bushfires we might have no leads at all.

Edit: and of course Zeka Spur onto the Howitt High Plains and down towards Arbuckle Junction, then Licola also wouldn’t have cameras. I’m not familiar with the area, but I’ve heard the Zeka Spur track would be extremely challenging/impossible with a trailer in daylight, let alone in the middle of the night.
Thought this was interesting. Red long handle spade on the patrol when it’s blue, and a black long handle spade when it’s beige. That’s what I said earlier I thought he would carry. Makes those cheap white Bunnings snow shovels all the more likely to be a furphy.
View attachment 324261
Well spotted there BrumbyJack.

Edit: spelling
Without bushfire gate closures, the tracks towards Abbeyard and onto Myrtleford wouldn’t have had cameras either. Presumably, this is why the vehicle supposedly attempted this way first.

Without bushfires we might have no leads at all.

Edit: and of course Zeka Spur onto the Howitt High Plains and down towards Arbuckle Junction, then Licola also wouldn’t have cameras. I’m not familiar with the area, but I’ve heard the Zeka Spur track would be extremely challenging/impossible with a trailer in daylight, let alone in the middle of the night.
I would say towing a trailer up Zeka spur would be difficult but not impossible day or night. There are a couple of 180 deg elbows that would be a challange, but it is doable I think.
Are we possibly dealing with an altercation between two alpha males here? One maybe older, but he is no shrinking violet imo.
Russell doesn't seem IMO like an individual who would. He seems committed to his children and grandchildren a sweet soul. He wouldn't risk this. GL on the other hand is being accused of the most serious crimes by LE who have something on him. So this is more than alpha male tendencies. Its something else entirely different. There's nothing that can justify shooting an unarmed couple. With character witnesses GL can't even use self defense. There's no justification. Its an act of cold barbarity.
That's one of the theories some of us have had.
If it was such a dispute Russel would have erased the drone footage if he felt his and Carole's life was in danger. IMO. He would've I'm sure erased it in front of the accused to keep peace. If he wanted to show the footage to LE then he would do so right away so he can get LE there. Footage can be sent with the click of a button these days. So the accused is actually risking a problem with LE since the footage is already sent by file to them. Russell was tech saavy using a drone needs some knowledge of new technology.
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Hmm that's a good point, would be interesting to know

but the media was really quick to jump on the whole bugged house/car thing

unless they were just guessing?
If he was a suspect for sometime they may have had technology to snoop on him so LE was afraid of his next moves. Maybe he'll snap and cause more devestation or a suicide as others have pointed out.
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Regardless of what happened or didn't happen for an individual to kill a woman is hard to fathom. More so in this case because the accused is a professional who had no known links to the woman. I cannot get it out of my head that the accused is a SK and has been taking people out for many years. Other missing people closer to Melbourne could well be victims as well. Like day trip killings. i.e. Lorrin Whitehead missing from Bannockburn for 6 years without a trace. Dr John Foster missing from Christmas Hills for 4 years without a trace and all the others previously mentioned.
Would be interested to know if the guns this guy owned or had in his possession included silencers?. I reckon GL and the police reference that there is a long way to go in this investigation means the police suspect he is a SK as well.
One question. Why would a bloke traveling alone need to tow a trailer?. Wouldn't a trailer be a hindrance and or unnecessary when a big 4wd has lots of room when only one person is inside it!.

I wonder if GL was hunting in the area which would be a good reason to take a trailer. I also wonder if he was the person who killed all the deer in the surrounding area which was spoken about by the young wrangler guy on Under Investigation. Could GL have been shooting these deer & Russell yelled at him for shooting so close to their tent?
Under Investigation Season 1 Ep 1 High Country Mystery, Watch TV Online
Sorry, just want to comment on a few things here.
Sunrise was around 7.24am on the morning of the 21 Mar 2020 and given the good amount of dappled sunlight I reckon it’s been taken between 7.30 and 8am. It’s not 6am.

The GAR where the camera is on the Harrietville side runs south north, so with the sun rising in the east the sunlight would be hitting the driver side if the vehicle was driving out of the the resort boundary (heading north towards Harrietville). Add to that there is an embankment on the passenger side, which also shows in the photo. It’s definitely the cam on that side.

The resort boundary camera heading east towards Omeo is on a flat, with no embankments. And the sun would be hitting roughly straight on, not coming from the side. And the coppers have already said they got the photo from a Hotham Resort cam.

The coppers have said the trailer is a 5x7 which means, in Victoria anyway, that it’s big enough that it has to have its own separate rego - only a 6x4 trailer or smaller is allowed to display the plate of the towing vehicle.

And considering he needed to head back towards Melbourne, there’s no way he would’ve gone up through Omeo, then down to Bairnsdale and back to Melbs. Even considering he went up to the old Grant area to hide the bodies, it would still be heaps, heaps quicker to come back down to Dargo and head home that way. Why unneccessarily add an extra 3 or so hours if you don’t have to? Especially if you’ve been driving since midnight already. But as I mentioned at the start, that cam is the one on the Harrietville side.

BBM I think if the trailer was registered the police should know the new owner of it. GL wouldn't have continued to pay the rego.

Please Welcome Alicia__elizabeth who has been verified as someone who is acquainted with the accused. As a VI, they are not required to provide links to support what they state as fact in relation to their knowlege of the accused or this case, and all our usual caveats as to how we treat a VI apply.


Under Australian law, this case is now under sub judice and the following is not allowed:

Anything that may prejudice the accused’s right to a fair trial
Any history of a defendant’s previous offences
Any suggestions or direct accusations that the accused is either guilty or innocent (i.e. the accused cannot be called "the killer", "the perp"; it has to be "the accused", the "alleged killer" or "the defendant")
Scandalizing the court (disparaging judges/lawyers, any officer of the Court)
Broadcasting anything about proceedings which happen in the jury's absence.
Any non compliance with an Order of the court

Do not post anything that violates the above principles. Doing so can result in charges of contempt of court.

Thank you.
Carol Clay and Russell Hill search includes Great Alpine gold mine area

Officers have taped off sections of the Grant Historic Area, and installed road blocks to prevent further chances of anyone tampering with a potential crime scene. But they do not yet have a precise location in the bush where the pair could have been left.

They may need search and rescue crews to abseil down the shafts of old gold mines.
April 26, 2021: Detectives return to search remote tracks, rivers and cliffs in the area the couple were camping. They returned to the Wonnangatta area in Victoria’s high country as a result of information obtained from previous searches. They are focusing their efforts on the Dargo High Plains Road, Cynthia Range Track, Herne Spur Track and the Wonnangatta Track. [Wonnangatta Track takes one up to the locked gate. Cynthia Range Track, Herne Spur Track are possible exit routes to Dargo High Plains Road McMillan Road is about 55km from Mt Hotham]. Cadaver dogs are unleashed to scour the search zone but no remains are found.
Note also: "As a result of other searches".
Looking back, I wonder if those 'updates' were really intended to inform the public, or were they calculated efforts to turn up the heat, trying to make sure no one got complacent.

I'm also picturing those minutes in that remote campsite, when a helicopter was heard in the distance, appeared overhead, landed and a SWAT team leapt out.

Might have been enough to crack the toughest nut.

This is an ancient saying. Back in the day, 70 odd years ago we would use that saying at school in Victoria. Maybe it's a Victorian saying.

ETA. When us kids were showing signs of S.O.L. my mother would dose us with laxettes

Mine would worm us all. Back then the go to product was Vanquin, red ghastly stuff.
You’d see us kids run in all four directions.
Possibly, but it takes a special type of person to solve a potentially minor problem by murdering two people and disposing of their bodies, and then go back to living a normal life.

I recall a decades long mystery of what happened to a couple who had disappeared near Belize. There was a boy who witnessed it: his father had been minorly humiliated by the man. Instead of laughing it off, he plotted revenge, which was to tie heavy objects to them - while they were alive - and dump them into the sea.

I just have the feeling that Lynn is not the kind of man to muddle through or bumble around, to get himself into messes, accidentally do things he never intended to do. A pilot, a guy who leaves his young wife and children for another woman without remorse, who goes off to Quataar for a change of scene, a life-long solo camper and adventurer...I don't think he would make mistakes.

Couldn’t agree more with your comments …..again going back to his career this is somebody who has been in a position of total control.
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