Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #5 *charges*

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A few times it’s been mentioned that Russell must’ve been killed first (accidentally or on purpose) but wouldn’t Carol have screamed or something? Quick succession maybe, but still.. I’m still reserved on the how.
I was thinking about an earlier comment about gunshots - perhaps they were heard and presumed to be from hunters. Or so common no one really noticed.
A few times it’s been mentioned that Russell must’ve been killed first (accidentally or on purpose) but wouldn’t Carol have screamed or something? Quick succession maybe, but still.. I’m still reserved on the how.
If gunshots were not heard, screams would not be either IMO. Even so, I think that I would freeze in that instant, either from fear or shock.
A few times it’s been mentioned that Russell must’ve been killed first (accidentally or on purpose) but wouldn’t Carol have screamed or something? Quick succession maybe, but still.. I’m still reserved on the how.

It's a possibility they were transported to the murder site, still alive and in the trailer and maybe in sleeping bags. They may have been gagged to stifle any screaming.
I wonder if they will find a SK dumping site and the bodies of other missing ppl? Zipped in their sleeping bags and tossed down a mine shaft? Horrific stuff.
In the report and in others, it says that a lot of hunters mainly go for the male trohpy deer with antlers, leaving a lot more females, who continue to breed unchecked. The protocol seems to be if you shoot it, you carry out the meat but news reports say shooters often just take the head and leave the rest. Probably any hunters here could give a better rundown!
I cannot access this, but possibly something new?
"Witnesses saw 'odd' man before campers vanished"....Does GL look odd? I thought he looks like he fits in up there pretty well?
(But then again, there were sooo many incredulous stories, of CC and RH being seen after the disappeared, a well dressed older woman looking out of place etc).
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I read a transcript from a 2016 Parliamentary committee Inquiry (with really arrogant questioners trying to rip down the witness). This states that professional hunters kill deer using silencers on their gun, thermal imaging and night scopes. So perhaps if RH and CC were shot, the gun had a silencer?
We'd been talknig about this and then took to you tube. It seems silencers - or suppressors - may not always reduce the sound of a hand gun or rifle being fired as much as popular culture suggests:
There's been a lot of speculation about the cause of death being gunshot, but it could have been anything.
The absence of the mobile phones, the drone, the sleeping bags and credit cards [according to police] and possibly the HF antenna (motomike) and the torching of the tent, with camping gear thrown into the tent to be consumed with the fire, is really interesting. But I am not sold on the gunshot idea.
I cannot access this, but possibly something new? No Cookies | Herald Sun

"The witness saw a man with a blue Nissan Patrol and trailer near the Wonnangatta campsite as early as Wednesday, March 18.
He said the man was odd and that he stopped to ask for advice on the best campsites. It is not known if the man was Mr Lynn."
A few times it’s been mentioned that Russell must’ve been killed first (accidentally or on purpose) but wouldn’t Carol have screamed or something? Quick succession maybe, but still.. I’m still reserved on the how.
In the comments from the police, I see they say, repeatedly, that they do not think this was pre-meditated or opportunistic but an altercation that got out of hand.
From the folks who are familiar with the area, what sorts of disputes could escalate like that? We've seen one report of a man killed at a crowed camping site when there was a dispute over a dog running amok.
The camping we've done, people have tended to set up away from each other (unless they are travelling as a group) and overall, be mightily civil.
In the report and in others, it says that a lot of hunters mainly go for the male trohpy deer with antlers, leaving a lot more females, who continue to breed unchecked. The protocol seems to be if you shoot it, you carry out the meat but news reports say shooters often just take the head and leave the rest. Probably any hunters here could give a better rundown!
I find that reprehensible. Seems like a male thing. I think that I have said enough.
I find that reprehensible. Seems like a male thing. I think that I have said enough.
Hello everyone, my first post on this forum. I've been following the case for quite a while but not really wanted to add much as I have little knowledge, but one thing I do know about is hunting lol.
There are all different types of hunters, and different reasons people hunt. Without going into verbose explanations, a good hunter is firstly responsible wrt safety, other people and the environment, and secondly respectful of the animal. I was always taught that if you want to take an animal, you either use it for food or for preserving/selling skins, antlers or whatever (never one of my likes) and you always, always dispose of the remains thoughtfully. Never leave a carcass just rotting in the bush.
Having said that, there are a lot of irresponsible and idiotic shooters out there who like killing animals for fun or boosting their egos. Sadly they give us all a very bad rep. Killing a deer for its antlers and then leaving it to die makes my blood boil. I am sorry for the distress that causes to anyone else who finds it like that. We are not all like those people.
Guns are dangerous and should be in the hands of safe and careful shooters, but it doesn't always work out like that. The checks you have to go through are quite extensive, but people slip through the cracks, much like the airline industry also.

I have shot varmints (pests) for pest control as the farmer wanted them eradicated, or we have been on safaris up in NT where pigs are a real nuisance and need to be shot. Even then we would only shoot what was allowed, mainly older boars. The indigenous communities wanted them shot as well, and the fees went to them, so it benefited everybody. But I do understand that it is not everyone's cup of tea, and if this post upsets anyone or distresses them I will remove it.
In the 4 times I have been there I have never seen a cave there. I am sure others in our group who have been there more often than I would have mentioned a cave if it existed there.
Hi Motomike
Thanks for your comments and setting us straight. I can't imaging how confronting this must be. Without wishing to add to any distress, so please forgive me, I wonder if you could say a little about the camp site.
The police said this site was the best site in the valley, but that Mr Hill had set up camp in a location at that site that was not the best or where they would have expected him to camp. They also mentioned a toilet and some maps mention a suspension bridge.
Do you know how far from the toilet Mr Hill set up and how far from the other car that witnesses saw at the camping area?
You had camped there with Mr Hill before. Did he say why he preferred this site? And when you camped there with him, was in in the exact same place as Mr Hill set up on the fateful trip?
Sorry about the questions. Like many if not actually everyone on the site, my friends and I are really perplexed by this and confronted and feel for all those who have lost in this. A few of us do camping (in couples or solo), but not in such remote areas and I guess it is also that we wonder just how safe it is.
Thanks for reading.
"The witness saw a man with a blue Nissan Patrol and trailer near the Wonnangatta campsite as early as Wednesday, March 18.
He said the man was odd and that he stopped to ask for advice on the best campsites. It is not known if the man was Mr Lynn."
Thanks for that information. That doesn't sound like he would have stumbled across Russell on his trip the week before so my theory of a previous encounter doesn't wash. He sounds like he hasn't camped there before. Also makes me think this whole thing blew up out of a single incident, because why attract attention to yourself by asking other campers and bringing yourself to their notice, if you had the pre-meditated intention of doing something illegal or scurrilous?
I actually took it the other way, that the person giving the info had stopped to ask the bloke in the blue patrol for info on the best campsites. Re-reading, it sounds like it could be either way? Maybe I think I read it wrong.
But if the accused bloke was such an experienced bushman as the coppers say, and knew the area very well, then I kinda find it hard to believe he hadn’t been down into Gatta before.
Thanks for that information. That doesn't sound like he would have stumbled across Russell on his trip the week before so my theory of a previous encounter doesn't wash. He sounds like he hasn't camped there before. Also makes me think this whole thing blew up out of a single incident, because why attract attention to yourself by asking other campers and bringing yourself to their notice, if you had the pre-meditated intention of doing something illegal or scurrilous?
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