Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #5 *charges*

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Greg Lynn didn't even attend his first wife's funeral.

'A close friend of hers revealed that her husband did not attend her funeral.
He believes life inside their perfect Mt Macedon home was not all it appeared to be.
It’s understood there were difficulties throughout their marriage.
“Greg’s friends are saying what a nice guy he is, but it is rubbish,” the friend said.
“Greg is very smart and totally self-centred. I attended Lisa’s funeral but Greg did not.”
Not long after Lisa Lynn’s death, the family home was sold and Mr Lynn took up a pilot’s job with Qatar Airways.'

Snipped from No Cookies | Herald Sun

Interestingly, though unconfirmed, people speculating Greg Lynn was seeing a woman in Doha whilst with Qatar and she seemingly 'disappeared'.
Not attending your wife's funeral when she died in such tragic circumstances shows a real lack of empathy IMO.

Signs of a Serial Killer: 11 Common Serial Killer Traits (
Yes. I think that is why the police focus on specific areas. Apart from phone geolocation data, if say he was using google maps, which may have stayed on his phone even if deleted, he may also have had a gps. If he had a fitbit or a watch that uploaded data to a laptop or the cloud, then the police may have had that from months ago, due to warrants. Police were focusing on specific areas prior to the arrest.
I remember reading of a case in I think the US, here the investigators drove along roads, taking timings and they too had data points. so they could see where their alleged perp was slow or fast. The police realised their man stopped in a spot for an hour. The search was successful in that case.

I wonder if GL's vehicle has a computerised black box. I realise it is not a new model, but I don't know when manufacturers started equipping vehicles with this technology.

In the Suzanne Morphew case (in Colorado) the police were able to work out a lot of her husband's movements from his vehicle's black box.
They could see he drove X miles in distance at this time, then the vehicle was stopped for X amount of time, passenger door was opened at this time, vehicle drove XX miles in distance at that time, etc.

(I don't know what this black box thing is called, but it is some kind of technology that is manufactured into the vehicle and records various things.)
Yesterday there was a brief discussion of a statement in a HS article which reported the observations of a "bushland worker" - presumably the black berry chipper referred to in the 60 mins documentary - comments here, here and here.
The relevant text of the HS article is:
It has emerged that Mr Hill was flying the drone above his isolated Wonnangatta Valley campsite in the hours before he and Carol Clay were murdered.
A bushland worker saw the elderly pair at the site on March 20, last year –believed to be the day they were killed.
The man said Mr Hill’s drone flew above campsites in the area just before nightfall.
The witness saw a man with a blue Nissan Patrol and trailer near the Wonnangatta campsite as early as Wednesday, March 18.
He said the man was odd and that he stopped to ask for advice on the best campsites. It is not known if the man was Mr Lynn.
Two comments, now I see the entire quote:
1. the way I read this is that the man asked the bushland worker for directions; presumably the bushland worker would already have a camp and would not need ot ask someone passing by where the best camps were.
2. the comment about flying the drone about "nightfall" is interesting.
We know that Mr Hill was speaking on HF radio to his fellow hobbyists, from 18:00 - 18:40. When he finished the conversation he said that it was getting dark. Allow 5 to 10 mins to take down and stow the antenna for the HF radio, as Motomike has pointed out (he suggested 5 mins).
Sunset was 19;20 but may have been maybe 15 - 20 mins earlier owing to Mr Hill being in the bottom of a valley. That puts it at 19:00. Of course there is some light after sunset, but in a valley the light fades fast. The point of this is that for Mr Hill to fly his drone he would have had to have had it airborne before 18:00, when he commenced speaking over the radio - or for a brief period after completing the radio call and stowing the antenna, say 18:45 or so.

I agree, with the info that it was going near campsites, I wonder if it may have been GL flying the drone to see any nearby campers and what route he'd need to take to exit unseen. As a pilot, I'm sure he would have been attracted to it as a useful tool to scout nearby. Perhaps thats why he took it with him. Were the sleeping bags colourful? Perhaps he wanted to make sure they weren't visible from the air if a helicopter passed over?
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It doesn't say why the guy found GL 'odd'. It just says:

"The witness saw a man with a blue Nissan Patrol and trailer near the Wonnangatta campsite as early as Wednesday, March 18.
He said the man was odd and that he stopped to ask for advice on the best campsites. It is not known if the man was Mr Lynn."

It isn't clear if this is the same person as the 'bushland worker' (maybe blackberry sprayer?) referred to in that article just before t his. The worker said RH was flying the drone above his and other campsites just before nightfall on the day he and CC were murdered.

That's right; the article does not say why the "witness" thought the man asking directions was "odd". I must confess, if I were speaking to such a person, I'd want to know why the person believed that.

I agree it is not clear; the HS journalist is fudging here but the way it reads seems to imply the bushland worker and the witness are the same person. The HS article, from which I took the snip, has the comments from "the witness" following the comment from the bushland worker. The "bushland worker" being possibly identical with the "worker spraying blackberries", mentioned by Lachlan Culican in the Ch 9 documentary, seems a strong inference: the information is the same and concerns the drone being flown. But the bushland worker being identical with the witness is not as strong being based merely on the sequence of sentences. I'm surprised we have not heard more from the bushland worker/blackberry sprayer, TBH. As Mr Cilican points out, the bushland worker, who was camped in the valley from at least the 19th and like earlier (if he is identical with the witness), was likely the last person to see Mr Hill and Ms Clay.
Didn't his ex wife pass away after he'd left her for someone else?? If that's the case then I guess it makes sense that he didn't attend her funeral.
He may not have loved her but IMO should have still cared enough about her and attended the Funeral?

Pretty sure I would especially if you had children together as well as care about her family and what everyone was going through with her sudden and unexpected death?
Didn't his ex wife pass away after he'd left her for someone else?? If that's the case then I guess it makes sense that he didn't attend her funeral.

As I understand it GL and his first wife had 2 children together so even if the marriage had soured would he have taken the children to the funeral?

Unless family of the first wife asked GL not to attend?
...The interesting thing is that from March police were saying that they had traced all vehicles except the white one. But then in November they revealed their interest in a blue Nissan 4WD and asked for help. However, they also said later that they had spoken to Mr Lynn in 2020. Had they not connected him with the blue 4WD? If not how did they identify him as being in the valley? Ot were they simply seeking additional information on the blue Nissan? ... Then there was news stories that aid the google street view showing a Nissan 4WD in Mr Lynn's drive - in 2019 it is blue and in 2021 it is beige - and this "cracked" the case.

I think they were simply seeking additional information on the blue Nissan. It seems they knew the rego of the Nissan early on and therefore would easily discover the owner. They spoke to GL, who said he didn't see RH or CC, so he confirmed he was in the valley at the relevant time. I think the colour change would just give more cause to investigate.
The Age is carrying an article giving some details of the search area, but it's a bit puzzling:
Tristian Rose, from Bairnsdale, arrived to camp in an area not far from the search site on Monday and said he saw police activity about 15 kilometres north of the police road block, which remains at the entrance to the Dargo Crooked River Goldfields track.​
I had the impression Lisa's family would not have welcomed GL at her funeral & he would have known that. If that's right, I think a lot of people in GL's position would not have attended the funeral

He may not have loved her but IMO should have still cared enough about her and attended the Funeral?
Pretty sure I would especially if you had children together as well as care about her family and what everyone was going through with her sudden and unexpected death?
As I understand it GL and his first wife had 2 children together so even if the marriage had soured would he have taken the children to the funeral?

Unless family of the first wife asked GL not to attend?
GL might not have had the children with him at that time of Lisa's death. I think Alicia (?), Lisa's daughter, said Lisa's parents had access to the children at least some of the time before GL moved the children to Qatar
I think they were simply seeking additional information on the blue Nissan. It seems they knew the rego of the Nissan early on and therefore would easily discover the owner. They spoke to GL, who said he didn't see RH or CC, so he confirmed he was in the valley at the relevant time. I think the colour change would just give more cause to investigate.
I agree, to a point. We'd been speculating about that sequence of events and we'd noted that he had spoken with police last year, which provided the police with an account they could refute. The screen grabs I posted earlier seems to show data points for a vehicle travelling along the Drago High Plains road. but the date for that is not given.
The other thought also was that by going public in early November, police were trying to rattle whoever did it and see if that might make them say or do something. The police had the number plate when they obtained the cctv camera photo from Mt Hotham. Again, they have not said when - the metadata was removed.
Edited to add:
The police also had witnesses early on (it seems from at latest the last half of 2020) that saw the blue Nissan at the same camping spot as Mr Hill and Ms Clay.
It really looks a lot like they spent, as they had to, months sifting the information they had and lining up ducks.
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I believe GL's current wife will play an important role in how this pans out. Pure speculation is incoming..

If you are camping away solo for a night or more, you will often let those in your immediate circle know at least the general area and duration of time you will be gone.

GL would of either had to change his story about where he camped upon return or feign ignorance to his wife and also police upon initial questioning, "I didn't see them/I camped elsewhere, saw nothing, etc." Let alone the state of mind he was in upon return, calm/calculated or not I think it's important later on.

The painting of the car/selling of the trailer, while car paint fades and trailers rust. These are still not everyday things you do. Had he spoken about doing these things for a while or impulsively painted the car and sold the old trailer at the drop of a hat shortly after returning?

The public reveal a year on that the police were searching for a blue nissan/trailer combo similar to what GL had recently changed. I find it hard to believe that GL's current wife had no awareness of this news case in her own neighbourhood. Did she confront him at the time, or did she.. contact the police privately.

The argument between the two prior to GL arrest. (I cant find a reference to this anymore) Was she brave enough to confront him with her suspicions? Or just a misdirected alternate argument.

It just strikes me as odd that the LE have gone straight to 2x murder without a strong witness, unless they have one up their sleeve already.
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I've always struggled with the accidentally killed during an altercation scenario.

Firstly, because I'm not aware of any other accidental death case where 2 people are killed one after the other. Seems unusual.

Secondly, accidentally killing not 1 but 2 people AND hiding the bodies, setting fire to the evidence, and not coming forward. A normal person who accidentally kills would be wracked with guilt.

Thirdly, the sleeping bags are missing. Presumably they were used to transport the bodies.

Now, I've never tried this but I imagine it would be very difficult to get a deceased person into a sleeping bag. I guess you could unzip the bag flat and roll the body on.

But why bother. Why not just load them up? IMO it makes more sense that they were in their sleeping bags when they were killed. They might not have been asleep but keeping warm whilst reading a book.

If they were killed in their sleeping bags then that would explain the fire. Destroy any blood, DNA. JMO.

Pure speculation.
I agree with you but take the Sodder children it takes a temperature of 3000 degrees to destroy bone. The Sodder mother experimented to see if bone was totally gone, in her experiment it was not. She used animal carcass.
He may not have loved her but IMO should have still cared enough about her and attended the Funeral?

Pretty sure I would especially if you had children together as well as care about her family and what everyone was going through with her sudden and unexpected death?

Yes, one would think so however certain types of personality lack empathy.
As I understand it GL and his first wife had 2 children together so even if the marriage had soured would he have taken the children to the funeral?

Unless family of the first wife asked GL not to attend?

There could be a number of reasons he didn't attend but as I responded to an earlier reply, certain types of people lack empathy.
I really doubt there were any sleeping bags. I have never known a couple camping around there to use sleeping bags, let alone an elderly couple. They would have used doonas, which would be obliterated by the fire (or used to wrap the bodies)
I believe Russell's friend said that their sleeping bags were missing IIRC. So they did have them on that trip as told by his friend.
The Dargo High Plains Road gets closed during snow season, which is the only time when an entry fee is required for the Mount Hotham resort. So if you are travelling from Dargo to Harrietville you could only do it when the road is open, ie off-season, and at that time of the year no payment is needed.

That’s why the camera’s are only at each resort boundary side up on the GAR. You also don’t need to pay if you’re travelling straight through and again that’s only during snow season. The area is free the rest of the year, even though the camera’s stay in place. Coz they use them during fire season if something erupts they can check who might be in the area, hope that makes sense.

Brumby Jack
Thanks heaps for that.
The 60 mins program shows the cameras - and there is a shot that shows the road, cutting on LHS where the 4WD was snapped.
A question. It is a long time since I travelled up the Dargo-Harrietville road, but you do not need to pay a toll if you are going from Dargo to Harrietville or simply along the Great alpine road, do you? Its only if you go into the resort. Is that correct?
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