Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #6 *charges*

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I'm thinking more and more that GL had to have said something about this scenario that the police overheard, whether it was caught via a covert intercept or a jail house phone call...

Whether or not he was smart enough to know that he was being monitored and so deliberately slipped in false information about RH grabbing his gun first is anyone's guess...

I'm thinking how that convo with himself would go?

'If only you didn't reach in for my gun..'
I'm thinking how that convo with himself would go?

'If only you didn't reach in for my gun..'
One idea could be that he may have been speaking to his wife when he was in custody over the phone and, after seeing the brief of evidence, slipped something in to the conversation.

Or he could have been overwhelmed about the whole situation, home alone, potentially drunk and talking to himself in a distraught state. I've seen people talk to themselves in these sorts of states before when they're struggling with something that's bothering them. Maybe, while distraught, he's trying to make himself feel less guilt by telling himself it was RH's fault - "No, it's not your fault. He started it. He took your gun"

All completely hypothetical, of course, but the information available today suggests there's evidence of some value from him talking to himself.
I have been checking in and will continue to do.

Unfortunely I knew Carol was killed by a gunshot, but not that it was to the head. I feel so sick. And I know Russell died defending her, and he would have suffered especially seeing that happen to her. I'm just so heartbroken.
I searched several forums but couldn’t find it :(
Try Pprune TGY - I had a bit of a re-union last Saturday there were some Jetstar Pilots there….crew went sick if they had to fly with him.
The DNA found on the bathmat seems incredible-how long between the murders and the bathmat retrieval I wonder?

Do I understand correctly that at the site, some of CC's bone, and some lead, was found on the second search?

It seems the police concluded something very bad had happened really early on. It is a real credit that they managed to successfully investigate this!
Was close to COVID Lockdown things shut down.
From working in Housekeeping years ago, Blood and Vomit(Pardon about the description) on Hotel things require special cleaning in separate bag, Room Number and date was collect every few weeks for intense cleaning. IMO Housekeeping and Management are alerted by things not right when Guest check in ( without Booking does alert us, pay in cash have blood on them ,no injuries. we have a code) Remembered years ago, guest checked in just asked if there was a vacancy at 5am reception notice there was blood on his hands no injuries, dark spots on his clothes shows keys to his car as ID but on security camera it was a different make and year which was being parked underground parking. Manager marked on the computer, we were not to clean the room on Guest checked out, He went a checked the Guest car in carpark there was blood on the boot handle, and front of the car there was not a nice smell, he contacted the Police. Earlier that night a man had been beaten up, hit with a car, witness said person was lifted up by two men toss in the boot of the car(could only describe the make and colour of car) and victim dumped in bushland, Manager confirmed the car was at motel parking area, police came and two men were arrested. Even I had to make report but this one was the worst we ever had.
Things I seen in Motels some are so wierd and scarey.
I agree.

To start with, how did Russell know that GL had a shotgun. If he saw him carrying it around in the brief time he was there, that would be a strong reason not to have a violent argument with him.

If Russell had seen it, how did he know where it was kept in the Nissan Patrol.

In my mind I see GL approaching Russell's campsite carrying the gun, they had a heated verbal exchange near RH's tent followed by a fight and Russell tried to grab the the gun in case GL was going to use it. CC was standing near RH's vehicle as there was DNA on the roof of the Landcruiser.

If the knife belonged to GL, how was it that he was carrying 2 large weapons. Khukris (Ghurka knife) are heavy. I know because I bought one for my son who's a big camper, while I was in Nepal where they're used for cutting branches off trees etc.

If the blood on the hotel bathroom doormat was Russell's, it need not change GL's story that it was an accident because if you kill someone, whether it be murder or accident, blood is bound to splatter onto you.

Unless we get a confession, and IMO we won't, we will never know what really happened. There's a huge amount of circumstantial evidence and we just have to hope and pray that it's strong enough. We don't know much at all at the moment so it's an agonising waiting game for us.
Just wondering why a big burly Lynne would confront two senior citizens with a gun !! Also JJ what is required to place listening devices in ones residence?

I think the case against him looks overwhelming.

There is no evidence for his self defence / accidental death version apart from his own claims. I wonder if he will testify? Otherwise he won't be able to get that version into evidence beyond what he said to investigators in pretrial statements.

Overall the idea that he killed the first victim accidentally so then had to murder the second victim and then covered up the crimes ... preposterous!
Just wondering why a big burly Lynne would confront two senior citizens with a gun !! Also JJ what is required to place listening devices in ones residence?
The laws vary State to State. Where are you?

In NSW for instance:
It is an offence in NSW to record private conversations without the consent of all parties. This can carry penalties including fines and up to 5 years imprisonment.

There's a lot more to it than just this but the above will probably apply to all States.
I think the case against him looks overwhelming.

There is no evidence for his self defence / accidental death version apart from his own claims. I wonder if he will testify? Otherwise he won't be able to get that version into evidence beyond what he said to investigators in pretrial statements.

Overall the idea that he killed the first victim accidentally so then had to murder the second victim and then covered up the crimes ... preposterous!

I don't know why, but this case touches my heart. I just can't believe this guy can do this for any reason whatsoever. It bothers me a lot as he's got one of the very best criminal defence barristers in the country and won a special award last year.

If I were GL's barrister, I'd definitely keep him out of the box and do all the talking for him. I don't know much about prosecutors as I worked in a unique environment.
This is the first time I have heard about GL checking into a Motel?

There is no Motel or Hotel in the Wonnangatta Valley. The closest thing would be the Dargo Hotel as far as any Motel style accommodation is concerned. I think the journalist who wrote this is quite mistaken on the location of the "Motel".
So GL possibly drove his vehicle into RH & CC's campsite. This must have happened either when it was dusk or dark and I wonder how RH could have seen the shotgun in GL's vehicle. Personally, I don't think that scenario works but I'm not a crime scene expert!
Having camped with Russell in the campsite concerned, and visiting the campsite again after Russell's disappearance, there was only about 30 or 40 meters between where I believe GL was camped (in the prime camping spot on the Dry river track campsite ) and where Russell was camped (evidensed by the char on the ground still visible) in November 2020 when I visited the site. No driving would be required as they were quite close together.
Having camped with Russell in the campsite concerned, and visiting the campsite again after Russell's disappearance, there was only about 30 or 40 meters between where I believe GL was camped (in the prime camping spot on the Dry river track campsite ) and where Russell was camped (evidensed by the char on the ground still visible) in November 2020 when I visited the site. No driving would be required as they were quite close together.
Thanks so much for the clarification Motomike and that makes sense.
100%. The idea that ANYBODY of sound mind would reach into a stranger's vehicle and steal their firearm is remote at best, and the idea that they'd be bold enough to steal a firearm off some random man they'd been in an altercation with is utterly absurd.

Edit - the only plausible way I'd believe this story is if GL indicated that he was going for his weapon and RH acted out of self-preservation and got to it first.
Although I am not a gun owner, I find it hard to believe that anyone would have a loaded firearm stowed away in their vehicle. I am not sure but I think this is very much against the rules of gun storage. If RH grabbed the shotgun from GL's vehicle, did he also have to find the shells to load it .... It just dose not make sense to me at all...MOO
Having camped with Russell in the campsite concerned, and visiting the campsite again after Russell's disappearance, there was only about 30 or 40 meters between where I believe GL was camped (in the prime camping spot on the Dry river track campsite ) and where Russell was camped (evidensed by the char on the ground still visible) in November 2020 when I visited the site. No driving would be required as they were quite close together.
30 or 40 meters is awfully close for a spot like this .... some people who go to these places generally like to have much more space ...
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