Australia - Russell Hill & Carol Clay Murdered While Camping - Wonnangatta Valley, 2020 #7

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I am not sure if this has been mentioned before but in that infamous photo is it just me or is the LH side mirror completely missing from Russell’s landcruiser and only the frame remaining? Figure that is cause for the theory that the altercation happened right there (including the splatter). I just hadn’t noticed its absence before.
I just had another look at the photo and I think you are right, there is no mirror on the passenger side at all as far as I can see.
I don't know if he requested a lawyer, but he did ask to speak to his wife. His request was allegedly refused.

"Allegedly refused". You can bet your bottom dollar the defence will be raising this if necessary. They're already complaining about the duration of the interview. They'll attack every single thing they can.
Yep, but as I've said here before, some people think that refusing to talk before they consult a lawyer makes them seem automatically guilty.

Others -- who were subsequently charged and tried -- think they can play innocent while at the same time trying to determine what facts the police have (smart cops counter this by not revealing all of their cards from the outset).
There's also the fact that he's had over one and a half years to think about what he'd say if he were ever caught!
The Court heard when police arrested GL in the High Country, he just wanted to speak to his wife, a request police denied.

St. Brett Florence: “Firstly, there’s no reception there. We were doing search warrants. Until we finalised that, I wasn’t letting him talk to his wife”.

@ 1:08
I've gone camping most of my life and on a few occasions haven't had the option to camp further away from others. However a disagreement over space and noise is no reason whatsoever to kill someone. GL was the man that had the gun, and it's illegal to have a loaded firearm in your vehicle or in camp.

Motomike, who is a verified friend of Russell said that “Russell would more than likely back away from an altercation. He wouldn’t be happy about it but he was smart enough to know not to "poke the bear" as such in a remote area like that. He didn't suffer fools but he was not an aggressive man”.
Agreed there is no reason to take a life over petty things such as camp space, noise and so on. Get this hunch that the fight so to speak arrived at Mr. Hills campsite to confront him. Mr. Hill trying to defuse the situation but the suspect was past the point of no return "seeing red" as they say. Taking all trains of thought into consideration folks have shut down rational thought and raged over their Happy Meal fries not being to just right.
With the new evidence we've heard about the unusual order and method of the victims dying, is anyone on the fence about GLs theory?

'If it was an accident why not call the police'

Getting into a fight with a bloke resulting in accidental death is one thing But accidentally killing an old lady then her partner... could it be true and he just panicked because it escalated so far beyond and he tried to cover it up. Why were they fighting over the gun in the first place though.

The PO saying he had expressed it as 'a chapter in his life' is interesting to me that makes me think of when you've made a big mistake or somethings gone wrong but you got through it, its in the past and are trying to move on. That kind of talk makes me think it was an accident not the act of a SK.

Just MOO a bit of devils advocate.

I am on the fence about GL's lawyer's 'accidental death theory'. I sort of see a stabbing happening prior to a shooting, and not the other way around. Only because I envision a quieter stabbing death happening, and while Carol was perhaps trying to hide behind the vehicle to get away, being shot as she was trying to flee.

I guess we will have to wait to hear what the police theory is. Because it sounds as if we know limited details at this point in time, especially about the stabbing.

It is horrible to think what this couple must have gone through that night. We don't even know if their deaths were quick .... I hope they were.
Something completely out of left field to consider that could well be a reason behind the refusal of the court to release any information. Was GL caught in the act of sexually assualting CC by RH and that led to a massive confrontation between GL & RH that has led us to where it is at today. Something is very odd about this whole thing. It seems very little evidence at the campsite or location of bodies. Let alone the recordings seem to say very little. I reckon GL is super smart and is playing everyone off a break. BTW does button man actually exist or was this a police media beat up?

Police swooped on ex Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn when they heard him talking to himself about SUICIDE

In a statement released on Monday evening, it was revealed the experienced detective became concerned when he heard Lynn speaking in a ‘depressed state’.

‘Lynn made comments of his time coming to an end, that Melanie (his wife) had three boys to look after her, a good rum, whiskey or cocktail would be good,’ Leading Senior Constable Passingham stated.


On March 1, police allege Greg Lynn took them to a section of Rose River Road and showed them where he disposed of Mr Hill’s and Ms Clay’s mobile phones.

He allegedly told them he had thrown them into the river.

He further told detectives it was where he had burned Mr Hill’s drone, which police believe was the catalyst for a deadly confrontation with the camper.

Lynn allegedly also dumped Mr Hill’s car keys there.

Police swooped on ex Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn when they heard him talking to himself about SUICIDE

In a statement released on Monday evening, it was revealed the experienced detective became concerned when he heard Lynn speaking in a ‘depressed state’.

‘Lynn made comments of his time coming to an end, that Melanie (his wife) had three boys to look after her, a good rum, whiskey or cocktail would be good,’ Leading Senior Constable Passingham stated.


On March 1, police allege Greg Lynn took them to a section of Rose River Road and showed them where he disposed of Mr Hill’s and Ms Clay’s mobile phones.

He allegedly told them he had thrown them into the river.

He further told detectives it was where he had burned Mr Hill’s drone, which police believe was the catalyst for a deadly confrontation with the camper.

Lynn allegedly also dumped Mr Hill’s car keys there.

So, Rose River Road is north of Wonnangatta (phones, drone and car keys, he says).
Russell and Carol were located south of Wonnangatta, near Dargo.

Sounds like he was spreading evidence far and wide, trying to evade being caught.


Secret campsite recordings before arrest of accused double-murderer​

It's alleged the 56-year-old made comments about the deaths of the campers, which were picked up on the secret listening devices and led to his arrest in November 2021.
Detective Leading Senior Constable Daniel Passingham told Melbourne Magistrates Court that there were 5287 covert recordings obtained from listening devices in Lynn's Caroline Springs home, his car and a phone tap.

According to police, Lynn had conversations with himself at various locations including at home and while camping, including referring to the deaths of Hill and Clay.
Police swooped on Lynn to arrest him after hearing on the car listening device that he was headed back to the high country. He was arrested at an Arbuckle Junction campsite on November 22, 2021.

The voices in one's head that come out when one is alone can paint a picture of their previous actions. The recordings seem to show a man who sees the tunnel of his future but doesn't see any light at the end of it. As for scattering evidence across a large area, sooner or later it pop's up. watched a crime story awhile back about a woman who murdered her boyfriend then dismembered him and scattered body part's through several states, all were found.
I am on the fence about GL's lawyer's 'accidental death theory'. I sort of see a stabbing happening prior to a shooting, and not the other way around.
This is what happens when documents aren’t released to the public:

18 January
According to a statement released by the court to the media late on Tuesday, Victoria police forensics officer Mark Gellatly was asked to examine material related to the case based on information provided by missing persons squad detectives.

The information provided to Gellatly was that ... Hill allegedly then grabbed Lynn’s gun from his car, the pair wrestled for control of the weapon, causing it to discharge and shoot Clay dead, and, as the fight progressed, Lynn stabbed Hill to death.

Russell Hill and Carol Clay may have been murdered after drone dispute, police say in court documents

18 January
“It's alleged Ms Clay, who was standing near Mr Hill's car, was fatally struck in the head, with an ensuing fight between the two men, ending when Mr Lynn fatally stabbed Mr Hill”.

How secret lover campers allegedly died as pilot denies killing

[Don't blame the DM for their poor reporting]

Today, 23 January:

Florence said, “An autopsy on their remains was carried out but the cause of death was unable to be determined because the only bones recovered were fragmented”.

Secret campsite recordings before arrest of accused double-murderer

So which is it: RH was stabbed to death or his cause of death is unknown?

The court could always redact parts of documents like they do in the US.
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Senior Constable Passingham said Lynn was not provided access to a lawyer until the next day when he spoke to a female solicitor for an hour and a quarter"

An hour and a quarter the next day! He was interviewed for 4 days. Just shows you how totally arrogant he is. The lawyer allegedly told him to say "no comment", but he thought knew more than the lawyer and didn't shut up. Dan KC must be having heart palpitations having to defend this individual. No lawyer wants to lose such an incredibly high profile case.
It’s pretty obvious why Dann, KC described GL’s interview as ‘explosive’.

At the conclusion of his interview, GL allegedly:
* Provided them with a detailed 'mud map' describing the location of where he dumped the bodies.
* Showed them where he disposed of both mobile phones, into the river.
* Told detectives it was where he had burned the drone.
* Also dumped RH’s car keys there.
* Police went straight to the area the day after his interview and located the remains, some jewellery and dentures.

Further to the above:

* It’s alleged CC, who was standing near RH’s car, was fatally struck in the head shot while standing or crouching near the passenger side mirror of RH’s car.
* A piece of human skull, linked by DNA to CC.
* A piece of lead was located near where the couple’s tent had been set up. Forensic testing to determine whether the lead was related to firearms and ammunition seized from hiss home is ongoing.

* His car and trailer was captured by automatic number plate recognition cameras leaving the area around the time they disappeared.
* A witness heard a car doing the 30 point turn at the Myrtleford gate in the middle of the night.
* He was the only person who didn’t contact the police that he had been in Wonnangatta that day.
* At various points over the coming months, he referred to their deaths while talking to himself.
* His wife had been caught on tape watching the 60 Minutes program about the missing campers. Hmmmm.
* Made comments of his time coming to an end and that his wife had three boys to look after her.
* Mentioned while driving alone in his vehicle that his 'book had been written'.
* He is licenced and registered as owning 9 firearms, but only 8 have been reported as being seized by police

Well, it might not have been written then, but perhaps it was today – the book of Revelations.

The police found the Ghurka knife in his home and it had blood on it. If he disposed of the trailer, mobile phones, drone and car keys, there would be absolutely no reason to keep the knife. I now think they were both shot, but will have to wait to learn more.

I hope I’ve got all this right and am happy if anyone wants me to make alterations or add more to our very own “brief of evidence”. :)

It’s 2:50am and I MUST get some sleep. Night, night.

ETA: I just brushed my teeth and remembered one more thing which I've added to FACT.
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