Australia - Russell Hill & Carol Clay Murdered While Camping - Wonnangatta Valley, 2020 #8

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Gregory Lynn: Cops who wiretapped ex-Jetstar pilot's car will never forget the disgusting act they heard him performing

Boy, this one falls under the "TMI" label for me.


BTW, this isn't directed at you, @TootsieFootsie !

I'd like to think there are very, very few people who could do what he's done.
Police have described Lynn as a functioning psychopath.

Opinions vary, but it seems that experts believe conservatively that around 1% of the adult population are psychopaths. The adult (18+) population of Oz is around 21 million, so potentially 210,000 candidates. If (say) only 1% of those are inclined to murder then we have 2,100 candidates out there.
Manually loading the magazine is just pushing it into its slot place if it was already preloaded with ammo isn't it? Racked the bolt action is just pulling the bolt back like you would do with lots of shotguns is that correct? then kocked it. Then all is left is to press the safety switch button which would be near the trigger and then pull the trigger. It seems like a complicated process but it is not that complicated at all for anyone that has an inkling of experience with shotguns which I consider RH had pretty good sound all round knowledge being a well founded country boy at heart. IMO

I don't think that anyone should assume Russell had any kind of knowledge about firearms. I have already posted the excerpt from the court document .... "Neither Mr Hill nor Mrs Clay were licensed or known to have any experience or interest in firearms".

Sure, he could have googled how to easily use shotguns, in the dark, if he was planning on coming across a Greg-Lynn-type at Buck's Camp. But he wasn't.

Even Dermot Dann didn't try to use the excuse that "Russell knew how to use a shotgun" or "Russell had experience with firearms". That pretty much says it all (if you don't believe the prosecution's statement to the Appeal Court judges).


Gregory Lynn: Cops who wiretapped ex-Jetstar pilot's car will never forget the disgusting act they heard him performing
IMO GL was likely aware by this stage that he was being bugged (although I REALLY hope I'm wrong).

I couldn't find an emoji which could appropriately reflect my feelings when I read this.
(No reflection on you TootsieFootsie.)

As if being a cop wasn't tough enough already!!

Its a very modern shotgun, not the standard double barrel rabbit/fox shooting most of us country people are used too.
I can't see why Russell would even take an unloaded, unsecured weapon from Lynn's vehicle unless he was being threatened with another weapon. Why not take the large calibre rifle as well, unless Lynn was wielding it? If I was camping with a loose canon in the middle of nowhere I'd confiscate every firearm and lockup the ammo separately. Its a high risk move to take a hotheaded stranger's guns, if you're gonna do it, logically you don't leave others to get shot by. Russell was a logical fellow who had every reason to fear Lynn's reckless hunting. To ensure safety he'd have to take both. We have no way of knowing if Lynn took more firearms with him, he wasn't short of them.
Very good point Poirot's niece. He may have even packed some of his daggers for good measure.

Because, my friend, in the early days "Ramjet" very heavily promoted a theory that the missing couple had borrowed a vehicle after their campsite was trashed, and set out to get help. Then they accidentally left the road, rolled down a slope, died in the accident, and were out there somewhere undiscovered. Posters who questioned and pointed out the holes in this theory, and put forward others, were answered rather rudely. He was obviously really annoyed that his theory was not accepted as the probable reality. He was given a couple of timeouts, and eventually was heard from no more. When GL entered the picture, some posters obliquely suggested the possibility that "Ramjet" was a pseudonym that a Jetstar pilot might use.

If so, he has been "listening" to us all along!
I have just read all of Ramjet’s posts. Very interesting to say the least! What a game player! They are worth a read. He is such a ‘know all’ and has such a high opinion of himself. Clearly has ‘drone envy’. Makes me sick.
IMO GL was likely aware by this stage that he was being bugged (although I REALLY hope I'm wrong).

Frankly I don't think he was aware, however, given his calculating personality it kind of surprises me that he didn't consider it a possibility and either look for a bug or avoid talking.

I'm also surprised that he didn't look for a police-installed tracking device. They are not hard to detect with the right equipment.
A few of my personal observations from the case.
1. Victoria Police were pretty woeful in their investigations, surveillance and interview techniques. Allowing Lynn the opportunity to go back to the bodies and destroy them when he was a suspect is very poor policing in my view.

Lynn burned the bodies in November 2020.

The police were not able to get warrants for their listening and tracking devices until December 2020.

They spent 5 months gathering all the evidence they could (July to December) - from banks, govt agencies, Mt Hotham cameras, witnesses, and kept searching for Russell and Carol - before they could get those warrants.

I am hopeful that Vic Pol has looked at GL's roster and whereabouts on 18th February 2017.

The police were looking at his rosters to see if days off matched other missing person reports from camping areas.

GL said [in court] that he was used to making “quick decisions to come to the best outcome. I was a Check Captain he is telling an untruth right there. The technique is to sit on your hands and be methodical in your approach to the problem. The worst thing you can do is to make a quick decision". - under Australia, NewZealand and the Pacific Airlines and RPT rumours
I gather it was all audio. Video is harder to conceal (especially in a vehicle), requires more power, and the files are substantially larger.
In all likelihood they only used a listening device in the home and car, so audio only.
I'm not sure what purpose would be served by visual surveillance inside the home.
I guess we can be thankful for small mercies...
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