Australia - Russell Hill & Carol Clay Murdered While Camping - Wonnangatta Valley, 2020 #8

He used that paper in the same manner as a defendant at a trial uses a pad of paper.
Lynn knew if he used a pen and paper he could avoid looking into his interrogator's eyes while he lied to them. Even for a seasoned liar it is much more difficult telling porky pies when you are looking into someone's eyes.
Of course that is the justice system. Each crime has to be dealt with individually. Otherwise it is unfair on the defendant. Just because someone might be guilty of murder on one case does not mean that same person robbed a bank a few years before.
As a member of the jury, you are making a decision on what the judge tells you and you only hear about that one case. Not good that you feel short changed. Jury members can only make decisions with the information they are given under the law. Other things don't relate to the incident you were dealing with.
The trial related to child sexual assault with the accused being acquitted. We were not made aware of other pending matters including sexual assault and possessing child sexual abuse material.
Character evidence is a thing. It's risky because if the defence plans to claim that the accused is of good character and hence unlikely to have committed the offence with which he's charged, the prosecution is allowed to call character evidence to the contrary. Arguably it's possible to dig up dirt on anyone. It would not be hearsay on either side. It would be testimony as to the witness's experience of the accused.
Good character evidence speaks for itself, so this only relates to bad, but you can read the finer details about both here.

Character Evidence (Vic)
Evidence of the accused’s bad character is generally inadmissible as it is unfairly prejudicial.

There are three circumstances in which bad character can be admissible:
1. Where evidence has been adduced to establish the accused’s good character, the prosecution ... can adduce evidence to contradict this;
2. …
3. Where evidence of bad character is admissible under Part 3.7 of the Evidence Act, as evidence pertaining to the credibility of a witness.

If the prosecution wishes to cross-examine an accused about matters arising out of character evidence, it requires the leave of the court (Section 112, Uniform Evidence Act).

Use of bad character evidence
Bad character evidence can only be used to contradict good character evidence. It cannot be used to establish guilt. The court can limit the use of bad character evidence if it risks being unfairly prejudicial for a party or if it is likely to be misleading or confusing for the jury.

Bad character evidence cannot be used to impute that the accused has a propensity to behave in a way that makes it likely they committed the offence. In this way, bad character evidence cannot be used in the same way as good character evidence, which can be used for a sort of propensity reasoning in establishing that the accused would have been unlikely to have committed the offence.

Evidence is not inadmissible simply because it shows the bad character of the accused, if it is adduced for another purpose. Such evidence may be admitted, but the jury must be warned that it should not be used for an irrelevant or prejudicial purpose.
The 60 Minutes segment was only small.

Greg Lynn had a small pig and it dug up a bit of his garden. What did he do? Killed it by hitting it in the head with an axe.

He said his first wife was drinking too much. He bound her wrists with duct tape, took her outside, hosed her down and left her there all night. [Note that the family said she didn't drink]

Is there any doubt he's a monster and a psychopath.
The 60 Minutes segment was only small.

Greg Lynn had a small pig and it dug up a bit of his garden. What did he do? Killed it by hitting it in the head with an axe.

He said his first wife was drinking too much. He bound her wrists with duct tape, took her outside, hosed her down and left her there all night. [Note that the family said she didn't drink]

Is there any doubt he's a monster and a psychopath.

So much pain. He has caused so much pain.

And he LAUGHED about the horrible treatment of his first wife. He would "teach her not to drink like that again". As she was freezing cold, wet, and bound, and left outside. While he was cheating with another flight attendant, and others.

In another incident he knocked her unconscious. She told her friend she was hit by a door that he slammed into her.

Who gave him the right to dictate to others what they should or should not do? He is a control freak. And a truly horrible person.

His sons lost their mum due to their father. And they probably have no idea how much their mum loved them, and what he did to her.

And the pain that Debbie Hill clearly shows is probably the same pain that both the entire Hill and Clay families are feeling.
The segment showed that Russell has two daughters.


Source: 60 Minutes program tonight.
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The 60 Minutes segment was only small.

Greg Lynn had a small pig and it dug up a bit of his garden. What did he do? Killed it by hitting it in the head with an axe.

He said his first wife was drinking too much. He bound her wrists with duct tape, took her outside, hosed her down and left her there all night. [Note that the family said she didn't drink]

Is there any doubt he's a monster and a psychopath.
According to Kendall Pilot’s she did not drink on overnights.
So much pain. He has caused so much pain.

And he LAUGHED about the horrible treatment of his first wife. He would "teach her not to drink like that again". As she was freezing cold, wet, and bound, and left outside. While he was cheating with another flight attendant, and others.

In another incident he knocked her unconscious. She told her friend she was hit by a door that he slammed into her.

Who gave him the right to dictate to others what they should or should not do? He is a control freak. And a truly horrible person.

His sons lost their mum due to their father. And they probably have no idea how much their mum loved them, and what he did to her.

And the pain that Debbie Hill clearly shows is probably the same pain that both the Hill and Clay families are feeling.
The segment showed that Russell has two daughters.

Geordie (so hope I have the spelling correct) was seated next to Melanie in Court on the day GL testified, holding hands and leaning in to each other. Kudos to Melanie who embraced his feeling’ do you weigh this up after the fact of a guilty verdict.
So much pain. He has caused so much pain.

And he LAUGHED about the horrible treatment of his first wife. He would "teach her not to drink like that again". As she was freezing cold, wet, and bound, and left outside. While he was cheating with another flight attendant, and others.

Who gave him the right to dictate to others what they should or should not do? He is a control freak. And a truly horrible person.

His sons lost their mum due to their father. And they probably have no idea how much their mum loved them, and what he did to her.

And the pain that Debbie Hill clearly shows is probably the same pain that both the Hill and Clay families are feeling.


I save images of the victims in cases I follow and have a lovely one of Russell with one of his grandchildren. No more happy Christmases, birthday parties, family get-togethers. I feel more than a little sad for all the families.

Russell & grandchild.JPG Click to enlarge
Russell and grandchild
Geordie (so hope I have the spelling correct) was seated next to Melanie in Court on the day GL testified, holding hands and leaning in to each other. Kudos to Melanie who embraced his feeling’ do you weigh this up after the fact of a guilty verdict.

Murderers don't think about the pain they cause their own families. I hope Geordie knows his mum loved him very much. Lisa's lawyer friend said those kids were the world to her.
Murderers don't think about the pain they cause their own families. I hope Geordie knows his mum loved him very much. Lisa's lawyer friend said those kids were the world to her.
SA…in Court it appeared that Melanie and Geordie were very close…I got the feeling that Mel was the new mum in his life.
I think you don't just suddenly stop loving your parent. Even if they have been charged and convicted of something.
Most likely you would want to believe it happened the way they said it did and that they were unfairly convicted.
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Just finished watching. Had me in tears. Also hating the person he is and seems like always has been, even more if that's possible :mad:

You need to register to watch Channel 9, it's free. But only for those living in Australia.
Isn't 60 minutes on Youtube anymore. I can't seem to find their official site there.
I knew about the pet pig and his treatment of his first wife. But I thought the story of his girlfriend going missing in Doho might have come out also. Can anyone find a link that he ever worked for Qatar Airlines? Maybe this is not true, but was the same time as I heard the pig story. Such a sad life he created for his first wife.

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