Australia - Russell Hill & Carol Clay Murdered While Camping - Wonnangatta Valley, 2020 #8

I think you don't just suddenly stop loving your parent. Even if they have been charged and convicted of something.
Most likely you would want to believe it happened the way they said they did and that they were unfairly convicted.

They have definitely lost both biological parents now. It is good that Melanie is there for him (and presumably his brother).

I think you don't just suddenly stop loving your parent. Even if they have been charged and convicted of something.
Most likely you would want to believe it happened the way they said they did and that they were unfairly convicted.
Might take awhile to realise a loved one could do such a thing. Look at the Dawson case.
I knew about the pet pig and his treatment of his first wife. But I thought the story of his girlfriend going missing in Doho might have come out also. Can anyone find a link that he ever worked for Qatar Airlines? Maybe this is not true, but was the same time as I heard the pig story. Such a sad life he created for his first wife.

He definitely worked for Qatar Airways for 5 years. I did a lot of scouring for news of a missing woman in Doha during that period. But I couldn't find anything that went back that far.

The disgraced former pilot spent five years flying passenger planes for Qatar Airways in the Middle East before joining Jetstar in 2007.

There are quite a few things missing from the 60 minute story.

I would think there is more than one investigative journalist who would like to have a crack at the life story of GL.

Far from getting away with it, like he hoped, he has attracted the attention of not only investigative journalists, but all us Web Sleuths who want justice for all those he has hurt.

It's like WE are all "on his case"

Just finished watching. Had me in tears. Also hating the person he is and seems like always has been, even more if that's possible :mad:

You need to register to watch Channel 9, it's free. But only for those living in Australia.
Isn't 60 minutes on Youtube anymore. I can't seem to find their official site there.

They still have a YouTube channel.

They have the segment about kidnapping of Japanese children up (from tonight), but not the piece about Greg Lynn up.

Thanks @SouthAussie !

For some reason it didn't come up for me. When I go to that address it takes me back to my home page.
It won't let me look at it.

I see it now. One of my add ons was somehow stopping it,
Thanks @SouthAussie !

For some reason it didn't come up for me. When I go to that address it takes me back to my home page.
It won't let me look at it.

That's strange. Maybe try clearing your cookies? I don't know what would cause that to happen.
I can see all the episodes (segments) they offer.

ETA: Oh good, you can see it now. :)

Maybe they will put the piece about Greg Lynn up later, so those who missed it can see it.
I knew about the pet pig and his treatment of his first wife. But I thought the story of his girlfriend going missing in Doho might have come out also. Can anyone find a link that he ever worked for Qatar Airlines? Maybe this is not true, but was the same time as I heard the pig story. Such a sad life he created for his first wife.
The disgraced former pilot spent five years flying passenger planes for Qatar Airways in the Middle East before joining Jetstar in 2007
That's strange. Maybe try clearing your cookies? I don't know what would cause that to happen.
I can see all the episodes (segments) they offer.
I might have accidentally blocked it.
I have an add on that lets you block youtube channels. I was getting some disturbing stuff
Once I turned it off it let me see the 60 mins site, though it's not one of the sites I would have blocked.
60 minutes usually put the episodes up on Youtube later, but it can take from about 3 days to a week before they appear. And from other cases there are no geographical restrictions then.

Greg Lynn First Wife: Explore All About Lisa Lynn​

June 26, 2024 by Jonathan Smith
On Tuesday, a Supreme Court of Victoria jury acquitted former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn of the murder of elderly camper Russell Hill but found him guilty of murdering Carol Clay. As this trial concluded, new questions have emerged regarding the death of Lynn’s ex-wife, Lisa Lynn, in October 1999. Detectives are now pushing for a second inquest into her tragic death, which was initially deemed a suicide.

What Happened to Lisa Lynn?​

Lisa Lynn was found dead in October 1999. She had consumed a lethal mix of alcohol and sleeping pills. At the time, Lisa’s death was considered a possible suicide. She was found in the fetal position outside the family’s home while her two young children slept inside. Forensic doctors revealed that her blood alcohol content was 0.2, three times the legal driving limit. They also found traces of antidepressants in her system.
Lisa’s mother had provided disturbing statements to the coroner about Greg Lynn. She described incidents of animal cruelty, violence, and bizarre behavior. She claimed Lynn subjected Lisa to regular physical and mental abuse. These statements have now caught the attention of detectives seeking to reopen the case.

Why Is a New Inquest Being Considered?​

Detectives believe there is enough new evidence to warrant a fresh inquest into Lisa Lynn’s death. They are speaking with people who knew Lynn two decades ago, hoping to uncover more information about his behavior and what he might have shared about his then-wife. Lynn’s unusual personality has long been a topic of speculation within airline circles. Reports suggest that a woman went missing in the desert while Lynn was in Qatar, raising further questions about his past.

The initial inquest left several questions unanswered. Victorian Coroner Graeme Johnstone expressed doubts about whether Lisa intended to take her own life. Lisa’s mother testified about Lynn’s abusive behavior and the fear Lisa lived under. These details, combined with new evidence, have prompted detectives to seek a second inquest.

How Did Greg Lynn’s Career Unfold?​

Greg Lynn spent five years flying passenger planes for Qatar Airways before joining Jetstar in 2007. His career has been marred by rumors and speculation, particularly regarding his personal life. The recent trial revealed troubling aspects of his character and history, adding weight to the calls for a fresh investigation into Lisa Lynn’s death.

Lisa’s parents had previously voiced concerns about Lynn while he lived with their daughter in Mount Macedon. They described a man who was emotionally and physically abusive, leaving Lisa in a state of constant fear. These testimonies are now being revisited as part of the new inquiry.

What Are the Implications of the New Inquest?​

A new inquest could potentially change the official conclusion about Lisa Lynn’s death. If the coroner finds evidence suggesting foul play, it could lead to further legal action against Greg Lynn. The detectives’ renewed interest indicates they believe there is more to the story than previously uncovered.

Lisa Lynn’s tragic death has haunted her family for over two decades. Her mother’s testimony paints a grim picture of her life with Greg Lynn. The potential reopening of the case offers a chance for new insights and possibly justice for Lisa.

What Did Lisa Lynn’s Diary Reveal?​

Lisa kept a detailed journal documenting her troubled relationship with Greg Lynn. This diary has become a critical piece of evidence in the renewed investigation. It provides a first-hand account of the abuse and fear she endured. The detectives hope this journal, combined with new testimonies, will shed light on the circumstances surrounding her death.

Her mother’s statement to the coroner included accusations of animal cruelty and other bizarre behaviors by Lynn. These allegations add to the growing concerns about his character and potential involvement in Lisa’s death.

What Are the Next Steps for Greg Lynn?​

Greg Lynn will face a pre-sentencing hearing for the murder of Carol Clay. The new inquest into Lisa Lynn’s death will proceed separately. If the coroner decides to reopen the case, it could lead to new charges and further legal battles for Lynn.

The recent trial has already exposed significant aspects of Lynn’s past. The new inquest aims to delve deeper into his history and uncover the truth about Lisa Lynn’s death. This process will involve interviewing those who knew Lynn and re-examining the evidence from 1999.

How Is Lisa Lynn’s Family Coping?​

Lisa Lynn’s family has been deeply affected by her death and the subsequent investigation. Her mother’s testimony revealed the emotional toll of living in fear of Greg Lynn. The possibility of a new inquest offers hope for answers and closure for the family.

Lisa’s children, who were very young at the time of her death, have grown up without their mother. The renewed investigation brings the hope that justice will be served and that the true circumstances of their mother’s death will be revealed.

What Can Be Expected from the Inquest?​

The inquest will likely focus on re-examining the circumstances of Lisa Lynn’s death. This includes the toxicology reports, her diary entries, and testimonies from those who knew her and Greg Lynn. Detectives are confident that the new evidence will provide a clearer picture of what happened.

The process will be thorough and may take time, but the aim is to ensure that all aspects of Lisa’s death are investigated. This renewed effort underscores the importance of uncovering the truth and holding those responsible accountable.

What Is the Public Reaction?​

The public has shown a keen interest in the case, especially following the recent trial. The revelations about Greg Lynn’s past behavior and the new investigation into Lisa Lynn’s death have sparked widespread attention. People are eager to see justice served and to learn the truth about the tragic events of 1999.

The case highlights the importance of revisiting past investigations when new evidence emerges. It serves as a reminder that the pursuit of justice is an ongoing process, and that no case should be considered closed if questions remain unanswered.Greg Lynn First Wife: Explore All About Lisa Lynn – Mum's Happy Place Blog
Whilst perusing some of the recent commentary regarding "Ramjet", the Websleuther who has been "off air" for some time now, coinciding with the approximate time that GL has been in custody, a thought popped into my mind.

Does anyone have any thoughts regarding the possibility that a "mole" may have infiltrated Websleuths with a view to temporarily filling in for Ramjet during his enforced absence?

Mods - from what I can gather, it is OK to mention Ramjet now. Please delete if I have this wrong.
Im a day late with this comment so forgive the delayed reply, but … yeah. I certainly have wondered this lately. But maybe they’re unrelated to Ramjet and are just garden variety derailers. Every case has them and they always tend to sound the same to me.
GL having soaked Lisa and locked her outside overnight (what a brute!) makes me wonder about the fact that she was found dead outside the house. I am willing to believe almost anything now that we have learnt more about him.
GL having soaked Lisa and locked her outside overnight (what a brute!) makes me wonder about the fact that she was found dead outside the house. I am willing to believe almost anything now that we have learnt more about him.
Sounds like he has form (locking her outside the house). I absolutely cannot believe for a second that Lisa would do anything to risk/end her own life when the result would be leaving her children, her 1 and 3 year old babies, to be raised by someone so cruel. That poor woman. I hope she can rest in peace now that he’s rotting in jail.

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