Australia - Russell Hill & Carol Clay Murdered While Camping - Wonnangatta Valley, 2020 #8

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The daughter of one of the campers, whom former Jetstar pilot Gregory Stuart Lynn was found not guilty of killing, has revealed she’s lost faith in the justice system following the jury’s verdict.

Following the verdict, Mr Hill’s daughter, Debbie, said she was “angry” and that she felt her father didn’t get the justice he deserved.
Entirely understandable reaction.
If you're going to go the accidental death route why not say you were doing some male bonding, drinking and mucking about (or being responsible) with the shotgun, some kind of accident/misfire occurred and a round hit CC. You could sell a partner, initially distraught, turning to a darker emotion. If he has nothing to be angry about because it wasn't Lynns fault, you could say he started saying he had nothing left to live for now, started blaming Lynn for coming over with whiskey and a gun, then said it's your fault she's dead and lunged at me with a knife.

People spiral like that all the time, you could make it take awhile while you desperately tried to help CC bla bla, you'd left your phone at your car so couldn't call police straight away, you were concerned for RH mental state, he appeared catatonic, in shock and CC was beyond help anyway so you opted to stay with RH for a moment, during that time he started to blame you for her death eventually resulting in a physical struggle between you.

Then you're standing there with 2 bodies thinking who the is gonna believe this was all an accident and you make the worst mistake of your life trying to cover it all up.

In fact the part about Russell getting the gun and shooting In the air was so out of sorts with the rest of his story I did wonder if it was a calculated gamble using the big lie theory, pulling out a whopper so large people start doubting their instinct and wonder if it's true.

Connected to front right of the bull bar as seen here (that's your left looking at the photo)

View attachment 514468
Forget all of this wrestling over the gun oh wow is me rubbish. I reckon he deliberately ambushed them to steal the drone or ambushed them and shot them point blank just to steal the drone. Because he’s nuts and a bully, and the drone caught him out. His interviews are interesting, and feel rehearsed and scripted. The notepad and tapping of the pen seem to help to recall the rehearsed storyline and follow the order of contrived events. Keeping in mind he’s a trained pilot and his thinking would be sequenced, logical and good at finding solutions to problems.
I have been looking at the drone rules for March 2020 - as drone use is not NOW allowed in National Parks, without a permit.
And I know that drone rules have been evolving over time.

Back in March 2020, drone use was allowed in National Parks.
I don't think that Russell was breaching any rules.

√ OK in National Parks and near these landscapes

Can I Fly My Drone In National Parks In Australia?
March 26, 2020
His interviews are interesting, and feel rehearsed and scripted. The notepad and tapping of the pen seem to help to recall the rehearsed storyline and follow the order of contrived events. Keeping in mind he’s a trained pilot and his thinking would be sequenced, logical and good at finding solutions to problems.
I agree
Re his sojourn in Qatar, wonder if there's a Al Jazeera journo who'd be interested in doing some research?

Altho, if the rumours have any basis - our coppers would be all over it - surely?

Not if it happened in Qatar. It would be a crime for them. Aussie police have more than enough to follow up with Lynn now.
There were no witnesses to be called, only the person that was at the scene and that person, put himself at great risk giving evidence. How a person behaved on another date, at any time, or at any place, is not relevant to the case IMO. Hearsay does not belong in any trial.
Lynn did not have to give evidence. It would have been his choice.
Not if it happened in Qatar. It would be a crime for them. Aussie police have more than enough to follow up with Lynn now.

Quite honestly, back when Lynn was in Qatar, there was very little (if any) protection for women - going by their laws at the time.
I don't even know if the police would have bothered investigating a missing woman. And if the missing woman was a girlfriend or domestic partner, she had no legal protections.

It seems it was the perfect place for a woman-abuser to live. Back then.

There are no laws against domestic violence and no shelters or women's groups offering assistance to victims.

Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa - Qatar
14 October 2005
Police have described Lynn as a functioning psychopath.

Opinions vary, but it seems that experts believe conservatively that around 1% of the adult population are psychopaths. The adult (18+) population of Oz is around 21 million, so potentially 210,000 candidates. If (say) only 1% of those are inclined to murder then we have 2,100 candidates out there.
I think I have met most of them.
Quite honestly, back when Lynn was in Qatar, there was very little (if any) protection for women - going by their laws at the time.
I don't even know if the police would have bothered investigating a missing woman. And if the missing woman was a girlfriend or domestic partner, she had no legal protections.

It seems it was the perfect place for a woman-abuser to live. Back then.

There are no laws against domestic violence and no shelters or women's groups offering assistance to victims.

Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa - Qatar
14 October 2005
Was this missing woman that people are talking about a Qatari national? If so it is quite possible her parents need to be questioned especially if there was a pregnancy involved.
Lynn did not have to give evidence. It would have been his choice.
GL is just used to being in charge and wielding his power. He wanted to control the whole narrative and influence the outcome, and he will keep on trying because his ego has no room for humility. Where’s the expression of remorse, of the horror of it all? It’s just all about him doing what he wants and getting away with it. Those poor people and the families. Russell’s daughter was so calm and contained on 60 minutes. It’s horrific and any leniency towards GL is also horrific.
GL is just used to being in charge and wielding his power. He wanted to control the whole narrative and influence the outcome, and he will keep on trying because his ego has no room for humility. Where’s the expression of remorse, of the horror of it all? It’s just all about him doing what he wants and getting away with it. Those poor people and the families. Russell’s daughter was so calm and contained on 60 minutes. It’s horrific and any leniency towards GL is also horrific.
Two aging people take a trip to get away from it all and have the misfortune to run into an armed, murdering psychopath. A real life horror story.
I have followed this case from the start and read everything I could reasonably find on it.
finally figured out how to register to post, for some reason it wouldn’t work for me. I remember reading a certain early contributor - It is very eerie re reading that individuals contributions. I would put money down. Well spotted.

As a registered firearm owner, and longtime deer hunter, and clay shooter, much of the defence argument did not make sense.
If Russell had only limited firearm knowledge, that modern thing with a magazine would likely be a spaceship late and in the dark. It wasn’t a break open single shot, or a conventional side by side or under and over. Or a drilling - old timer slug compatible. If he were confiscating it he certainly isn’t going to be loading it in the dark. The ricochet argument is also bull-dust. If it were fired and hit the mirror, whether from behind or from in front, it’s a going straight through. If it hit the arms holding the mirror it might deviate ever so slightly.

I think we got a mix of the truth and lies to mitigate culpability. Most likely RH killed in a confrontation then CC. I may think of a few other things I can’t recall right now.
I'm a shooter too and completely agree with your comment.
GL is just used to being in charge and wielding his power. He wanted to control the whole narrative and influence the outcome, and he will keep on trying because his ego has no room for humility. Where’s the expression of remorse, of the horror of it all? It’s just all about him doing what he wants and getting away with it. Those poor people and the families. Russell’s daughter was so calm and contained on 60 minutes. It’s horrific and any leniency towards GL is also horrific.
Agree, I watched the video of his interview with police. It was obvious that he had rehearsed his version of events so often it sounded like he was reading a teleprompter.
How else can he point the gun behind him to the left, with his finger still on the trigger? I am assuming it was a finger of the right hand.
By spinning to his right so feet are basically in same place, and then he slipped and the gun fired.

There is no explanation that I have seen that details exactly via forensic tests what had occurred.That is why I firmly believe there will be an appeal and more forensic testing procedures.
Re Lisa's name before she married GL.
I'm almost certain I did see it way back when GL was arrested. On a pilots forum. From someone who'd worked with her. It's gone now from the forum, or the part of the forum I can see.
It also seems gone from my memory
When I try to think of it, I see an S. But I could be wrong.
“Lisa kept a diary from the day Greg left the marriage. The diary details the abusive phone calls and death threats and verbal abuse to their children made by Greg.
I am also aware ... Greg broke into the house and stole the car, leaving Lisa with two young children and no form of transport … no money.

“As far as I am concerned, Greg is responsible for my daughter’s death by mental torture. I know she was living in absolute fear of Greg. Her actions were a combination of the fear and terror she lived under,” Lisa Lynn’s mother wrote.
Lisa Lynn's diary might come back to haunt Greg Lynn just like Helena Simms diary came back to haunt Chris Dawson.
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