Australia Australia - Sharon Edwards, 55, Grafton NSW, 14 March 2015 *Arrest*

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So the husband says he saw Sharon on Saturday night ( didn't answer as to the time) and police believe she goes missing between midnight and 7 am and that she travelled north to Lawrence. That's a very specific time period. They are focussing on Lawrence where the husband lives and say they believe she has met with foul play.
The police know more that they are revealing and perhaps the upgrade to a homicide and the public plea is part of a strategy.
Forgot to mention. The estranged husband of Sharon Edwards says he didn't speak to the media or make an appeal to help find Sharon earlier because he was worried that he would break down. WTF!

Yes, I thought the same. Very dodgy self centred explanation. Everybody in that situation would likely break down but you do it because it may help find your loved one and nothing is more important than that.


Its now been reported that Sharon was at the pub with two male friends. She left the pub at 8:00pm and arrived back at her home in Grafton at about 10:00pm. This is at odds with the initial reports that she was captured on CCTV leaving the pub at about 10:00pm.

I'm wondering if all of these conflicting stories are what the police have been told by the people they've questioned to date. These stories then make it into MSM only to change again with the next report. It seems to me that someone is telling a whole lot of lies.

So what about the 2 hours between leaving the pub and getting home? 8 pm is early to leave the pub on a Saturday night.
OK I'm diving in .. but since the husband/ex-husband admits seeing her on the Saturday night, and on the news last night police say her phone pinged in Lawrence where they had a property (and he lives) then I think we can tell where this is going.

Off to find video of his statements again.

Also noticed he mentioned they had a trip to Europe for their 30th anniversary .. memories hey?
Is there a pub in Lawrence? Probably not, but that's where you'd hear all the gossip if there is one.
OK I'm diving in .. but since the husband/ex-husband admits seeing her on the Saturday night, and on the news last night police say her phone pinged in Lawrence where they had a property (and he lives) then I think we can tell where this is going.

Off to find video of his statements again.

Also noticed he mentioned they had a trip to Europe for their 30th anniversary .. memories hey?

Good to see you here Mrs. G. I missed the bit about Sharon's phone pinging at Lawrence. Interesting. That doesn't prove that Sharon was in Lawrence though. Only that her phone was.

Lawrence is a 'blink and you miss it' kind of place but there is one pub there.
The Lawrence and Grafton locals would definitely know a lot more than is being published in MSM at the moment. I think it's only a matter of time before there is an arrest.

Mrs Edwards played an afternoon game of tennis on Saturday, March 14, before heading to the Good Intent Hotel in Grafton with friends.

It is believed she then visited a friend's house before heading home.

Wonder if this was the ex's house ? Everything just keeps changing :(

I wondering the same thing Sleep. Are the police deliberately referring to a 'friend' instead of saying that this is in fact the husband they're talking about?
Good to see you here Mrs. G. I missed the bit about Sharon's phone pinging at Lawrence. Interesting. That doesn't prove that Sharon was in Lawrence though. Only that her phone was.

Lawrence is a 'blink and you miss it' kind of place but there is one pub there.
The Lawrence and Grafton locals would definitely know a lot more than is being published in MSM at the moment. I think it's only a matter of time before there is an arrest.

I'll see if I can find that reference about the phone, I'm not sure if it was ABC or NBN .. BRB
OK .. here is a hint of it ..

Det Insp Jameson also said the focus of the investigation had moved from the last sighting of the woman between 10pm and 11pm on Saturday, March 14 at the Good Intent Hotel in South Grafton, to the Lawrence area between midnight and 7am on Sunday.

He said it appeared Mrs Edwards left the GI around 11pm and arrived at her home in Riverdale Court, Grafton, soon after, where she changed her clothes.

"Whether she did it of her own volition or there was some inducement, we can't say," he said.

Det Insp Jameson would not reveal how the police knew Mrs Edwards was in the Lawrence area at that time.

He said police were calling on members of the public to let them know of anything out of the ordinary they saw in the area north of Grafton around Lawrence.

"Often in these investigations it is the littlest piece of information that's crucial," he said.

I'm still looking for that full statement .. you know it's quite possible that they did not actually SAY her phone pinged up there, but that I deduced that .. but I had a feeling they'd said that so I'll keep looking.
Got it .. it was Channel 7 (can you tell I'm a news junkie channel hopper??)


John, when did you last see Sharon?
"On Saturday night."
John and Sharon were living apart and Sharon went to a pub with two male friends.
"It was OK."
She caught up with a few friends.
Sharon left the pub around 10pm, went home.
There's evidence she changed clothes.
Her handbag, phone and wallet are missing.
John called police after the popular teacher failed to show for work at Coutts Crossing Public School on the Monday.
They now fear she's been murdered.
It is probable that Mrs Edwards has been the victim of foul play.
They believe she was either taken, or travelled north between midnight and 7am.
The investigation is now focused here on the small town of Lawrence, 30km north of Grafton.
It's where Mr and Mrs Edwards used to live and where Mr Edwards still lives.
Police want to know if anyone saw anything suspicious early on Sunday March 15.
We'd be interested to speak to anybody that may have been driving down the road and even the simplest thing, a car that they hadn't seen on such a road before.
Mr Edwards says he hadn't spoken before for fear of breaking down.

He's toast IMO. Looks like I guessed that they tracked her phone travelling north .. but IMO that's what they're saying .. pingarama .. and he's going down.
Mrs. G. you're a legend! Thanks for taking the time to look for that. I agree that it would have been Sharon's phone pings that would have alerted police to her possibly being in the Lawrence area.

  • Sharon is seen at the pub with friends on the Saturday night.

    Was the husband also at the pub that night?

  • She apparently returned to her home in Grafton by about 10:00pm.

    Did the husband follow her home or was he at her residence when she arrived home?

  • The husband has stated that he saw her on the Saturday night and police have also said that Sharon was supposedly at her residence between 10:00pm - 11:00pm with the husband.

    Did an argument ensue in regard to their separation, the friends she was with at the pub etc? Or did the husband lie about being with Sharon at her house?

  • Sharon apparently changed her clothes and left her residence sometime after 11:00pm. She took her handbag, wallet and phone but didn't take her car and was supposedly in the Lawrence area sometime between midnight Saturday and 7:00am Sunday.
I still have a feeling that Sharon didn't make it home on the Saturday night. After leaving the pub she may have gone to the husband's place at Lawrence for whatever reason and it turned ugly. Her clothes were taken back to her house in Grafton to make it appear that she had arrived home and then left again. Her house was found unlocked.

The only other thing I can think of is that Sharon and the husband decided to have a sleep-over at his place. So she gets changed at her house and off they go in his car to Lawrence, a 30km drive away. Sometime during the slumber party, Sharon decides to take off and/or is abducted by an unknown. He was probably driving a white van! There is always a white van isn't there? LOL. Sorry but yes, I am being sarcastic.

Pants on fire here and I smell toast burning!
I think she got home and he confronted her with her nights activities there...JMO
Oh yes Makara, I never considered the possibility that she could go willingly to Lawrence .. maybe she did change into trackie dacks and decide to go up there to hang with him? Followed by huge argument and disappearance .. either way, it's not looking good for him is it?
The police would know if he has any history of violence and why they were "estranged", a word that keeps popping up. Those 3 sons are all big strapping men and likely protective of their mum. They would spill any beans if there were any to spill. Also Sharon likely confided in close friends about her relationship with her husband.
Also the police are not warning people, particularly women in the area to be careful of someone who they think is responsible for Sharon's disappearance and likely demise.

Tick tick tick....
Could just be me, but the way one of the sons is looking over dad's head at one of his brothers in this pic cut from the Video, he doesn't look very impressed to me.

Family Presser.PNG
I missed this earlier .. but John admits here that Sharon had a boyfriend, while still saying they had lots of plans for the future:

"We had lots of plans for the future," he said. "We've got three great boys that we're so proud of.

"We love little Harlow, our granddaughter, she's the most important thing in the world to us."

At the time of his wife's disappearance, the couple were estranged, although John was staying with Mrs Edwards at their Riverdale Court address.

John said on the night of Mrs Edwards' disappearance he had told her he would stay at Lawrence, where the couple has a property.

It was also revealed Mrs Edwards was with a "boyfriend" at the GI Hotel on Saturday night and this man has been cleared of involvement in her disappearance.

What's the holdup I wonder?
Thanks Mrs Norris. So maybe Sharon brought her boyfriend home thinking John would be at Lawrence if this is where he told her he would be. The boyfriend didn't stay as John was there and then Sharon and John had an argument. I'd say the boyfriend has an alibi for the rest of the night but John hasn't.

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