Australia Australia - Sharron Phillips, 20, Brisbane, Qld, 8 May 1986

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Feature in the Courier Mail today.

'But despite the setback, police are still certain they’re on the right track.

Det Supt Hansen says they still have “lines of inquiry” to run out. And when they are done, they’ll look for the other victims. The taxi driver’s son had told them about the *others. His dad had talked of others.

Police won’t say who. Not yet.'
That's too bad.

Sounds like Sharon's dads alibi is iffy?

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Imo, iffy in that he was probably having an affair. I don't believe that he killed Sharron. Sharron's car broke down in the worst part of Brisbane. It was a dark and a desolate highway, lots of bush right up to the road, very creepy and unsafe area - Lots of trucks, semi-trailers travelling to Ipswich and beyond at that time of night, inter-staters visiting and leaving Brisbane.

In the vicinity were -

Wolston Park Psychiatric Hospital (some of the worst criminally insane prisoners), Wacol
Wacol Prison (Wolston Park Correctional Centre (prisoners - high-profile serial killers, pedophiles, sex offenders),
Wacol Army Barracks (where Sharron asked for help but was sent away ?????),
Wacol Migrant Centre - ( closed in 1987?)
Sharon's case is still active, however, the government will not listen to her family's request to have another inquest and investigation. Sharon's family deserves closure and Sharon deserves justice. So please, Australians and Queenslanders, contact the QLD Attorney General and request that Sharon's case be properly investigated and a new inquest started. You do not even have to leave your name, but something needs to be done so justice can be served.
Imo, iffy in that he was probably having an affair. I don't believe that he killed Sharron. Sharron's car broke down in the worst part of Brisbane. It was a dark and a desolate highway, lots of bush right up to the road, very creepy and unsafe area - Lots of trucks, semi-trailers travelling to Ipswich and beyond at that time of night, inter-staters visiting and leaving Brisbane.

In the vicinity were -

Wolston Park Psychiatric Hospital (some of the worst criminally insane prisoners), Wacol
Wacol Prison (Wolston Park Correctional Centre (prisoners - high-profile serial killers, pedophiles, sex offenders),
Wacol Army Barracks (where Sharron asked for help but was sent away ?????),
Wacol Migrant Centre - ( closed in 1987?)

Do you think Bob gave police his real alibi and the one about the truck was for public consumption? It seems off to me that he'd lie to police in so serious a matter.

The case can't be very active or they wouldn't have been taken in by the story with regard to Carole Park. That looks to me like police have no idea.

Is the report from the original inquest available online?
Do you think Bob gave police his real alibi and the one about the truck was for public consumption? It seems off to me that he'd lie to police in so serious a matter.

The case can't be very active or they wouldn't have been taken in by the story with regard to Carole Park. That looks to me like police have no idea.

Is the report from the original inquest available online?

Maybe, the police would have it on record.

The police didn't carry out the usual procedures when a person has mysteriously disappeared after their car breaks down. The family moved the car off the road, it was left to the elements for days before impounded. Sharron's family entered her flat also, not for nefarious reasons but because they were concerned for her welfare. The police didn't act quickly enough like they would today.

Anita Cobby was raped and brutally murdered after being abducted from the Blacktown Train Station by a load of barbaric, sex fiends in a van. There were a number of witnesses and these sex offenders were well known in the community and to the police.

Sharron could have accepted a ride with a truckie, taxi driver, local sex offender, interstate visitor which ended in her murder and disposal. She could have been assaulted and murdered by someone from the army barracks, the Wacol migrant centre, someone who worked at the prison, asylum etc.

There are a huge number of possibilities and imo, Bob is definitely not one of them. He kept this case open, he begged the public to help to find his daughter for years, even just before his death, this is not the action of a murderer.
Bob may be a lot of things but he didn't murder his daughter and that's why his middle-aged children did nothing until he was stone dead cold in his grave. The retired cop has his reasons too and I can think of a couple. No wonder the police won't act on these claims, these people lack credibility and are attention seekers with an axe to grind.
THE twin Telecom phone boxes took coins and Sharron didn’t have any. It had been a long night and she was still stranded. She’d walked up the road looking for a phone. Walked back to her car. Stood, alone, in the dark, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive.
A couple of people had called out to her. Did she need help? Was she OK? Someone had offered her a lift but Sharron wasn’t stupid. She wasn’t getting into a stranger’s car late at night.

She’d called Martin, her new man, about 45 minutes earlier but he’d been half asleep when he’d answered. She’d tried to describe the service station. It was small, a Shell. On Ipswich Rd.

“Wait there,” he’d told her. “I’ll find you.” But he hadn’t found her. And as the clock hit midnight, and May 8 became May 9, Sharron was back at the phone box.

She spoke to the operator and asked to reverse the charges. Gave them her boyfriend’s number again. The flatmate answered. Martin had left already. Should have been there by now. She hung up the phone.
By the time the police cadets started their careful line search of the roadside, it had been raining for two days. Sharron’s family had been through her flat, through her car, touching things, desperately searching for clues as to her whereabouts.

Police, who’d questioned Martin Balazs, went looking for proof that she’d called him from the big roadhouse at Gailes – a decent walk from where her car had stalled. Nobody had seen her. They’d seen Martin, though.

Then, on May 13, after days of searching, Courier-Mail reporter Ken Blanch revealed he’d been doing his own investigating. Police had been looking in the wrong place. Sharron had never been at the Gailes roadhouse.

Blanch had walked the road, trying to get a handle on Sharron’s last movements. Her car had broken down near the Wacol Migrant Centre. There was no phone there at that time of night.

There would have been one at the army barracks, but a group of soldiers who had been celebrating their graduation that night denied having seen her.

A few hundred metres from her car was a small Shell garage. Next to it, just in from the corner, on Wacol Station Rd, was the snack bar and convenience store. And next to that were the two Telecom phone boxes. It made no sense, Blanch thought, for Sharron to have walked past these phones to the Gailes roadhouse 2km on.

He went into the snack bar and spoke to the man behind the counter, Albert Baumgartner. Did he know anything about the missing girl? Had anybody seen her that Thursday night?

Sharron’s face had been on the front page of the paper the day before. One of the regulars had told the store owner he’d seen her while picking up his son from the train station. His son had even spoken to her. Sharron had mentioned running out of petrol. She was waiting for a friend to collect her.

Other mistakes had been made too. Bob had driven his daughter’s car home. He’d later claim police told him to get it off the side of the road. As the investigation moved from a missing persons case to something worse, police told him to bring it back. A peg had been left in its place and at some point, detectives realised the marker was 60m out.

Once again, they’d been searching in the wrong place.
Bob continued to clash with police. He’d get a call from someone with information and he’d be off searching the bush with a shovel and one of the boys. On Thursday nights, they’d head back to Ipswich Rd where they’d wave photographs of Sharron at motorists, hoping to catch someone who regularly drove by who’d seen her walking the street. Police ordered them off the road more than once, worried they’d be hit by a car. But the practice of returning to a scene at the same time on the same weekday to look for witnesses is now a common investigation technique.

LIFE WENT ON. THE ENDLESS SEARCH FOR SHARRON HAD depleted the Phillips’s finances. Bob sold his truck to pay the debts. He found an ally in Detective Bob Dallow, the head of homicide. Dallow was a tough-talking, old-school cop. He was equally determined to find Sharron. Dawn had her good days and her bad, but the bad were becoming the norm. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and doctors struggled to find medication that worked.
“She was up and down like a yoyo,” Merlesa says. “She’d turn into this horrible person we didn’t know. It wasn’t her fault. It was the effect of the meds.”

Police explored new leads. Prisoners would tell of fellow inmates bragging about killing Sharron and burying her in the bush. Police would tell Bob and Bob would head out to look for her.


This ends with the revelation made to police by a man claiming his father, a taxi driver, had killed Sharron and disposed of her body in the drains. Unfortunately, it led nowhere, nothing was found.

The article gives an insight into the family dynamics, Bob's character and Dawn's frail mental health, probably exasperated by Sharron's tragic disappearance. The three younger children lived through those years filled with the parents despair and desperation to find Sharron. Merlesa, younger sister of Sharron, seems well adjusted and understanding of what her family endured.
It's no wonder conflict arose with the elder children who lived out of home. It's an extremely sad situation and it can take a toll on mental health and blaming is easier than living with no answers. JMO
Awesome post. I really would love a solve with this case. I grew up with this one, although I no longer live in the area, I can't forget it.

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A new article on Sharron's case -

Sharron Phillips disappeared 31 years ago. Now her sister is paying to continue the search herself

Sharron Phillips' eldest sister has begun to search an area of bushland beside her old family home at Riverview for Ms Phillips' body 31 years after she disappeared.

Donna Anderson – not police or taxpayers – is paying for the search herself.

A geophysical survey company called ScanMan Services, which uses ground-penetrating radar, has agreed to search the bushland for Ms Phillips' body at a discounted price. The company has previously worked with police.


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